945 resultados para FEMALE-BIASED SEX RATIO


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The karyotypic and chromosomal characteristics of the hatchetfish Thoracocharax stellatus from the Araguaia River, Brazil (Araguaia-Tocantins basin) were analyzed using Giemsa, AgNO3, and CMA(3) fluorescent staining, and C-banding. The diploid chromosome number was 54 and the karyotypes of females and males were composed of six metacentrics, six submetacentrics, six subtelocentrics and 36 acrocentrics. Two impaired acrocentric chromosomes were detected in the female karyotype. C-banding showed heterochromatic blocks at several chromosomes and an entirely heterochromatic acrocentric chromosome in females that was lacking in the male karyotype. This discovery indicated a heteromorphic sex chromosome system of the ZZ/ZW type. Ag-staining and CMA(3) fluorescence revealed one major chromosome pair bearing the NORs with the presence of additional signals in some metaphases. Both heterochromatic segments associated with Ag-NORs and the W chromosome were positively stained by CMA(3). Considering the present data and previous findings it is hypothesized that the occurrence of ZW sex chromosome system is widespread in the genus Thoracocharax.


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The Malpighian tubules of Aedes aegypti showed significant differences in their diameters between male and female larvae, male and female pupae, male larvae and male adults and male pupae and male adults. in every case, female values were greater than in males. Measurements of mean nuclear areas of the principal and stellate cells from Malpighian tubules, taken in males and females during development, showed that this parameter in both types of cell was significantly greater in females than in male larvae, pupae and adult stages. In males, significant differences between developmental stages were observed only in comparison with the nuclear area of larvae and adults in the principal cells, but in females, every comparison between stages showed significant differences except between pupae and adults in stellate cells. The frequency distribution of nuclear area values, in development, for male stellate and principal cells, were mostly concentrated in the first seven classes among the 30 classes considered in every stage, while for females, the frequency dropped drastically in the same classes from larvae to pupae and adults, moving to classes of higher values. Considering the importance of Malpighian tubules in insect physiology, the meaning of the differences detected are discussed on the basis of different metabolic levels, between sexes and developmental stages.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do sexo dos animais, do grupo genético e do peso de abate no desempenho de animais confinados. Foram utilizados 103 cordeiros, machos e fêmeas, Santa Inês puros (SS) e cruzas Santa Inês com Texel (TS), Ile de France (FS) e Bergamácia (BS), confinados em gaiolas individuais. Mediram-se a dieta fornecida e as sobras diárias, para cálculo do consumo de matéria seca (MS), energia metabolizável (EM), proteína digestível (PD) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Os cordeiros foram abatidos em quatro pesos: 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg de peso vivo. Avaliaram-se o ganho de peso diário (GPD), o número de dias no confinamento (ND), a conversão alimentar (CA) e o consumo de MS, PD, em e FDN, nas três fases de crescimento: 15 a 25 kg (1), 25 a 35 kg (2) e 35 a 45 kg (3). Também foram avaliados as idades de abate (IA), o peso do corpo vazio (PCVZ) e rendimento de carcaça (RC). Aos 35 e 45 kg, os cordeiros TS e FS apresentaram IA inferiores e as cordeiras SS, IA superiores. O ND dos cordeiros BS de 35 a 45 kg foi maior que dos TS. Aos 35 e 45 kg, o PCVZ dos cordeiros TS e FS foram menores. Os melhores GPD foram dos cordeiros TS, seguidos do FS e SS. Os consumos de MS, PD, em e FDN foram semelhantes entre os grupos genéticos, nas fases 1 e 2 de crescimento. Verificou-se que os cordeiros TS tenderam a aumentar o consumo, com o incremento de peso, enquanto os outros grupos tenderam a diminuir. A CA elevou-se com o aumento de peso, com exceção dos machos FS. Os machos não apresentaram diferenças na CA entre os grupos genéticos, entretanto, as fêmeas TS e FS apresentaram valores melhores. Aos 35 e 45 kg, as fêmeas apresentaram maiores RC que os machos. Aos 35 kg, os melhores RC foram dos machos TS.


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The analgesic response was evaluated by the tail immersion test in adult male (N = 30), female (N = 21) and androgenized female Wistar rats (N = 15). The reaction time for tail withdrawal from the hot water bath was faster for male than for female rats (3.48 +/- 0.12 vs 6.46 +/- 0.42 s). The reaction time of androgenized female rats was similar to that of male rats (3.08 +/- 0.16 s). Blockade of opiate receptors with naloxone (2 mg/kg, ip) decreased the sensitivity to the noxious stimuli in males (4.08 +/- 0.10 s) and in androgenized females (3.69 +/- 0.19 s) but increased it in female rats (5.01 +/- 0.41 s). These data show sex-related differences in the analgesic response evaluated by the tail immersion test and indicate that administration of androgens to newborn female rats affects their pain sensitivity.


