957 resultados para Edifício Dias da Silva : Porto Alegre (RS)


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Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.


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The ultrasononographic examination of testicles is a noninvasive and rapid method that, allied to clinical examination, can lead to an early diagnostic of testicles disorders. The aim of the present study is to enhance andrologic evaluation and to make public altered ultrasonographic testicular parenchyma pattern in young Nelore bulls. Testes of 114 Nelore bulls from 9 to 15 months old were submitted to ultrasonographic evaluation (Frontal and transverse planes of testes). In this group, 111 animals presented testicular parenchyma with uniform pattern at low echogenicity, and the testicular echogenicity increased in proportion to the animal's age. Three animals, from 9 to 15 months old, presented heterogeneous testicular parenchyma with multiple hyperechoics


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Background: Bull fertility is extremely important for beef cattle production systems and has a multiplier impact on the economical and zootechnical indexes of the herd. Bulls raised in tropical conditions may present varied seminal characteristics due to, among other causes, different management practices and quality of pastures. Another factor that influences the semen characteristics is the age of the sire. The reproductive potential of bull evaluated through the andrological exam aims to ensure the semen quality and to improve the herd reproductive efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main semen parameters of Brangus-Ibage bulls extensively reared in eastern Mato Grosso do Sul state and to verify the effect of age on the andrological characteristics analyzed. It was also evaluated the correlation between age, scrotal circumference, and physical and morphological sperm characteristics produced by the Brangus bulls.Materials, Methods & Results: The study took place in the month of July 2010, during the routine andrological examination of 168 synthetic Brangus-Ibage bulls (5/8 Angus x 3/8 Nelore), belonging to the same property. For data analysis the animals were divided by age groups: animals younger than 4 years (Age I), animals between 4 and 8 years of age (Age II), and animals between 8 and 15 years of age (Age III). In another analysis, the animals were grouped according to the sperm motility pattern obtained from the semen collection: sperm motility lower than 40% (Motility I), sperm motility between 40 and 70% (Motility II) and sperm motility between 70 and 90% (Motility III). The results of the present study demonstrated an effect of age (P < 0.05) on the following androgical characteristics: scrotal circumference, ejaculate volume, sperm vigor, major defects, minor defects and total defects. It was also observed that the animals with higher sperm motility presented higher (P < 0.05) scrotal circumference, and lower (P < 0.05) percentages of major and total defects. Among the andrological characteristics evaluated in the present work, it was observed positive correlations between age and scrotal circumference (R =0.299; P =0.000), age and volume of ejaculate (R =0.161; P =0.037), age and major defects (R =0.188; P =0.015), sperm motility and scrotal circumference (R =0.245; P =0.001), sperm motility and sperm vigor (R =0.483; P =0.000), and between major defects and total defects (R =0.946; P =0.000). Also, negative correlations were observed between sperm motility and total defects (R =-0.372; P =0.000), sperm vigor and major defects (R =-0.498; P =0.000), and sperm vigor and total defects (R =-0.432; P =0.000).Discussion: Based on the results of this study it was concluded that the Brangus-Ibage bulls utilized for natural breeding in eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, presented satisfactory semen quality taking into account the quality of the pastures where the animals were located. In addition, the scrotal circumference, the ejaculate volume, the sperm vigor, and the percentage of morphological characteristics were influenced by the age of the bulls. Therefore, considering the production system and the environmental conditions, the animals with age between 4 and 8 years were superior regarding the sperm parameters evaluated.


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Background: Embryonic stem cells are cells derived from early-stage embryos that are characterized by pluripotency and self-renewal capacity. The in vitro cultured murine embryonic stem cells can indefinitely propagate in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). However, when stimulated, these cells can differentiate into cell lines derived from all three embryonic germ layers. The trichostatin A (TSA) is an epigenetic modifier agent and several studies have used the TSA to stimulate cellular differentiation. However, most of these studies only assessed one TSA concentration. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of different TSA concentrations on histone hyperacetylation during in vitro cell differentiation of murine pluripotent embryonic stem cells, cultured with or without LIF, in the quest of to standardize their application on early cultures of embryonic stem cells.Materials, Methods & Results: Undifferentiated murine embryonic stem cells were plated in the presence of different TSA concentrations (0 nM, 15 nm, 50 nM and 100 nM) in the presence or absence of LIF. Thus, the treatments were evaluated in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF(+); Group 15 nM LIF+; Group 50 nM LIF+ and Group 100 nM LIF+), and in embryonic stem cells cultured in the absence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF; Group 15 nM LIF(-); Group 50 nM LIF(-) and Group 100 nM LIF-). Treatment with TSA was performed for 24 h. After that the medium was replaced with fresh medium without TSA. Samples were collected at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the beginning of the experiment. Three replicates were performed in each experimental group. The relative amount of Histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation was analyzed in all groups, as well as the cell proliferation in the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF. In the control group (0 nM), the absence of LIF resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac compared to the cultures supplemented with LIF. In the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF, the 50 nM and 100 nM treatments resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac when compared with 0 nM and 15 nM treatments. Evaluating the Hoechst area in the 0 nM group, it was observed that the number of cells increased (P < 0.05) according to the time of culture. Treatment with 15 nM also reflected a similar distribution, but the Hoechst area in 15 nM group was lower (P < 0.05) at 24 and 48h when compared to the observed in the control group. In the 100 nM treatment, was observed that the area of Hoechst was lower (P < 0.05) to that obtained in the control group at 12, 24 and 48h. In addition, it was observed that treatment with TSA induces greater cellular differentiation when compared to control groups in stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF as well as in the absence of LIF.Discussion: In the present study it was observed that TSA treatment increased the levels of histone acetylation in murine embryonic stem cells at a 50 nM concentration, making it possible to reduce the concentration recommended in the literature (100 nM). In addtion, it was concluded that the lower TSA concentrations utilized (15 nm and 50 nM) was less harmful to cellular proliferation than the 100 nM TSA concentration.


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Background: In bovines, more efficient management practices are important for maximizing profitability. In order to increase the pregnancy rates in artificial insemination (AI) programs, several hormonal protocols were developed to synchronize the follicular wave and the moment of ovulation in beef and dairy cattle. In dairy cattle, detection of estrus can be difficult due to a number of factors including the incidence of silent estrus. Hormonal treatments designed to control both luteal and follicular function has permitting efficient synchronizations of time of ovulation. Thus, the AI can be performed in a large number of animals on a fixed schedule without the need for detection of estrus. Using these management techniques, the fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) can overcome the problem of accurate estrus detection and help in reducing the incidence of repeat breeding. In addition, with TAI in cattle operations, it is possible to facilitate management practices and commercialization, and to reduce the time and semen wasting with animals inseminated at incorrect times. The investigation of practical and efficient TAI protocols is important for reducing the labor and animal handling of TAI in dairy cattle, as well as for increasing the profitability of the cattle management system. This study was carried out in order to investigate the effectiveness of TAI in dairy heifers treated with a practical progesterone-based protocol.Materials, Methods & Results: This experiment was conducted at the university farm located in southwestern Brazil, during May 2009. Thirty-nine cycling crossbred dairy heifers were employed in this study. All animals received a single intramuscular injection of estradiol benzoate and intravaginal progesterone releasing device in a random stage of the estrous cycle (Day 0). on day 7 the animals were treated with PGF2a analogue and on day 9 the device was removed. Forty-eight hours after the device removal (day 11) a synthetic analogue of GnRH was administered and the animals were fixed-time artificially inseminated at the time of GnRH injection. The inseminations were performed using four different batches from the same Holstein bull. Among the heifers that were synchronized (87.2%), 30.8% ovulated until 24 h after TAI and 56.4% ovulated between 24 and 32 h after TAI. The conception rate was 61.5%. No effects of ovulation time in conception rates were detected. The conception rate from heifers that ovulated until 24 h after TAI was 58.3% and from heifers that ovulated between 24 and 32 h after TAI was 77.3%. The mean of ovulatory follicle in heifers that ovulated until 24 h was 14.3 mm and in heifers that ovulated between 24 and 32 h was 11.9 mm.Discussion: Taking together, the findings of the present study, along with those of others, emphasize the concept that development of practical methods for TAI offers significant advantages to dairy producers if conception rates are close or greater to those obtained after breeding at detected estrus. Thus, the results of the present study reinforce the possibility of making dairy cattle production more cost-effective using TAI. In conclusion, with the progesterone-based TAI protocol of the present experiment all synchronized animals ovulated up to 32 h after GnRH+TAI and no effects of ovulation time related to conception rate was detected. The exogenous control of luteal and follicular development facilitated the reproductive management and animal handling. Also, inseminating the heifers at the moment of GnRH injection in a progesterone-based TAI protocol is a practical strategy and provided satisfactory results regarding ovulation and conception rates in dairy heifers.


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Background: The domestic animals heart is a conical hollow viscera, surrounded by pericardium, laterally compressed, accompanying the thorax shape. Atriums constituted the heart basis and their auricles partially bound the initial portion of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. In mammals, heart is kept suspended in the thoracic cavity and the pericardic sac is fixed dorsally by great veins and arteries roots, and ventrally fixed to the sternum, although its fixation to the diaphragm varies among species. This paper aimed to describe morphological aspects of the heart of the paca, the second biggest Brazilian rodent.Materials, Methods & Results: There were used 12 hearts of adult pacas for this study, obtained from the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, which died due fights or anesthesia during bandages or radiograph exams. The thoracic aorta was filled with colored latex and the animal was set in a 10% formaldehyde solution for at least 72 hours. The thoracic cavity was dissected and hearts individualized and measured with a paquimeter, lateromedially, craniocaudally and dorsoventrally. The paca heart is placed between the first and fifth intercostal space (ICS), in a craniocaudal oblique position; its basis is craniodorsally positioned, on the middle third between the first and second ICS and its apex is located near the sternodiaphragmatic joint, on the fifth ICS, tilted to the left antimere. The heart is surrounded by pericardium, which from ventrocaudally is originated the sternopericardic ligament, that continues as phrenopericardic ligament. At the heart basis, the rising of the pulmonary trunk was observed and the conus arteriosus formed a typical projection. The aorta also rised from the heart basis and its arch, which was caudally curved, crossed dorsally the pulmonary trunk; the right cranial and caudal cava veins drained to the right atrium. There is a left cranial cava vein, which surrounded the left atrium and joined the right caudal cava vein on the right atrium. The azygos vein joins the right cranial cava vein and four pulmonary veins drained to the left atrium. At palpation, a hard structure on the rising of the aorta was observed, similarly to a cartilaginous tissue, which would be part of the cardiac skeleton. The left and right coronary arteries were observed in all hearts.Discussion: The paca heart is anatomica and topographically similar to those of domestic mammals, differing from them for being placed one intercostal space more cranial and due to the presence of two cranial cava veins, the left and the right ones, besides the presence of the caudal cava vein. This vascular description is similar to that of small rodents, as rats and mice. In paca heart, the sinus venous, the terminal crest, the oval fossa, the atrioventricular valvae, the papillary muscles and tendinous cords, besides smooth atriums and auricles covered by pectinate muscles, were observed. The sternopericardic ligament, which is dorsally elongated as phrenopericardic ligament, is similar to the one present in humans, pigs, castors, and different from the one observed in carnivorous, that presents the phrenopericardic ligament and from the one of horses and ruminants, which present the sternopericardic ligament.


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This research, of quali-quatitative nature. had the aim of characterizing the phenomenon of bullying in two state public schools of Presidente Prudente-SP through the use of questionnaires applied to two hundred eighty-three Students of 5(th) and 8(th) grades. It was taken into consideration frequency. gender. most common places and ages of bullying prevalence. students' place of living. effects on the behavior and the feelings of the victim, as well as the opinion of the participants about facing the problem. The questionnaire used was based on studies of Elliot (1992) and Olweus (1991). The results were likely to characterize the dimensions of bullying in the studied reality, what allowed Lis to confirm its presence in the school environment. requesting more attention from the education professionals concerning the phenomenon.


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Background: Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease associated with poor areas of urban settings of developing countries and early diagnosis and prompt treatment may prevent disease. Although rodents are reportedly considered the main reservoirs of leptospirosis, dogs may develop the disease, may become asymptomatic carriers and may be used as sentinels for disease epidemiology. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) combined with spatial analysis techniques allows the mapping of the disease and the identification and assessment of health risk factors. Besides the use of GIS and spatial analysis, the technique of data mining, decision tree, can provide a great potential to find a pattern in the behavior of the variables that determine the occurrence of leptospirosis. The objective of the present study was to apply Geographical Information Systems and data prospection (decision tree) to evaluate the risk factors for canine leptospirosis in an area of Curitiba, PR.Materials, Methods & Results: The present study was performed on the Vila Pantanal, a urban poor community in the city of Curitiba. A total of 287 dog blood samples were randomly obtained house-by-house in a two-day sampling on January 2010. In addition, a questionnaire was applied to owners at the time of sampling. Geographical coordinates related to each household of tested dog were obtained using a Global Positioning System (GPS) for mapping the spatial distribution of reagent and non-reagent dogs to leptospirosis. For the decision tree, risk factors included results of microagglutination test (MAT) from the serum of dogs, previous disease on the household, contact with rats or other dogs, dog breed, outdoors access, feeding, trash around house or backyard, open sewer proximity and flooding. A total of 189 samples (about 2/3 of overall samples) were randomly selected for the training file and consequent decision rules. The remained 98 samples were used for the testing file. The seroprevalence showed a pattern of spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area, without agglomeration of reagent animals. In relation to data mining, from 189 samples used in decision tree, a total of 165 (87.3%) animal samples were correctly classified, generating a Kappa index of 0.413. A total of 154 out of 159 (96.8%) samples were considered non-reagent and were correctly classified and only 5/159 (3.2%) were wrongly identified. on the other hand, only 11 (36.7%) reagent samples were correctly classified, with 19 (63.3%) samples failing diagnosis.Discussion: The spatial distribution that involved all the Pantanal area showed that all the animals in the area are at risk of contamination by Leptospira spp. Although most samples had been classified correctly by the decision tree, a degree of difficulty of separability related to seropositive animals was observed, with only 36.7% of the samples classified correctly. This can occur due to the fact of seronegative animals number is superior to the number of seropositive ones, taking the differences in the pattern of variable behavior. The data mining helped to evaluate the most important risk factors for leptospirosis in an urban poor community of Curitiba. The variables selected by decision tree reflected the important factors about the existence of the disease (default of sewer, presence of rats and rubbish and dogs with free access to street). The analyses showed the multifactorial character of the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis.


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In vitro fertilization, as a biotechnology applied to domestic and wild felids, is a valuable tool not only for the technique's improvement but also for the treatment of infertility and propagation of some populations. The previous knowledge of the physiology of the species and the understanding of mechanisms that interfere in their results are necessary for the technique success, as daylength influence, oocyte and spermatic selection and in vitro maturation.


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The origin and evolution of domestic cattle have recently moved to the forefront of the scientific literature in consideration of their links to human history and to decisions on Genetic Resources conservation strategies. DNA from modern and ancient Bos samples is being analysed to reconstruct, in cooperation with archaezoology, the main events and forces that shaped nowadays cattle genetic diversity. Still, a number of open questions remain, that hopefully will be answered with the help of new technologies and the combined analysis of worldwide data.


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Background: Interest in folliculogenesis has grown extensively in recent years. Nevertheless, several aspects of follicular activity are still poorly understood. Thus, in vitro culture of ovarian follicles using new substances has been established as a very viable model, enhancing the prospects for a better understanding of follicular activity. Among the family members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGFs), FGF-10 has received recent attention for its ability to regulate the development of ovarian follicles and oocyte maturation. Given the relevance of FGF-10 in the folliculogenesis process, this review aimed to describe the structural features, expression and the main biological effects of FGF-10 on the development of ovarian follicles in mammals.Review: Along this work, it was shown aspects related to structural characterization of FGF-10 and its receptors, as well as FGF-10 expression in different cell types, emphasizing its importance to follicular development. FGF-10 is a paracrine member of the family of FGFs, and is characterized by promoting biological responses via cell surface receptors (FGFRs) of tyrosine kinase-type. of these receptors, FGFR-1, FGFR-2 and FGFR-3 may undergo alternative transcriptional arrangements, enabling the formation of two isoforms (b and c) that have varying degrees of affinity for the various FGFs. Thus, seven FGFR proteins (FGFRs 1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c and 4) with different binding specificities are generated from the four FGFR genes. The FGFRs transmit intracellular signals after binding with the ligand through the phosphorylation of tyrosine, which activates various transduction patterns in the cytoplasm. The signal transduction of FGF-10 may occur through three main pathways: protein of rat sarcoma (Ras)/MAPK, PLC gamma/Ca(2+) and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt), which are involved in the transmission of biological signals, leading to cellular proliferation and differentiation. FGF-10 mRNA expression was detected in the ovarian stroma, oocyte and theca cells of preantral and antral follicles. on the other hand, the expression of mRNA for FGF-10 receptors was found in, granulosa cells, theca cells, cumulus cells and oocytes. Although FGFs are widely distributed in different tissues and cell types, the importance and function of FGFs in the ovary are still poorly documented. FGF-10 has been shown to be an important mediator of mesenchymal and epithelial cell interactions during follicle development, promoting follicular survival, activation and growth. Besides the action on folliculogenesis, FGF-10 was recently identified as a growth factor able to improve oocyte competence. However, in antral follicles, the presence of FGF-10 is associated with increased follicular atresia, which matches its anti-estrogenic action.Discussion: From this review, we can conclude that FGF-10 is an important regulator of female reproduction. This growth factor acts in follicle survival, oocyte maturation, expansion of cumulus cells and proliferation of granulosa/theca cellsthrough direct and/or indirect actions in the control of folliculogenesis. Furthermore, FGF-10 seemed to have different effects throughout the follicular development. However, it is necessary to perform additional studies that may provide a better understanding about the importance of FGF-10 during folicullogenesis.


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Intestinal obstruction occurs in chelonian mainly due parasitism and foreign bodies, as stones and sand. An intestinal compaction was described in a five year-old male d'orbigny's slider which was taken to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UNICASTELO, at Fernandopolis, SP, Brazil, presenting anorexia for a week, severe dehydration and stupor. Definitive diagnostic was performed by radiographic exam and great amount of intestinal radiopac substance was detected. The animal went through emergency celiotomy for removing the intestinal foreign bodies. Inhalatory anesthesia with isofluorane was used for anesthesia induction and manutention. After local antisepsy, a 4cm(2) oblique opening was conducted on plastron by using a vibratory saw. Peritoneum was cut, intestines exteriorized and enterotomy performed. During the surgery, the animal was radiographed to confirm the complete taken out of the foreign bodies. Mononylon 4-0 strand was applied for intestinal suture in two planes. The plastron piece that was taken out was replaced and set with epoxy resine and gaze on the surgical window, making it waterproof. In the postoperative time, animal was medicated with analgesics for two days and pentabiotics for five days. Oral creamy diet was used with oral tube from the second to tenth day, what provided a great clinicosurgical recovering.


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