960 resultados para Electronic Educational Materials
Dissertação de mestrado em redes e serviços telemáticos
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Polymer based scintillator composites have been fabricated by combining poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles (50nm). PVDF has been used since it is a flexible and stable binder matrix and highly resistance to thermal and light deterioration. Gd2O3:Eu has been selected as scintillator material due to its wide band gap, high density and suitable visible light yield. The structural, mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of the composites were studied as a function of filler content, together with their performance as scintillator material. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles into the PVDF matrix does not influence the morphology of the polymer or the degree of crystallinity. On the other hand, an increase of the Young´s modulus with respect to PVDF matrix is observed for filler contents of 0.1-0.75 wt.%. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu into the PVDF matrix increases dielectric constant and DC electrical conductivity as well as the visible light yield in the nanocomposite, being this increase dependent upon Gd2O3:Eu content and X-ray input power. In this way, Gd2O3:Eu/PVDF composites shows suitable characteristics to be used as X-ray radiation transducers, in particular for large area applications.
Polycrystalline AlN coatings deposited on Ti-electrodes films were sputtered by using nitrogen both as reactive gas and sputtering gas, in order to obtain high purity coatings with appropriate properties to be further integrated into wear resistance coatings as a piezoelectric monitoring wear sensor. The chemical composition, the structure and the morphology of the films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy techniques. These measurements show the formation of highly (101), (102) and (103) oriented AlN films with good piezoelectric and mechanical properties suitable for applications in electronic devices. Through the use of lower nitrogen flow a densification of the AlN coating occurs in the microstructure, with an improvement of the crystallinity along with the increase of the hardness. Thermal stability of aluminum nitride coatings at high temperature was also examined. It was found an improvement of the piezoelectric properties of the highly (10x) oriented AlN films which became c-axis (002) oriented after annealing. The mechanical behavior after heat treatment shows an important enhancement of the surface hardness and Young’s modulus, which decrease rapidly with the increase of the indentation depth until approach constant values close to the substrate properties after annealing. Thus, thermal annealing energy promotes not only the rearrangement of Al–N network, but also the occurrence of a nitriding process of unsaturated Al atoms which cause a surface hardening of the film.
Companies and researchers involved in developing miniaturized electronic devices face the basic problem of the needed batteries size, finite life of time and environmental pollution caused by their final deposition. The current trends to overcome this situation point towards Energy Harvesting technology. These harvesters (or scavengers) store the energy from sources present in the ambient (as wind, solar, electromagnetic, etc) and are costless for us. Piezoelectric devices are the ones that show a higher power density, and materials as ceramic PZT or polymeric PVDF have already demonstrated their ability to act as such energy harvester elements. Combinations between piezoelectric and electromagnetic mechanism have been also extensively investigated. Nevertheless, the power generated by these combinations is limited under the application of small magnetic fields, reducing the performance of the energy harvester [1]. In the last years the appearance of magnetoelectric (ME) devices, in which the piezoelectric deformation is driven by the magnetostrictive element, enables to extract the energy of very small electromagnetic signals through the generated magnetoelectric voltage at the piezoelectric element. However, very little work has been done testing PVDF polymer as piezoelectric constituent of the ME energy harvester device, and only to be proposed as a possibility of application [2]. Among the advantages of using piezopolymers for vibrational energy harvesting we can remember that they are ductile, resilient to shock, deformable and lightweight. In this work we demonstrate the feasibility of using magnetostrictive Fe-rich magnetic amorphous alloys/piezoelectric PVDF sandwich-type laminated ME devices as energy harvesters. A very simple experimental set-up will show how these laminates can extract energy, in amounts of μW, from an external AC field.
Printed electronics represent an alternative solution for the manufacturing of low-temperature and large area flexible electronics. The use of inkjet printing is showing major advantages when compared to other established printing technologies such as, gravure, screen or offset printing, allowing the reduction of manufacturing costs due to its efficient material usage and the direct-writing approach without requirement of any masks. However, several technological restrictions for printed electronics can hinder its application potential, e.g. the device stability under atmospheric or even more stringent conditions. Here, we study the influence of specific mechanical, chemical, and temperature treatments usually appearing in manufacturing processes for textiles on the electrical performance of all-inkjet-printed organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). Therefore, OTFTs where manufactured with silver electrodes, a UV curable dielectric, and 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentance (TIPS-pentacene) as the active semiconductor layer. All the layers were deposited using inkjet printing. After electrical characterization of the printed OTFTs, a simple encapsulation method was applied followed by the degradation study allowing a comparison of the electrical performance of treated and not treated OTFTs. Industrial calendering, dyeing, washing and stentering were selected as typical textile processes and treatment methods for the printed OTFTs. It is shown that the all-inkjet-printed OTFTs fabricated in this work are functional after their submission to the textiles processes but with degradation in the electrical performance, exhibiting higher degradation in the OTFTs with shorter channel lengths (L=10 μm).
Well-dispersed loads of finely powdered metals, metal oxides, several carbon allotropes or nanoclays are incorporated into highly porous polyamide 6 microcapsules in controllable amounts via an original one-step in situ fabrication technique. It is based on activated anionic polymerization (AAP) of ε-caprolactam in a hydrocarbon solvent performed in the presence of the respective micro- or nanosized loads. The forming microcapsules with typical diameters of 25-50 µm entrap up to 40 wt% of load. Their melt processing produces hybrid thermoplastic composites. Mechanical, electric conductivity and magnetic response measurements show that transforming of in situ loaded microcapsules into composites by melt processing (MP) is a facile and rapid method to fabricate materials with high mechanical resistance and electro-magnetic characteristics sufficient for many industrial applications. This novel concept requires low polymerization temperatures, no functionalization or compatibilization of the loads and it is easy to scale up at industrial production levels.
Stress/strain sensors constitute a class of devices with a global ever-growing market thanks to their use in many fields of modern life. They are typically constituted by thin metal foils deposited on flexible supports. However, the low inherent resistivity and limited flexibility of their constituents make them inadequate for several applications, such as measuring large movements in robotic systems and biological tissues. As an alternative to the traditional compounds, in the present work we will show the advantages to employ a smart material, polyaniline (PANI), prepared by an innovative environmentally friendly route, for force/strain sensor applications wherein simple processing, environmental friendliness and sensitivity are particularly required.
Tese de Doutoramento Ciência e Engenharia de Polímeros e Compósitos.
Tese de Doutoramento Engenharia Mecânica
Scientific and technological advancements in the area of fibrous and textile materials have greatly enhanced their application potential in several high-end technical and industrial sectors including construction, transportation, medical, sports, aerospace engineering, electronics and so on. Excellent performance accompanied by light-weight, mechanical flexibility, tailor-ability, design flexibility, easy fabrication and relatively lower cost are the driving forces towards wide applications of these materials. Cost-effective fabrication of various advanced and functional materials for structural parts, medical devices, sensors, energy harvesting devices, capacitors, batteries, and many others has been possible using fibrous and textile materials. Structural membranes are one of the innovative applications of textile structures and these novel building skins are becoming very popular due to flexible design aesthetics, durability, lightweight and cost benefits. Current demand on high performance and multi-functional materials in structural applications has motivated to go beyond the basic textile structures used for structural membranes and to use innovative textile materials. Structural membranes with self-cleaning, thermoregulation and energy harvesting capability (using solar cells) are examples of such recently developed multi-functional membranes. Besides these, there exist enormous opportunities to develop wide varieties of multi-functional membranes using functional textile materials. Additionally, it is also possible to further enhance the performance and functionalities of structural membranes using advanced fibrous architectures such as 2D, 3D, hybrid, multi-layer and so on. In this context, the present paper gives an overview of various advanced and functional fibrous and textile materials which have enormous application potential in structural membranes.
O conceito de qualidade de vida surge pela primeira vez em 1920, através do economista inglês Arthur Cecil Pigou, que utiliza este termo para descrever o impacto governamental sobre a vida das pessoas mais desfavorecidas. Com a instalação de uma era industrializada e com o fim da 2º Guerra Mundial, a sociedade mudou de paradigma e iniciou uma procura incessante de formas para melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Este conceito desenvolve-se juntamente com o desenvolvimento do conceito de educação, saúde, habitação, transporte, trabalho e lazer, bem como indicadores do aumento da esperança de vida, a diminuição da mortalidade infantil e dos níveis de poluição. O avanço da tecnologia teve um papel fundamental para a evolução desses conceitos, bem como o Design na procura de soluções para aplicação dessas mesmas tecnologias. No caso concreto da indústria tèxtil, a tendência é o desenvolvimento de têxteis inteligentes envolvendo a engenharia electrónica no seu processo de conceptualização e de fabrico. A chamada tecnologia wearable abre novos horizontes para a criação de soluções inovadoras, abrindo novos nichos de mercado com elevado valor acrescentado. Existem atualmente vários produtos no mercado cuja funcionalidade e utilidade lhes conferiu um estatuto imutável ao longo dos anos, onde a evolução não avançou na tendência atual. Esse é o caso dos tecidos estreitos, cuja funcionalidade poderá adquirir novas capacidades e ser utilizada em diferentes componentes têxteis nas mais variadas áreas. Essas capacidades poderão ser acrescentadas pela incorporação de materiais com luminosidade (Led’s e L-Wire) nas suas estruturas. Neste estudo realizado o design de produtos com novas funcionalidades, adaptando as tecnologias até agora desenvolvidas em novas soluções e/ou novas recriações de produto.
For years, silk fibroin of a domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori, has been recognized as a valuable material and extensively used. In the last decades, new application fields are emerging for this versatile material. Those final, specific applications of silk dictate the way it has been processed in industry and research. This review focuses on the description of various approaches for silk downstream processing in a laboratory scale, that fall within several categories. The detailed description of workflow possibilities from the naturally found material to a finally formulated product is presented. Considerable attention is given to (bio-) chemical approaches of silk fibroin transformation, particularly, to its enzyme-driven modifications. The focus of the current literature survey is exclusively on the methods applied in research and not industry.
Fibre reinforced thermoplastic pre impregnated materials produced continuously by diverse methods and processing conditions were used to produce composites using pultrusion. The processing windows used to produce these materials and composites profiles were optimized by using the Taguchi / DOE (Design of Experiments) methods. Composites were manufactured by pultrusion and compression moulding and subsequently submitted to mechanical testing and microscopy analysis. The obtained results were compared with the expected theoretical ones predicted from the Rule of Mixtures (ROM) and with those of similar engineering conventional available materials. The results obtained shown that produced composites have adequate properties for applications in common and structural engineering markets.
Creativity and its promotion are widespread concerns in education. However, few efforts have been made to implement intervention programs designed to promote creativity and other related aspects (e.g., academic motivation). The Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI), aimed for training creativity representations and creative problem solving skills in young people, has been one of the most implemented programs. This intervention’s materials and activities were adapted for Portuguese students, and a longitudinal study was conducted. The program was implemented during four months, in weekly sessions, by thirteen teachers. Teachers received previous training for the program and during the program’s implementation. Intervention participants included 77 Basic and Secondary Education students, and control participants included 78 equivalent students. Pretest-posttest measures of academic motivation and creativity representations were collected. Results suggest a significant increase, in the intervention group, in motivation and the appropriate representations of creativity. Practical implications and future research perspectives are presented.