999 resultados para Experimentação Animal


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The community awareness on responsible ownership associated with public policies is key to the promotion of animal welfare. Most cities have a large population of dogs and cats wandering causing serious health problems and abuse. This project aimed to guide and inform the population aimed at animal welfare with the simple and direct approach to issues related to responsible ownership, management, nature conservation and zoonoses. The methodology developed to approach the project in two modules: the I and II, along public and private Elementary and High Schools in Araçatuba. Module I (Mod.I) is basedon the use of puppet theater and musicals, considering the target audience children 3-10 years and the second module (Mod 2) consists of presentations of lectures by undergraduate and graduate course of Veterinary Medicine FMVA UNESP campus Araçatuba, being the target audience of High School teenagers. Data collection proceeded by questionnaires, with questions regarding the care and practices to pets. The results revealed that there is a lack of information about animal welfare practice.


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A grande diversidade das atividades industriais ocasiona durante o processo produtivo a geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, que podem poluir e/ou contaminar o solo, a água e o ar. Embora existam regulamentos para o descarte desses resíduos, a inobservância às regras, a ineficiência dos tratamentos despoluentes e a inoperância de órgãos fiscalizadores permitem que, ainda hoje, sejam lançados ao ambiente grandes cargas de poluentes. Isso se aplica às indústrias de alimentos de origem animal. Felizmente, a visão dos empresários do setor vem mudando, na medida em que a imagem de uma empresa que conta com produtos e processos ambientalmente responsáveis representa parte das estratégias competitivas atuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar como um efluente industrial pode ser transformado em matéria prima para a obtenção de um produto com valor comercial, utilizando tecnologias reconhecidas pela indústria e a atividade microbiana. O efluente foi obtido em indústria de abate e processamento de tilápias, apresentado (valores médios) pH = 9,4, DQO = 1.127 mg/L, óleos e graxas = 1.166 mg/L, nitrogênio total = 813 mg/L, coliformes a 30–35o C = 1,0x105 NMP/mL, coliformes a 45o C = 0,41 NMP/mL, bolores e leveduras = 4,6x103 UFC/mL e, ocasionalmente, contendo Salmonella sp e Aeromonas sp. Os tratamentos físicos aplicados ao efluente incluíram gradeamento, filtração (50µm) e pasteurização (65o C/30 min). O cultivo de Rubrivivax gelatinosus foi realizado sob anaerobiose em reatores de vidro durante 7 dias, em temperatura ambiente (30±5o C) e 2.000±500 lux. A recuperação da biomassa foi feita por filtração tangencial (0,2 µm; 1,5 bar), centrifugação (3.400 g/30 min; 5o C) e liofilização (-40o C) e a pulverização foi realizada manualmente. A produção de massa celular atingiu 0,18 g/L, com produtividade de 0,0634 g/L.dia. O processo promoveu redução de 52% na DQO, 48% em óleos e graxas e 22% no nitrogênio total, gerando um resíduo com pH 7,9, livre de bactérias patogênicas e, portanto, apto ao descarte. O produto obtido apresentou cor vermelho escuro (L = 22,42; C = 14,22; h = 25,48), 4,55% de umidade, 57,39% de proteína, 11,08% de extrato etéreo, 4,05% de matéria mineral, 3,03 mg/g de oxicarotenóides, 20,27 NMP/g de coliformes a 30–35o C, <1,0 NMP/g de coliformes a 45o C, 1,2x103 UFC/g de bolores e leveduras e ausência de microrganismos patogênicos. Essas características apontam para um potencial pigmentante e nutricional positivo no produto, que pode encontrar aplicação na produção animal, com segurança microbiológica. Dessa forma, fecha-se um ciclo autosustentável que pode ser adotado na própria fonte geradora do resíduo industrial, permitindo a reversão de gastos com tratamento despoluente em receitas advindas da comercialização de um novo produto.


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This experiment aimed to determine the influence of supplementation with protected fat on nematode infections in periparturient sheep or sheep in their final stage of pregnancy. Fifty Santa Ines ewes received 200 g of concentrate/animal/day, mineral salt and water and were grouped according to their weight, hematocrit and the number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG). Two diets were used: a control treatment and a treatment consisting of supplementation with 30 g/animal/day of protected fat in the concentrate. Three monthly evaluations were performed over a total of 84 days of testing. The variables analyzed were weight, body condition, EPG and coprocultures; blood tests were performed for the determination of packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration and total plasma protein, and leukograms and eosinophil counts were performed. For weight and hemoglobin concentrations, interactions were observed between diet and collection date (P<0.05); body condition, total plasma protein, packed cell volume and total leukocytes did not differ statistically among treatments (P> 0. 05) but did differ by collection day (P <0.05). The EPG and eosinophil counts did not differ statistically by either diet or collection date (P>0.05). The genus Haemonchus was predominant, followed by the genera Cooperia, Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum. The protected fat did not decrease EPG and did not improve the blood parameters of infected sheep.


