949 resultados para Eucalipto - Espaçamento
The need to reduce environmental damage and add value to waste causes more and more new alternatives appear to unite these two points. One of the main ways to achieve this in timber industries and the use of waste for making panels. This work was aimed at studying the influence of particle size and density in Eucalyptus mechanical compressive strength of cement composite wood. For this study was performed production and physico-mechanical characterization of specimens, using portland cement, water and waste eucalyptus. The methodology consists of a statistical study of the results obtained by calculating the density and axial compression tests and a subsequent comparison of these results with other studies. The results showed that there are significant differences in density and compressive strength when using different particle sizes the particles of eucalyptus. In general, the smaller the particle size, the lower the compression strength and the greater the density when the samples are produced with the same trait
The study of physical and mechanical properties of wood is essential for its structural use and it is of great importance to the construction industry. Thus, this study aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the wood Amaru - a hybrid of Eucalyptus, developed by Plantar Projects and Forest Products Ltda. In order to determine the properties of Amaru, round samples were used, which were provided to the Laboratory of Wood and Wooden Structures of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo - LaMEM / EESC / USP. For the characterization of the physical properties, the apparent specific gravity and moisture content of the samples were determined. To the mechanical characterization, the following properties were evaluated: strength and stiffness in compression, strength and stiffness in bending, shear and tension. The procedures of the tests performed in this study were done according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Wood Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. The specimen used were confectioned in actual dimensions, according to as those used in the construction system proposed by Plantar. The results obtained from the tests performed showed that the mechanical properties approached the values proposed by the Wood Standard NBR 7190. The visual grading was important to provide a primary idea about the failure modes to be obtained from the tests performed. The bending test showed the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Modulus of Rupture (MOR), which resulted in 15822 MPa and 101,7 MPa, respectively. The compression test resulted in values Ec0,m and fc0, 15698 MPa and 50,7 MPa. The tensile strength (ft0) of this hybrid was calculated and its value obtained was 60,8 MPa. The shear strength (fv0) was 8,2 MPa. The results obtained from the tests are the basis for engineers and architects to design structures using wood species Amaru
The wood of the gender Eucalyptus occupies a prominence place in relation to other cellulose sources, due to its chemical composition, its low cost, abundance and availability. The dissolving pulp obtaining occurs basically starting from three stages: prehydrolysis of the wood following by cooking and finally by the bleaching process. In the dissolving pulp production is necessary a pretreatment stage for the hemicelluloses removal. Among the chemical cooking processes, the Kraft process is the most used for cellulosic pulps production starting from eucalyptus, in the additive presence or not. The anthraquinone uses in the pulping process has as main purposes increasing the delignification rate as well as protecting the pulp regarding the degradation of the polysaccharide chains. The ECF bleaching process consists of the purification of the pulp through bleaching agents, being excepted the elementary chlorine. The dissolving pulp is a pulp of high a-cellulose content and purity destined to the cellulose derivatives production as carboxymethyl cellulose, nitrocellulose and microcrystalline cellulose. The production of a certain product, as well as its final application, is determined by the chemical properties of the pulp. The present work had as purpose producing cellulosic pulp with kappa number around 9 destined to the production of dissolving pulp in way to evaluate the use of the anthraquinone (AQ) in the Kraft process according to the chemical properties of the obtained pulps. It has been still intended developing an effective technology of bleaching for the high purity and quality dissolving pulp production. The prehydrolysis was accomplished in laboratory rotational autoclave for 30 minutes at 170ºC in the water:wood rate 3,5:1 (L:kg). The Kraft/AQ pulping were accomplished in laboratory rotational autoclave being initially modified the active alkali load (10, 13, 16 and 19%) at sulfidity of 25% ...
Uma das principais alterações ambientais decorrentes da ação antrópica é o efeito de borda, consequência direta da fragmentação, que altera condições microclimáticas nas bordas dos fragmentos. Este processo afeta a biodiversidade, interferindo na dinâmica das comunidades, tanto vegetais, quanto animais, alterando a composição e a estrutura das comunidades. Através da utilização de bioindicadores é possível compreender como alterações nos hábitats interferem nas comunidades locais, ou em processos ecológicos essenciais para a manutenção do ecossistema e da biodiversidade local ou regional. Devido à grande riqueza, abundância e importância em diversos processos ecológicos, como por exemplo, dispersão de sementes e ciclagem de nutrientes, as formigas têm sido utilizadas como indicadores ambientais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar como as comunidades de formigas de fragmentos de cerrado respondem ao efeito de borda, especificamente se essa resposta ocorre de forma gradiente ou hábitat-matriz (formigas não estão presentes na borda). Também foi analisado se o tipo de matriz adjacente influencia nessas respostas observadas em 15 paisagens de cerrado circundadas por matrizes de pasto, cana-de-açúcar e eucalipto onde se utilizou armadilhas de queda ao longo de transectos posicionados tanto dentro como fora dos fragmentos. Para a riqueza total de formigas o modelo hábitat-matriz com interferência da matriz foi o que melhor explicou a distribuição. Os modelos que melhor explicaram a riqueza e abundância dos grupos funcionais variaram consideravelmente, o que evidencia a importância de buscar modelos mais complexos (modelo gradiente) que expliquem tanto as respostas mais simples (hábitat-matriz)como as mais multíplices. As comunidades analisadas apresentam diferentes funções dentro do hábitat e das matrizes, dessa forma participam de vários processos ecológicos sendo assim bons indicadores...
O presente trabalho consiste em demonstrar valores referentes ao conforto ambiental de dois modelos construtivos, sendo o primeiro um edifício já executado e o outro em fase de implantação, ambos no Campus Experimental de Itapeva, aplicando alguns conceitos em habitação mais sustentáveis de madeira na região de Itapeva, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A edificação construída sedia duas salas de aula a partir da tipologia construtiva wood frame, constituída basicamente de paredes autoportantes compostas de ossatura de madeira tratada de pinus.sp, chapas estruturais em OSB, manta de isolamento térmico/acústico e fechamento interno e externo, respectivamente em gesso e sidding (lambris de madeira). A habitação em fase de início de implantação foi idealizada a partir da tipologia construtiva log-home, e atenderá a necessidade de espaço físico para abrigar o Centro Acadêmico e a empresa-júnior “PROMAD”, ambos do curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira do Campus Experimental da UNESP/Itapeva. Esta construção foi elaborada a partir de técnicas de baixo impacto ambiental, levando em consideração os resultados de análise térmica obtidos na edificação anterior. Em ambos modelos construtivos foram empregados recursos renováveis abundantes na região, como a madeira de reflorestamento de Pinus e de Eucalipto. Foi acrescentado ainda ao segundo modelo a utilização de resíduos industriais lignocelulósicos, como rolete de laminação e outros materiais locais disponíveis. A metodologia básica empregada para a obtenção de dados sobre o conforto térmico em relação as edificações foi, para o primeiro caso, a coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade utilizando um termo-higrômetro, a sistematização e análise de dados reais obtidos no interior da edificação. No segundo caso, o dimensionamento do conforto térmico... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
With the growing world energy demand mainly from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China, the search for efficient sources of energy becomes a challenge for the coming years. Among the most widely used alternative sources, biomass is the one that grows in a more pronounced way. This study will assess the real possibility of having it as a heat source in an Organic Rankine Cycle, which employ heat transfer fluids as working fluids instead of water. From a regional data collection in agricultural production and their potential rice production and the resulting husk was defined as more appropriate. The availability of husks together with an amount of eucalyptus wood, provided by a company in the region on a monthly basis, were analyzed, and the low participation of the wood was discarded by the thermal contribution of little significance. Based on this, it was established the calorific value of fuel for thermodynamic calculations and the cycle to be used. It was then carried out the choice of working fluid from the literature and their availability in the library of software used for the simulations, the Engineering Equation Solver - ESS. The fluid most appropriate for the burning of biomass, Octamethyltrisiloxane (OMTS), was not included in the software and so the R227ea and R134a were selected. After the initial parameters modeling definition, as condensing temperature, efficiency and live steam conditions, the simulations were performed, and only the R227ea remained within the feasible thermodynamic and technological ranges. With this fluid the turbine power output was 265.7 [kW] for a scenario of 24 hours/day burning, 800.3 [kW] to biomass burning for 8 hours/day and 2134 [kW] for burning only 3 hours/day. The thermal efficiency of the cycle remained in the range of 6%, and for plants operating with the most... (Complete Abstract click eletronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The steady increase in the price of oil and its derivatives, carbon credits, the concern with the environment combined with the precipitation of rain water and lack of water resources that Brazil has suffered in 2014 caused a migration of participation sources of energy in the Brazilian energy matrix. The hydropower sector suffered big drop at 2013 and is suffering so far, contributing thus to the generation and cogeneration of thermal energy using renewable energy sources such as: sugarcane bagasse, wood chips, rice husks, among others. The selling price of the electricity market reached the level of R$ 807, 00 MWh in January 2014 (Source: ANEEL), heating the Brazilian thermoelectric sector. Although thermoelectric use in bulk water as vaporizing fluid to produce electricity and use in various processes, water reuse plans have become an important factor in these industries. The increased use of biomass has been the bagasse which is allied to the sugarcane sector, strong market in Brazil, and consists basically use the rest of sugar cane, sugarcane industries that would play out. The sugar and ethanol industry is very unstable and only lasts for 6-8 months a year, and the remaining time in the period known as between crop that corresponds to the planting and harvesting of sugarcane and then enter the period of vintage which is the constant cane harvesting and crushing it. This instability of the market and the thermoelectric idle period leads the thermoelectric industries to seek other sources of renewable energy, such as wood chips (pine, Eucalyptus, Orange), rice husk, sorghum among others, to not be dependent on alcohol sector. The present work aims to study the use of wood chips as an alternative biomass for burning a fuel that essentially uses bagasse, the thermoelectric in question consists of two boilers that produce together 350 t / h ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA