953 resultados para ECONOMICA INFORMAL


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El trabajo colaborativo en las aulas de formación universitarias configura gran parte de las propuestas metodológicas de e-learning. En la actualidad, las plataformas que Internet ofrece hacen pensar que hay escenarios nuevos que permiten otro tipo de experiencias a nivel de docencia. Es imprescindible tener en cuenta los espacios personales de aprendizaje, pero también podemos hacer el ejercicio de utilizarlos para generar sinergias entre los aspectos educativos formales, no formales e informales por los que pasa una persona. Este aspecto pasa por introducir un modelo híbrido de enseñanza donde el aula virtual o la presencial utilice las informaciones que existen fuera de ella. La utilización de microbloggings, medios de comunicación mediante Internet y medios de comunicación “tradicionales” o “en papel” pueden conseguir un enlace entre la virtualidad y la presencialidad.


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Aquesta recerca analitza l’impacte de l’arribada de població immigrada estrangera a zones rurals catalanes des d’una perspectiva de gènere. Observa les tendències demogràfiques i caracteritza la població estrangera que ha arribat als municipis de menys de 2.000 habitants de Catalunya, incidint especialment en els territoris on s’ha dut a terme el treball de camp i les entrevistes en profunditat: Terres de l'Ebre, Camp de Tarragona, Ponent i el Pirineu-Aran. L'estudi mostra que la immigració estrangera ha interromput la tendència al despoblament de les àrees rurals catalanes, tot i que el percentatge d’estrangers que viuen als pobles és lleugerament inferior al del conjunt de Catalunya i que la contribució al rejoveniment de les poblacions rurals és relativa. Respecte a la definició de les àrees rurals on arriben els immigrants, la recerca s’aproxima a la definició de les dinàmiques socials i econòmiques que caracteritzen les ruralitats actuals, les quals dibuixen un escenari divers i complex que va des de la continuïtat de l'activitat agrària, fins a la terciarització, la urbanització o la industrialització. En aquesta ruralitat diversa es produeix l’arribada d’una població immigrant que amb el seu treball, contribueix de manera important a la reproducció de les comunitats rurals. La recerca aprofundeix en l’anàlisi de les singularitat de les migracions femenines a les zones rurals: primer, en la visibilitat de la cadena migratòria; segon, en la recerca intencionada de l’oferta laboral de la ruralitat; tercer, en l’especificitat de la formació i funció de les xarxes migratòries en la societat d’arribada; i, quart, la debilitat de la incorporació de les dones migrants en la societat local. L’atenció i cura de la població envellida dels pobles, és una activitat laboral que ocupa a les dones estrangeres en tots els pobles estudiats on supleix l’absència d’equipaments especialitzats. La presència de les dones immigrades ha estat aprofitada per crear un sistema d’atenció informal que no transgredeix la consigna local tradicional d’envellir a casa i que demanda més afecte que professionalitat.


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O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a percepção do adolescente obeso sobre as repercussões da obesidade em sua saúde. Baseou-se no relato de quinze adolescentes obesos, acompanhados no Ambulatório do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, no período de abril a julho de 2007. Os depoimentos, obtidos através de entrevista semi-estruturada, foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática transversal. Foram identificadas quatro temáticas relacionadas com os objetivos do estudo: 1. A percepção do conceito de obesidade; 2. A obesidade afetando a auto-imagem; 3. Obesidade versus Saúde e 4. O difícil retorno à saúde. Os adolescentes perceberam a obesidade como doença, repercutindo negativamente sobre sua saúde, apresentando uma baixa auto-estima e a sensação de isolamento. Reconhecem que ser saudável é ter uma alimentação correta e praticar atividade física, sendo imprescindível o apoio formal e informal, sobrepujando as dificuldades para manter uma qualidade de vida satisfatória.


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The purpose of this cross-sectional observational study was to identify characteristics of caregivers of elderly people with dementia, types of care demands and to relate demands to the stage of dementia. The study was carried out in 2004 with 104 older adults and 90 caregivers in Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. The OARS instrument was utilized and a questionnaire answered by caregivers. Among older adults, 66.3% were female, aged 75.5 years in average and 86.5% had caregivers. Eighty percent of the caregivers were women family members, aged 52.3 years in average. They spent 15.10 hours/day with care, without help. An important relationship was observed between caregiver's burden, physical and emotional effort and stage of dementia. Emotional overburden was higher at dementia early and late stages, this difference was statistically non-significant. Results reveal the urgent need to plan formal and informal support strategies to caregivers of Brazilian elderly people with dementia.


