956 resultados para Exotic specie
Bemisia tabaci is one of the most important global agricultural insect pests, being a vector of emerging plant viruses such as begomoviruses and criniviruses that cause serious problems in many countries. Although knowledge of the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations is important for controlling this pest and understanding viral epidemics, limited information is available on this pest in Brazil. A survey was conducted in different locations of São Paulo and Mato Grosso states, and the phylogenetic relationships of B. tabaci individuals from 43 populations sampled from different hosts were analysed based on partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (mtCOI) sequences. According to the recently proposed classification of the B. tabaci complex, which employs the 3.5% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold for species demarcation, most of the specimens collected were found to belong to the Middle East-Asia Minor 1 species, which includes the invasive populations of the commonly known B biotype, within the Africa/Middle East/Asia Minor high-level group. Three specimens collected from Solanun gilo and Ipomoea sp. were grouped together and could be classified in the New World species that includes the commonly known A biotype. However, six specimens collected from Euphorbia heterophylla, Xanthium cavanillesii and Glycine maxima could not be classified into any of the 28 previously proposed species, although according to the 11% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold, they belong to the New World high-level group. These specimens were classified into a new recently proposed species named New World 2 that includes populations from Argentina. Middle East-Asia Minor 1, New World and New World 2 were differentiated by RFLP analysis of the mtCOI gene using TaqI enzyme. Taq I analysis in silico also differentiates these from Mediterranean species, thus making this method a convenient tool to determine population dynamics, especially critical for monitoring the presence of this exotic pest in Brazil. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH.
Four species of green lacewings occur in Brazil, of which Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) exhibits the widest geographical distribution. Chrysoperla externa is a predatory insect that is potentially useful as a biological control agent of agricultural pests. Studies on the genetic diversity of lacewing populations are essential to reduce the environmental and economic harm that may be caused by organisms with a low ability to adapt to the adverse and/or different environmental conditions to which they are exposed. We used the cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial gene as a molecular marker to investigate the genetic diversity of green lacewing species collected from native and agroecosystem environments. Populations derived from native areas showed higher rates of genetic variability compared to populations from agroecosystems. Demographic changes in the form of population expansion were observed in agroecosystems, whereas populations in the native environment appeared stable over time. A statistical analysis showed significant genetic structure between each of the sampled groups, combined with its complete absence within each group, corroborating each group's identity. We infer that the loss of variability exhibited by populations from the agroecosystems is the result of genetic drift by means of the founder effect, a similar effect that has been observed in other introduced populations. Agroecosystems might therefore function as exotic areas for green lacewings, even when these areas are within the normal range of the species. © 2012 Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil.
In a model with B - L gauge symmetry, right-handed neutrinos may have exotic local B - L charge assignments: two of them with B - L = -4 and the other one having B - L = 5. Then, it is natural to accommodate the right-handed neutrinos with the same B - L charge in a doublet of the discrete S3 symmetry, and the third one in a singlet. If the Yukawa interactions involving right-handed neutrinos are invariant under S3, the quasi-Dirac neutrino scheme arises naturally in this model. However, we will show how in this scheme it is possible to give a value for θ13 in agreement with the Daya Bay results. For example the S3 symmetry has to be broken in the Yukawa interactions involving right-handed charged leptons. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Habitat fragmentation is the main cause of biodiversity loss, as remnant fragments are exposed to negative influences that include edge effects, prevention of migration, declines in effective population sizes, loss of genetic variability and invasion of exotic species. The Drosophilidae (Diptera), especially species of the genus Drosophila, which are highly sensitive to environmental variation, have been used as bioindicators. A twelve-month field study was conducted to evaluate the abundance and richness of drosophilids in an edge-interior transect in a fragment of semideciduous forest in São Paulo State, Brazil. One objective of the study was to evaluate the applied methodology with respect to its potential use in future studies addressing the monitoring and conservation of threatened areas. The species abundance along the transect showed a clear gradient, with species associated with disturbed environments, such as Drosophila simulans, Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis and Zaprionus indianus, being collected at the fragment edge and the species D. willistoni and D. mediostriata being found in the fragment's interior. Replacement of these species occurred at approximately 60 meters from the edge, which may be a reflection of edge effects on species abundance and richness because the species found within the habitat fragment are more sensitive to variations in temperature and humidity than those sampled near the edge. The results support the use of this methodology in studies on environmental impacts. © 2013 Penariol and Madi-Ravazzi; licensee Springer.
The paca (Cuniculus paca) is the second largest rodent of the Brazilian fauna. The excellent meat quality of this specie encourages the development of their commercial production. Moreover, this animal can become a viable alternative for animal experimentation although there exists scarce detailed information concerning their morphology. Therefore the purpose of this study is to describe the morphology, morphometry and ultrastructure in segments of the cranial and caudal portions of vena cava in four adult males and females of Cuniculus paca from the squad of Wild Animals Sector of Animal Science Department of FCAV-Unesp. Parts of the segments were examined by light microscopy and part by scanning electron microscopy. Thickness measures of the tunica intima and media complex and tunica adventitia of the vena cava were taken and analyzed using T test (p<0.05). In vena cava the thickness values of the intima, media and adventitia, for all animals, were significantly higher in the cranial segment. The layers of the vessel walls showed variations in structure and thickness, presumably due to an adaptation to functional demand.
The present study presents a taxonomic review of Palaeolimnadiopsis suarezi Mezzalira described in Bauru Group. The geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the genus Palaeolimnadiopsis is widespread, including occurrences in several countries as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, USA, Congo, China, Australia, Tasmania, Russia, Germany, Scottland, France and Belgium, in rocks from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. This taxon was probably eurytopic, with a high dispersal potential and very conservative in evolution. One specimen identified as Palaeolimnadiopsis sp. is much larger than the average (~3.5 cm long), presenting relatively wide and few growth bands. The gigantism of this specie may be related to conditions that excluded potential predators and competitors from the environment, as is indicated by the presence of more saline and/or alkaline water conditions than in normal fresh water suggested a relatively high proportion of carbonates in that region and stratigraphic interval. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.
Inquiries about cryptossporidiosis are essential because its zoonotic potential and pathogenicity in pets and production animals. The horse can be involved in the transmission of the infection by Cryptosporidium and can have an epidemiological role in this disease. The great possibility of adquiring this protozoan, justify the importance of attempting against for the occurrence of this illness. The aim of this article was to demonstrated through literature revision, some epidemiological aspects of the cryptosporidiosis in the equine specie.
We compared the artisanal fisheries, in terms of catch strategies, productivity, and gross per capita income, at two reservoirs: The Barra Bonita (an eutrophic reservoir with some introduced species), and the Jurumirim (an oligotrophic reservoir, with no introduced species). Published data and structured interviews with fishers were used to evaluate fishing activity, fish biomass, and the financial performance of the fisheries. In the Barra Bonita Reservoir we analysed data from 745 fishing trips, from which 86,691.9 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 62.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was tilapia (71,513.5 kg; CPUE of 51.5 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 82.5% of the biomass caught. In the Jurumirim Reservoir, we analysed data from 2,401 fishing trips, from which 25,093.6 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 10.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was traíra (6,158.6 kg; CPUE of 2.6 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 24.5% of the biomass caught. Ordination analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a difference in composition between the fishing reservoirs and ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in fish production between the reservoirs. A Student's t-test showed that fishers in the Barra Bonita Reservoir had a significantly higher gross per capita income than those from the Jurumirim Reservoir. Although the Barra Bonita Reservoir has a higher fish production and the fishers earn a higher gross per capita income, we recommend the Jurumirim Reservoir as a model for artisanal fishery management because fishing activity in this reservoir is viable in the long term and such a model would promote conservation and sustainability. This contrasts with the Barra Bonita Reservoir, in which the fishery is not viable in the long term, due to environmental problems caused by artificial eutrophication and the introduction of alien species. It is also noted that in many countries, management of fisheries based on exotic species has not been viable in the long term. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The cytological exam is a practical diagnostic aplication which allows the detection of inflammatory, proliferative and infectious disturbances. In the present study, the results of cytological exams during six years were evaluated, determining the most common type of disorder (inflammatory, infectious, proliferative). Epidemiological aspects such as species, breed, sex and age were taken into account. 270 reviews were evaluated and the prevalence was neoplasms (53%). The canine specie was the most observed, with 92% of cases. Females totaled 53%. The age ranged from one to 17 years and the interval of six to 10 years was most observed (40% of cases). The round cell neoplasms were the most prevalent, followed by breast neoformations.
Four different assays (the Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH, enzymatic method, and inhibitory activity on lipid peroxidation) based on radically different physicochemical principles and normally used to determine the antioxidant activity of food have been confronted and utilized to investigate the antioxidant activity of fruits originated from Brazil, with particular attention to more exotic and less-studied species (jurubeba, Solanum paniculatum; pequi, Caryocar brasiliense; pitaya, Hylocereus undatus; siriguela, Spondias purpurea; umbu, Spondias tuberosa) in order to (i) verify the correlations between results obtained by the different assays, with the final purpose to obtain more reliable results avoiding possible measuring-method linked mistakes and (ii) individuate the more active fruit species. As expected, the different methods give different responses, depending on the specific assay reaction. Anyhow all results indicate high antioxidant properties for siriguela and jurubeba and poor values for pitaya, umbu, and pequi. Considering that no marked difference of ascorbic acid content has been detected among the different fruits, experimental data suggest that antioxidant activities of the investigated Brazilian fruits are poorly correlated with this molecule, principally depending on their total polyphenolic content. © 2013 Elena Gregoris et al.
The physiological control to support the absence of O2 for long periods of diving, and oxidative damage impact caused by the whole process of hypoxia/reperfusion in freshwater turtles is well known. However, effects of contaminants may act as co-varying stressors and cause biological damage, disrupting the hypoxia/reperfusion oxidative damage control. In order to investigate the action of environmental stressors present in domestic or industrial wastewater effluent, we performed a biochemical analysis of biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress, as well as neuromuscular, physiological and morphological parameters in Phrynops geoffroanus, an hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle endemic of South America, using animals sampled in urban area, contaminated by sewage and industrial effluents and animals sampled in control area. Here we demonstrate the physiological and biochemical impact caused by pollution, and the effect that these changes cause in antioxidant activity. Animals from the urban area exhibited higher EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, CYP1A1), GST (glutathione S-transferase), G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogenase), AChE (acetilcholinesterase) activities and also TEAC (trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity) and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values. We examined whether two morphometric indices (K - condition factor and HIS - hepatosomatic index) which help in assessing the general condition and possible liver disease, respectively, were modified. The K of the urban animals was significantly decreased compared to the control animals, but the HIS value was increased in animals from the urban area, supporting the idea of an impact in physiology and life quality in the urban freshwater turtles. We propose that this freshwater turtle specie have the ability to enhance its antioxidants defenses in order to protect from tissue damage caused by hypoxia and reperfusion, but also that caused by environmental contamination and that the oxidative damage control in hypoxic conditions has resulted in an adaptive condition in hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle species, in order to better tolerate the release of contaminated effluents resulting from human activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA