996 resultados para Demokratiamuuriliike - Kiina - 1978-1981


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a eficiência técnica de empresas em setores nos quais competem diretamente. Por razões que serão expostas posteriormente, esse conceito constitui o melhor indicador para verificar a eficiência relativa entre empresas com diferentes objetivos. Analisa a eficiência técnica de empresas públicas e privadas em quatro setores onde competem diretamente: químico - petroquímico, siderúrgico, bancos comerciais e transporte urbano de passageiros. O estudo abrange um período de 10 anos (1978-1988) e sugere os fatores condicionantes e determinantes da eficiência nas empresas. Realiza também uma discussão sobre a relação entre privatização e eficiência das empresas.


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O objetivo desta monografia é fazer uma retrospectiva histórica da política dos Governos Militares no Brasil, a partir de 1964, sobre a questão da reforma agrária e como se insere a política de Colonização da Amazônia neste contexto. Trata-se da colonização na Amazônia, sob seu aspecto de concepção política ao nível governamental, caracterizando o esvaziamento de sua abordagem social, em detrimento de interesses econômicos que, por fim, acarretaram em agravamento de conflitos sociais. São analisados os instrumentos jurídicos que propiciaram a ocupação da Amazônia, via colonização, assim como os resultados dessa política.


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O presente trabalho tem, como principal objetivo, analisar o relacionamento do setor de bens de capital sob encomenda e o Estado. O ponto central de enfoque é o processo de aquisição das estatais para tal tipo de bens, a licitação, dentro de um contexto mais amplo que é a própria política de compras dessas empresas e o conflito de interesses por ele originado. Para completar o quadro, impõe-se, paralelamente, que se examine qual o papel que o Estado vem desempenhado neste processo de compras, viabilizando, através de uma série de instrumentos, o próprio setor ofertante. Desta forma o clima de conflito antevisto no interior do processo de aquisição entre compradores e fornecedores é, na verdade, entremeado de inúmeros matizes que evidenciam a cooperação entre o setor e o Estado. Também este é um aspecto que nos compete examinar.


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This paper studies the male homicide rate and its relation to economic variables in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro between 1981 and 1997. The novelty of our approach is the construction of homicide rates specific for each age between 15 and 40 years old. The economic variables' coefficients are significant1y different from zero for the population between 15 and 19 years old. As expected, an increase in real wage and a decrease in inequality reduce the rate of homicide. Surprisingly, a decrease in the unemployment rate seems to increase the rate ofhomicide. Most coefficients, however, converge to zero as a generation gets older, becoming non-significant for the population aged 20 years old or more. We also identify an inertia component in the homicide rate: generations with higher homicide rates when young also tend to have higher homicide rates over the remain of their life cycle. Therefore, if economic variables induce a high rate of homicide among young people in a certain year, this high rate tend to persist over the generation life cycle independent1y of the economy later behavior. Regressions are performed using a reformulation of the standard Logit model that incorporates a lagged dependent variable.


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“A Narratological Analysis of D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel (1981)” originated within a seminar on British Postmodernist Literature during the first Master’s Degree in “British and North-American Culture and Literature” (2001-04) at the Universidade da Madeira set up by the Department of English and German Studies. This dissertation seeks to present a narratological analysis of Thomas’s novel. The White Hotel stands as a paradigmatic example of the kind of literature that has dominated the British literary scene in the past three decades, commonly referred to as postmodernist fiction, owing to its formal craftsmanship (multiplicity of narrative voices and perspectives, mixing of differing genres and text types, inclusion of embedded narratives) alongside the handling of what are deemed as postmodernist topoi (the distinction between truth and lies, history and fantasy, fact and fiction, the questioning of the nature of aesthetic representation, the role the author and the reader hold in the narrative process, the instability of the linguistic sign, the notion of originality and the moral responsibility the author has towards his/her work), The narratological approach carried out in this research reveals that Thomas’s text constitutes an aesthetic endeavour to challenge the teleological drive that is inherent in any narrative, i. e., the inevitable progression towards a reassuring end. Hence, the subversion of narrative telling, which is a recurrent feature in Thomas’s remaining literary output, mirrors the contemporary distrust in totalising, hierarchised and allencompassing narratives. In its handling of historical events, namely of the Holocaust, The White Hotel invites us to reassess the most profound beliefs we were taught to take for granted: progress, reality and truth. In their place the novel proposes a more flexible conception of both the world and art, especially of literary fiction. In other terms, the world appears as a brutal chaotic place the subject is forced to adjust to. Accordingly, the literary work is deemed hybrid, fragmented and open. So as to put forth the above-mentioned issues, this research work is structured in three main chapters. The initial chapter – “What is Postmodernism?” – advances a scrutiny not only of the seminal but also of more recent studies on postmodernist literary criticism. Following this, in Chapter II – “Postmodernist British Fiction” – a brief overview of postmodernist British fiction is carried out, focusing on the fictional works that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the periodising of British postmodernism. In addition, I felt the need to include a section – “D. M. Thomas as a Postmodernist Novelist” – in which the author’s remaining literary output is briefly examined. Finally, Chapter III – “A Narratological Analysis of The White Hotel” – proposes a narratological analysis of the novel according to the particular Genettian analytical model. To conclude, my dissertation constitutes an approach to D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel as a text whose very existence is substantiated in the foregrounding of the contingency of all discourses, meeting the postmodernist precepts of openness and subversion of any narrative that claims to be true, globalising and all-inclusive.


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This study explores the architectural conception process using the Architecturologie as an instrument of analysis, based on Enseigner la Conception Architecturale (2000), developed by Boudon - architect, lecturer and French researcher. It begins with the selection of local architect´s works, João Maurício Fernandes de Miranda, which resulted in six non residential projects developed between 1961 and 1981. Architectural readings were developed, with emphasis in the identification of architecturological scales, their functions, relationship and modality of occurrence


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)