970 resultados para Dibujo en 3D
The approach of reaggregation involves the regeneration and self-renewal of histotypical 3D spheres from isolated tissue kept in suspension culture. Reaggregated spheres can be used as tumour, genetic, biohybrid and neurosphere models. In addition the functional superiority of 3D aggregates over conventional 2D cultures developed the use of neurospheres for brain engineering of CNS diseases. Thus 3D aggregate cultures created enormous interest in mechanisms that regulate the formation of multicellular aggregates in vitro. Here we analyzed mechanisms guiding the development of 3D neurosphere cultures. Adult neural stem cells can be cultured as self-adherent clusters, called neurospheres. Neurospheres are characterised as heterogeneous clusters containing unequal stem cell sub-types. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha is one of the crucial inflammatory cytokines with multiple actions on several cell types. TNF-alpha strongly activates the canonical Nuclear Factor Kappa-B (NF- kappaB) pathway. In order to investigate further functions of TNF in neural stem cells (NSCs) we tested the hypothesis that TNF is able to modulate the motility and/or migratory behaviour of SVZ derived adult neural stem cells. We observed a significantly faster sphere formation in TNF treated cultures than in untreated controls. The very fast aggregation of isolated NSCs (<2h) is a commonly observed phenomenon, though the mechanisms of 3D neurosphere formation remain largely unclear. Here we demonstrate for the first time, increased aggregation and enhanced motility of isolated NSCs in response to the TNF-stimulus. Moreover, this phenomenon is largely dependent on activated transcription factor NF-kappaB. Both, the pharmacological blockade of NF-kappaB pathway by pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) or Bay11-7082 and genetic blockade by expression of a transdominant-negative super-repressor IkappaB-AA1 led to decreased aggregation.
Due to their broad differentiation potential and their persistence into adulthood, human neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) harbour great potential for autologous cellular therapies, which include the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and replacement of complex tissues containing various cell types, as in the case of musculoskeletal injuries. The use of serum-free approaches often results in insufficient proliferation of stem cells and foetal calf serum implicates the use of xenogenic medium components. Thus, there is much need for alternative cultivation strategies. In this study we describe for the first time a novel, human blood plasma based semi-solid medium for cultivation of human NCSCs. We cultivated human neural crest-derived inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) within a blood plasma matrix, where they revealed higher proliferation rates compared to a standard serum-free approach. Three-dimensionality of the matrix was investigated using helium ion microscopy. ITSCs grew within the matrix as revealed by laser scanning microscopy. Genetic stability and maintenance of stemness characteristics were assured in 3D cultivated ITSCs, as demonstrated by unchanged expression profile and the capability for self-renewal. ITSCs pre-cultivated in the 3D matrix differentiated efficiently into ectodermal and mesodermal cell types, particularly including osteogenic cell types. Furthermore, ITSCs cultivated as described here could be easily infected with lentiviruses directly in substrate for potential tracing or gene therapeutic approaches. Taken together, the use of human blood plasma as an additive for a completely defined medium points towards a personalisable and autologous cultivation of human neural crest-derived stem cells under clinical grade conditions.
