987 resultados para Differentiating Hostile


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A dissertação objetiva estudar o papel que o apocalipsismo, desempenhou na história e no contexto da redação do oráculo isaiano em Isaías 24,1-6. A proposta é de que sua função foi de grande importância no processo de formação do judaísmo pós-exílico, fomentando uma nova reidentificação e reetnização dos israelitas-judaítas num contexto de frustração nacionalista e religiosa que gerou uma grande heterogeneidade teológica. Identificamos este contexto como sendo o ambiente em que se deu um complexo processo de transição sócio-teológica na história dos judaitas no período de dominação persa. O apocalipsismo, enquanto fenômeno religioso e sócio-histórico, se mostrou como resultado de uma realidade hostil e desumanizadora na qual a identidade teológico-cultural e os relacionamentos sócioeconômicos das pessoas foram extremamente ameaçados e violentados gerando uma contraposição aos desígnios de Yahweh expressos na aliança firmada por ele para com seu povo. Através da pesquisa e análise exegética de Isaías 24,1-6, a presente dissertação propõe que, a partir dessa realidade conflituosa, a profecia apocalipsista isaiana se manifesta contra as estruturas e suas articulações geradoras de segregação e desumanidade, lançando uma esperança no ato transformador por intermédio de Yahweh, o senhor da história, que possibilita um reverso histórico, a partir do qual será possível reconstruir relacionamentos favoráveis no âmbito social e espiritual.(AU)


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An early stage in thymocyte development, after rearrangement of the β chain genes of the T cell receptor (TCR), involves expression of the pre-TCR complex and accompanying differentiation of CD4−CD8− double negative (DN) cells to CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) cells. The ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases each contain two N-terminal SH2 domains that bind phosphorylated motifs in antigen receptor subunits and are implicated in pre-T receptor signaling. However, mice deficient in either ZAP-70 or Syk have no defect in the formation of DP thymocytes. Here we show that, in mice lacking both Syk and ZAP-70, DN thymocytes undergo β chain gene rearrangement but fail to initiate clonal expansion and are incapable of differentiating into DP cells after expression of the pre-TCR. These data suggest that the ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases have crucial but overlapping functions in signaling from the pre-TCR and hence in early thymocyte development.


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Members of the POU-homeodomain gene family encode transcriptional regulatory molecules that play important roles in terminal differentiation of many organ systems. Sperm-1 (Sprm-1) is a POU domain factor that is exclusively expressed in the differentiating male germ cell. We show here that the Sprm-1 protein is expressed in the haploid spermatid and that 129/Sv Sprm-1(−/−) mice are subfertile when compared with wild-type or heterozygous littermates yet exhibit normal testicular morphology and produce normal numbers of mobile spermatozoa. Our data suggest that the Sprm-1 protein plays a discrete regulatory function in the haploid spermatid, which is required for the optimal function, but not the terminal differentiation, of the male germ cell.


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Retinoids, vitamin A (retinol) and its metabolic derivatives, are required for normal vertebrate development. In murine embryonic stem (ES) cells, which remain undifferentiated when cultured in the presence of LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor), little metabolism of exogenously added retinol takes place. After LIF removal, ES cells metabolize exogenously added retinol to 4-hydroxyretinol and 4-oxoretinol and concomitantly differentiate. The conversion of retinol to 4-oxoretinol is a high-capacity reaction because most of the exogenous retinol is metabolized rapidly, even when cells are exposed to physiological (≈1 μM) concentrations of retinol in the medium. No retinoic acid or 4-oxoRA synthesis from retinol was detected in ES cells cultured with or without LIF. The cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP26 (retinoic acid hydroxylase) is responsible for the metabolism of retinol to 4-oxoretinol, and CYP26 mRNA is greatly induced (>15-fold) after LIF removal. Concomitant with the expression of CYP26, differentiating ES cells grown in the absence of LIF activate the expression of the differentiation marker gene FGF-5 whereas the expression of the stem cell marker gene FGF-4 decreases. The strong correlation between the production of polar metabolites of retinol and the differentiation of ES cells upon removal of LIF suggests that one important action of LIF in these cells is to prevent retinol metabolism to biologically active, polar metabolites such as 4-oxoretinol.


