961 resultados para FOOT BIOMECHANICS


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Objetivo general: Determinar los indicadores de incidencia y prevalencia de úlceras por presión en tobillo-pie en lesionados medulares ingresados. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico controlado de 549 lesionados medulares, durante 48 meses. Resultados: La incidencia promedio de pacientes con UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado fue de: 1"178 pac./mes. La incidencia promedio de UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado fue de: 1"789 UPP-TP/mes. La prevalencia promedio de pacientes con UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado, respecto al total de pacientes fue de: 7"75%. La prevalencia promedio de todo el periodo de las UPP-TP, respecto al total de UPP fue de: 39"28%. La prevalencia promedio de todo el periodo estudiado de las UPP-TP, respecto al total de heridas (UPP+Traumáticas) fue de: 24"39%. Todos los pacientes crónicos con UPP-TP presentaban LM completa, por tanto ningún pac. crónico incompleto presento UPP-TP. Un 39"66% (23 pac.) presentaron más de 1 lesión. El 47"72% de las UPP-TP se presentaron en talón y un 19"32 en maléolo ext, siendo respectivamente las zonas de mayor localización de las lesiones. Un 13"63% de las UPP-TP se presentaron en dedos a pesar de la no deambulación de estos y de los 6 pac. que tuvieron la lesión en 1º dedo 4 pac. padecieron onicocriptosis. En el 19"23% (5 pac.) de los pac. crónicos sus UPPTP presentaron estadio IV, 3 pac. la presentaron en su domicilio y 2 pac. en ULM. El 25"86% de los pac. cicatrizaron sus lesiones dentro del 1º mes. Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta que el 29"30% de los pacientes, la incidencia de su UPP-TP, tuvo origen en el domicilio habitual, que de estos el 94% eran crónicos con LM completa y que el 34"48% del total de pacientes afectos de UPP-TP del estudio fueron dados de alta a su domicilio sin la curación de su úlcera, es notoria la importancia del seguimiento domiciliario de proximidad, la educación sanitaria de pacientes y familiarescuidadores, así como el uso de guías clínicas preventivas en nuestra asistencia podológica, especialmente en pacientes con lesión medular completa.


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This paper presents a detailed description of the reproductive characters of Mediterranean Seirospora giraudyi based on fresh material collected in the northwestern coast of Spain. Vegetative cells are uninucleate. The plant is monoecious. Spermantangial parent’s cells are clustered on modified dwarf determinate filaments, usually situated on adaxial surfaces of branches. One to four spermatia are formed by elongation and proximal divisions of the spermatangial parent cells. Spermatium with a nucleus situated ina mec. The thallus is procarpic. The four-celled carpogonial branch is initially L-shaped, and it is situated on a periaxial supporting fertile axial cell. The mature carpogonial branch is U-shaped and the supporting cell and second periaxial cell enlarge and divide transversely to reproduce a pair uninicleate auxiliary cell. The nucleus in the ferlilized carpogonium divides twice and the carpogonium cleaves vertically into two cells that, turn, cut off a pair of uninucleate connecting cells that fuse with the auxiliary cells on opposite sides; the diploid nuclei in the connecting cells divide at the site of fusion and one of the nuclei enters the auxiliary cell white the other is extruded. Each auxiliary cell gives to a terminal primary gonimolobe initials. Gonimolobes form lax chains of carposporangia. As the gonimoblasts mature, both lobes of the foot cell which is situated on the supporting cell elongate the upper one secondary connecting with the supporting cell, and the lower one with the fertile axial cell. The gonimoblasts are subtended at maturity by one to several clusters of involucral flaments. Seirospora is currently placed in the tribe Euptiloteae; however the reproductive character of S.giraudyi is dentical to those described for the Cañllithamnieae. Molecular studies are needed to confirm the taxonomic position of S.giraudyi as well as that of the other species placed Seirospora