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This paper describes a pilot study centred on the technology-enhanced self-development of competences in lifelong learning education carried out in the challenging context of the Association of Participants Àgora. The pilot study shows that the use of the TENCompetence infrastructure, i.e. in this case the Personal Development Planner tool, provides various kinds of benefits for adult participants with low educational profiles and who are traditionally excluded from the use of innovative learning technologies and the knowledge society. The selforganized training supported by the PDP tool aims at allowing the learners to create and control their own learning plans based on their interests and educational background including informal and non-formal experiences. In this sense, the pilot participants had the opportunity to develop and improve their competences in English language (basic and advanced levels) and ICT competence profiles which are mostly related to functional and communicative skills. Besides, the use of the PDP functionalities, such as the self-assessment, the planning and the self-regulating elements allowed the participants to develop reflective skills. Pilot results also provide indications for future developments in the field of technology support for self-organized learners. The paper introduces the context and the pilot scenario, indicates the evaluation methodology applied and discusses the most significant findings derived from the pilot study.


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Social identity is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, identifying with a social group is a prerequisite for the sharing of common norms and values, solidarity, and collective action. On the other hand, in-group identification often goes together with prejudice and discrimination. Today, these two sides of social identification underlie contradictory trends in the way European nations and European nationals relate to immigrants and immigration. Most European countries are becoming increasingly multicultural, and anti-discrimination laws have been adopted throughout the European Union, demonstrating a normative shift towards more social inclusion and tolerance. At the same time, racist and xenophobic attitudes still shape social relations, individual as well as collective behaviour (both informal and institutional), and political positions throughout Europe. The starting point for this chapter is Sanchez-Mazas' (2004) interactionist approach to the study of racism and xenophobia, which in turn builds on Axel Honneth's (1996) philosophical theory of recognition. In this view, the origin of attitudes towards immigrants cannot be located in one or the other group, but in a dynamic of mutual influence. Sanchez-Mazas' approach is used as a general framework into which we integrate social psychological approaches of prejudice and recent empirical findings examining minority-majority relations. We particularly focus on the role of national and European identities as antecedents of anti-immigrant attitudes held by national majorities. Minorities' reactions to denials of recognition are also examined. We conclude by delineating possible social and political responses to prejudice towards immigrants.


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Pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada de setembro a novembro de 2009, em uma unidade de saúde com Estratégia Saúde da Família, de um município da região metropolitana de Curitiba-PR, com oito famílias, representadas por mãe, pai e avó. O objetivo foi identificar a rede social de apoio às famílias para a promoção do desenvolvimento infantil, na perspectiva das famílias. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da técnica de grupo focal, e os dados foram analisados segundo a análise de conteúdo. A rede social de apoio às famílias foi classificada como localizada, composta por 16 membros distribuídos entre rede informal e formal, estabelecidos por relações íntimas, com menor grau de compromisso e ocasionais. Considera-se que o entendimento por parte dos profissionais de saúde referente ao papel e importância dessa rede favorece a proposta de entrelaçamento entre os membros que contribuem para apoiar famílias na promoção do desenvolvimento infantil.


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Anàlisi de les característiques pròpies del català col•loquial, tant pel que fa a la fonètica, al lèxic, a la sintaxi i a la morfologia, que es donen en el llenguatge radiofònic informal utilitzat pels locutors del programa On vols anar a parar? de Catalunya Ràdio.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender a experiência materna no cuidado ao filho dependente de tecnologia. Utilizamos a abordagem do estudo de caso etnográfico tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados os genograma e ecomapa, entrevista aberta e observação. Os dados foram organizados em três unidades de significados: a busca pelas causas e por culpados; a alta hospitalar e as demandas para o cuidado e as redes de apoio. O estudo permitiu conhecer a experiência materna em busca por explicações, bem como os sentimentos de desconfiança, insegurança e insatisfação relacionados ao serviço de saúde. Ainda a apropriação da mãe em relação aos cuidados à criança e no que se refere à organização do ambiente domiciliar para recebê-la, a utilização das redes de apoio, destacando a carência de vínculos com familiares e vizinhos e a busca formal e informal para garantir a subsistência da criança doente e dos demais filhos.


