996 resultados para Farmácia Viva
Nas próximas décadas, a Região Autónoma da Madeira enfrentará uma profunda transformação na sua estrutura populacional, devido ao envelhecimento progressivo da população, fruto da conjugação de dois fatores: o aumento da esperança de vida e a crescente diminuição da taxa de natalidade (Plano Gerontológico da RAM, 2009). Partindo do pressuposto que a promoção da qualidade de vida dos idosos é essencial para o seu bem estar físico, psicológico e social, formulou-se o problema que servirá de base à investigação: Será que existe uma correlação entre as atividades de animação nas diversas categorias praticadas pelo sénior e idoso com a sua qualidade de vida? e será que existe uma relação e grau de concordância entre a Escala da Qualidade de Vida de Flanagan e a Escala da Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL-Bref? Os objetivos principais deste estudo foram: descrever a relação entre as atividades de animação nas diversas categorias praticadas pelo sénior e idoso com a sua qualidade de vida e; conhecer a relação existente e o grau de concordância entre as Escalas da qualidade de vida de Flanagan e WHOQOL-Bref. No sentido de conhecer em que medida as atividades de animação se correlacionam com a qualidade de vida na população sénior e idosa foi realizado um estudo descritivo-correlacional nos Centros Comunitários “Vila Viva” e “Cidade Viva”, pertencentes à Autarquia de Câmara de Lobos. A população foi constituída por 71 indivíduos, maioritariamente do género feminino e com idades compreendidas entre os 55 e 80 anos. Para avaliar o grau de frequência de realização das atividades, a satisfação perante as mesmas, bem como as atividades realizadas pelos inquiridos, foi elaborado um questionário pela investigadora, o qual foi testado previamente. Avaliou-se as variáveis sociodemográficas, através de um questionário, igualmente elaborado pela investigadora. Para avaliar a variável qualidade de vida, a investigadora considerou importante o uso de duas escalas: Escala da qualidade de vida de Flanagan e Escala da qualidade de vida WHOQOL-Bref. Dado considerar que embora ambas as escalas meçam a mesma variável, elas complementam-se, uma vez que a Escala de Flanagan insere-se no modelo da satisfação, enquanto que a escala WHOQOL-Bref insere-se dentro do modelo funcionalista (Fleck, 2008). Ambos os modelos (funcionalista e da satisfação) são modelos teóricos subjacentes ao conceito da qualidade de vida no idoso. Como principais resultados, evidenciou-se uma baixa frequência de realização das atividades de animação. No entanto, os inquiridos que participam com maior frequência na realização de atividades tendem a evidenciar melhor qualidade de vida. Questionados acerca da forma como se sentiam quando realizavam as atividades de animação, verificou-se que 50.7% dos inquiridos afirmaram que se sentiam bem, seguidos de 40.8% que se sentiam muito bem. Uma percentagem significativa de inquiridos (45.1%) considerou a realização das atividades de animação importante ou muito importante para a ocupação dos seus tempos livres. Analisando comparativamente os resultados observados para as dimensões da escala WHOQOL-Bref pode-se afirmar que os seniores e idosos evidenciaram melhor qualidade de vida nos domínios das relações sociais e psicológico e pior qualidade de vida em termos físicos. Os inquiridos que evidenciaram melhor qualidade de vida através da Escala WHOQOL-Bref tenderam a evidenciar melhor qualidade de vida através da Escala de Flanagan, ou seja, verifica-se uma boa relação e um bom grau de concordância entre as duas escalas. Os principais resultados demonstraram que os seniores e idosos evidenciaram razoável qualidade de vida em ambas as escalas (WHOQOL-Bref e Flanagan). Sugere-se que seria importante a continuidade do presente estudo.
O crescimento exponencial das áreas urbanas e o desenvolvimento económico trouxe rápidas mudanças no estilo de vida, especialmente na alimentação e na actividade física das pessoas, que influenciaram o estado nutricional e consequentemente a saúde. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil nutricional das pessoas que frequentam os Centros Comunitários do Funchal. Foi um estudo quantitativo com uma amostra aleatória de 132 pessoas com 65 e mais anos. O protocolo incluiu um formulário com os dados sócio-demográficos e antropometria, o questionário Mini Nutritional Assessment e o Questionário de Baecke Modificado. No tratamento dos dados recorremos à análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. A Amostra foi predominantemente feminina (84,1%), com idade entre 65-88 anos ( =71,58 e s = ±5,31), casada/vivia maritalmente (43,9%) ou viúva (40,9%), com pouca escolaridade e rendimentos inferiores ao salário mínimo regional (74,23%). A maioria (81,1%) apresentou-se bem nutrida. Antropometricamente houve correlações, positiva da idade com o peso e negativa com o perímetro geminal e braquial. O maior perímetro geminal associou-se a maior rendimento. A maioria foi considerada “menos activa”. As mulheres realizaram mais actividades domésticas, o que se correlacionou com a idade. Nas actividades de tempos livres destacaram-se os solteiros, nas domésticas os que viviam com cônjuge / filho (s) e na actividade total os que tinham educação superior. Houve correlação positiva entre estado nutricional e actividades domésticas, desportivas e actividade total. Existiu correlação negativa entre perímetro da cintura e actividades domésticas, desportivas e actividade total. As mulheres apresentaram mais excesso de peso e risco elevado de doença do que os homens. Conclusão: A maioria dos idosos apresentava-se bem nutrida. Ao melhor estado nutricional equivaleram maiores actividades domésticas, actividades desportivas e actividade total e vice-versa; a maior perímetro da cintura menores actividades domésticas, actividades desportivas e actividade total e vice-versa. A maioria das mulheres revelou excesso de peso e risco elevado de doença. A homogeneidade da amostra permitiu identificação de apenas um perfil.
O aumento da população idosa que tem acontecido nos últimos anos, conduziu ao surgimento de políticas sociais para proporcionar aos idosos bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Dessas medidas destacamos a criação de centros comunitários enquanto respostas sociais destinadas à população que no caso específico dos idosos, visam promover um envelhecimento activo e de qualidade. Objectivo: Determinar o nível de qualidade de vida dos idosos que frequentam os centros comunitários do Funchal. Método: Estudo realizado com uma amostra aleatória com 136 idosos. Seguiu-se uma linha de pesquisa quantitativa recorrendo-se à aplicação de um formulário cuja primeira parte destinou-se à recolha de dados sócio-demográficos e a segunda, à avaliação da qualidade de vida através do WHOQOL-Bref (escala de Qualidade de Vida da OMS, 1998, adaptada à população portuguesa por Canavarro et al., 2006). O WHOQOL-Bref foi pontuado de acordo com sua sintaxe, tendo-se passado posteriormente ao tratamento dos dados através da análise estatística descritiva, inferencial e correlacional. Considerou-se para as análises um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: A amostra foi preponderantemente feminina (86,0%), relativamente jovem e com pouca escolaridade. A maioria das pessoas idosas era viúva ou casada / vivia maritalmente, possuía rendimentos provenientes de pensões (94,1%), sendo uma percentagem elevada destes rendimentos inferior ao salário mínimo regional (66,3%). Os idosos apresentaram uma visão positiva da sua qualidade de vida, verificando-se melhor pontuação no domínio das relações sociais e pior no domínio físico. As variáveis sócio-demográficas, exceptuando a idade, demonstraram influência estatisticamente significativa nos quatro domínios. Estes, explicaram a qualidade de vida geral em 94,4%,sendo o maior contributo do domínio físico (31,6%). Conclusão: Os idosos dos centros comunitários do Funchal avaliaram positivamente a sua qualidade de vida, particularmente no domínio social. Todavia, concluiu-se que a qualidade de vida é inferior à da população portuguesa em geral, situação que carece em estudos futuros, de alguma atenção. Novas investigações são necessárias considerando a importância de continuar a promover a qualidade de vida na velhice.
SILVA, Dany Geraldo Kramer Cavalcanti e et al. Lixo hospitalar: na estrutura curricular de cursos superiores de saude na cidade de Imperatriz-MA. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 27, p. 00-10, 2009.