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[cat]Els treballs arqueològics duts a terme al solar localitzat entre la plaça de Pau Vila i els carrers del Dr. Aiguader i de la Marquesa, al peu del baluard del Migdia, han permès descriure l'evolució geoarqueològica d'un tram del front marítim de Barcelona i generar dades fiables de la configuració de la façana litoral. Sota una potent capa de sorres, s'identificà un paquet de llims i argiles orgàniques característiques d'un medi de baixa energia; és a dir, protegit de l'onatge marí probablement per barres sorrenques. Aquesta seqüència presenta una cronologia entre finals del segle IX i ca. 1440, moment en què es realitzaren els primers intents de construcció d'estructures portuàries. En aquest nivell llimoargilós s'han dut a terme analítiques paleoambientals consistents en l'estudi pol·línic, sedimentològic i geoquímic dels sediments que han posat en evidència els canvis ambientals del front marítim barceloní, del paisatge vegetal del pla, com també de les activitats agrícoles i productives urbanes en època medieval i inicis de l'edat moderna. La informació així obtinguda ha estat contrastada amb la informació històrica. [eng]The archaeological work conducted at the site located at the foot of the Baluard del Migdia bastion between Plaça Pau Vila and Carrer Dr. Aiguader and Carrer Marquesa has provided the opportunity to describe the geoarchaeological evolution of a stretch of the seafront of Barcelona and to generate reliable data on the configuration of the coastline. A layer of silt and organic clays typical of a low-energy environment was found below a thick layer of sands. In other words, this packet was protected from the swell of the sea, probably by sandbars. This sequence presents a chronology spanning from the late 9th century BC to around 1440, the time when the first attempts were made to build port structures. This layer of silt and clay has been subjected to palaeoenvironmental analyses consisting of the study of the pollen, sediment and the geochemistry of the sediments. The results of this analysis provide evidence of the environmental changes in the seafront of Barcelona and the landscape in the plain, as well as the urban agricultural and production activities in medieval times and the early modern age. The information obtained has been compared with historical information.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää spiraalidynaamisen harjoitteiden tehokkuutta vaivaisenluun yhteydessä esiintyvään kipuun, alaraajojen nivelten liikkuvuuteen sekä isovarpaan toimintoihin ja rakenteeseen sekä alaraajojen nivelten liikkuvuuteen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kokeellista yksittäistapaustutkimusta. Tiedonhankintamenetelmänä käytettiin strukturoituja ja sekamuotoisia kyselylomakkeita sekä alaraajojen nivelien kliinistä tutkimista. Harkinnanvaraisesti valittu tutkimusjoukko (n=6) koostui Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian kuntoutusalan Kunto-Stadian asiakkaista. Tutkimus toteutettiin Kunto-Stadian tiloissa maalis - toukokuussa. Seurantamittaus tehtiin 23.-28.8.2007. Tutkimustulokset esitettiin frekvensseinä, ja tilastollisena analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia. Tutkimuksen aikana tutkittavilla vaivaisenluussa esiintyvät kivut hävisivät kokonaan tai helpottuivat huomattavasti. Lonkan ja isovarpaan tyvinivelen nivelissä tapahtui liikelaajuuden lisääntymistä puolella tutkittavista. Jalkaterän lihasvoima ja rakenne vahvistuivat tutkimuksen aikana kaikilla tutkittavilla. Lisäksi alaraajojen linjauksessa tapahtui korjaantumista sekä vaivaisenluukulmat pienenivät lähes kaikilla tutkittavilla. Tutkittavat kokivat harjoitteet hyödyllisiksi ja arkipäivään sulautuviksi. Suurin osa tutkittavista sanoi jatkavansa harjoitteita jokapäiväisessä elämässä tutkimuksen loputtua. Tulosten perusteella spiraalidynaamiset harjoitteet ovat tehokkaita vaivaisenluun hoidossa. Tutkimustuloksia voivat hyödyntää kaikki vaivaisenluita hoitavat mm. jalkaterapeutit, jalkojenhoitajat lääkärit ja fysioterapeutit. Tutkimuksesta saatujen tietojen perusteella voidaan vahvistaa ryhmämuotoisen harjoittelun merkitystä vaivaisenluun hoidossa ja tarjota vaihtoehto leikkauksille.