Background In the UK occupational therapy pre-discharge home visits are routinely carried out as a means of facilitating safe transfer from the hospital to home. Whilst they are an integral part of practice, there is little evidence to demonstrate they have a positive outcome on the discharge process. Current issues for patients are around the speed of home visits and the lack of shared decision making in the process, resulting in less than 50 % of the specialist equipment installed actually being used by patients on follow-up. To improve practice there is an urgent need to examine other ways of conducting home visits to facilitate safe discharge. We believe that Computerised 3D Interior Design Applications (CIDAs) could be a means to support more efficient, effective and collaborative practice. A previous study explored practitioners perceptions of using CIDAs; however it is important to ascertain older adult’s views about the usability of technology and to compare findings. This study explores the perceptions of community dwelling older adults with regards to adopting and using CIDAs as an assistive tool for the home adaptations process. Methods Ten community dwelling older adults participated in individual interactive task-focused usability sessions with a customised CIDA, utilising the think-aloud protocol and individual semi-structured interviews. Template analysis was used to carry out both deductive and inductive analysis of the think-aloud and interview data. Initially, a deductive stance was adopted, using the three pre-determined high-level themes of the technology acceptance model (TAM): Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Actual Use (AU). Inductive template analysis was then carried out on the data within these themes, from which a number of sub-thmes emerged. Results Regarding PU, participants believed CIDAs served as a useful visual tool and saw clear potential to facilitate shared understanding and partnership in care delivery. For PEOU, participants were able to create 3D home environments however a number of usability issues must still be addressed. The AU theme revealed the most likely usage scenario would be collaborative involving both patient and practitioner, as many participants did not feel confident or see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Conclusions This research found that older adults perceived that CIDAs were likely to serve as a valuable tool which facilitates and enhances levels of patient/practitioner collaboration and empowerment. Older adults also suggested a redesign of the interface so that less sophisticated dexterity and motor functions are required. However, older adults were not confident, or did not see sufficient value in using the application autonomously. Future research is needed to further customise the CIDA software, in line with the outcomes of this study, and to explore the potential of collaborative application patient/practitioner-based deployment.
Periocular recognition has recently become an active topic in biometrics. Typically it uses 2D image data of the periocular region. This paper is the first description of combining 3D shape structure with 2D texture. A simple and effective technique using iterative closest point (ICP) was applied for 3D periocular region matching. It proved its strength for relatively unconstrained eye region capture, and does not require any training. Local binary patterns (LBP) were applied for 2D image based periocular matching. The two modalities were combined at the score-level. This approach was evaluated using the Bosphorus 3D face database, which contains large variations in facial expressions, head poses and occlusions. The rank-1 accuracy achieved from the 3D data (80%) was better than that for 2D (58%), and the best accuracy (83%) was achieved by fusing the two types of data. This suggests that significant improvements to periocular recognition systems could be achieved using the 3D structure information that is now available from small and inexpensive sensors.
Detta examensarbete går ut på att ta fram en applikation, avsedd för mobiltelefoner, där man på ett enkelt sätt kan få reda på avgångarna för Dalarnas kollektivtrafik. Det stigande bensinpriset och bilåkningens negativa miljöpåverkan ligger som grund till att Etex AB och Balanz AB vill undersöka om det går att få människor att välja bussen framför personbilen. Om man genom denna applikation kan underlätta planeringen av människors dagliga resor, hur påverkas då valet av fortskaffningsmedel?Resultatet blev en applikation där man, via sin mobiltelefon, bland annat kan ta reda på avgångar för utvalda linjer av Dalatrafiks bussar, hantera linjekartor och synkronisera avgångar med telefonens kalender. Alla tidtabeller sparas i telefonen för att minska nätverkstrafiken och för att informationen enkelt ska kunna återanvändas.Dalatrafik är det företag som ansvarar för kollektivtrafiken i Dalarna. Det finns i dagsläget ingen möjlighet att få reda på avgångarna för deras bussar om man inte har tillgång till en tidtabell eller ringer till deras kundservice. Vissa kommuner har redan lösningar för tidtabellshantering i mobiltelefonen och nu vill Etex AB och Balanz AB, som är två företag som bl.a. arbetar med trådlösa applikationer, att även Dalarna ska få ta del av detta praktiska hjälpmedel.De flesta mobiltelefoner som säljs idag har stöd för att köra applikationer, eller MIDlets som de också kallas, gjorda i J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition). Denna teknik har tagits fram av Sun för att göra applikationer som kan köras på mindre mobila enheter såsom mobiltelefoner och handdatorer. Kombinerar man J2ME med den ökande prestandan i dagens mobiltelefoner kan avancerade applikationer t.ex. spel med 3D-grafik, webbläsare och andra nyttiga program tillverkas.
Den relativt nya företeelsen BrandME – I am the brand är en eTjänst som fungerar som ett virtuellt provrum och därmed gör det möjligt att kunna prova på kläder virtuellt. Till sin hjälp har man bland annat använt sig av 3D-grafik samt databaser. BrandME är en produkt av det kanadensiska företaget My Virtual Model, ett företag som har arbetat med att sätta standarder för virtuell identitet sedan år 2000.Då denna företeelse är relativ ny, skapar detta utrymme för undersökning och bedömning om huruvida välutvecklad och välanpassad BrandME är. Undersökningens syfte är att utvärdera BrandME för att sedan kunna fastställa nyttan med denna eTjänst. Under utvärderingen koncentrerar vi oss dels på användbarheten hos BrandME och dels på utformningen av BrandME.
Föreliggande studie har haft för avsikt att genom enkäter undersöka likheter och skillnader mellan branschaktiva 3D-grafikers arbetsprocesser. Målet har varit att öka insikten i den 3D-grafiska arbetsprocessen för visualisering av interiörmiljöer. Studien är tänkt att identifiera vilka arbetsmoment som är mest tidskrävande och varför. En ökad insikt i denna process kan leda till förbättrad kommunikation och förståelse mellan kund och byrå. Respondenternas beskrivningar av arbetsprocessen liknade varandra och stämmer till stor del även med beskrivningar i litteraturen. De flesta av respondenterna upplevde modellering som det mest tidskrävande tekniska momentet. God kommunikation med kunden ansåg respondenterna vara viktigt för att undvika onödig korrektur, vilket beskrevs som problematiskt och tidskrävande. Respondenterna hade erfarenhet från referensmaterial av varierande kvalitet, vilket kan påverka ett projekts tidsåtgång.
Denna undersökning syftar till att studera förhållandet mellan ljud, bild och spelare i en TV- och datorspelssituation. Med hjälp av fokusgruppdiskussioner berörs frågor på det audiovisuella området, där deltagarna är aktiva spelare som har tillryggalagt ett mycket stort antal speltimmar som de bygger sina kunskaper på. Här framkommer att ljud och musik fyller viktiga funktioner för spelarens möjlighet att interagera och leva sig in i spelet och att varje spel har en unik ljud- eller musikmiljö som spelarna tycks förhålla sig till på olika sätt beroende på varför man spelar och om man spelar ensam eller tillsammans med andra, det vill säga singelplayer eller multiplayer. Informanternas kunskaper utgör styrkan i denna undersökning men det vore önskvärt att utöka studien med fler fokusgruppdiskussioner samt djupintervjuer med utvalda informanter för att fördjupa materialet. Som förslag på vidare forskning vore det intressant att studera användandet av virtuella headsets där en stereoskopisk 3D bild skapas som spårar huvudets rörelser, för att undersöka om detta kan ha en inverkan på hur vi uppfattar ljudet i ett spel.
Neste trabalho descreve-se a construção, a aplicação e os resultados obtidos numa bateria de exercícios informatizados para treinamento da visualização espacial de estudantes de Engenharia. A bateria contém quatro exercícios baseados em tarefas muito comuns do ensino fundamental de desenho técnico. Cada exercício é composto por 18 itens com quatro opções de respostas das quais apenas uma é correta. Após responder a cada item o aluno recebe um feed-back imediato, com a demonstração da precisão da sua resposta. O formato de resposta dos exercícios denomina-se Responder até acertar, uma vez que se a resposta é incorreta, o aluno recebe a informação da pontuação obtida. Para avaliar a influencia do treinamento na visualização espacial foram administrados testes dessa aptidão no começo e no final do curso de desenho técnico. As figuras dos exercícios e os testes foram construídas com AutoCad e a programação foi realizada com Revolution Studio 2. Utilizaram-se vários modelos para obter as medidas: Partial Credit Model (Masters, 1982) e Rasch Model (Rasch, 1960). Observou-se que os alunos apresentaram uma melhora moderada em visualização espacial.
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