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In order to study the divergence of teleost sex chromosomes, subtractive cloning was carried out between genomic DNA of males and females of the rainbow trout (XX/XY) and of Leporinus elongatus (ZW/ZZ). Inserts cloned in a plasmid vector were individually tested on Southern blots of DNA of males and females for sex specificity. No sex-specific insert was obtained from trout, but two out of ten inserts cloned from L. elongatus showed sex-specific patterns in this species: one corresponds to a sequence present on both Z and W chromosomes, while the other is W specific. Sequences of these two inserts show neither clear homology with other known sequences, nor an open reading frame. They cross-hybridize with the genomic DNA of Leporinus friderici, but without sex-specific patterns. Twenty-four L. elongatus adults were sexed by gonadal observation, chromosomed examination and Southern hybridization with one or the other insert. Ten males and 11 females had chromosomes and hybridization patterns typical of their sex. One ZW female was recognized as a male with the W-specific probe. This was also the case for two unusual ZW males, one having a male hybridization pattern with the other probe. These three atypical individuals may result from single genetic exchanges between four regions of the Z and the W, giving rise to three atypical W chromosomes. Finding males with such atypical heterochromosomes in a female heterogametic species may indicate that a gradual transition occurs between the heterogametic systems.


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Worker larvae of Melipona rufiventris, M. quadrifasciata and M. compressipes were treated topically with juvenile hormone (JH) during the cocoon-spinning phase. Examination of the tergites of the queens obtained following JH application showed induced differentiation into adults with full female (queen) traits. Melipona workers had tergal glands only in tergite II, whereas natural and JH-induced queens had tergal glands in tergite II plus additional glands in at least one other of tergites Ill to VII.


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An initiation-promotion medium-term bioassay for detection of chemical carcinogens, developed in the male F344 rat, uses 0.1% N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN) among five genotoxic chemicals for the initiation of carcinogenesis in multiple organs. To establish this bioassay in the Wistar strain, the effects of two dose levels of DHPN were evaluated on the main DHPN rat target organs: lung, thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. Four groups of male and female animals were studied: Control--untreated group; Multi-organ initiated group (also referred to as DMBDD, based on the initials of the five initiators)-treated sequentially with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN, i.p.), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU, i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxy butyl)nitrosamine (BBN, drinking water), N, N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH, s.c.) and DHPN (drinking water) for 4 weeks; a third group treated with 0.1% DHPN in drinking water for 2 weeks and the last group treated with 0.2% DHPN in drinking water for 4 weeks. The animals were sacrificed after 30 weeks. DHPN at 0.2% induced preneoplasia in the liver and kidneys of rats of both sexes, the number and area of the putative preneoplastic liver glutathione S-transferase-positive hepatocyte foci being significantly increased in these animals. It also induced benign and malignant tumors in female and in male rats. However, there was no relationship between the increased incidence of preneoplastic lesions and tumor development in the 0.2% DHPN-exposed groups of both sexes. DHPN at 0.1% induced only a few preneoplastic lesions in the liver and kidney and no tumors in both male and female rats. A clear dose and sex-related carcinogenic activity of DHPN was registered, although Wistar rats of both sexes showed a relative resistance to the carcinogenic activity of this compound.


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Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.


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Genetic analyses of sex determination have identified sex chromosomes in many teleost fish species. However, there are several cases for which sex ratios do not fit perfectly with the expectations of heterogametic systems, suggesting the influence of either minor sex determining genes or environmental influences on the process of sex differentiation. The frequent absence of sex chromosome markers makes the identification of minor sex-determining genes very difficult. It is easier to test first the hypothesis of environmental sex determination (ESD) by studying the temperature effect, since temperature-dependent sex determination has been demonstrated to occur in several vertebrate groups including 1 fish species. To contribute to a better understanding of fish sex determination, we have tested the effects of high temperatures on sex ratios of Oreochromis niloticus, and have attempted to isolate sex chromosome molecular markers in Leporinus elongatus. Treatments of O. niloticus fry at 36 degrees C applied for 10 days and more, and starting 1 week after fertilization markedly increased the proportion of males, and progeny-testing these males confirmed that some of them are sex-reversed genetic females. Two non-coding sequences of L. elongatus Z and W chromosomes were cloned by genomic subtraction. They cross-hybridized with the genome of a close species without providing sex-specific patterns. A collection of L. elongates individuals was subjected to gonadal and chromosomal sexing, and DNA hybridization with both sequences. These analyses revealed 3 individuals having atypical W chromosomes. Interestingly, 2 of these were males having a ZW karyotype. We assume that these atypical sex chromosome arise by exchanges between Z and W chromosomes, and that a transition between female and male heterogamety is underway in this species.