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The present study proposes a method based on ski fixed inertial sensors to automatically compute spatio-temporal parameters (phase durations, cycle speed and cycle length) for the diagonal stride in classical cross-country skiing. The proposed system was validated against a marker-based motion capture system during indoor treadmill skiing. Skiing movement of 10 junior to world-cup athletes was measured for four different conditions. The accuracy (i.e. median error) and precision (i.e. interquartile range of error) of the system was below 6ms for cycle duration and ski thrust duration and below 35ms for pole push duration. Cycle speed precision (accuracy) was below 0.1m/s (0.005m/s) and cycle length precision (accuracy) was below 0.15m (0.005m). The system was sensitive to changes of conditions and was accurate enough to detect significant differences reported in previous studies. Since capture volume is not limited and setup is simple, the system would be well suited for outdoor measurements on snow.


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Podocytes are essential for the function of the kidney glomerular filter. A highly differentiated cytoskeleton is requisite for their integrity. Although much knowledge has been gained on the organization of cortical actin networks in podocyte's foot processes, less is known about the molecular organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton in primary processes and the cell body. To gain an insight into the organization of the microtubular cytoskeleton of the podocyte, we systematically analyzed the expression of microtubule associated proteins (Maps), a family of microtubules interacting proteins with known functions as regulator, scaffold and guidance proteins. We identified microtubule associated protein 1b (MAP1B) to be specifically enriched in podocytes in human and rodent kidney. Using immunogold labeling in electron microscopy, we were able to demonstrate an enrichment of MAP1B in primary processes. A similar association of MAP1B with the microtubule cytoskeleton was detected in cultured podocytes. Subcellular distribution of MAP1B HC and LC1 was analyzed using a double fluorescent reporter MAP1B fusion protein. Subsequently we analyzed mice constitutively depleted of MAP1B. Interestingly, MAP1B KO was not associated with any functional or structural alterations pointing towards a redundancy of MAP proteins in podocytes. In summary, we established MAP1B as a specific marker protein of the podocyte microtubular cytoskeleton.


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To test if the relationship between knee kinetics during walking and regional patterns of cartilage thickness is influenced by disease severity we tested the following hypotheses in a cross-sectional study of medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) subjects: (1) the peak knee flexion (KFM) and adduction moments (KAM) during walking are associated with regional cartilage thickness and medial-to-lateral cartilage thickness ratios, and (2) the associations between knee moments and cartilage thickness data are dependent on disease severity. Seventy individuals with medial compartment knee OA were studied. Gait analysis was used to determine the knee moments and cartilage thickness was measured from magnetic resonance imaging. Multiple linear regression analyses tested for associations between cartilage thickness and knee kinetics. Medial cartilage thickness and medial-to-lateral cartilage thickness ratios were lower in subjects with greater KAM for specific regions of the femoral condyle and tibial plateau with no associations for KFM in patients of all disease severities. When separated by severity, the association between KAM and cartilage thickness was found only in patients with more severe OA, and KFM was significantly associated with cartilage thickness only for the less severe OA subjects for specific tibial plateau regions. The results support the idea that the KAM is larger in patients with more severe disease and the KFM has greater influence early in the disease process, which may lessen as pain increases with disease severity. Each component influences different regions of cartilage. Thus the relative contributions of both KAM and KFM should be considered when evaluating gait mechanics and the influence of any intervention for knee OA.


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Modelling the shoulder's musculature is challenging given its mechanical and geometric complexity. The use of the ideal fibre model to represent a muscle's line of action cannot always faithfully represent the mechanical effect of each muscle, leading to considerable differences between model-estimated and in vivo measured muscle activity. While the musculo-tendon force coordination problem has been extensively analysed in terms of the cost function, only few works have investigated the existence and sensitivity of solutions to fibre topology. The goal of this paper is to present an analysis of the solution set using the concepts of torque-feasible space (TFS) and wrench-feasible space (WFS) from cable-driven robotics. A shoulder model is presented and a simple musculo-tendon force coordination problem is defined. The ideal fibre model for representing muscles is reviewed and the TFS and WFS are defined, leading to the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution. The shoulder model's TFS is analysed to explain the lack of anterior deltoid (DLTa) activity. Based on the analysis, a modification of the model's muscle fibre geometry is proposed. The performance with and without the modification is assessed by solving the musculo-tendon force coordination problem for quasi-static abduction in the scapular plane. After the proposed modification, the DLTa reaches 20% of activation.


