965 resultados para Extensões de corpos (Matematica)


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This work has the main purpose of conducting a survey of educational products present in dissertations and doctoral theses focused on the use of history in mathematics teaching and Didactics of mathematics with a French foundation produced in graduate programs in the strict sense of the Brazil between 1990 and 2010, the areas of Education, Mathematics Education, school of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and related areas, according to the research proposal of Mendes (2010). Our interest was to select the products that present concrete proposals for educational activities that can be used in the classroom of Basic Education and Training of Teachers of Mathematics. The research was implemented through a bibliographic study documents the Bank of dissertations and theses from CAPES, libraries and archives of some Postgraduate programs in the country who focus their studies on the subject object of this research, besides the Brazilian Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDBTD). From this survey we selected works that present educational products materialized in blocks of activities based on the use of teaching history of mathematics to the classroom as well as the sequence of activities based on the Teaching of Mathematics. In possession of material, produce a CD-ROM containing the selected activities, in order to help support the work of teachers regarding the use of these activities, as a supplementary material to textbooks in their math classes


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This paper discusses aspects related to the mathematical language and its understanding, in particular, by students of final years of elementary school. Accordingly, we aimed to develop a proposal for teaching, substantiated by mathematical modeling activities and reading, which takes advantage of the student of elementary school a better understanding of mathematical language for the content of proportion. We also aim to build / propose parameters for the assessment of reading proficiency of the language of the student in analyzing and modeling process, its ability to develop/improve/enhance this proficiency. For this purpose, we develop a qualitative research, with procedures for an action research whose analysis of the data is configured as Content Analysis. We refer to epistemological and didactic, in the studies: Piaget (1975, 1990), Vygotsky (1991, 2001), Bakhtin (2006), Freire (1974, 1994), Bicudo and Garnica (2006), Smole and Diniz (2001), Barbosa (2001), Burak (1992), Biembengut (2004), Bassanezi (2002), Carrasco (2006), Becker (2010), Zuin and Reyes (2010), among others. We understand that to acquire new knowledge one must learn to read and reading to learn it, this process is essential for the development of reading proficiency of a person. Modeling, in turn, is a process which enables contact with different forms of reading providing elements favorable to the development here mentioned. The evaluation parameters we use to analyze the level of reading proficiency of mathematical language proved to be effective and therefore a valuable tool that allows the teacher an efficient evaluation and whose results can guide you better in the planning and execution of their practice


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This paper aims to describe the construction and validation of a notebook of activities whose content is a didactic sequence that makes use of the study of ancient numbering systems as compared to the object of our decimal positional numbering system Arabic. This is on the assumption that the comparison with a system different from our own might provide a better understanding of our own numbering system, but also help in the process of arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, since it will force us to think in ways that are not routinely object of our attention. The systems covered in the study were the Egyptian hieroglyphic system of numbering, the numbering system Greek alphabet and Roman numbering system, always compared to our numbering system. The following teachung is presented structured in the form of our activities, so-called exercise set and common tasks around a former same numbering system. In its final stage of preparation, the sequence with the participation of 26 primary school teachers of basic education


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El trabajo práctico experimental en la educación en Ciencias y en el contexto de la enseñanza de la Biología es un objetivo clave. Teniendo en cuenta la influencia de los libros de texto en la actividad profesional de docentes, interesado en este estudio para caracterizar la orientación de este tipo de materiales, para el trabajo práctico experimental y el uso de la medición en esta actividad. Para ello analizaron las ocho colecciones de libros de Biología aprobado en PNLD en 2012. La investigación es de naturaleza descriptiva e interpretativa y de recogida de datos ha sido elegida por el método de análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 2002). El análisis de los trabajos práctico experimentales buscó caracterizar su naturaleza epistemológica, concepción de la ciencia implícita, conceptual, tipología, contenido conceptual de Biología utilizado, cuántos implican medidas, y cómo se utiliza en este contexto según el procedimiento general para medir propuesto por Núñez y Silva (2008). Los trabajo práctico experimental ha sugerido una epistemología de la enseñanza conceptual, carácter racionalista en su mayoría y dominada por las actividades del tipo de ejercicio práctico, a necesidad de medir está presente en una minoría de estos y se se utiliza el procedimiento general de medición de forma parcial e implícito en la mayoría de los trabajos prático experimentales. Por lo tanto, proponemos en este actividades de estudio a desarrollar una guía de análisis de los trabajo práctico experimentales propuesto en los libros de texto de Biología


