995 resultados para Drill cores.


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A suit of sediment cores close to and south of the Strait of Gibraltar (12°-36°N, 500-2800 m water depth) were analyzed for stable isotopes in epibenthic foraminifers Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Planulina ariminensis. During peak glacial times, the data exhibit higher delta13C values of up to 1.6 per mil at intermediate depths near the Strait of Gibraltar (36°N). The values decrease to the south as evidenced by our data, but also to the north as revealed by data of intermediate depth cores north of 38°N (in Duplessy et al. (1987)). Thus, the distribution pattern of delta13C provides crucial evidence for an increased influence of nutrient depleted Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) on the glacial northeast Atlantic hydrography. During oxygen isotope Terminations I and II, the meridional carbon isotope gradient indicates a significantly decreased but still active MOW. As deduced from the delta18O fluctuations, the temperatures of the MOW in the Atlantic were lower during glacial times by as much as 5°C. During glacial times and during Termination I the maximum delta13C values of the MOW correlate with minimum values of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and vice versa. This inverse response to climatic change of the carbon isotope signals of both water masses indicates, that the supply of saline MOW to the north Atlantic may be less important for the formation of NADW than previously assumed.


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The oxygen isotope records of G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina in the uppermost three cores at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 805C span the last 1.6 m.y., an estimate based on Fourier stratigraphy. The last 700,000 yr are dominated by both eccentricity and obliquity-related orbital fluctuations. The range of variation of delta18O values is about 1.5?, of which ca. 75% may be assigned to global ice-volume effect. The remainder of the range is shared by the effects of surface temperature variation, thermocline depth change (in the case of Pulleniatina, especially), and differential dissolution. Before 1 Ma, obliquity-related fluctuations dominate. The transition between obliquity- and eccentricity-dominated time occurs between ca. 1 and 0.7 Ma. It is marked by irregularities in phase relationships, the source of which is not clear. The age of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary is determined as 794,000 yr by obliquity counting. However, an age of 830,000 yr also is compatible with the counts of both eccentricity and obliquity cycles. In the first case, Stage 19 (which contains the boundary) is coincident with the crest of the 19th obliquity cycle, setting the first crest downcore equal to zero, and counting backward (o19). In the second, Stage 19 coincides with o20. No evidence was found for fluctuations related to precession (23 and 19 k.y.) rising above the noise level, using plain Fourier expansion on the age model of the entire series. Detailed stratigraphic comparison with the Quaternary record of Hole 806B allows the recognition of major dissolution events (which increase the difference in delta18O values of G. sacculifer at the two sites). These occur at Stages 11-13, 16-17, and near 1.5 Ma (below o33).


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A pressure core barrel (PCB), developed by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, was used successfully to recover, at in situ pressure, sediments of the Blake Outer Ridge, offshore the southeastern United States. The PCB is a unique, wire-line tool, 10.4 m long, capable of recovering 5.8 m of core (5.8 cm in diameter), maintained at or below in situ pressures of 34.4 million Pascals (MPa), and 1.8 m of unpressurized core (5.8 cm in diameter). All excess internal pressure above the operating pressure of 34.4 MPa is automatically vented off as the barrel is retrieved. The PCB was deployed five times at DSDP Site 533 where geophysical evidence suggests the presence of gas hydrates in the upper 600 m of sediment. Three cores were obtained holding average in situ pressures of 30 MPa. Two other cores did not maintain in situ pressures. Three of the five cores were intermittently degassed at varying intervals of time, and portions of the vented gas were collected for analysis. Pressure decline followed paths indicative of gas hydrates and/or dissolved gas. The released gas was dominantly methane (usually greater than 90%), along with higher molecular-weight hydrocarbon gases and carbon dioxide. During degassing the ratio of methane to ethane did not vary significantly. On the other hand, concentrations of higher molecular-weight hydrocarbon gases increased, as did carbon dioxide concentrations. The results from the PCB experiments provide tentative but equivocal evidence for the presence of .gas hydrates at Site 533. The amount of gas hydrate indicated is small. Nevertheless, this work represents the first successful study of marine gas hydrates utilizing the PCB.