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The development of populations of gastrointestinal parasites resistant to antihelmintics has led to seeks new alternatives its control. Stimulation of natural immunity by means of animal nutrition has shown promising results in controlling nematodes in sheep. The addition of protected fat sources, containing essential fatty acids, may be an alternative due to many effects, among them, regulation of immunity expression and regulation of the inflammatory response by immune effectors. The aim of this study was to estimate correlations between haematological and parasitological patterns, animal performance through weight and body condition, under the influence of protected fat in ewes. Fifty Santa Ines sheep, in the final third of pregnancy or postpartum, in paddocks of Panicum maximum, received, individually, 200 g per day of concentrate, isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets, with or without the addition of protected fat. In general, except for total leukocytes and eosinophils, almost all of Pearson correlation coefficients of other variables were significant. However, the protected fat, in the amount offered, had no antihelmintic effect.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main objective of this survey is describing signly the metaphor learning resource, with focus on biology education. Our teorical reference is the peircean semiotics, because it means solid heritage to code surveys implicated at science education, it led us to do an explanation about the main lines about that reference, addressed to researchers and lecturers interested in those reasonings. In the description yearned, another objectives appear: demonstrate diferences between metaphor/analogy and pragmatic analogy; to list metaphors, from cell representation analysis, and argue about principals diferences and probable cognitive consequences between the metaphor event in the visual representation and speech sentences. Therefore we analysed the animal cell of a high school first grade studying book – biology – cell biology – used by São Paulo and another state students. The findings demonstrate the undeniable importance of the metaphor as a learning tool in the biology education, and new findings about that, such as its limits in the concept elaboration, gnosiologic consequences for receptioning, the search needs for propositions– pictures between concept relations – in the science speech construction, and other results.


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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O crescimento desordenado, a precariedade, a obsolência dos espaços e o desrespeito às preexistência construídas e não construídasrevelam áreas humanas deterioradas, vazias e abandonadas, espaços residuais sem destinação e a desvalorização de áreas centrais consolidadas, acarretando uma generalização de ordem moral, em que os espaços públicospassam a ser lidos como Terra de ninguém. Uma questão difícil para ser enfrentada pelas novas gerações, que estão sendo educadas diante da proliferação dos espaços privatizados e autonomizados. Mas, sobretudo, perante uma falta de reconhecimentodo espaço públicocomo um espaço necessário de convíveo e das trocas humanas, como ummeio o Estado de violência, medo e insegurança nas nossas cidades...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Experimentation in Science Education is used since the beginning of 19th century and has it origins linked to the laboratory classes realized in the universities. This classes used, and in many cases, still using the Scientific Method initially purposed by Descartes in 18th century for the construction of scientific knowledge. One of the allegations is that the method would be the fast stand the cheapest to generating scientific information, although, it is based on the empiricism-positivism, which considers that all people have the same learning skill and they can start from the same spot. Through this paper, is not intended to contest the scientific methodology, or even its importance in science history, but just try to identify and describe other possibilities in using of the teaching laboratory, which can make the learning easier for a much higher number of students, contemplating different cognitive capabilities and generating a better scientific knowledge learning and its transfer to practical situations in life, besides, they can provide more significant learnings. Over the text, four different purposes will be presented, which depart from the laboratory use for theory evidence, incapable to make students use the learned knowledge outside the school, until that which develops in the students capabilities to scientifically argue about their day to day themes


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The profile of students has changed a lot, mainly due to the advent of new technologies, which in attractiveness has attracted the attention of students, and becoming a difficulty the teacher to attract the attention of the student to class. In this sense, it is needed reformulations in pedagogical practice so that the student's attention turns to science, arousing their curiosity. Thus, in Chemistry and Science Teaching, and lectures must encourage discussions about science, and one of the possible ways to insert dynamic classes is by inserting the trial. Thus, this present course conclusion work aims at presenting and discussing the ways in which Experimentation in Chemistry and Science Teaching has been applied in classrooms, the difficulties of its implementation as a teaching methodology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use depending on the type of approach, training teachers, among other factors