985 resultados para Douglas Carter Beane
General measures of reaction to noise, which assess the respondent's perceived affectedness or dissatisfaction, appear to be more valid and internally consistent than more narrow measures, such as specific assessment of noise annoyance. However, the test-retest reliability of general and specific measures has yet to be compared. As a part of the large-scale Sydney Airport Health Study, 97 respondents participated in the same interview twice, several weeks apart. Test-retest reliabilities were found to be significant (p
Negative impacts of noise exposure on health and performance may result in part from learned helplessness, the syndrome of deficits typically produced by exposure to uncontrollable events. People may perceive environmental noise to be uncontrollable, and several effects of noise exposure appear to parallel learned helplessness deficits. In the present socioacoustic survey (N = 1,015), perceived control over aircraft noise correlated negatively with some effects of noise (though not others). Furthermore, these effects were better predicted by perceived control than by noise level. These observational data support the claim that learned helplessness contributes to the effects of noise exposure.
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is a frequently used interventional technique to reopen arteries that have narrowed because of atherosclerosis. Restenosis, or renarrowing of the artery shortly after angioplasty, is a major limitation to the success of the procedure and is due mainly to smooth muscle cell accumulation in the artery wall at the site of balloon injury. In the present study, we demonstrate that the antiangiogenic sulfated oligosaccharide, PI-88, inhibits primary vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and reduces intimal thickening 14 days after balloon angioplasty of rat and rabbit arteries. PI-88 reduced heparan sulfate content in the injured artery wall and prevented change in smooth muscle phenotype. However, the mechanism of PI-88 inhibition was not merely confined to the antiheparanase activity of this compound. PI-88 blocked extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) activity within minutes of smooth muscle cell injury. It facilitated FGF-2 release from uninjured smooth muscle cells in vitro, and super-released FGF-2 after injury while inhibiting ERK1/2 activation. PI-88 inhibited the decrease in levels of FGF-2 protein in the rat artery wall within 8 minutes of injury. PI-88 also blocked injury-inducible ERK phosphorylation, without altering the clotting time in these animals. Optical biosensor studies revealed that PI-88 potently inhibited (K-i 10.3 nmol/L) the interaction of FGF-2 with heparan sulfate. These findings show for the first time the capacity of this sulfated oligosaccharide to directly bind FGF-2, block cellular signaling and proliferation in vitro, and inhibit injury-induced smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in two animal models. As such, this study demonstrates a new role for PI-88 as an inhibitor of intimal thickening after balloon angioplasty. The full text of this article is available online at http://www.circresaha.org.
The colors of 51 species of Hawaiian reef fish have been measured using a spectrometer and therefore can be described in objective terms that are not influenced by the human visual experience. In common with other known reef fish populations, the colors of Hawaiian reef fish occupy spectral positions from 300-800nm; yellow or orange with blue, yellow with black, and black with white are the most frequently combined colors; and there is no link between possession of ultraviolet (UV) reflectance and UV visual sensitivity or the potential for UV visual sensitivity. In contrast to other reef systems, blue, yellow, and orange appear more frequently in Hawaiian reef fish. Based on spectral quality of reflections from fish skin, trends in fish colors can be seen that are indicative of both visually driven selective pressures and chemical or physical constraints on the design of colors. UV-reflecting colors can function as semiprivate communication signals. White or yellow with black form highly contrasting patterns that transmit well through clear water. Labroid fishes display uniquely complex colors but lack the ability to see the UV component that is common in their pigments. Step-shaped spectral curves are usually long-wavelength colors such as yellow or red, and colors with a peak-shaped spectral curves are green, blue, violet, and UV.
We have identified truncating mutations in the human DLG3 ( neuroendocrine dlg) gene in 4 of 329 families with moderate to severe X-linked mental retardation. DLG3 encodes synapse-associated protein 102 (SAP102), a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase protein family. Neuronal SAP102 is expressed during early brain development and is localized to the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses. It is composed of three amino-terminal PDZ domains, an src homology domain, and a carboxyl-terminal guanylate kinase domain. The PDZ domains interact directly with the NR2 subunits of the NMDA glutamate receptor and with other proteins responsible for NMDA receptor localization, immobilization, and signaling. The mutations identified in this study all introduce premature stop codons within or before the third PDZ domain, and it is likely that this impairs the ability of SAP102 to interact with the NMDA receptor and/or other proteins involved in downstream NMDA receptor signaling pathways. NMDA receptors have been implicated in the induction of certain forms of synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation and long-term depression, and these changes in synaptic efficacy have been proposed as neural mechanisms underlying memory and learning. The disruption of NMDA receptor targeting or signaling, as a result of the loss of SAP102, may lead to altered synaptic plasticity and may explain the intellectual impairment observed in individuals with DLG3 mutations.
