977 resultados para Estrutura urbana
The fauna of Brazilian reef fishes comprises approximately 320 species distributed along the coast of the mainland and islands ocean. Little is known about the levels of connectivity between their populations, but has been given the interest in the relations between the offshore and the islands of the Brazil, in a biogeographical perspective. The oceanic islands Brazilian hosting a considerable number of endemic species, which are locally abundant, and divide a substantial portion of its reef fish fauna with the Western Atlantic. Among the richest families of reef fish in species are Pomacentridae. This study analyzed through analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop), the standards-breeding population of C. Multilineata in different areas of the NE coast of Brazil, involving both oceanic islands (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and of St. Peter and St. Paul) and continental shelf (RN and BA). To this aim, partial sequences were used in the region HVR1 of mtDNA (312pb). The population structure and parameters for the estimates of genetic variability, molecular variance (AMOVA), estimation of the index for fixing (FST) and number of migrants were determined. The phylogenetic relationships between the populations were estimated using neighbor-joining (NJ) method. A group of Bayesian analysis was used to verify population structure, according to haplotype frequency of each individual. The genetic variability of populations was extremely high. The populations sampled show moderate genetic structure, with a higher degree of genetic divergence being observed for the sample of the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. At smaller geographical scale, the sample of Rio Grande do Norte and the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha do not have genetic differentiation. Three moderately differentiated population groups were identified: a population group (I), formed by the Rio Grande do Norte (I') and the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (I''), and two other different groups formed by the island population of the archipelago of Saint Peter and St. Paul (II) and Bahia (III). The genetic patterns found suggest that the species has suffered a relatively recent radiation favoring the absence of shared haplotypes. C. multilineata seems to constitute a relatively homogenous population along the West Atlantic coast, with evidence of a moderate population genetic structure in relation to the Archipelago of St. Peter and St. Paul. These data supports the importance of the dispersal larvae by marine current and the interpopulation similarity this species.
Gossypium mustelinum Miers ex Watt is the only cotton species native from Brazil. It is endemic of the semi-arid region from North-east of the country, where it occur near from resilient water sources. The threats to the in situ conservation of the populations are caused by human interference in its habitat, mainly by excessive cattle graze and deforestation. Establish efficient strategies of in situ conservation depend on the accomplishment of a diagnosis of how the specie is found in its natural environment, and the knowledge about the genetic structure of the populations. The objectives of this work were i) to determine the in situ conditions of two populations present in rivers from basin of Rio Paraguaçu at the Bahia State, ii) to evaluate the structure and genetic variability presented in both populations, iii) to establish in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. It were realized collection in november 2007, when was realized in situ characterization of G. mustelinum. SSR markers were used for analyze 218 genotypes deriving from two populations of the G. mustelinum, localized at Tocó river and the Capivara river. The allelic frequencies, the heterozigosity and the F statics were estimated. All the plants were classified as wild and natives, and there was no evidence of the use the plants or its parts. The populations showed different conservation conditions in situ. Few plantlets were found in sites with excessive cattle feed, an indication that the damages in young plants should be high enough to compromise the renovation of the populations. On the other hand, populations were well preserved when the anthropic damages was low or inexistent. The 14 SSR primer pairs amplified 17 loci with a medium number of 5 alleles per locus (a total of 85 alleles). The high level of endogamy estimated (FIS=0,808) and the low observed heterozygosity (H0=0,093) were indicatives that the populations reproduce mainly by selfing, geitonogamy and crosses between related individuals. The genetic diversity was high (HE=0,482) and the differentiation between the populations was very high (FST=0,328). At least two sites from both populations of G. mustelinum must be preserved to achieve suitable in situ conservation. Actions that preserve the gallery forest and keep the cattle away should implemented, and could be as simple as erecting a fence. It is not possible anticipated if the in situ preservation will be possible. Therefore collections and ex situ preservation of representative specimens are essential to conserve the genetic diversity of native G. mustelinum