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We compared different approaches to analyze running mechanics alterations during repeated treadmill sprints. Thirteen active male athletes performed five 5-second sprints with 25 seconds of recovery on an instrumented treadmill. This approach allowed continuous measurement of running kinetics/kinematics and calculation of vertical and leg stiffness variables that were subsequently averaged over 3 distinct sections of the 5-second sprint (steps 2-5, 7-10, and 12-15) and for all steps (steps 2-15). Independently from the analyzed section, propulsive power and step frequency decreased with fatigue, while contact time and step length increased (P < .05). Except for step frequency, all mechanical variables varied (P < .05) across sprint sections. The only parameters that highly depend on running velocity (propulsive power and vertical stiffness) showed a significant interaction (P < .05) between the analyzed sections, with smaller magnitude of fatigue-induced change observed for steps 2-5. Considering all steps or only a few steps during early, middle, or late phases of 5-second sprints provides similar mechanical outcomes during repeated treadmill sprinting, although acceleration induces noticeable differences between the sections studied. Furthermore, quantifying mechanical alterations from the early acceleration phase may not be readily detectable, and is not recommended.


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In the past 2 decades, there has been an increase in both basic science research detailing the anatomy and biomechanics of the native posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and outcome studies evaluating manage- ment of the ruptured PCL. While the methodology of the latter continues to improve, results based on the current level of evidence must be interpreted cautiously (18). The focus of many recent studies has been double-bundle versus single-bundle reconstruction techniques. The theoretical advantage goes to double-bundle techniques, but a clinical difference in outcome has not been consistently demonstrated (8,17). Some biomechanical studies have reported improved control of posterior laxity with double-bundle reconstruc- tion; however, results appear to be more dependent on tunnel position and graft tensioning (13). In acute isolated symptomatic PCL injuries in which the posteromedial bundle and the meniscofemoral ligament remain intact, a single-bundle augmentation procedure may be the preferred surgical technique. In more complex PCL ruptures with associated injuries involving the posterolateral structures (PLS) or medial collateral ligament, more benefit may be derived from double-bundle reconstruction. Again, cadaveric testing of double-bundle PCL reconstruction has not consistently outperformed single-bundle techniques in combined PCL/PLS injury (3). Multi-ligamentous injuries are commonly associated with PCL rupture (15), and their management should be considered carefully in the decision to reconstruct one or both of the functionally dis- tinct PCL bundles. However, the technical complexity of double-bundle reconstruction, the longer surgical time required, as well as the inconclusive clinical outcome are all factors that must be weighed carefully.


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Técnica de Mc. Bride modificada por el Dr. José Ma. Soler Minoves. - Paciente en QUIROFANO. - Anestesia de la extremidad...


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Biomecánica es la parte de la cibernética aplicada al ser vivo, el hombre gracias al desarrollo de su gran masa encefálica y su enorme diferencia con el resto de los seres vivos ha seguido un proceso evolutivo, que le ha permitido adaptarse y aprender a utilizar su cerebro, es capaz de efectuar hazañas extraordinarias que le hacen superior a cualquier otro ser vivo y le permite reconocer las leyes naturales...


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La biomecánica de la carrera de Marathón supone un gran esfuerzo en el comportamiento dinámico del pie. El caso clínico de un corredor de esta especialidad con pies cavas varas y alteración de la marcha, nos demuestra que con un tratamiento ortopodológico adecuado a base de ortesis y soporte plantar obtuvimos resultados satisfactorios.


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The kinematics of the anatomical shoulder are analysed and modelled as a parallel mechanism similar to a Stewart platform. A new method is proposed to describe the shoulder kinematics with minimal coordinates and solve the indeterminacy. The minimal coordinates are defined from bony landmarks and the scapulothoracic kinematic constraints. Independent from one another, they uniquely characterise the shoulder motion. A humanoid mechanism is then proposed with identical kinematic properties. It is then shown how minimal coordinates can be obtained for this mechanism and how the coordinates simplify both the motion-planning task and trajectory-tracking control. Lastly, the coordinates are also shown to have an application in the field of biomechanics where they can be used to model the scapulohumeral rhythm.