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We have analyzed the expression of the breast cancer susceptibility gene, Brca2, in mammary epithelial cells as a function of proliferation and differentiation. Our results demonstrate that Brca2 mRNA expression is tightly regulated during mammary epithelial proliferation and differentiation, and that this regulation occurs coordinately with Brca1. Specifically, Brca2 mRNA expression is up-regulated in rapidly proliferating cells; is down-regulated in response to serum deprivation; is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner, peaking at the G1/S boundary; and is up-regulated in differentiating mammary epithelial cells in response to glucocorticoids. In each case, an identical pattern of expression was observed for Brca1. These results indicate that proliferative stimuli modulate the mRNA expression of these two breast cancer susceptibility genes. In addition, the coordinate regulation of Brca1 and Brca2 revealed by these experiments suggests that these genes are induced by, and may function in, overlapping regulatory pathways involved in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation.


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T cells recognizing poorly displayed self determinants escape tolerance mechanisms and persist in the adult repertoire. The process by which these T cells are primed is not clear, but once activated, they can cause autoimmunity. Here, we show that dendritic cells treated with interleukin 6 (IL-6) process and present determinants from a model native antigen in a qualitatively altered hierarchy, activating T cells in vitro and in vivo against determinants that were previously cryptic because of poor display. IL-6 does not induce conventional maturation of dendritic cells but alters the pH of peripheral, early endosomal compartments and renders the cells more susceptible to killing by chloroquine. Acidification of endosomes by ouabain mimics the effect of IL-6 and allows processing of the same cryptic determinant. These results suggest that cytokines such as IL-6 could initiate and help to propagate an autoimmune disease process by differentiating dendritic cells into a state distinct from that induced by normal maturation.


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Sik, the mouse homologue of the breast tumor kinase Brk, is expressed in differentiating cells of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. We examined expression and activity of Sik in primary mouse keratinocytes and a mouse embryonic keratinocyte cell line (EMK). Calcium-induced differentiation of these cells has been shown to be accompanied by the activation of tyrosine kinases and rapid phosphorylation of a 65-kDa GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated protein (GAP-A.p65). We demonstrate that Sik is activated within 2 min after calcium addition in primary keratinocytes and EMK cells. In EMK cells, Sik binds GAP-A.p65, and this interaction is mediated by the Sik Src homology 2 domain. Although Sik directly complexes with GAP-A.p65, overexpression of wild-type or kinase defective Sik in EMK cells does not lead to detectable changes in GAP-A.p65 phosphorylation. These data suggest that Sik is not responsible for phosphorylation of GAP-A.p65. GAP-A.p65 may act as an adapter protein, bringing Sik into proximity of an unidentified substrate. Overexpression of Sik in EMK cells results in increased expression of filaggrin during differentiation, supporting a role for Sik in differentiation.


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Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of insulin-stimulated glucose transport during their conversion from proliferating fibroblasts to nonproliferating adipocytes. On day 3 of 3T3-L1 cell differentiation, basal glucose transport and cell surface transferrin binding are markedly diminished. This occurs concomitant with the formation of a distinct insulin-responsive vesicular pool of intracellular glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and transferrin receptors as assessed by sucrose velocity gradients. The intracellular distribution of the insulin-responsive aminopeptidase is first readily detectable on day 3, and its gradient profile and response to insulin at this time are identical to that of GLUT1. With further time of differentiation, GLUT4 is expressed and targeted to the same insulin-responsive vesicles as the other three proteins. Our data are consistent with the notion that a distinct insulin-sensitive vesicular cargo compartment forms early during fat call differentiation and its formation precedes GLUT4 expression. The development of this compartment may result from the differentiation-dependent inhibition of constitutive GLUT1 and transferrin receptor trafficking such that there is a large increase in, or the new formation of, a population of postendosomal, insulin-responsive vesicles.