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In the first part of this paper we try to test the relationship between mothers earnings, fertility and children's work in the Spanish (Catalan) context of the first third of the 20th century. Specific human capital investment of adult working women had as an outcome the sharp increase of their real wage and also the increase of the opportunity cost of time devoted to house work including child rearing. Fertility evolution is endogenous to the model and decreases as a result of women real wage increases. Human capital investment of labouring women and mandatory schooling of children shift the labour supply function to a new steady state in which the slope is steeper. According to recent papers this model applies to 20th century Spain and it causes the abolition of children's work. Nonetheless the model do not apply to 20th century Latin America. Despite the positive evolution of literacy and life expectancy in this region, other factors involved poor results of the educational human capital investment. In this paper we remark the role of the increasing share of the informal sector of the economy ruled on the bases of women's and children's work. Second we stress the role of high income inequality evolution and endogamic school supplies to explain the limits of increasing literacy on more remarkable human capital improvements.


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Abstract Since its creation, the Internet has permeated our daily life. The web is omnipresent for communication, research and organization. This exploitation has resulted in the rapid development of the Internet. Nowadays, the Internet is the biggest container of resources. Information databases such as Wikipedia, Dmoz and the open data available on the net are a great informational potentiality for mankind. The easy and free web access is one of the major feature characterizing the Internet culture. Ten years earlier, the web was completely dominated by English. Today, the web community is no longer only English speaking but it is becoming a genuinely multilingual community. The availability of content is intertwined with the availability of logical organizations (ontologies) for which multilinguality plays a fundamental role. In this work we introduce a very high-level logical organization fully based on semiotic assumptions. We thus present the theoretical foundations as well as the ontology itself, named Linguistic Meta-Model. The most important feature of Linguistic Meta-Model is its ability to support the representation of different knowledge sources developed according to different underlying semiotic theories. This is possible because mast knowledge representation schemata, either formal or informal, can be put into the context of the so-called semiotic triangle. In order to show the main characteristics of Linguistic Meta-Model from a practical paint of view, we developed VIKI (Virtual Intelligence for Knowledge Induction). VIKI is a work-in-progress system aiming at exploiting the Linguistic Meta-Model structure for knowledge expansion. It is a modular system in which each module accomplishes a natural language processing task, from terminology extraction to knowledge retrieval. VIKI is a supporting system to Linguistic Meta-Model and its main task is to give some empirical evidence regarding the use of Linguistic Meta-Model without claiming to be thorough.


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Over recent years, both governments and international aid organizations have been devoting large amounts of resources to "simplifying" the procedures for setting up and formalizing firms. Many of these actions have focused on reducing the initial costs of setting up the firm, disregarding the more important role of business registers as a source of reliable information for judges, government departments and, above all, other firms. This reliable information is essential for reducing transaction costs in future dealings with all sorts of economic agents, both public and private. The priorities of reform policies should therefore be thoroughly reviewed, stressing the value of the legal institutions rather than trivializing them as is often the case.


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The current issue of deportation is a global concern that is demanding the attention of human rights leaders, activists and global citizens. Small island nations, such as, the Cape Verde Islands, are experiencing difficulties reintegrating deported immigrants arriving from both the United States and Europe. According to the Consulate of Cape Verde’s database, one Cape Verdean immigrant was deported in 1987. Twenty years later, 108 deportation cases are pending—the highest number of pending cases to date. This issue is a reflection of the Western countries’ immigration and human rights policies that are affecting many developing countries. This capstone research focuses primarily on the reintegration program managed by the Cape Verdean government, the reintegration process of the deported immigrants from the United States and the islanders’ experiences throughout this process. This issue is examined through the eyes of a Cape Verdean immigrant living in the United States witnessing first hand the negative impacts these immigration policies have had, and continue to have, in the Cape Verdean community in the United States and in Cape Verde. Research was collected through various formal and informal interviews and published documents on this topic. Analysis of the data has revealed that the government’s reintegration program is experiencing difficulties with implementation and financial sustainability. Moreover, the deportees’ reintegration experience varied based on access to government assistance and their interaction with island residents. Subsequently, it is recommended that the reintegration program be evaluated with the purpose to reorganize under new leadership.


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Simplifying business formalization and eliminating outdated formalities is often a good way of improving the institutional environment for firms. Unfortunately, the World Bank's Doing Business project is harming such policies by promoting a reform agenda that gives them priority even in countries lacking functional business registers, so that the reformed registers keep producing valueless information, but faster. Its methodology also promotes biased measurements that impede proper consideration of the essential tradeoffs in the design of formalization institutions. If Doing Business is to stop jeopardizing its true objectives and contribute positively to scientific progress, institutional reform and economic development, then its aims, governance and methodology need to change.