992 resultados para Dick Goodwin


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1. In a series of laboratory experiments, we assessed the predatory nature of the native Irish amphipod, Gammarus duebeni celticus, and the introduced G. pulex, towards the mayfly nymph Baetis rhodani. We also investigated alterations in microhabitat use and drift behaviour of B. rhodani in the presence of Gammarus, and indirect predatory interactions with juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. 2. In trials with single predators and prey, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower when Gammarus were free to interact with nymphs as than when Gammarus were isolated from them. The invader G. pulex reduced the survival of B. rhodani more rapidly than did the native G. d. celticus. Both Gammarus spp. were active predators. 3. In `patch' experiments, B. rhodani survival was significantly lower both when G. pulex and G. d. celticus were present, although the effect of the two Gammarus species did not differ. Again, active predation of nymphs by Gammarus was observed. Significantly more nymphs occurred on the top and sides of a tile, and per capita drifts were significantly higher, when Gammarus were present. Baetis rhodani per capita drift was also significantly higher in the presence of the introduced G. pulex than with the native G. d. celticus. 4. Gammarus facilitated predation by salmon parr of B. rhodani by significantly increasing fish–nymph encounters on exposed gravel and in the drift. There were no differential effects of the two Gammarus spp. on fish –B. rhodani encounters or consumption. 5. We conclude that Gammarus as a predator can have lethal, nonlethal, direct and indirect effects in freshwaters. We stress the need for recognition of this predatory role when assigning Gammarus spp. to a `Functional Feeding Group'.


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Removal of deposited eggs could be a useful control strategy for the damaging fish ectoparasite Argulus foliaceus, but focused control requires knowledge of egg-laying patterns. Here, we investigated diel changes in the egg-laying behaviour of a natural population of A. foliaceus. Data were collected from 17-28 May 2004. Days were divided into 3 time periods: 06:00-14:00, 14:00-22:00 and 22:00-06:00 h. Significantly more egg clutches were laid from 06:00-14:00 h than during the other 2 time periods, which were not significantly different from each other. Significantly more egg clutches per hour were laid during hours of daylight as compared to hours of darkness. Significantly more egg clutches were laid in the top 1 m of the water column than at the bottom, and this was consistent throughout all 3 time periods. It is suggested that the increase in egg-laying activity during daylight hours may be due to a higher motivation to search for hosts during the night and an increased ability to locate silhouetted egg-laying sites during the day. These data can provide information useful for egg removal and control strategies.


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The European otter (Lutra lutra L.) has a highly specialised diet that is composed predominantly of fish. The current study investigates the percentage composition of food items in otter spraints collected in six river catchments in Northern Ireland in 1980 and again from the same locations in 2003. Spraints contained significantly more salmonids than any other prey item. The composition of spraints differed among catchments. More salmonids and three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) were found in spraints from the Glens of Antrim, while spraints from the Lagan catchment had significantly more eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). There were significantly more spraints containing non-fish food items in 2003 compared with 1980. These non-fish items were insects, amphipods, birds, rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout) and lagomorphs. Increased consumption of non-fish items was apparent in all but one of the river catchments. The mean diversity of spraint composition was significantly greater in 2003 than in 1980. Therefore, our findings indicate that otters have diversified their diet since 1980 and now eat more non-fish prey.


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We examined physiological stress responses in the edible crab, Cancer pagurus, subjected to the commercial fishery practice of manual de-clawing. We measured haemolymph glucose and lactate, plus muscular glycogen and glycogen mobilisation, in three experiments where the crabs had one claw removed. In the first, crabs showed physiological stress responses when 'de-clawed' as compared to 'handled only over the short term of 1-10 min. In the second, de-clawing and the presence of a conspecific both increased the physiological stress responses over the longer term of 24 h. In the third, de-clawing was shown to be more stressful than 'induced autotomy' of claws. Further, the former practice caused larger wounds to the body and significantly higher mortality than the latter. Since the fishery practice is to remove both claws, the stress response observed and mortality data reported are conservative.


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Models of parent - offspring conflict concerning levels of caregiving centre on conflict resolution by offspring control, compromise or offspring 'honest signalling' that parents use to maximize their own fitness. Recent empirical studies on motivational control of parental feeding of offspring are interpreted as supporting the latter model. Here, we examine parental care in an amphipod, Crangonyx pseudogracilis, which directs care to embryos in a brood pouch. Embryo removal and transplantation elucidated causal factors that determine levels of caregiving. In the short-term, females with all embryos removed reduced care activities, but partial embryo removal did not affect caregiving, evidence of 'unshared' parental care. In the long-term, females with all embryos removed ceased care. Thus, females have a maternal state that is maintained by stimuli from offspring. Transplantation of early/late stage embryos among females originally carrying early/late stage embryos revealed that stimuli from embryos indicate their age-dependent needs, but only modify caregiving within the constraints of a changing endogenous maternal state. Thus, we demonstrate that mothers and offspring share motivational control of care. However, we highlight the inappropriate use of motivational data in reaching conclusions about the resolution of parent - offspring conflict.


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Interspecific interactions are major structuring forces in marine littoral communities; however, it is unclear which of these interactions are exhibited by many key-component species. Gut content analysis showed that the ubiquitous rocky/cobble shore amphipod Echinogammarus marinas, often ascribed as a mesograzer, consumes both algae and macroinvertebrates. Further, laboratory experiments showed that E. marinus is an active predator of such macroinvertebrates, killing and consuming the isopod Jaera nordmanni and the oligochaete Tubificoides benedii. Predatory impacts of E. marinus were not alleviated by the presence of alternative food in the form of alga discs. However, in the presence of prey, consumption of alga by E. marinus was significantly reduced. Further, survival of prey was significantly higher when substrate was provided, but predation remained significant and did not decline with further increases in substrate heterogeneity. We conclude that such amphipods can have pervasive predatory impacts on a range of species, with implications for community structure, diversity and functioning.


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We present a synthesis of empirical and theoretical work investigating how parasites influence competitive and predatory interactions between other species. We examine the direct and indirect effects of parasitism and discuss examples of density and parasite-induced trait-mediated effects. Recent work reveals previously unrecognized complexity in parasite-mediated interactions. In addition to parasite-modified and apparent competition leading to species exclusion or enabling coexistence, parasites and predators interact in different ways to regulate or destablize the population dynamics of their joint prey. An emerging area is the impact of parasites on intraguild predation (IGP). Parasites can increase vulnerability of infected individuals to cannibalism or predation resulting in reversed species dominance in IGP hierarchies. We discuss the potential significance of parasites for community structure and biodiversity, in particular their role in promoting species exclusion or coexistence and the impact of emerging diseases. Ongoing invasions provide examples where parasites mediate native/invader interactions and play a key role in determining the outcome of invasions. We highlight the need for more quantitative data to assess the impact of parasites on communities, and the combination of theoretical and empirical studies to examine how the effects of parasitism scale up to community-level processes.


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Feeding on micro-algae is shown in the invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus. Compared with controls, males, females and juveniles of this species significantly reduced the concentration in suspension of unicellular micro-algae. Juveniles had higher concentrations of algae in the cardiac gut than adults. The presence of these algae in the mid- and hindgut was also recorded. This feeding behaviour was filmed and the mechanisms involved are described and discussed. We comment on the use of the Functional Feeding Group (FFG) concept to classify feeding in amphipods. The role of being a feeding-generalist in aiding the invasion process is also discussed.


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Assessing the effects of invading species on native community structure is often confounded by environmental factors and weakened by lack of replicated, long-term pre- and post-invasion monitoring. Here, we uncouple the community effects of a freshwater amphipod invader from environmental differences. In Irish rivers, the introduced Gammarus pulex replaces the native Gammarus duebeni celticus. However, the River Lissan in Northern Ireland is dissected by a weir that has slowed the upstream invasion by G. pulex. This allowed us in 2000 to sample three contiguous 150-m reaches that were (1) G. pulex dominated; (2) mixed Gammarus spp.; and (3) G. duebeni celticus only. In 2003, we resampled these reaches and one additional of mixed Gammarus species and one with only G. duebeni celticus further upstream. In temperature, conductivity, and pH, there were statistically significant but no biologically relevant differences among the five reaches of 2003, and between the three reaches surveyed in both years. Although there was evidence of recovery in macroinvertebrate diversity and richness in invaded reaches between years, continued upstream invasion was associated with sustained reductions in these community metrics as compared to un-invaded sites. Community ordination indicated (1) different associations of community composition attributed to the distribution, abundance, and biomass of the invader; and (2) increasing similarity of invaded communities over time. The impact mechanisms of G. pulex on macroinvertebrate community composition may include predation and competition. The consequences of the observed community changes for ecosystem functioning require further investigation.


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Background. Biological monitors are increasingly important in 'Biological Early Warning Systems' (BEWS) for monitoring water quality. This study examines the freshwater amphipod Crangonyx pseudogracilis as a potential new indicator species when used in the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor (MFB). The MFB is an online continuous biomonitor which uses impedance conversion to record behavioural responses of vertebrates and invertebrates.


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Automated sediment toxicity testing and biomonitoring has grown rapidly. This study tested the suitability of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766) for sediment biomonitoring using the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor (MFB). Two experiments were undertaken to (1) characterize individual behaviors of C. volutator using the MFB and (2) examine behavioral changes in response to sediment spiked with the pesticide Bioban. Four behaviors were visually identified (walking, swimming, grooming and falling) and characterized in the MFB as different patterns of locomotor activity (0-2 Hz range). Ventilation was not visually observed but was detected by the MFB (2-8 Hz). No clear diel activity patterns were detected. The MFB detected an overall increase in C. volutator locomotor activity after Bioban addition to the sediments (56, 100, 121 mg kg(-1)). C. volutator was more active (both locomotion and ventilation) in the water column than the spiked sediment. C. volutator appears a sensitive and appropriate species for behavioral sediment toxicity assessment and biomonitoring. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Argulus foliaceus is a damaging fish ectoparasite for which new control measures are being developed based on egg-removal, In an attempt to develop further understanding of seasonal and vertical egg-laying patterns in this parasite, egg-laying activity was monitored over the period 14 April to 17 November 2003 in 2 rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fisheries in Northern Ireland, UK. At Site 1, egg-laying was continuous from 21 April to 17 November, when water temperature was above 8 to 10 degrees C. At Site 2, egg-laying was continuous from 4 June to 29 October. In the early months of the season, egg-laying was recorded mainly within the top 1 m of the water column; however, a significant shift to deep water egg-laying was recorded between 7 July and 17 November at Site 1 and between 20 August and 29 October at Site 2. Egg clutches were preferentially laid at depths of up to 8.5 m during this time (Site 2), a feature of egg-laying hitherto unappreciated. Temperature and dissolved oxygen did not differ significantly among depths, but there was an increase in water clarity over time. However, the precise environmental triggers for deep water egg-laying are still unclear. These new insights into the reproductive behaviour of this species will be useful in developing control methods based on egg-removal.


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The invasive North American amphipod Gammarus tigrinus is successfully established in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. Gammarus tigrinus is increasingly recognized as having significant predatory impacts on macroinverebrates, contrary to the accepted functional feeding group status of Gammarus species. The native opossum shrimp Mysis relicta overlaps in habitat use with G. tigrinus. However, its interaction with benthic macroinvertebrates is rarely appreciated. Mutual predatory interactions between G. tigrinus and M. relicta were assessed in a series of laboratory experiments. Gammarus tigrinus actively preyed on adult and juvenile M. relicta at a range of spatial scales. Females and recently molted M. relicta were particularly vulnerable to predation. Mysis relicta did not prey on adult G. tigrinus, but rapidly eliminated juvenile G. tigrinus in microcosms. Changes in dissolved 02 saturation did not alter the predatory interaction between these species. Microhabitat use by M. relicta was altered in the presence of G. tigrinus, and the presence of G. tigrinus facilitated fish predation on M. relicta. A balance of mutual predatory pressure between these invasive and native species may explain their coexistence. Both species are likely to be strongly interactive with other macroinvertebrates in both native and invasive ranges.