945 resultados para FACTOR-C
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of chlorhexidine at subinhibitory concentration (50% minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)) on the growth, cytolysin expression and phagocytosis of Streptococcus agalactiae ATCC 13813. Bacterial growth with and without chlorhexidine treatment was monitored by turbidity measurements, and exocytolysins were estimated by neutral red uptake assay by the McCoy cell line. The phagocytic process was evaluated using luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence to follow the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear neutrophils exposed to bacteria. Chlorhexidine-treated culture did not exhibit a detectable decrease in cell growth, and no statistically significant reduction in the respiratory burst of polymorphonuclear neutrophils was observed. However, growth in the presence of chlorhexidine resulted in a significant reduction of S. agalactiae exocytolysins. Although 50% MIC of chlorhexidine did not interfere with S. agalactiae growth and phagocytosis, the knowledge that this concentration was still able to alter some bacterial virulence parameters may be useful in its therapeutic applications. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
An essential key to pathogenicity in Yersinia is the presence of a 70 kb plasmid (pYV) which encodes a type-III secretion system and several virulence outer proteins whose main function is to enable the bacteria to survive in the host. Thus, a specific immune response is needed in which cytokines are engaged. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) released by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis on the production of the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-12 (IL-12), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and nitric oxide (NO) by murine peritoneal macrophages. To this end, female Swiss mice were infected intravenously with wild-type Y pseudotuberculosis or with mutant strains unable to secrete specific Yops (YopE, YopH, YopJ, YopM, and YpkA). on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days after infection, the animals were sacrificed and the cytokines and NO were assayed in the peritoneal macrophages culture supernatants. A fall in NO production was observed during the course of infection with all the strains tested, though during the infection with the strains that did not secrete YopE and YopH, the suppression occurred later. There was, in general, an unchanged or sometimes increased production of TNF-alpha between the 7th and the 21st day after infection, compared to the control group, followed by an abrupt decrease on the last day of infection. The IL-12 production was also suppressed during the infection, with most of the strains tested, except with those that did not secrete YopJ and YopE. The results suggest that Yops may suppress IL-12, TNF-alpha, and NO production and that the most important proteins involved in this suppression are YopE and YopH. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUCTION: The high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) constitutes an inflammatory mediator used as predictor of cardiovascular risk that comes being researched as indicative relation factor between cardiovascular and periodontal diseases. PROPOSITION: To compare serumals levels of C-reactive protein between patients with and without generalized severe chronic periodontitis. METHODOLOGY: A seccional study was realized using a sample with 62 patients, being 31 participants carriers of periodontal diseases (Group I) and 31 without periodontal diseases (Group II), grouped to the pairs by age and sex. As inclusion criterio were selected patients with diagnosis of generalized severe chronic periodontitis, being preculeds, individuals which presented systemic disease, recent infection history, historical of CVA or stroke, smokers, pregnants and lactants. The research consisted of two stages, a clinc and other biochemist. The clinical stage is constituted of periodontal examination and the biochemist stage, of the peripheral blood collection for determination hsCRP levels and a hemogram to inquire any panel which could suggest infectious and/or inflammatory process. RESULTS: Periodontal disease group presented a average of 0,36mg/dL, while the group without disease presented 0,17 mg/dL, do not existing significant difference statistically between the averages (p = 0,061). The cardiovascular risk for the group I was classified high for 27,6% of participants and low for 72,4% of them. In the group II, 6,45% presented high risk e 93,5% low risk, being this significant relation statistically gotten for Fisher s Test (p = 0,042) presenting OR = 5,33; IC = 95% (1,02 27,4). The independets variables reseacred do not presented significant association statistically with the levels of hsCRP. CONCLUSION: The study indicated that despite of carriers patients of periodontal diseases do not present differents serumals levels of hsCRP from the other group, the periodontal disease was considered as risk factor for hsCRP plasmatic levels elevation
Surfaces of silicon wafers implanted with N and C, respectively, and aluminum 5052 implanted with N alone by plasma immersion ion implantation WHO were probed by a nanoindentor and analyzed by the contact-angle method to provide information on surface nanohardness and wettability. Silicon nitride and silicon carbide are important ceramic materials for microelectronics, especially for high-temperature applications. These compounds can be synthesized by high-dose ion implantation. The nanohardness of a silicon sample implanted with 12-keV nitrogen PIII (with 3 X 10(17) cm(-2) dose) increased by 10% compared to the unimplanted sample, in layers deeper than the regions where the formation of the Si,N, compound occurred. A factor of 2.5 increase in hardness was obtained for C-implanted Si wafer at 35 keV (with 6 X 10(17) cm(-2) dose), again deeper than the SiC-rich layer, Both compounds are in the amorphous state and their hardness is much lower than that of the crystalline compounds, which require an annealing process after ion implantation. In the same targets, the contact angle increased by 65% and 35% for N- and C-implanted samples, respectively. Compared to the Si target, the nitrogen PIII-irradiated Al 5052 (wish 15 keV) showed negligible change in its hydrophobic character after ion implantation. Its near-surface nanohardness measurement showed a slight increase for doses of 1 X 10(17) cm(-2). We have been searching for an AlN layer of the order of 1000 A thick, using such a low-energy PIII process, but oxide formation during processing has precluded its synthesis. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new single-phase interleaved high power factor boost pre-regulator operating in critical conduction mode, where the switches and boost diode performing zero-current commutations during its turn-off, eliminating the disadvantages related to the reverse recovery losses and electromagnetic interference problems of the boost diode, when operating in the continuous conduction mode. The interleaving technique is applied in the power cell, providing a significant input current ripple reduction in comparison to discontinuous mode of operation, due to its input current continuous conduction operation. This paper presents a complete modeling for the converter operating in critical conduction mode, resulting in an improved design procedure for interleaved techniques with high input power factor, a complete design procedure, and main simulation results from a design example with two interleaved cells rated at 1kW, 400V output voltage and 220V rms input voltage.