The gray mold, causal organism Amphobotrys ricini, is one of the major diseases of castor bean. Difficulties in managing plant disease arises form the limited understanding of the genetic structure of A. ricini, their complexity and variability make it difficult to control. Genetic structure can be used to infer the relative impact of different forces that influence the evolution of pathogen populations, that allow to predict the potencial for pathogen populations to envolve in agricultural ecosystems. Growers protect their crop by applying fungicides, but there aren t fungicides to provide significant control of gray mold of castor bean. The objectives of this work were use RAPD to determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba and assay the sensitivity of A. ricini isolates to azoxystrobin and carbendazim. To determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba, 23 isolates were colleted from two different geographic location (subpopulation). These isolates were analysed by RAPD using 22 random decamer primers, purchased from OPERON, produced a total of 80 markers polimorphics. The resulting matrixes were analysed using PopGene version 1.32. Sensitivity to azoxystrobin and carbendazim of 30 isolates, colleted form Paraíba and Alagoas, was estimated based on spore germination and colony growth inhibition. The stock solutions were added toV8 medium after sterilization to produce final concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 µg/ml of carbendazim and 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 µg/ml of azoxystrobin. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS to estimate the dose that inhibited fungal growth by 50% (ED50 values). The genetic diversity within subpopulations (Hs=0,271) accounted for 92% of the total genetic diversity (Ht=0,293), while genetic diversity between subpopulations (Gst = 0,075) represented only 7,5%. The estimated number of migrants per generation (NM ) was 6,15. Nei s average gene identity across 80 RAPD loci was 0,9468. Individual ED50 values, for the 30 isolates screened for their sensitivity to azoxystrobin, ranged From a maximum of 0,168 µg/ml to a minimum of 0,0036 µg/ml. The ED50 values for carbendazim varied within the range of 0,026 to 0,316 µg/ml
The present work regards, as its subject, the management of the urban space. It aims to survey the role assumed by the Conselho de Intendência Municipal de Natal (Municipal Stewardship Council of Natal) in the formation of a new urban order between the years of 1904 and 1929. For a better comprehension of the object of research, the milestone of the time span analyzed in this work was receded to the year of 1890, specifically at the first chapter of this dissertation. In this chapter, we will turn our attention towards an analysis of the referred council, on the regulation of its operation, the relations of this institution with the state government and its mechanisms of action in the city, among other topics. In the next chapter, we will delve into an elite who administrated the city of Natal during the first republic, understanding that the analysis of the formation of a modern city project by the Municipal Stewardship undergoes the comprehension of those who leaded this institution. In the third chapter, we will examine the limits of the municipal management to put into practice its projects to the upraise of a new Natal, between the years of 1904 and 1921. The last chapter, on its turn, presents a new Stewardship, reformulated after a process of administrative streamlining, and a city that transforms itself, especially during the O Grady tenure by receiving major constructions, which alter its main features. We will regard, as the main resources of this study, articles from the daily newspapers A República (The Republic) and Diário de Natal (Daily Natal), dictums, announcements, laws, state decrees and the messages disclosed by the state government. To build a way of analysis, we make use of authors such as Anthony Giddens, Peter Burke and Laurent Vidal, among many others who discuss concepts related to the proposed theme
This piece wants to investigate the relations between gender identities and the toponymy in Caicó city. To do so, we will discuss the reason why places are named, the practice of naming places, so as the process of choosing the names of neighborhoods, streets and city public squares. Thereby, we will investigate the space changes in Caicó city since its formation, as a village, until the decade of 1970. This period of time was chosen in order to discuss the toponymic process of the city, besides having noticed that public places and locations in Caico with the feminine nominations only appear from the second half of the 60s decade and in the beginning of the 70s. This way, we preferred to investigate who were the first Caicó women to have their names in the urban space; why women only begin to have homage from the decade of the 60s on; what is the importance and the location of the places with feminine names; and what gender image is there on this homage
The objective of this scientific work was to evaluate the tillering and mass production of Brachiaria brizantha Piatã and Marandu grasses with two statures of post-grazing. The experimental lineation was in factorial arrangement (2 pastures x 2 residue stature) with subplots (grazing cycle). The experimental period was from March to October of 2012. The target stature on pre-grazing was 50 cm and on post-grazing 15 and 25 for each cultivar. The following variables were analyzed: tiller population density, forage mass, morphological components, accumulation and accumulation rate. Three grazing cycles were obtained. Marandu grass presented larger forage mass on pre-grazing and lower stem production than piatã grass. No difference was observed between the two cultivars regarding the leaf blade production. There was no difference on forage mass, leaf blade, stem, and dead material production between the two statures of post-grazing. The pastures managed at 25 cm presented accumulation rate compared to those with 15 cm. Concerning the accumulation rate on the two cultivars, piatã and marandu grasses, Marandu grass presented higher amount than the piatã grass, and also presented higher values on the rate of basal tiller appearing on 15 cm stature post-pasture feature. Piatã grass managed at 25 cm developed smaller tiller amount on the second generation and greater tiller amount on the third generation than marandu grass. The greater tiller population density was observed on 25cm post-grazing pastures. There was no statistical difference of density between the two cultivars and between the cycles. Accordingly, it is concluded that piatã and marandu cultivars can be managed with 15cm and 25 cm post-grazing statures
As part of a broader project, Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Floristic and Faunistic composition of remnants of Potiguar s Atlantic Forest, as subsidies to conservation , that subsidizes a group of institutional research, This study aimed to evaluate the structure of the assemblage of lizards a remnant of the of the northern Atlantic Forest, identifying ecological factor (s) that contribute to the coexistence of sympatric species. Additionally, we studied the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of umbrophily and heliophily species live the Parque Estadual Mata da Pipa (PEMP), a remnant of Atlantic forest located in the Tibau do Sul municipality of, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. It is one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest and has an area of approximately 290 ha. The study was performed by four excursions to the field for 20 days each, when active search and pitfalls traps were used to record and colleted specimens in different habitats of the area. We recorded the presence of 19 species of lizards, of which seven are typical of forest areas, three are endemic Atlantic Forest, these two northern and one are new record for the Rio Grande do Norte. The use of resources, the results showed that phylogenetically related species do not always use a similar way the resources available; the feeding niche was the segregated component of the species that overlapped extensively in the use of space and vice versa. To examine the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of Kentropyx calcarata and Coleodactylus natalensis, we recorded the clocal temperature (Tc), oh the substrate (Ts) and of the air (Ta) to investigate what of these are the source of heat more important to the temperature s body of these lizards. Behavioral observations were conducted to analyze strategies to optimize the acquisition of heat. The air temperature explained most strongly to variation in body temperature of K. calcarata, while the temperature of the substrate to C. natalensis. As for the behavioral observations, they confirmed that K. calcarata is an active thermoregulatory; C. natalensis is a passive thermoregulatory.
Neste trabalho foi realizada a caracterização mecânica e microestrutural de um aço microligado com estrutura multifásica. Foi aplicado tratamento térmico pré-determinado, objetivando a formação de uma microestrutura multifásica no material. Na caracterização microestrutural foram utilizados ataques químicos à base de metabissulfito de sódio e ácido pícrico, enquanto a caracterização mecânica foi realizada através de ensaios de tração. Os resultados demonstram o elevado potencial dos aços multifásicos em aplicações que necessitem de valores superiores de resistência e ductilidade, pois tanto para temperatura isotérmica de 400ºC quanto para 350ºC houve um ganho no limite de resistência à tração ficando em torno de 786MPa e 773MPa respectivamente, representando um aumento de 15,5% e 13,6% com relação ao material fornecido.
Although there are many studies on urban dust contamination by heavy metals in developed countries, little attention has been paid to this type of study in developing countries, including Brazil. Therefore, a series of investigations were performed to provide signatures of heavy metals in urban dust and assess the potential sources in the city of Natal - RN-Brazil. The fraction of these sediments was studied to pass through a sieve of 63 micrometers. For the study analyzed two groups of samples, one collected in September 2009 at the end of the rainy season (9 samples) and one collected in January 2010 in the dry season (21 samples). So in all, thirty sediment samples were collected from the street. Then, in Fluorescence Spectrometry X-rays were determined major elements SiO2, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, MgO, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, TiO2 and CaO, and trace Rb, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr and Pb by an ICPOES was determined Zn, V, Na, K, Ni, Mn, Mg, P, Fe, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ba, Ca and Al from leaching HCl 0.5 mol L-1 . The results of the concentrations of elements show that the greater presence of these occurs in the dry season, except for Si which is higher in the rainy season. Analyses by geoaccumulation Index (IGEO) Enrichment Factor (EF), Contamination Factor (CF), analysis correlation and Hierarchical Cluster, confirm that Zn, Cu and Pb is anthropogenic character. Zinc may be derived from various sources related to motor vehicles or the road signs and street grids. The elements Na, K, Mg and Ca may be related to droplets suspended in air containing cations and anions present in seawater (salty), common in Christmas throughout the year, brought by winds SE-NW. The elements Na, Mg, Ca and K are the most abundant in seawater and were analyzed in this study. This indicates that the source of these additional elements detected by analyzing the contamination factor may be the very sea. Moreover, Ni, Fe, Cr and Ba can be either as a source of anthropogenic geogênica. The source of Ca is different, because it comes in lime and paint (painting guides of buildings and streets) in construction materials, but may also be present in sediments in the fragments of shells or carbonate bioclasts common in the coastal area
This work reports the synthesis of zeolites with different compositions (pure silica, Si/Ti and Si/Al), via hydroxide and fluoride medium using the cation 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium as structure directing agent. Initially, the cation was synthesized in chloride form and used for the synthesis in hydroxide medium. An anion-exchange (Cl- for OH-) was required for the synthesis in fluoride medium. Different reactants were used for the formation of gels synthesis, resulting in the crystallization of MFI and TON phases, the latter predominant in many compositions. The cation and synthesized zeolites obtained were characterized by different techniques such as NMR, TG/DTG, XRD, SEM, N2 adsorption and desorption, DRS and EPMA. Besides characterizing the cation and zeolites, the mother liquor of hydroxide synthesis was characterized and it was possible to observe a modification of the cation in the synthesis conditions employed. The materials synthesized in this work can be applied in catalytic reactions and adsorption
Limites e possibilidades da educação em saúde na estratégia de saúde da família de Pau dos Ferros/RN
A Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) apresenta-se como um espaço privilegiado para a efetivação de práticas de educação em saúde orientadas pelo diálogo entre o saber científico e o saber popular, uma vez que é nesse espaço de saúde que profissionais e indivíduos/família se interrelacionam, criam vínculos, dialogam e constroem soluções para o enfrentamento dos problemas de saúde da população. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar os limites e as possibilidades de efetivação da educação em saúde voltada para a coletividade na ESF de Pau dos Ferros/RN. Nesse sentido, buscou-se conhecer as concepções de educação em saúde dos profissionais de nível universitário da ESF; observar onde as práticas de educação eram desenvolvidas; conhecer os conteúdos e metodologias utilizadas para a efetivação das práticas de educação em saúde e caracterizar os espaços onde tais práticas eram desenvolvidas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo-exploratório realizada junto a nove equipes localizadas na zona urbana do município. Foram investigados 28 profissionais que atuam nessas equipes, dentre os quais elencamos: quatro médicos, oito enfermeiros e dezesseis cirurgiões dentistas. Fez-se uso da entrevista semiestruturada e da observação baseada em princípios etnográficos. Os dados foram analisados com base na técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin. O estudo obedeceu aos aspectos éticos contidos na Resolução 196/96 que regulamenta as Pesquisas Envolvendo Seres Humanos. Os resultados apontam que as concepções e práticas de educação em saúde dos profissionais da ESF são orientadas por uma educação bancária , pautadas pela transmissão e reprodução de conhecimentos. As temáticas são desenvolvidas de forma verticalizada, dissonantes da realidade de