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Samples of filtered particulate organic matter (POM) were obtained during the summers of 1999 and 2000 from the surface waters of the Nordic seas to monitor the spatial distribution of long-chain alkenones. The aim of the study was to appraise existing alkenone-based climatic proxies in northern high latitudes. Unusually high percentages of the tetraunsaturated alkenone were measured in the polar waters of the East Greenland Current, with C37:4 of up to 77% in 80% of sea-ice cover. Values of percent C37:4 across the Nordic seas showed a strong association with water mass type. Analysis of coccoliths in filters indicated that calcified Emiliania huxleyi could not be discounted as the biological precursor of alkenones in all the water masses. A combined data set of 69 samples of POM revealed a stronger correlation of percent C37:4 to sea surface salinity (SSS; R2 = 0.72) than to sea surface temperature (SST; R2 = 0.50). Values of percent C37:4 in sea surface POM were much higher than those in surficial sediments of the northern North Atlantic. To explain the discrepancy in sedimentary and surface water column percent C37:4, we propose that the alkenone contents in surface sediments underlying arctic and polar waters are a combination of autochthonous and allochthonous inputs of alkenones. Our results show that percent C37:4 can be used to reconstruct the relative extension of arctic/polar water masses in the North Atlantic. However, the results prevent confirmation of percent C37:4 as a paleo-SSS proxy in the Nordic seas, given its multivariate nature in our data set and the decoupling between its range of values in surface waters and sediments.


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Ocean acidification causes corals to calcify at reduced rates, but current understanding of the underlying processes is limited. Here, we conduct a mechanistic study into how seawater acidification alters skeletal growth of the coral Stylophora pistillata. Reductions in colony calcification rates are manifested as increases in skeletal porosity at lower pH, while linear extension of skeletons remains unchanged. Inspection of the microstructure of skeletons and measurements of pH at the site of calcification indicate that dissolution is not responsible for changes in skeletal porosity. Instead, changes occur by enlargement of corallite-calyxes and thinning of associated skeletal elements, constituting a modification in skeleton architecture. We also detect increases in the organic matrix protein content of skeletons formed under lower pH. Overall, our study reveals that seawater acidification not only causes decreases in calcification, but can also cause morphological change of the coral skeleton to a more porous and potentially fragile phenotype.


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The impact of late glacial changes on the sedimentary record was investigated in two long vibracores, collected from the shelf edge off Mauritania, northwest Africa. Lithology and radiocarbon dates indicate that the sedimentary sequences were mainly controlled by sea-level changes on the shelf. The upper Pleistocene sequence is characterized by deposition in coastal environments, while the Holocene sequence represents deposition in shelf environments. During low sea level, much sediment was supplied to the present outer shelf, and the data imply an average accumulation rate of up to 43.0 cm/1000 yrs during the late Pleistocene, which is substantially higher than the Holocene rate. Shelf sediments were continuously reworked and redistributed on a regional scale during falling and rising sea level. The presence of reworked material results in radiocarbon ages which are too old. The mollusc. Venus striatula, which presently is found north of, but not along, the Mauritanian coast, occurs in the upper Pleistocene sequence, suggesting cooler water conditions in the shelf during late glacial times. This species probably migrated to the south during late glacial times, following the southward extension of the cold Canary Current. Radiocarbon dates of the shells broadly coincide with a lowstand of sea level over this part of the continental shelf.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation changes over the past 30,000 years on the adjacent continent. A transect of marine pollen sequences from the mouth of the river Congo (~5°S) to Walvis Bay and Lüderitz (~25°S) shows vegetation changes in Congo, Angola and Namibia from the last glacial period into the Holocene. The comparison of pollen records from different latitudes provides information about the latitudinal shift of open forest and savannahs (Poaceae pollen), the extension of lowland forest (rain forest pollen) and Afromontane forest (Podocarpus pollen), and the position of the desert fringe (pollen of Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae). High Cyperaceae pollen percentages in sediments from the last glacial period off the mouth of the river Congo suggest the presence of open swamps rather than savannah vegetation in the Congo Basin. Pollen from Restionaceae in combination with Stoebe-type pollen (probably from Elytropappus) indicates a possible northwards extension of winter rain vegetation during the last glacial period. The record of Rhizophora (mangrove) pollen is linked to erosion of the continental shelf and sea-level rise. Pollen influx is highest off river mouths (10-2000 grains year**-1 cm**-2), close to the coast (300-6000 grains year**-1 cm**-2), but is an order of magnitude lower at sites situated far from the continent (<10 grains year**-1 cm**-2).