Objective: Existing evidence suggests that family interventions can be effective in reducing relapse rates in schizophrenia and related conditions. Despite this, such interventions are not routinely delivered in Australian mental health services. The objective of the current study is to investigate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of introducing three types of family interventions, namely: behavioural family management (BFM); behavioural intervention for families (BIF); and multiple family groups (MFG) into current mental health services in Australia. Method: The ICER of each of the family interventions is assessed from a health sector perspective, including the government, persons with schizophrenia and their families/carers using a standardized methodology. A two-stage approach is taken to the assessment of benefit. The first stage involves a quantitative analysis based on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. The second stage involves application of 'second filter' criteria (including equity, strength of evidence, feasibility and acceptability to stakeholders) to results. The robustness of results is tested using multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Results: The most cost-effective intervention, in order of magnitude, is BIF (A$8000 per DALY averted), followed by MFG (A$21 000 per DALY averted) and lastly BFM (A$28 000 per DALY averted). The inclusion of time costs makes BFM more cost-effective than MFG. Variation of discount rate has no effect on conclusions. Conclusions: All three interventions are considered 'value-for-money' within an Australian context. This conclusion needs to be tempered against the methodological challenge of converting clinical outcomes into a generic economic outcome measure (DALY). Issues surrounding the feasibility of routinely implementing such interventions need to be addressed.
Objective: The Assessing Cost-Effectiveness - Mental Health (ACE-MH) study aims to assess from a health sector perspective, whether there are options for change that could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Australia's current mental health services by directing available resources toward 'best practice' cost-effective services. Method: The use of standardized evaluation methods addresses the reservations expressed by many economists about the simplistic use of League Tables based on economic studies confounded by differences in methods, context and setting. The cost-effectiveness ratio for each intervention is calculated using economic and epidemiological data. This includes systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials for efficacy, the Australian Surveys of Mental Health and Wellbeing for current practice and a combination of trials and longitudinal studies for adherence. The cost-effectiveness ratios are presented as cost (A$) per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) saved with a 95% uncertainty interval based on Monte Carlo simulation modelling. An assessment of interventions on 'second filter' criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') allows broader concepts of 'benefit' to be taken into account, as well as factors that might influence policy judgements in addition to cost-effectiveness ratios. Conclusions: The main limitation of the study is in the translation of the effect size from trials into a change in the DALY disability weight, which required the use of newly developed methods. While comparisons within disorders are valid, comparisons across disorders should be made with caution. A series of articles is planned to present the results.
Objective: To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in children and adolescents, compared to 'current practice'. Method: The health benefit is measured as a reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), based on effect size calculations from meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. An assessment on second stage filter criteria ('equity'; 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Costs and benefits are tracked for the duration of a new episode of MDD arising in eligible children (age 6-17 years) in the Australian population in the year 2000. Simulation-modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the cost-effectiveness ratios. Results: Compared to current practice, CBT by public psychologists is the most cost-effective intervention for MDD in children and adolescents at A$9000 per DALY saved (95% UI A$3900 to A$24 000). SSRIs and CBT by other providers are less cost-effective but likely to be less than A$50 000 per DALY saved (> 80% chance). CBT is more effective than SSRIs in children and adolescents, resulting in a greater total health benefit (DALYs saved) than could be achieved with SSRIs. Issues that require attention for the CBT intervention include equity concerns, ensuring an adequate workforce, funding arrangements and acceptability to various stakeholders. Conclusions: Cognitive behavioural therapy provided by a public psychologist is the most effective and cost-effective option for the first-line treatment of MDD in children and adolescents. However, this option is not currently accessible by all patients and will require change in policy to allow more widespread uptake. It will also require 'start-up' costs and attention to ensuring an adequate workforce.
Objective: To analyze from a health sector perspective the cost-effectiveness of dexamphetamine (DEX) and methylphenidate (MPH) interventions to treat childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), compared to current practice. Method: Children eligible for the interventions are those aged between 4 and 17 years in 2000, who had ADHD and were seeking care for emotional or behavioural problems, but were not receiving stimulant medication. To determine health benefit, a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was performed for DEX and MPH, and the effect sizes were translated into utility values. An assessment on second stage filter criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Simulation modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), which is calculated in cost (in A$) per DALY averted. Results: The ICER for DEX is A$4100/DALY saved (95% UI: negative to A$14 000) and for MPH is A$15 000/DALY saved (95% UI: A$9100-22 000). DEX is more costly than MPH for the government, but much less costly for the patient. Conclusions: MPH and DEX are cost-effective interventions for childhood ADHD. DEX is more cost-effective than MPH, although if MPH were listed at a lower price on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme it would become more cost-effective. Increased uptake of stimulants for ADHD would require policy change. However, the medication of children and wider availability of stimulants may concern parents and the community.