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Radiocarbon and 230Thexcess data from six NE Atlantic box cores are considered. The cores form a transect from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain over the East Thulean Rise to the southern end of Feni Drift. The chronology for the cores is established from bulk sediment carbonate radiocarbon data and reveals that sections exhibiting constant accumulation rates can be identified in all the cores, with rates of 3.0-3.5 cm/kyr on the plain through the Holocene and late Holocene rates of 4.3-6.6 cm/kyr elsewhere. Five out of the six cores show accumulations of more 230Thexcess than is produced in the overlying water column, with the greatest inventories (up to 225% of production) in the cores from the rise and drift. A size fraction comparison between two cores from the plain and rise reveals that the higher overall accumulation rates and 230Thexcess inventories in the off-plain cores are due to an increased fine (<5 µm) component fraction, whereas the flux of coarser material is similar to that received on the plain. This suggests that the higher fluxes of materials observed are physically (rather than biogeochemically) driven and also that drift formation has been continuously active in the late Holocene. Sections of all the cores where regular accumulation is defined by the radiocarbon data are modeled first by a linear radiocarbon age/depth model and second by a constant rain (230Thexcess)0 model prorated for the observed core inventories. These modeling approaches yield historical mass accumulation rate estimates which are generally in reasonable agreement (±30%), but the differences observed appear to be well organized in time rather than random.


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Biogenic opal and organic carbon vertical rain rates in sediment cores reveal a strong cyclicity in the productivity of the upwelling system off presently arid northern Chile during the last 100,000 years. Changes in productivity are found to be in phase with the precessional cycle (~20,000 years) and with inputs of iron from the continent. During austral summer insolation maxima, increased precipitation and river runoff in the region appear to have brought high inputs of iron, mainly from the Andes, to the coastal ocean enhancing primary productivity there. We interpret our results as providing evidence for iron control of past productivity in this upwelling system and for a tight link between productivity and orbital forcing at midlatitudes.


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Quantitative analyses of selected calcareous nannofossils in deep-sea sections recovered from the paleo-equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 199) provide new information about biostratigraphy, biochronology and the evolutionary history of calcareous nannofossils across the Paleocene/Eocene transition interval. The sediment cores from ODP Leg 199 represent the first continuous Paleocene/Eocene boundary sections ever to be sampled in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages are studied to document the distribution of biostratigraphically useful taxa such as Ericsonia, Discoaster, Fasciculithus, Rhomboaster and Tribrachiatus. Focus is given to the evolution of the Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus lineage in the lower Eocene interval at Site 1215, and on the stratigraphic relationship of these taxa relative to species in the genus Fasciculithus. Critical intervals of North Atlantic DSDP Site 550 have also been re-examined. The Tribrachiatus digitalis morphotype was described at Site 550 from an interval affected by down-hole contamination, partly originating from within the Tribrachiatus orthostylus range. The T. digitalis morphotype represents an evolutionary transitional form between T. contortus and T. orthostylus, entering the stratigraphic record within the range of the former species and disappearing within the lower part of the range of the latter species. The subzonal subdivision of Zone NP10 hence collapses. Lithological and colour variability reflecting orbital cyclicity occur in the lower Eocene of Site 1215, permitting a relative astronomical age calibration of the Tribrachiatus taxa. The distinct Rhomboaster spp.-Discoaster araneus association also occurs in the paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean, together with a marked decrease in diversity of Fasciculithus spp. Site 1220 reveals a short peak abundance of Thoracosphaera spp. just above the P/E boundary interval, which probably reflects a stressed surface water environment.


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Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 10 kb in 32 cores of basalt from 14 Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Both Vp and V s show wide ranges (3.70 to 6.38 km/sec for Vp and 1.77 to 3.40 km/sec for V s at 0.5 kb) which are linearly related to density and sea floor age, confirming earlier findings by Christensen and Salisbury of decreasing velocity with progressive submarine weathering based on studies of basalts from five sites in the Atlantic. Combined Pacific and Atlantic data give rates of decreasing velocity of -1.89 and -1.35 km/sec per 100 my for Vp and Vs respectively. New analyses of oceanic seismic refraction data indicate a decrease in layer 2 velocities with age similar to that observed in the laboratory, suggesting that weathering penetrates to several hundred meters in many regions and is largely responsible for the extreme range and variability of layer 2 refraction velocities.


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The dataset contains the revised age models and foraminiferal records obtained for the Last Interglacial period in six marine sediment cores: - the Southern Ocean core MD02-2488 (age model, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 136-108 ka), - the North Atlantic core MD95-2042 (age model, planktic d18O, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core ODP 980 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core CH69-K09 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the Norwegian Sea core MD95-2010 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O, ice-rafted detritus for the period 134-110 ka), - the Labrador Sea core EW9302-JPC2 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O for the period 134-110 ka).


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