vida e saúde dos usuários. As práticas educativas são ofertadas majoritariamente por enfermeiros e estudantes de graduação em estágio na USF. Em sua maioria não são planejadas em equipe, e estão direcionadas à prevenção de doenças, distanciando-se da promoção da saúde. As principais dificuldades apontadas para a efetivação da educação em saúde dizem respeito à dificuldade de trabalhar em equipe, à falta de apoio da gestão, à estrutura física inadequada e a pouca adesão dos profissionais as práticas educativas. Portanto, a educação em saúde praticada na ESF não consegue instrumentalizar os sujeitos para que estes tenham autonomia e possam tornar-se sujeitos de suas vidas, de sua história. A prática educativa centrada na transmissão de conhecimentos ainda é uma realidade presente na ESF, constituindo-se em um desafio a ser superado
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF
Facing environmental problems the planet appears several alternative preventive and control on behalf of the equation between development and environmental protection. One of the alternatives implemented in Brazil to conservation of biodiversity was the creation of protected natural areas regulated by the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC). This is an integrated study of the Comunication / Environmental Conservation, which prioritizes social participation as a complementary in the conservation process, the particular case of the Dunas do Natal State Park, the first conservation area in Rio Grande do Norte, for full protection. It takes into account the roles environmental, scientific and Park, which harbors a unique biodiversity, including endemic species and the fact being located in an urban area. It proposes the use of two complementary instruments, such as strategies for conservation. Considering the various individual experiences, it was analyzed the perception that the community is directly related to the Park. From this promoted the democratization of information about the park, its biodiversity and conservation. As another conservation tool, it was suggested the use of a flagship species for the park, or a body chosen symbol for environmental or social reasons, in order to protect and conserve certain natural environments, from the understanding and co -community participation. In this case, as proposed flag Coleodactylus natalensis species, the lizard-the-litter, to be endemic remnants of Atlantic Forest Park as having the type locality, be one of the smallest species of the world, South America's lowest-dependent shadow of the forest, sensitive to human action and therefore very vulnerable. This suggestion finds support in the degree of public acceptance that interacts directly with the Park, as a result of the evaluation of their perceptions. It was further observed in this study that this symbology to be used in order to promote the democratization of the Park and its biodiversity has an identification result, curiosity and probable involvement of the population with the issues of the Park
It starts with the understanding that the relationship between society / nature is largely problematic in a context of socio-environmental crisis. In this context, we use the principle of hope to plan and work out new ways of understanding social reality, the relationship between science and alternative knowledge. The research is to investigate how the actors influence the social construction of urban environmental policy of the city of Mossoró / RN with reference to the processes of implementing the Master Plan and Agenda 21 of the municipality. The hypothesis of this research is that the Environmental Policy in Mossley has a normative character that is expressed primarily in the creation of an institutional political framework to manage environmental issues involving so incidental and or functional society participation mossoroense. Thus questioned who are the actors that build environmental policy Mossoró / RN. The specific objectives of this research are: Identify the environmental dimension of the Master Plan Agenda 21 articulated Mossoró / RN mapping information from the managers, engineers and members of the Municipal Environment and Municipal Council of Cities on the operation of urban environmental policy mossoroense and how it is performed by the Manager of Environmental Management in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Territorial Development (SEDETMA) and Executive Management of Urban Development. As a methodology, we used the method of the sociology of absences and emergencies in conjunction with the ecology of knowledge and productivity. It is a qualitative research and documentary, which was used as the Master Plan documents Mossoró / RN, minutes of meetings of boards and complementarity were carried out 12 semi-structured interviews with managers and directors of the Urban Environmental Policy of the Municipality of Mossoró / RN. They used also the social analytical or thematic maps for the translation of the dialogue among social partners, managers and directors who make the Environmental Policy Council. We conclude that these dialogues and experiences point to the construction of an environmental policy more participatory and effective, committed to individual and collective transformation of society mossoroense