The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances
Tamoxifen (TX), a drug used in the treatment of breast cancer, may cause hepatic changes in some patients. The consequences of its use on the liver tissues of rats with or without diabetes mellitus (DM) have not been fully explored. The purpose of this multidisciplinary study was to evaluate the correlation between plasma hepatic enzyme levels and the presence of iron overload in the hepatic tissue of female Wistar rats with or without streptozotocin-induced DM and using TX. Female rats were studied in control groups: C-0 (non-drug users), C-V (sorbitol vehicle only) and C-TX (using TX). DM (diabetic non-drug users) and DM-TX (diabetics using TX) were the test groups. Sixty days after induced DM, blood samples were collected for glucose, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and bilirubin measures. Hepatic fragments were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Masson s trichrome, Perls. The hepatic iron content was quantified by atomic absorption spectrometry. AST, ALT and ALP levels were significantly elevated in the DM and DM-TX groups, with unchanged bilirubin levels. Liver iron overload using Perls stain and atomic absorption spectrometry were observed exclusively in groups C-TX and DM-TX. There was positive correlation between AST, ALT and ALP levels and microscopic hepatic siderosis intensity in group DM-TX. In conclusion, TX administration is associated with liver siderosis in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. In addition, TX induced liver iron overload with unaltered hepatic function in 2 non-diabetic rats and may be a useful tool for investigating the biological control of iron metabolism
O desvio gástrico em Y de Roux é a técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada no tratamento da obesidade mórbida. Esta operação reduz o volume do estômago e o comprimento do intestino delgado, gerando alterações estruturais e metabólicas que podem influenciar no resultado de exames cintilográficos de pacientes operados. Com o objetivo de avaliar a biodistribuição pós-operatória do pertecnetato de sódio (Na99mTc) em órgãos de ratos Wistar submetidos à técnica do bypass (desvio) gástrico em Y de Roux (BGYR), foram utilizados 12 ratos distribuídos aleatoriamente em grupo tratado (n=6), submetido à cirurgia do BGYR e o grupo controle (C; n=6). No 15º dia de pós-operatório foi administrado 0,1 mL via plexo orbital de Na99mTc aos animais dos dois grupos, com atividade radioativa média de 0,66MBq. Após 30 minutos, os ratos foram mortos e retirados fragmentos de tireóide, coração, pulmão, fígado, estômago, rim e fêmur. As amostras foram lavadas com solução salina 0,9%, pesadas e submetidas ao Contador Gama 1470, WizardTM Perkin-Elmer-Finlândia para determinação do percentual de atividade radioativa total por grama (%ATI/g) de cada órgão. Empregou-se o teste t de Student para análise estatística, considerando-se significantes as diferenças das médias quando p<0,05. Redução significante na média de %ATI/g foi observada no fígado, estômago e fêmur dos animais submetidos à cirurgia de BGYR comparada ao grupo controle (p<0,05). Nos demais órgãos não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Em conclusão, a cirurgia BGYR em ratos modificou a biodistribuição do Na99mTc em alguns órgãos, podendo ter implicações clínicas na interpretação de exames cintilográficos. Este estudo xi teve um caráter multidisciplinar com a participação de pesquisadores das áreas de Cirurgia Experimental, Farmácia, Radiobiologia, Medicina Nuclear e Estatística
The aim of this study was to assess the acute and chronic effects of zinc in serum iron profile of children aged 6-9 years in relation to nutritional status and dietary intake. The study participants were 11 children regardless of sex, aged 6-9 years. They were selected from three public schools of the city of Natal, Brazil. Body mass index was used to assess nutritional status. In order to determine the patterns of childhood growth and ideal weight we used the standards of the World Health Organization. The dietary intake assessment was based on information from a three-day prospective food survey. The variables were energy intake, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. All children underwent an intravenous administration of zinc (IVAZn) before and after oral administration of zinc (OAZn) (5 mg Zn / day) for three months. We measured serum iron, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein, before and after the use of oral zinc. The analysis of hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein was performed using standard methods of clinical laboratory. Zinc levels and serum iron were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The project was evaluated and approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Results: All children had normal weight. The consumption of energy, fat, fiber, calcium and iron were below recommended levels. However, the levels of protein and carbohydrates were high. Protein and zinc increased significantly after OAZn. Carbohydrate and protein were elevated in the blood. After OAZn, both protein and zinc increased, being statistically significant. Conclusion: The potential inhibitory effect of physiological or pharmacological doses of zinc on the profile of serum iron was observed in children with healthy weight and aged between 6 and 9 years. This negative effect of zinc did not affect the levels of hematocrit or hemoglobin, and therefore did not cause anemia. This was a multidisciplinary study, involving researchers from medicine, nutrition and pharmacy. This met the requirements of multidisciplinarity of the Post Graduate Program in Health Sciences of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.
The topical corneal application of antimitotic mitomycin-C (MMC) during refractive surgery is still characterized by a lack of standardization and considerable empirism. For this reason the creation of a system capable of reliable drug delivery represents a beneficial innovation for patients submitted to these procedures. Objective: Elaborate a new MMC delivery system during the transoperatory period of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) followed by patent application. Methods: The project consists of an in vitro experimental study to create an MMC (0.02%) release system. The drug was impregnated in sterile Whatman® 41 paper filter discs with a diameter of 8 mm. After drying, the discs were applied to antibiogram plates seeded with Staphylococcus epidermidis (American Type Culture Collection ATCC 12228), followed by the addition of a drop of sterile water. At the end of 1 minute, the discs were removed and the plates incubated for 48 hours at 35oC. Mean drop volume in the collyrium flasks was measured using analytical balance weighing. The inhibition halo (mm) was correlated with the MMC impregnated into the disc. After completion of the invention design a patent application was lodged at the National Institute of Industrial Property. Results: The correspondence between MMC-produced inhibition halos indicated that a dose of 16μg was ideal for impregnating into the discs. The mean drop volume obtained from the collyrium flasks was 37.7 μL. A minute after the application of one drop of balanced saline solution, the system released an adequate concentration for PRK surgery. Conclusion: A new MMC delivery system was created for transoperatory application in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Publication of the patent application (number PI 0704739-8) gives the authors exclusive intellectual property rights. The study was sponsored by Ophthalmos Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (São Paulo-SP, Brazil) and received the indispensable scientific contribution of researchers from the fields of Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology, Statistics and Law, characterizing the work as multidisciplinary, in accordance with norms established by the Postgraduate Health Sciences Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Physiological changes induced by the aging process is dynamic and progressive, reducing the adaptability and independence of older people and may be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Thus the aim of this thesis was to investigate the association between polymorphism of the ACE gene ID and the phenotypes of muscular strength and blood pressure of 62 elderly Brazilian (67.35 ± 5.66 years) during a 16-week program of supervised training. The elderly women were stratified by age, with the group 1 (G1, n = 34) <70 years and group 2 (G2 n = 28) ≥ 70 years, and in three groups by ACE, ACE-II (n = 8) ACE- DD (n = 35) and ACE-ID (n = 19). The level of muscle strength was evaluated by the method of maximum repetitions and measures of blood pressure (BP) were measured before and after training (PAPré1 and PAPós1) and before and after each training session (PAPre2 and PAPós2), in place of training. DNA samples were isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes polymorphism and insertion / deletion (ID) of the ACE gene (rs1800795) was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plus PCR-confirmatory. The genotype distribution of the polymorphism ID attended the prerogatives of Hardy-Weitíherg. There was variation in power levels before and after training and the age between groups (t-test) and the ACE polymorphism (ANOVA) (p <0.05). Depending on the results it was concluded that resistance training helps to reduce SBP and increased muscle strength of upper and lower limbs when considering the age and ACE polymorphism. In this study the Elderly carriers of the D allele were more reactive to changes in BP resistance training. This study was multidisciplinary project involving researchers in the areas Medical, Physical Education, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Gerontology and Statistics. This fulfilled the requirements of the multidisciplinary Graduate Program in Health Sciences
Providing information about medication, an essential function of pharmaceutical practice to ensure rational drug use, is an important activity of hospital pharmacy services. The Drug Information Center of Onofre Lopes University Hospital (DIC-HUOL) initiated its activities in 1979 with the first Clinical Pharmacy Service in Brazil. The aim of this study was to assess information provided by DIC-HUOL, describing the profile of passive information offered by the center. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the profile of information requests (IR). One hundred percent of the IR received by the DIC between January 2008 and December 2009 were used. The results were divided by year to determine the influence of the restructuring process that occurred in 2008 and 2009. The study at DIC-HUOL showed a mean of 5.5 IR/month in 2008 and 20.3 IR/month in 2009; the mean of the last year is comparable to that of other Brazilian DIC. Most of the IR were made by medical residents (22.7%) in 2008 and by pharmacists (32.5%) in 2009. The significant use of the DIC by medical residents may be due to its location in a university hospital. The most recurrent types of IR concerned issues related to pathway/mode of administration (16.8%) and drug stability (13.1%) in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Requests were made verbally in 100% of the cases in 2008 and 78.8% in 2009, owing to the fact that most of the DIC users were professionals from the hospital itself. Time elapsed between request and response was not reported in 83.3% and 21.3% of the cases in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The most widely used bibliographic source during the two years was MICROMEDEX®, with 41.9% and 39.2%, respectively. The restructuring process had a positive influence on the DIC-HUOL, exhibiting similar parameters to those of other Brazilian DIC, but some of these parameters must be improved to achieve international standards
Prescription errors are the most serious type of medication errors found in the health system. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of clonazepam prescriptions. A descriptive and observational study with retrospective data collection was conducted at 30 community pharmacies in Natal/RN, Brazil, after informed consent was obtained from the pharmacists. A sample of 313 prescription notifications was randomly collected in October 2009. They were analyzed for legible handwriting and completeness. During the study, one researcher, two pharmacists, and one pharmacy undergraduate student evaluated patient and purchaser identification, pharmaceutical form, dosing regimen, administration route, and prescription by generic name. This research was approved by the institutional Ethics Committee. Among the 313 collected notifications, only 44.1% were legible. A total of 55.91% (175/313) had at least one illegible item, 100% contained incomplete information, and 97.12% (304/313) contained one or more abbreviations. The proportion of illegible handwriting related to the patient s identification (p=0.0001) was statistically significantly greater than that related to the drug purchaser s identification (p=0.0004). Contrary to legal requirements, prescriptions with the generic name accounted for 13.42% (42/313) of the total. All the examined notifications were handwritten. Prescription errors, which potentially can have serious consequences, have been evaluated worldwide, although little is known about this subject as it relates to community pharmacies. This study showed high percentages of prescribing problems, which justifies the development of future research about medication errors in community pharmacies and education activities for prescribers
Introdução: A criação de programas de equipe multiprofissional de saúde desponta como uma alternativa eficiente para controlar a evolução dos pacientes portadores de diabetes, e a inserção do farmacêutico em tais programas tem contribuído para melhorar o acompanhamento desses pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da intervenção do farmacêutico no acompanhamento dos pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, em farmácias comunitárias. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado, uni-cego envolvendo 100 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 de ambos os gêneros, usuários de farmácia comunitária, com idade igual ou superior a 30 anos, em uso de hipoglicemiantes orais com adição ou não de insulina e foram acompanhados por 6 meses. Os pacientes do grupo controle receberam o tratamento habitual existente em qualquer farmácia, e os de intervenção receberam o acompanhamento do farmacêutico incluindo intervenções aos problemas relacionados aos medicamentos. Os desfechos primários avaliados foram os valores da hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), glicose basal e um questionário de qualidade de vida validado denominado de Diabetes Quality of Life Measure (DQOL) - Brasil; e como desfechos secundários as dosagens dos triglicérides, colesterol total, (HDL) colesterol, (LDL) colesterol, tensão arterial e a satisfação do usuário com o serviço prestado. Essa pesquisa contou com a colaboração de vários profissionais das diferentes áreas do conhecimento a seguir nominados: médico, farmacêutico bioquímico, enfermeiro, nutricionista e estatístico. Resultados: Finalizaram o estudo 89 pacientes. Durante o acompanhamento 95,7% (45/47) dos pacientes no grupo intervenção apresentaram problemas relacionados aos medicamentos (PRM), perfazendo um total de 141, com uma média de 3 eventos por paciente, ocorrendo uma resolutividade de 61,7% (87/141). A categoria que mais apresentou PRM foi a de efetividade com 34,1% (48/141) e a classe farmacológica mais utilizada foi a dos hipoglicemiantes orais com 35% (49/141). As variáveis de desfechos primários como hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) e a glicose basal não apresentaram valores estatisticamente significantes quando comparadas o final com o inicial do acompanhamento nos grupos intervenção e controle considerando um p<0,05, mas o questionário de qualidade de vida DQOL Brasil apresentou resultados estatisticamente significante com um p=0,000. Os desfechos secundários, com exceção da satisfação do usuário, não apresentaram valores xi estatisticamente significantes quando comparados o final com o início do acompanhamento nos grupos de intervenção e controle. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que as modificações das variáveis clínicas não apresentaram valores significativos no controle da enfermidade e comorbidades, enquanto que na avaliação da qualidade de vida os pacientes afirmaram que melhoraram; portanto, pode-se postular que a intervenção farmacêutica é uma atividade necessária, mas que a prática do Pharmaceutical Care trará benefícios com sustentabilidade para os pacientes se houver uma efetiva integração do farmacêutico numa equipe multiprofissional de saúde, o que está indisponível nas Farmácias Comunitárias
The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of Ocular Toxocariasis, Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis (DUSN), Toxoplasma gondii infection and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in a student population in Natal-RN/Brazil and relate it to demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. The incidence of DUSN was observed in patients at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Ophthalmology Service and the Prontoclinica de Olhos Ophthalmology clinic in Natal. In cases where a worm was found in the subretinal space, the result of treatment with photocoagulation using Green Laser (Eye Light ALCON) was evaluated in relation to final visual result. The sample was randomly selected among the schools of the four districts of Natal, according to the type of institution (public or private), its level (elementary or secondary), and study period (morning, afternoon or evening). The school population was studied from March to May, 2001. Initially, the students answered a questionnaire to evaluate demographic, epidemiologic and socio-economic risk factors. Afterwards, the following procedures were carried out: blood samples were taken for Toxoplasmosis (IgG, IgM) serology, hemogram, ophthalmological examination, consisting of clinical history, measurement of visual acuity, refraction under cycloplegia, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment and annexa, funduscopy and examination of extrinsic motility. The prevalence of Toxocariasis was 0.2% or 2 per one thousand students. The sample was insufficient to estimate the prevalence of DUSN. Seventy patients with DUSN diagnosis were examined from January, 2001 to January, 2003. A live worm was found in the subretinal space of all four patients in the acute phase, and these were treated with laser photocoagulation. After follow-up (average = 11.5 months), visual acuity improved in three eyes and remained unaltered in one eye. Worms were found in 22 of the 66 patients in the chronic phase, and these also were treated with laser photocoagulation. After a follow-up period of 13.1 months, on average, visual acuity improved in two of the patients, remained unchanged in 19 and worsened in one. The comparison of visual result before and after treatment was not statistically significant (p = 0.302). The diagnosis of DUSN in the acute phase, followed by prompt localization and destruction of the worm by photocoagulation, can improve the patient s vision. However, destruction of the worm by laser photocoagulation in eyes with DUSN in the chronic phase does not improve visual acuity. Seroprevalence for IgG was 46% (Confidence Interval CI 95%-42.9-49.2%) and for IgM it was 1.4% (CI 95% = 0.8-2.4%). The prevalence of ocular lesion was 1.15% (CI 95% = 0.6 - 2.0%). Socio-economic conditions were determinants in the prevalence of Systemic and Ocular Toxoplasmosis in the bivaried analysis and confirmed in the multivaried analysis (mother s scholarity illiterate/ OR = 2.9 and p < 0.001). The T. gondii infection prevalence, although high, was less than that found in studies performed in the South and Southeast of Brazil and that of Ocular Toxoplasmosis was completely discrepant, varying from 5 to 17 times less. Although important epidemiological variables such as owning a cat, drinking unfiltered water, and coming into contact with rivers or lakes showed an association in the preliminary analysis, they lost their influence when included in the logistic model. Future studies are scheduled to begin in March, 2004, in collaboration with other Brazilian and American universities in an attempt to discover the reason for these findings, as well as identifying the different strains of Toxoplasma gondii, and studying the sources of water utilized by the population of Natal Brazil
O objetivo do presente estudo foi reportar a infecção por Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) oriundas do Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, Brasil. Dez peixes provenientes do rio Paraguai, Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, foram avaliados quanto à presença de hemoflagelados. Tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma sp. foram observados nas extensões sanguíneas de três peixes (30% de prevalência), e algumas formas encontravam-se em divisão. Por meio do exame a fresco e da centrifugação do sangue em capilar de hematócrito como métodos para diagnóstico, a taxa de prevalência foi de 80%. Esse é o primeiro relato de Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras no Brasil.