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La enseñanza de problemas se ha investigado en la didáctica de las ciencias naturales como un medio importante para desarrollar el aprendizaje de los conocimientos científicos y la formación de competencias básicas. Dada la importancia de los libros de texto para la enseñanza de la ciencia, con el fin de verificar el enfoque de la enseñanza con problemas en los libros de química, se procedió a una investigación realizada en las obras aprobadas en PNLD 2012, basado en el método de Análisis de Contenido. Se analizó el contenido de la estructura atómica, como marco teórico la perspectiva de la enseñanza problémica, basada en el materialismo histórico y dialéctico. Metodológicamente la investigación presenta un carácter cualitativo. Los resultados del análisis de contenido corroboraron la cuestiones de estudio iniciales relacionadas con la explicación centrándose en los problemas, lo que permitió inferir la elaboración de una Unidad Didactica basada en los métodos problémicos para la enseñanza de los modelos atómicos por la exposición problémica, la conversación heurística y la busca parcial, como forma de aproximar los estudiantes a la naturaleza de las ciencias naturales y contribuir al desarrollo de actitudes positivas en el aprendizaje de la química


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This work has as objective to describe mathematical knowledge used as tools in the manufacture and marketing of tiles of red ceramic by potters of the Currais Novos village/ RN, located 250 km from the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. For us to reach our objective, we rely on conceptions ambrosianas of Ethnomatematics, besides of the qualitative research in an ethnographic approach. In the empirical part of the research, that went it accomplishes in the period from 2009 to 2012 in the Currais Novos Village, we support the following tools for data collection, semi-structured interviews, field diary, photographs, audio recordings and participant observations. In the analysis of the collected data, we can conclude that there are mathematical knowledge in the management of manufacture and marketing of tiles, often different from the academic mathematics, mainly in the wood cube, on cube of the clays, in the handler with the measures time, the count method , in the arrangement of tiles, in the preparation of the ceramic mass and sale of tiles. Theses knowledge were described and analyzed in the light of the theoretical Ethnomatematics, also supported in official documents, such as Parameters Nacional Curriculares. The analyzes of these knowledge generated subsidies for elaboration of an educational product - a proposal of didactic sequence destined to the Teaching of Mathematics in Elementary and Middle levels for the community schools and region, this proposal is in the Appendix to this work


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This dissertation aims to contribute on teaching of mathematics for enabling learning connected to the relationship among science, society, culture and cognition. To this end, we propose the involvement of our students with social practices found in history, since. Our intention is to create opportunities for school practices that these mathematical arising from professional practice historical, provide strategies for mathematical thinking and reasoning in the search for solutions to problematizations found today. We believe that the propose of producing Basic Problematization Units, or simply UBPs, in math teacher formation, points to an alternative that allows better utilization of the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The proposal has the aim of primary education to be, really forming the citizen, making it critical and society transformative agent. In this sense, we present some recommendations for exploration and use of these units for teachers to use the material investigated by us, in order to complement their teaching work in mathematics lessons. Our teaching recommendations materialized as a product of exploration on the book, Instrumentos nuevos de geometria muy necessários para medir distancia y alturas sem que interuengan numeros como se demuestra em la practica , written by Andrés de Cespedes, published in Madrid, Spain, in 1606. From these problematizations and the mathematics involved in their solutions, some guidelines for didactic use of the book are presented, so that the teacher can rework such problematizations supported on current issues, and thus use them in the classroom