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SeaBeam echo sounding, seismic reflection, magnetics, and gravity profiles were run along closely spaced tracks (5 km) parallel to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone on the Southwest Indian Ridge, giving 80% bathymetric coverage of a 30- * 170-nmi strip centered over the fracture zone. The southern and northern rift valleys of the ridge were clearly defined and offset north-south by 199 km. The rift valleys are typical of those found elsewhere on the Southwest Indian Ridge, with relief of more than 2200 m and widths from 22 to 38 km. The ridge-transform intersections are marked by deep nodal basins lying on the transform side of the neovolcanic zone that defines the present-day spreading axis. The walls of the transform generally are steep (25°-40°), although locally, they can be more subdued. The deepest point in the transform is 6480 m in the southern nodal basin, and the shallowest is an uplifted wave-cut terrace that exposes plutonic rocks from the deepest layer of the ocean crust at 700 m. The transform valley is bisected by a 1.5-km-high median tectonic ridge that extends from the northern ridge-transform intersection to the midpoint of the active transform. The seismic survey showed that the floor of the transform contains up to 0.5 km of sediment. Piston-coring at two locations on the transform floor recovered more than 1 m of sand and gravel, which appears to be turbidites shed from the walls of the fracture zone. Extensive dredging showed that more than two-thirds of the crust exposed in the transform valley and its walls were plutonic rocks, principally gabbros and residual mantle peridotites. In contrast, based on dredging and seafloor morphology, only relatively undisrupted pillow basalt flows have been exposed on crust of the same age spreading away from the transform. Magnetic anomalies are well defined out to 11 m.y. over the flanking transverse ridges and transform valley, even where layer 2 appears to be absent. The total opening rate is 1.6 cm/yr, but the arrangement of the anomalies indicates that the spreading for each ridge is asymmetric, with the ridge flanks facing the transform spreading at a rate of 1.0 cm/yr. Such an asymmetric spreading pattern requires that both the northern and southern ridges migrate away from each other at 0.2 cm/yr, thus lengthening the transform at 0.4 cm/yr for the last 11 m.y. To the north, the fracture zone valley is oriented differently from the present-day transform, indicating a paleospreading direction change at 17 m.y. from N10°E to due north-south. This change placed the transform into extension for the 11-m.y. period required for simple orthogonal ridge-transform geometry to be reestablished and produced a large transtensional basin within the transform valley. This basin was split by continued transform slip after 11 m.y., with the larger half moving to the north with the African Plate.


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The CoastColour project Round Robin (CCRR) project (http://www.coastcolour.org) funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) was designed to bring together a variety of reference datasets and to use these to test algorithms and assess their accuracy for retrieving water quality parameters. This information was then developed to help end-users of remote sensing products to select the most accurate algorithms for their coastal region. To facilitate this, an inter-comparison of the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of in-water properties over coastal waters was carried out. The comparison used three types of datasets on which ocean colour algorithms were tested. The description and comparison of the three datasets are the focus of this paper, and include the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) Level 2 match-ups, in situ reflectance measurements and data generated by a radiative transfer model (HydroLight). The datasets mainly consisted of 6,484 marine reflectance associated with various geometrical (sensor viewing and solar angles) and sky conditions and water constituents: Total Suspended Matter (TSM) and Chlorophyll-a (CHL) concentrations, and the absorption of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM). Inherent optical properties were also provided in the simulated datasets (5,000 simulations) and from 3,054 match-up locations. The distributions of reflectance at selected MERIS bands and band ratios, CHL and TSM as a function of reflectance, from the three datasets are compared. Match-up and in situ sites where deviations occur are identified. The distribution of the three reflectance datasets are also compared to the simulated and in situ reflectances used previously by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG, 2006) for algorithm testing, showing a clear extension of the CCRR data which covers more turbid waters.


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We present a new dataset of geographical production-, final (embodied) production-, and consumption-based carbon dioxide emission inventories, covering 78 regions and 55 sectors from 1997 to 2011. We extend previous work both in terms of time span and in bridging from geographical to embodied production and, ultimately, to consumption. We analyse the recent evolution of emissions, the development of carbon efficiency of the global economy, and the role of international trade. As the distribution of responsibility for emissions across countries is key to the adoption and implementation of international environmental agreements and regulations, the final production- and consumption-based inventories developed here provide a valuable extension to more traditional geographical production-based criteria.


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The perception of the present state of trade relations with Chile is obscured by a lack of adequate understanding of its legal framework as well as of the policy behind it. This study attempts to clarify the present state of and future prospects for trade between the EU and Chile through an examination of previous agreements and the EU’s new approach to trade liberalisation. The authors agree with the large consensus existing on both the EU and Chilean sides regarding the efficacy of the Association Agreement, but note that any extension of an agreement with Chile should capture the spirit of older EU agreements rather than simply following the ‘NAFTA route’. The study also includes a comparative analysis between the EU-Chile agreement and current trade agreements being negotiated by the EU and Chile with third countries.