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1. The oxygen consumption of the tropical millipede, Pseudonannolene tricolor (Spirostreptida, Pseudonannolenidae) was studied in both male and female animals (body mass varying from 0.242 to 2.802 g) using a Warburg microrespirometer at 25-degrees-C.2. The allometric equation M = a W(b) was used in order to check the metabolic increases with increasing body mass. The b exponents were, respectively, 0.68 for males and 0.60 for females.3. Results are discussed in terms of the meaning of the b values in Diplopoda and animals in general.4. A relationship between volume and body mass in P. tricolor is also reported.


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Mean arterial pressure and heart rate were determined in conscious, unrestrained groups of 10 male, female and androgenized female Wistar rats 20 s (early pressor response) and 1 min (late sustained response) after bilateral carotid artery occlusion. The early pressor response, which is of carotid reflex origin, was 40% greater in female than in male rats (45 +/- 2 vs 63 +/- 3 mmHg, respectively). The late sustained response, which is of central origin (probably ischemic), did not differ between male and female rats (32 +/- 2 vs 37 +/- 4 mmHg, respectively). The magnitude of the early pressor response of androgenized female tats (50 +/- 2 mmHg) was similar to that of male rats (45 +/- 2 mmHg) but the late sustained response was 19% smaller (26 +/- 2 mmHg). Common carotid occlusion caused increases in heart rate which were greater in female (51 +/- 9 and 34 +/- 9 beats/min in the early pressor response and late sustained response, respectively) than in male rats (31 +/- 5 and 8 +/- 4 beats/min, respectively). In androgenized female rats, heart rate decreased during common carotid occlusion (34 +/- 7 and 35 +/- 8 beats/min after 20 s and 1 min, respectively). These data provide evidence that there are substantial sex-related differences in the cardiovascular responses to common carotid occlusion in conscious rats and indicate that administration of androgens to newborn female rats affects the baroreceptor reflex control of their arterial pressure.


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The effects of prenatal exposure of rat pups to 0.08 mg/kg deltamethrin (DTM) on physical, reflex and behavioral developmental parameters, on forced swimming and open-field behaviors, and on striatal monoamine levels at 60 days of age were observed. Maternal and offspring body weight, physical and reflex development were unaffected by the exposure to the pesticide. At 21 days of age, open-field locomotion frequency and immobility duration of male and female offspring were not different between control and exposed animals. However, male rearing frequency was increased in experimental animals. A decreased immobility latency to float and in general activity after the swimming test in male offspring was observed at adult age; no interference was detected in the float duration during the swimming test. In addition, these animals presented higher striatal 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels without modification in dopamine (DA) levels and an increased DOPAC/DA ratio. These data indicate a higher activity of the dopaminergic system in these animals. Noradrenaline (NA) levels were increased, while MHPG levels were not detectable in the system studied. Serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels, as well as the homovanillic acid (HVA)/DA ratio, were not modified by the exposure to the pesticide. No changes were observed in swimming and open-field behaviors nor were there any changes in striatal monoamines or their metabolites in the female experimental group. In relation to the pesticide formula, the present data showing that prenatal exposure to DTM alters latency to float and the activity of striatal dopaminergic system might reflect a persistent effect of the pesticide on animal motor activity, mainly in males. on the other hand, the decrease in general activity observed in experimental male rats suggests higher levels of emotionality induced by previous exposure to the swimming behavior test in relation to control animals. Data gathered in the present study may be important for the assessment of the safety of pyrethroid insecticides. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Food searching activity by subterranean termites involves workers, soldiers and nymphs. The present study was carried out for elucidating aspects of nymph foraging behavior in Brazil where the species Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann, 1896) is exotic. Monitoring was conducted through making regular collections from seven different colonies for a period of 22 months, which exhibited the production of forager nymphs all year round. A biometric study was conducted to determine the instars of the forager nymphs collected. The identification of male and female nymphs was also conducted for establishing the sex proportion, which was slightly male-biased. From the 533 forager nymphs collected, 34 were from the 3rd instar, 280 from the 4th instar and 219 from 5th instar. The results suggest that 3rd instar nymphs were not too active in the foraging activities because they were collected only in one colony and in an insignificant quantity. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2011.