999 resultados para Duas verdades


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This research aimed to the comparison between two methods for obtaining three-dimensional coordinates of the controls of the upper limbs of the job of the tractor operator. The methods used were based on NBR / NM / ISO 5353 - Road machines, tractors and agricultural and forestry machinery – Reference point of the seat. The first method used follows the principles recommended by the standard NBR/NM/ISO/5353 The second method is an adaptation of this standard with the introduction of a laser measuring equipment developed by Silva (2009). The results were compared statistically to evaluate differences between the methodological processes involved. In this research, data was collected thought a brand new tractor Massey Ferguson model MF 292, awarded by the dealership from Londrina. The results have shown a considerable variation between the traditional measurement process and the laser measuring. It must be considered that this variation can be used to calibrate the tractor controls positioning, therefore the tractor is not in accordance to ABNT.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As water is essential for human survival and university organizations are responsible for spreading new knowledge and values through teaching, research and extension, this paper examined how two university organizations deal with a most precious resources, the Water, through its environmental management activities. To communicate the survey, this article is structured in three parts: the first is a brief reflection on environmental management in the university hospitals and the issue of water resources, then presents the methodological procedures for the conduct of research. Finally, we present the empirical evidence from case studies and discussions relevant to the research, followed by proposals on best practices in managing water resources that universities could adopt under review. It can be concluded that the possession of knowledge and cutting-edge research in several areas that universities do not provide an exemplary way to manage their water resources, ie, isolated and fragmented initiatives of Colleges ALPHA and BETA do not guarantee the environmental sustainability of campus, a As one can see that the units are not achieving academic success in the overflow of its knowledge and research for an effective internal environmental management, especially its water resources.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present work is about a comparative study of two methodologies (MIALHE and ASABE), used to calculate the cost per hectare in the tillage operation in the culture of corn. The methodology of ASABE presents a higher cost per hectare in relation to the MIALHE proposal, being that the methodologies presents similar costs related to the depreciation expenses, accommodation and insurance. The differences were that in the ASABE proposal, the biggest expenses involved the payment of interest, fuel, lube and handwork, while in the MIALHE methodology, only the expense regarding to maintenance was more. The methodology of ASABE most suitable for management costs per hectare.


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O trabalho visou obter o uso do solo da microbacia do Ribeirão Duas Águas – Botucatu (SP), através de imagem de satélite, a determinação das Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APPs) e os conflitos existentes na área. As bases cartográficas foram: a carta planialtimétrica em formato digital do IBGE de 1969 e imagem de satélite de 2011. O SIG-IDRISI Selva foi utilizado para realizar o georreferenciamento da imagem, geração dos buffer de APPs e o overlay para obtenção dos conflitos de uso além da confecção do mapa temático final. No CartaLinx foi feita a delimitação da área de estudo e dos elementos (da rede de drenagem e das áreas de uso e cobertura). O uso da terra mostrou que a microbacia vem sendo ocupada por 1149,67ha de florestas naturais; 1073,45ha de reflorestamento; 737,67ha de pastagens; 691,93ha com solo exposto e 132,33ha de campo sujo. Já quanto as APPs, elas correspondem a 366,34ha de toda a microbacia, e destas 89,32ha estãosendo usadas para outros fins evidenciando assim seu conflito de uso. Desta forma, a caracterização do uso e cobertura da terra da região possibilitou uma infinidade de informações sobre a tipologia de manejo aplicado e na identificação de problemas ambientais que se configuram em decorrência de seu uso. Quanto aos conflitos em APPs uma parte significante da área da microbacia está sendo utilizada inadequadamente, não respeitando a legislação do Código Florestal Brasileiro.


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The effect of the contaminant fungi Trichoderma sp. and Chaetomium olivacearum on the cultivation of the ABL 99/30 and ABL 04/49 isolates of A. blazei in two compost formulations made up with tyfton (Cynodom dactylon) and oat (Avena sativa) was evaluated. The experimental design was a totally randomized 2 x 2 x 3 factorial design with 6 repetitions. The experimental unit consisted of 12-12.5 kg of wet compost. During the spawning, 150 g of Trichoderma sp. and C. olivacearum were added to the compost. The experiment was carried out in a climatized room, with humidity between 75-90% and temperature of 28º C. The productivity averages of the ABL 99/30 isolate of A. blazei were higher than those of ABL 04/49 and Trichoderma sp. and C. olivacearum negatively influenced the production of A. blazei. The different composts (based on tyfton and oat straw) did not influence the production of basidiomata.


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The objective of the work was to evaluate the in vitro mycelial growth of five A. blazei strains (ABL-05/53, ABL-04/49, ABL-03/44, ABL-99/30 and ABL-02/51) when submitted to the temperatures of 20 and 25 ºC. In a laminar flow chamber, discs of the strains were inoculated in the middle of Petri’s plates containing CA (compost-agar) medium and incubated in BOD. After 48 hours, measurements of the mycelial growth began, with the help of a ruler with scale in millimeters, by means of four equidistant measurements, until the moment when the fungal colony reached near the edges of the Petri’s plate in one of the treatments. The experimental design was totally randomized, in 5 x 2 factorial design. Each treatment consisted of seven repetitions, corresponding to one Petri’s plate, totalizing seventy experimental units. We verified that A. blazei growth is influenced by incubation temperature, being that the temperature of 25 ºC was more favorable for the mycelial growth of all A. blazei strains tested, with attention for ABL-04/49 and ABL-03/44 strains, which obtained the highest averages for mycelial growth under this temperature condition at the end of the cultivation cycle.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)