This paper presents a novel single-phase high-power-factor (HPF) pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) boost rectifier featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero current (ZC), It incorporates the most desirable properties of conventional PWM and soft-switching resonant techniques.The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control and continuous inductor current mode.This new PWM converter provides ZC turn on and turn off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high-power applications employing insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT's),The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400-Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and the power factor were 96.2% and 0.99%, respectively, with an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage with THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.
A Summary of different topological arrangements concerning a ZCS-PWM cell is presented, based on the analysis of its application in boost rectifying preregulators, controlled by the technique of instantaneous average values of input current, with the purpose of obtaining high-input-power-factor rectifier and high efficiency in single-phase applications in telecommunication systems. The main characteristics of each switching cell are described, providing conditions to establish a qualitative comparison among the structures. In addition, experimental results are presented for a prototype of the latest version of the ZCS-PWM boost rectifier, implemented for processing normal values of 1200 W output power and 400 V output average voltage, at 220 V Input RMS voltage and 50 kHz switching frequency.
This paper introduces novel zero-current-switching (ZCS) pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) preregulators based on a new soft-commutation cell, suitable for insulated gate bipolar transistor applications. The active switches in these proposed rectifiers turn on in zero current and turn off in zero current-zero voltage. In addition, the diodes turn on in zero voltage and their reverse-recovery effects over the active switches are negligible. Moreover, based on the proposed cell, an entire family of de-to-de ZCS-PWM converters can be generated, providing conditions to obtain naturally isolated converters, for example, derived buck-boost, Sepic. and Zeta converters. The novel ac-to-dc ZCS-PWM boost and Zeta preregulators are presented in order to verify the operation of this soft-commutation cell, In order to minimize the harmonic contents of the input current, increasing the ac power factor, the average-current-mode control is used, obtaining preregulators with ac power factor near unity and high efficiency at wide load range. The principle of operation, theoretical analysis, design example, and experimental results from test units for the novel preregulators are presented. The new boost preregulator was designed to nominal values of 1.6 kW output power, 220 V(rms) input voltage, 400 V(dc) output voltage, and operating at 20 kHz. The measured efficiency and power factor of the new ZCS-PWM boost preregulator were 96.7% and 0,99, respectively, with an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 3.42% for an input voltage with THD equal to 1.61%, at rated load, the new ZCS-PWM Zeta preregulator was designed to voltage step-down operation, and the experimental results were obtained from a laboratory prototype rated at 500 W, 220 V(rm), input voltage, 110 V(dc) output voltage, and operating at 50 kHz. The measured efficiency of the new ZCS-PWM Zeta preregulator is approximately 96.9% and the input power factor is 0.98, with an input current THD equal to 19.07% while the input voltage THD is equal to 1.96%, at rated load.
This paper presents a dimmable electronic ballast designed for multiple fluorescent lamps applications. A ZCS-PWM Boost rectifier and a classical resonant Full-Bridge inverter compose this new electronic ballast, providing conditions for the obtaining of high input power-factor, and soft-switching processes for all semiconductor devices employed in the structure. The instantaneous average input current control technique is employed in the Boost rectifier. Concerning the Full-Bridge inverter, it is controlled by the imposition of phase-shift in the current processed through the sets of resonant filters + lamps, according to an adaptation in a specially designed control IC, called IR2159. Experimental results are presented in order to validate the analyses developed in this paper.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Observar o comportamento do fator de necrose tumoral-a (TNFalfa) e da proteína C reativa (PCR) em cirurgias simultâneas de fígado e intestino. MÉTODO: Para este objetivo foi desenvolvido um modelo experimental, no qual foram operados quarenta ratos da raça Wistar, divididos em quatros grupos: grupo controle, grupo 1 com ratos submetidos à hepatectomia a 70%, grupo 2 com ratos submetidos à colectomia e grupo 3 com cirurgia simultânea de hepactetomia e colectomia. em todos os grupos foram dosados TNFalfa e PCR uma hora após o procedimento. Os animais foram mortos em seguida. RESULTADOS: Os valores encontrados mostraram alteração nas dosagens desses elementos nos diversos grupos, sendo que no grupo 3 houve aumento significativo do TNFalfa e queda de PCR. CONCLUSÃO: Quanto mais complexo se tornou o ato cirúrgico os níveis sangüíneos de TFNalfa aumentaram e os níveis sangüíneos da PCR diminuíram significativamente.
Genomic imprinting is defined as a gamete of origin-specific epigenetic modification of DNA leading to differential gene expression in the zygote. Several imprinted genes have been identified and some of them are associated with tumor development. We investigated the expression and the imprinting status of IGF2 and H19 genes in 47 uterine leiomyomas. Using allelic transcription assay, we detected the expression of the IGF2 gene in 10 of a total of 15 informative cases. No loss of imprinting, as determined by the finding of biallelic expression, was detected in any case. The expression of H19 gene was detected in 10 of 20 informative cases and the imprinting pattern was also maintained in all of them. Our data suggest that alterations in IGF2 and H19 genes expression by loss of imprinting do not occur in uterine leiomyomas. (C) 1999 Academic Press.