Objective: To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of interventions for generalized anxiety disorder (cognitive behavioural therapy [CBT] and serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors [SNRIs]) and panic disorder (CBT, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] and tricyclic antidepressants [TCAs]). Method: The health benefit is measured as a reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), based on effect size calculations from meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. An assessment on second stage filters ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Costs and benefits are calculated for a period of one year for the eligible population (prevalent cases of generalized anxiety disorder/panic disorder identified in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, extrapolated to the Australian population in the year 2000 for those aged 18 years and older). Simulation modelling techniques are used to present 95% uncertainty intervals (UI) around the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Results: Compared to current practice, CBT by a psychologist on a public salary is the most cost-effective intervention for both generalized anxiety disorder (A$6900/DALY saved; 95% UI A$4000 to A$12 000) and panic disorder (A$6800/DALY saved; 95% UI A$2900 to A$15 000). Cognitive behavioural therapy results in a greater total health benefit than the drug interventions for both anxiety disorders, although equity and feasibility concerns for CBT interventions are also greater. Conclusions: Cognitive behavioural therapy is the most effective and cost-effective intervention for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. However, its implementation would require policy change to enable more widespread access to a sufficient number of trained therapists for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
To better understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying anisosmotic extracellular regulation in the freshwater Brachyura, we kinetically characterized the V-ATPase from the posterior gills of Dilocarcinus pagei, acclimated for 10 days to salinities up to 21%.. Specific activity was highest in fresh water (26.5 +/- 2.1 U mg(-1)), decreasing in 5 parts per thousand to 21 parts per thousand, attaining 3-fold less at 15 parts per thousand. Apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased 3.2- and 2-fold at 10 parts per thousand, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes. In a 240-h time-course study of exposure to 21%., maximum specific activity decreased 2.5- to 4-fold within 1 to 24 h while apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased by 12-fold within 24 h and 2.4-fold after 1 h, unchanged thereafter. K(I) for bafilomycin A(1) decreased 150-fold after 1 h, remaining constant up to 120 h. This is the first kinetic analysis of V-ATPase specific activity in crustacean gills during salinity acclimation. Our findings indicate active gill Cl(-) uptake by D. pagei in fresh water, and short- and long-term down-regulation of V-ATPase-driven ion uptake processes during salinity exposure, aiding in comprehension of the biochemical adaptations underpinning the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effect of several carbon sources on the production of mycelial-bound beta-glucosidase by Humicola grisea var. thermoidea in submerged fermentation was investigated. Maximum production occurred when cellulose was present in the culture medium, but higher specific activities were achieved with cellobiose or sugarcane bagasse. Xylose or glucose (1%) in the reaction medium stimulated beta-glucosidase activity by about 2-fold in crude extracts from mycelia grown in sugarcane bagasse. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-cellulose chromatography, showing a single band in PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The beta-glucosidase had a carbohydrate content of 43% and showed apparent molecular masses of 57 and 60 kDa, as estimated by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and 50 degrees C, respectively. The purified enzyme was thermostable up to 60 min in water at 55 degrees C and showed half-lives of 7 and 14 min when incubated in the absence or presence of 50 mM glucose, respectively, at 60 degrees C. The enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, lactose, and cellobiose. The best synthetic and natural substrates were p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside and cellobiose, respectively. Purified enzyme activity was stimulated up to 2-fold by glucose or xylose at concentrations from 25 to 200 mM. The addition of purified or crude beta-glucosidase to a reaction medium containing Trichoderma reesei cellulases increased the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse by about 50%. These findings suggest that H. grisea var. thermoidea beta-glucosidase has a potential for biotechnological applications in the bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials.
A mycelial beta-glucosidase from the thermophilic mold Humicola insolens was purified and biochemically characterized. The enzyme showed carbohydrate content of 21% and apparent molecular mass of 94 kDa, as estimated by gel filtration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed a single polypeptide band of 55 kDa, suggesting that the native enzyme was a homodimer. Mass spectrometry analysis showed amino acid sequence similarity with a P-glucosidase from Humicola grisea var. thermoidea, with about 22% coverage. Optima of temperature and pH were 60 degrees C and 6.0-6.5, respectively. The enzyme was stable up to I h at 50 degrees C and showed a half-life of approximately 44 min at 55 degrees C. The beta-glucosidase hydrolyzed cellobiose, lactose, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, and salicin. Kinetic studies showed that p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside and cellobiose were the best enzyme substrates. Enzyme activity was stimulated by glucose or xylose at concentrations up to 400 mM, with maximal stimulatory effect (about 2-fold) around 40 mM. The high catalytic efficiency for the natural substrate, good thermal stability, strong stimulation by glucose or xylose, and tolerance to elevated concentrations of these monosaccharides qualify this enzyme for application in the hydrolysis of cellulosic materials. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.