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A genetic hierarchy of interactions, involving myogenic regulatory factors of the MyoD and myocyte enhancer-binding 2 (MEF2) families, serves to elaborate and maintain the differentiated muscle phenotype through transcriptional regulation of muscle-specific target genes. Much work suggests that members of the cysteine-rich protein (CRP) family of LIM domain proteins also play a role in muscle differentiation; however, the specific functions of CRPs in this process remain undefined. Previously, we characterized two members of the Drosophila CRP family, the muscle LIM proteins Mlp60A and Mlp84B, which show restricted expression in differentiating muscle lineages. To extend our analysis of Drosophila Mlps, we characterized the expression of Mlps in mutant backgrounds that disrupt specific aspects of muscle development. We show a genetic requirement for the transcription factor dMEF2 in regulating Mlp expression and an ability of dMEF2 to bind, in vitro, to consensus MEF2 sites derived from those present in Mlp genomic sequences. These data suggest that the Mlp genes may be direct targets of dMEF2 within the genetic hierarchy controlling muscle differentiation. Mutations that disrupt myoblast fusion fail to affect Mlp expression. In later stages of myogenic differentiation, which are dedicated primarily to assembly of the contractile apparatus, we analyzed the subcellular distribution of Mlp84B in detail. Immunofluorescent studies revealed the localization of Mlp84B to muscle attachment sites and the periphery of Z-bands of striated muscle. Analysis of mutations that affect expression of integrins and α-actinin, key components of these structures, also failed to perturb Mlp84B distribution. In conclusion, we have used molecular epistasis analysis to position Mlp function downstream of events involving mesoderm specification and patterning and concomitant with terminal muscle differentiation. Furthermore, our results are consistent with a structural role for Mlps as components of muscle cytoarchitecture.


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One of the best-described transmembrane signal transduction mechanisms is based on receptor activation of the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein Gs, leading to stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and the production of cAMP. Intracellular cAMP is then thought to mediate its effects largely, if not entirely, by activation of protein kinase A and the subsequent phosphorylation of substrates which in turn control diverse cellular phenomena. In this report we demonstrate, by two different methods, that reduction or elimination of protein kinase A activity had no effect on phenotypes generated by activation of Gsα pathways in Drosophila wing epithelial cells. These genetic studies show that the Gsα pathway mediates its primary effects by a novel pathway in differentiating wing epithelial cells. This novel pathway may in part be responsible for some of the complex, cell-specific responses observed following activation of this pathway in different cell types.


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One of the current limitations of gene transfer protocols involving mammalian genomes is the lack of spatial and temporal control over the desired gene manipulation. Starting from a human keratin gene showing a complex regulation as a template, we identified regulatory sequences that confer inducible gene expression in a subpopulation of keratinocytes in stratified epithelia of adult transgenic mice. We used this cassette to produce transgenic mice with an inducible skin blistering phenotype mimicking a form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a keratin gene disorder. Upon induction by topical application of a phorbol ester, the mutant keratin transgene product accumulates in the differentiating layers of epidermis, leading to keratinocyte lysis after application of mechanical trauma. This mouse model will allow for a better understanding of the complex relationship between keratin mutation, keratinocyte cytoarchitecture, and hypersensitivity to trauma. The development of an inducible expression vector showing an exquisite cellular specificity has important implications for manipulating genes in a spatially and temporally controlled fashion in transgenic mice, and for the design of gene therapy strategies using skin as a tissue source for the controlled delivery of foreign substances.


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Full term pregnancy early in life is the most effective natural protection against breast cancer in women. Rats treated with chemical carcinogen are similarly protected by a previous pregnancy from mammary carcinogenesis. Proliferation and differentiation of the mammary gland does not explain this phenomenon, as shown by the relative ineffectiveness of perphenazine, a potent mitogenic and differentiating agent. Here, we show that short term treatment of nulliparous rats with pregnancy levels of estradiol 17β and progesterone has high efficacy in protecting them from chemical carcinogen induced mammary cancers. Because the mammary gland is exposed to the highest physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone during full term pregnancy, it is these elevated levels of hormones that likely induce protection from mammary cancer. Thus, it appears possible to mimic the protective effects of pregnancy against breast cancer in nulliparous rats by short term specific hormonal intervention.


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Vertebrate eye development begins at the gastrula stage, when a region known as the eye field acquires the capacity to generate retina and lens. Optx2, a homeobox gene of the sine oculis-Six family, is selectively expressed in this early eye field and later in the lens placode and optic vesicle. The distal and ventral portion of the optic vesicle are fated to become the retina and optic nerve, whereas the dorsal portion eventually loses its neural characteristics and activates the synthesis of melanin, forming the retinal pigment epithelium. Optx2 expression is turned off in the future pigment epithelium but remains expressed in the proliferating neuroblasts and differentiating cells of the neural retina. When an Optx2-expressing plasmid is transfected into embryonic or mature chicken pigment epithelial cells, these cells adopt a neuronal morphology and express markers characteristic of developing neural retina and photoreceptors. One explanation of these results is that Optx2 functions as a determinant of retinal precursors and that it has induced the transdifferentiation of pigment epithelium into retinal neurons and photoreceptors. We also have isolated optix, a Drosophila gene that is the closest insect homologue of Optx2 and Six3. Optix is expressed during early development of the fly head and eye primordia.


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Mineral surfaces were important during the emergence of life on Earth because the assembly of the necessary complex biomolecules by random collisions in dilute aqueous solutions is implausible. Most silicate mineral surfaces are hydrophilic and organophobic and unsuitable for catalytic reactions, but some silica-rich surfaces of partly dealuminated feldspars and zeolites are organophilic and potentially catalytic. Weathered alkali feldspar crystals from granitic rocks at Shap, north west England, contain abundant tubular etch pits, typically 0.4–0.6 μm wide, forming an orthogonal honeycomb network in a surface zone 50 μm thick, with 2–3 × 106 intersections per mm2 of crystal surface. Surviving metamorphic rocks demonstrate that granites and acidic surface water were present on the Earth’s surface by ∼3.8 Ga. By analogy with Shap granite, honeycombed feldspar has considerable potential as a natural catalytic surface for the start of biochemical evolution. Biomolecules should have become available by catalysis of amino acids, etc. The honeycomb would have provided access to various mineral inclusions in the feldspar, particularly apatite and oxides, which contain phosphorus and transition metals necessary for energetic life. The organized environment would have protected complex molecules from dispersion into dilute solutions, from hydrolysis, and from UV radiation. Sub-micrometer tubes in the honeycomb might have acted as rudimentary cell walls for proto-organisms, which ultimately evolved a lipid lid giving further shelter from the hostile outside environment. A lid would finally have become a complete cell wall permitting detachment and flotation in primordial “soup.” Etch features on weathered alkali feldspar from Shap match the shape of overlying soil bacteria.


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Fiber cells of the lens are interconnected by an extensive network of gap junctions containing α3 (Cx46) and α8 (Cx50) connexins. A specific role for these connexins in lens homeostasis is not known. To determine the contribution of these connexins to lens function, we used impedance techniques to study cell-to-cell coupling in lenses from homozygous α3 knockout (−/−), heterozygous (+/−), and wild-type (+/+) mice. Western blots and immunofluorescence data indicated that α8 remained at similar levels in the three classes of lenses, whereas α3 was approximately 50% of the normal level in the +/− lenses, and it was absent from the −/− lenses. Moreover, the data from +/+ lenses suggest that a cleavage of connexins occurs abruptly between the peripheral shell of differentiating fibers (DF) and the inner core of mature fibers (MF). The appearance of the cleaved connexins was correlated to a change in the coupling conductance. In −/− lenses the coupling conductance of MF was zero, and these fibers were depolarized by about 30 mV from normal (≈−65 mV). The DF remained coupled, but the conductance was reduced to 30–35% of normal. However, the gap junctions in the DF of α3 −/− lenses remained sensitive to pH. We conclude that α3 connexin is necessary for the coupling of central fibers to peripheral cells, and that this coupling is essential for fiber cell homeostasis because uncoupled MF depolarize and subsequently become opaque.