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The Federal Government through its Plans and Programs invests in various policies intended to achieve the main goal of the millennium, provide basic education for all. Among them, we highlight in this paper The National Textbook Program, with emphasis on Complementary Works. These works are presented through different genres, such as poems, poetry, short stories, parables, novels, literature, educational materials etc.. providing a range of possible teaching work. However, little is known about the levels of education of teachers as intended. Based on the discussions and studies in this direction, sparked concerns us in the process of teaching and learning in math classes. This made us pay attention to a possibility of study where reading could be included in this process. In this sense, the present study aims at investigating the potential of conceptual and didactic use of Complementary Works on developing the skills of reading and writing mathematics of the first three years of elementary school, and from there, propose a courseware with guidelines for use of these works by teachers of 1st to 3rd year of elementary school. For this, we outline the issues of reading and understanding of mathematical interests as those of our study. In this sense, the proposal was built from the bibliographic works that address the contributions of reading for learning mathematical content, like Machado (2001), Nacarato (2009); Dantas (2011), Smole and Diniz ( 2001). As a result, we created the Guidance for the use of Complementary Works for Teachers to Teach Mathematics with a view to support the practice of teachers and future teachers who teach mathematics. Supported the use of Complementary Works, especially those distributed in public schools by the National Textbook - PNLD and have mathematical content, this guide is intended to present some of the possible use of this feature in math classes. (Education Observatory - Capes / INEP. Ed. 038-2010. TELL Research Group - UFRN - PPGED / PPGEL / PPGECNM - PROPESQ)


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From a critique of aspects of the current teaching of physics, we propose in this paper an investigation into the conceptions of Nature of Science (NOS) submitted by students from the high school level, as well as the inclusion of discussions about some elements of NOS, through the History and Philosophy of Science, understanding them as facilitating strategy for more effective learning of Physics and, more specifically, the contents of optics. Based on the historical period corresponding to Greek antiquity to the mid-nineteenth century, built and applied a teaching unit to a high school class at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Ipanguaçu campus. Our teaching unit involved the reading and interpretation of texts with historical content, observation and assembling five experimental activities, among other activities. Data analysis occurred through questionnaires investigative applied before and after the completion of the teaching unit, as well as questionnaires for content present in the texts. Although not significant, the results indicated that the application of the teaching unit allowed the (re) construction of some conceptions about NOS targets students present in our work, and contribute to a better learning content and greater optical science approach and its nature


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In last decades, the importance of including the contents of the Nature of Science (NOS) in Science Education has been emphasized. Several studies have focused on investigating the conceptions of NOS, supported by students and teachers, as well as design, implement and evaluate proposals that aim to provide a reflection on this theme in the educational context. Considering the complexity of such content, studies indicate the need for explicit and contextualized approaches and the History of Science (HS) is one of the possible paths to this inclusion. We started from the premise that, through a historical study, that aims to discuss the meaning and the basis of our "beliefs", we can know the process of building on what we "believe" and better understand its meaning. This thesis is part of this perspective, proposing to explore the History of the Vacuum, a themed high didactic potential still little used, in order to collaborate with the teaching content of NOS. We present actions on different fronts that originated three products in the context of this research. On the first front, we insert the research and production of instructional materials (three historical texts) to subsidize people interested in the implementation of HPS for educational context through this material. The relevance of this front is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the production of such material for the context of teacher training. However, we consider that the preparation of instructional material of good quality and accessible does not guarantee that these resources will be used, if they will not be accompanied by discussions in teacher training, on how to use them, contexts and obstacles to be faced. The second part presented refers to the organization and implementation of a workshop for undergraduate students in physics and physics teachers, considering the instrumentalization of these individuals to the preparation and use of teaching strategies to approach aspects of NOS through episodes of History of the Vacuum, as well as the preparation of the text orientation for people interested in implementing the instructional material for secondary education. This guidance text contemplates the difficulties anticipated by the literature of the area and the main challenges faced by the participants about the didactic transposition of HPS for the educational context they were noted during the workshop. The relevance of this second front, in particular, is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the inclusion of the theme of NOS and the HPS teacher training


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Normally initial teacher training has not been sufficient to provide all the tools for an updated and efficient teaching practice. It is presented here one of the ways of working the completion of the initial training through a course of continuing education. This course is based on inquiry teaching which is considered an important teaching strategy for science education. This kind of teaching enables improvement of students reasoning and cognitive skills, the cooperation among them, the understanding of the nature of scientific work, and the motivation to think about the relationship between science, technology, society and environment. For this dissertation a course of continuing education based on this approach was followed in order to evaluate which contributions it can bring to the teaching practice. The course was followed based on three stages: on the first there was a questionnaire and an informal interview; next it happened through participant observation with audio and visual aid; the third stage happened through semi structured interview. The collected information was analyzed based on Content Analysis. An inquiry teaching pedagogical material was produced for the course including some examples and applications of this approach. The aim of the material is that it can be a support for the teachers after de course. The results allowed seeing that the course was very useful, different from the traditional and the teachers that put the approach to use found it to be very positive. Thus it can be said that some of the teachers who participated will try again to apply it, try to contextualize more the teaching situations with the students day to day life, as well make them more active and critic. We can also gather from the study, that the inquiry teaching is a very different tool from what the teacher was taught and is accustomed to use and the theoretical comprehension, acceptance and practice change is a complicated process and demands time


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In order to learn/teach chemistry some themes are relevant, like the stoichiometry, which consists in the study of the weight ratios in the combination of elements and compounds between themselves. This is an underlying subject in the understanding/representation/forethought of chemical reactions. Considering these aspects, our study presents a modeling-based proposal to develop the content of stoichiometry with prospective chemistry teachers. With this aim, we have made a review of literature, which we considered when tried to identify the learning difficulties using both quizzes and pedagogical tests, and then, from those difficulties we could propose a teaching unit for this concept and, consequently the evaluation of our proposal. The participants were chemistry undergraduates at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) from assorted levels. As a methodological framework, we rely on the discursive textual analysis to characterize the speech of participants. As main results we observed ideas of appearance or disappearance of matter during chemical transformations, disregard of stoichiometric proportions when using drawings to represent the microscopic level of a reaction and confusion between the magnitude amount of matter and other magnitudes such as mass and volume. The final product is a sequence of instruction, based on the modeling previous research literature , with the goal of improving students ability to articulate the macroscopic and submicroscopic levels of representation of the matter


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Learning difficulties can have a direct influence on the teaching-learning process of students by reducing their school performance. One factor that may contribute to this negative influence on learning refers to the presence of alternative conceptions, which may have different origins in the educational process. It is of paramount importance, for teachers, for example, to identify the concepts and the difficulties of their students in order for that knowledge can be able to contribute significantly to improve the teaching and learning process. From the following considerations, the present study (still in progress) aims to investigate aspects related to the concepts and difficulties of graduating students in relation to the contents of Biology. The participants of the research were undergraduate students in Biological Sciences from UFRN, studying by Distance Learning (Educação a Distância). To develop the survey, questionnaires were developed to identify the contents in Biology that these students have more difficulties as well as an interview to raise misconceptions regarding the content of cytology. Another tool developed was a textbook evaluation form, which was applied in conjunction with a questionnaire in workshops (short courses) in order to identify possible errors and mistakes that could jeopardize the process of teaching and learning, such as the importance that these learners assign to textbooks in the educational process. From the data collected, a booklet on the content of cytology was developed as a product. It is expected that it can be applied in classrooms in order to improve the teaching and learning in references to Biology, to minimize, for example, alternative conceptions than can occur related to the theme


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior