952 resultados para Data recovery (Computer science)
The VERA (Virtual Environment for Research in Archaeology) project is based on a research excavation of part of the large Roman town at Silchester, which aims to trace the site's development from its origins before the Roman conquest to its abandonment in the fifth century A.D. [1]. The VERA project aims to investigate how archaeologists use Information Technology (IT) in the context of a field excavation, and also for post-excavation analysis. VERA is a two-year project funded by the JISC VRE 2 programme that involves researchers from the University of Reading, University College London, and York Archaeological Trust. The overall aim of the project is to assess and introduce new tools and technologies that can aid the archaeological processes of gathering, recording and later analysis of data on the finds and artefacts discovered. The researchers involved in the project have a mix of skills, ranging from those related to archaeology, and computer science, though to ones involving usability and user assessment. This paper reports on the status of the research and development work undertaken in the project so far; this includes addressing various programming hurdles, on-site experiments and experiences, and the outcomes of usability and assessment studies.
When a computer program requires legitimate access to confidential data, the question arises whether such a program may illegally reveal sensitive information. This paper proposes a policy model to specify what information flow is permitted in a computational system. The security definition, which is based on a general notion of information lattices, allows various representations of information to be used in the enforcement of secure information flow in deterministic or nondeterministic systems. A flexible semantics-based analysis technique is presented, which uses the input-output relational model induced by an attacker's observational power, to compute the information released by the computational system. An illustrative attacker model demonstrates the use of the technique to develop a termination-sensitive analysis. The technique allows the development of various information flow analyses, parametrised by the attacker's observational power, which can be used to enforce what declassification policies.
There are three key driving forces behind the development of Internet Content Management Systems (CMS) - a desire to manage the explosion of content, a desire to provide structure and meaning to content in order to make it accessible, and a desire to work collaboratively to manipulate content in some meaningful way. Yet the traditional CMS has been unable to meet the latter of these requirements, often failing to provide sufficient tools for collaboration in a distributed context. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems are networks in which every node is an equal participant (whether transmitting data, exchanging content, or invoking services) and there is an absence of any centralised administrative or coordinating authorities. P2P systems are inherently more scalable than equivalent client-server implementations as they tend to use resources at the edge of the network much more effectively. This paper details the rationale and design of a P2P middleware for collaborative content management.
Our eyes are input sensors which Provide our brains with streams of visual data. They have evolved to be extremely efficient, and they will constantly dart to-and-fro to rapidly build up a picture of the salient entities in a viewed scene. These actions are almost subconscious. However, they can provide telling signs of how the brain is decoding the visuals and call indicate emotional responses, prior to the viewer becoming aware of them. In this paper we discuss a method of tracking a user's eye movements, and Use these to calculate their gaze within an immersive virtual environment. We investigate how these gaze patterns can be captured and used to identify viewed virtual objects, and discuss how this can be used as a, natural method of interacting with the Virtual Environment. We describe a flexible tool that has been developed to achieve this, and detail initial validating applications that prove the concept.
Programming is a skill which requires knowledge of both the basic constructs of the computer language used and techniques employing these constructs. How these are used in any given application is determined intuitively, and this intuition is based on experience of programs already written. One aim of this book is to describe the techniques and give practical examples of the techniques in action - to provide some experience. Another aim of the book is to show how a program should be developed, in particular how a relatively large program should be tackled in a structured manner. These aims are accomplished essentially by describing the writing of one large program, a diagram generator package, in which a number of useful programming techniques are employed. Also, the book provides a useful program, with an in-built manual describing not only how the program works, but also how it does it, with full source code listings. This means that the user can, if required, modify the package to meet particular requirements. A floppy disk is available from the publishers containing the program, including listings of the source code. All the programs are written in Modula-2, using JPI's Top Speed Modula-2 system running on IBM-PCs and compatibles. This language was chosen as it is an ideal language for implementing large programs and it is the main language taught in the Cybernetics Department at the University of Reading. There are some aspects of the Top Speed implementation which are not standard, so suitable comments are given when these occur. Although implemented in Modula-2, many of the techniques described here are appropriate to other languages, like Pascal of C, for example. The book and programs are based on a second year undergraduate course taught at Reading to Cybernetics students, entitled Algorithms and Data Structures. Useful techniques are described for the reader to use, applications where they are appropriate are recommended, but detailed analyses of the techniques are not given.
A reconfigurable scalar quantiser capable of accepting n-bit input data is presented. The data length n can be varied in the range 1... N-1 under partial-run time reconfiguration, p-RTR. Issues as improvement in throughput using this reconfigurable quantiser of p-RTR against RTR for data of variable length are considered. The quantiser design referred to as the priority quantiser PQ is then compared against a direct design of the quantiser DIQ. It is then evaluated that for practical quantiser sizes, PQ shows better area usage when both are targeted onto the same FPGA. Other benefits are also identified.
This paper proposes a nonlinear regression structure comprising a wavelet network and a linear term. The introduction of the linear term is aimed at providing a more parsimonious interpolation in high-dimensional spaces when the modelling samples are sparse. A constructive procedure for building such structures, termed linear-wavelet networks, is described. For illustration, the proposed procedure is employed in the framework of dynamic system identification. In an example involving a simulated fermentation process, it is shown that a linear-wavelet network yields a smaller approximation error when compared with a wavelet network with the same number of regressors. The proposed technique is also applied to the identification of a pressure plant from experimental data. In this case, the results show that the introduction of wavelets considerably improves the prediction ability of a linear model. Standard errors on the estimated model coefficients are also calculated to assess the numerical conditioning of the identification process.
In a world where massive amounts of data are recorded on a large scale we need data mining technologies to gain knowledge from the data in a reasonable time. The Top Down Induction of Decision Trees (TDIDT) algorithm is a very widely used technology to predict the classification of newly recorded data. However alternative technologies have been derived that often produce better rules but do not scale well on large datasets. Such an alternative to TDIDT is the PrismTCS algorithm. PrismTCS performs particularly well on noisy data but does not scale well on large datasets. In this paper we introduce Prism and investigate its scaling behaviour. We describe how we improved the scalability of the serial version of Prism and investigate its limitations. We then describe our work to overcome these limitations by developing a framework to parallelise algorithms of the Prism family and similar algorithms. We also present the scale up results of a first prototype implementation.
The P-found protein folding and unfolding simulation repository is designed to allow scientists to perform analyses across large, distributed simulation data sets. There are two storage components in P-found: a primary repository of simulation data and a data warehouse. Here we demonstrate how grid technologies can support multiple, distributed P-found installations. In particular we look at two aspects, first how grid data management technologies can be used to access the distributed data warehouses; and secondly, how the grid can be used to transfer analysis programs to the primary repositories --- this is an important and challenging aspect of P-found because the data volumes involved are too large to be centralised. The grid technologies we are developing with the P-found system will allow new large data sets of protein folding simulations to be accessed and analysed in novel ways, with significant potential for enabling new scientific discoveries.
This paper describes the implementation of a semantic web search engine on conversation styled transcripts. Our choice of data is Hansard, a publicly available conversation style transcript of parliamentary debates. The current search engine implementation on Hansard is limited to running search queries based on keywords or phrases hence lacks the ability to make semantic inferences from user queries. By making use of knowledge such as the relationship between members of parliament, constituencies, terms of office, as well as topics of debates the search results can be improved in terms of both relevance and coverage. Our contribution is not algorithmic instead we describe how we exploit a collection of external data sources, ontologies, semantic web vocabularies and named entity extraction in the analysis of underlying semantics of user queries as well as the semantic enrichment of the search index thereby improving the quality of results.
Data assimilation (DA) systems are evolving to meet the demands of convection-permitting models in the field of weather forecasting. On 19 April 2013 a special interest group meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society brought together UK researchers looking at different aspects of the data assimilation problem at high resolution, from theory to applications, and researchers creating our future high resolution observational networks. The meeting was chaired by Dr Sarah Dance of the University of Reading and Dr Cristina Charlton-Perez from the MetOffice@Reading. The purpose of the meeting was to help define the current state of high resolution data assimilation in the UK. The workshop assembled three main types of scientists: observational network specialists, operational numerical weather prediction researchers and those developing the fundamental mathematical theory behind data assimilation and the underlying models. These three working areas are intrinsically linked; therefore, a holistic view must be taken when discussing the potential to make advances in high resolution data assimilation.
Paraconsistent logics are non-classical logics which allow non-trivial and consistent reasoning about inconsistent axioms. They have been pro- posed as a formal basis for handling inconsistent data, as commonly arise in human enterprises, and as methods for fuzzy reasoning, with applica- tions in Artificial Intelligence and the control of complex systems. Formalisations of paraconsistent logics usually require heroic mathe- matical efforts to provide a consistent axiomatisation of an inconsistent system. Here we use transreal arithmetic, which is known to be consis- tent, to arithmetise a paraconsistent logic. This is theoretically simple and should lead to efficient computer implementations. We introduce the metalogical principle of monotonicity which is a very simple way of making logics paraconsistent. Our logic has dialetheaic truth values which are both False and True. It allows contradictory propositions, allows variable contradictions, but blocks literal contradictions. Thus literal reasoning, in this logic, forms an on-the- y, syntactic partition of the propositions into internally consistent sets. We show how the set of all paraconsistent, possible worlds can be represented in a transreal space. During the development of our logic we discuss how other paraconsistent logics could be arithmetised in transreal arithmetic.
Nine chess programs competed in July 2015 in the ICGA's World Computer Chess Championship at the Computer Science department of Leiden University. This is the official report of the event.