981 resultados para Dangerous consumptions


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Background and Study Aim: Understanding injury incidence rates will be a great help with regards to preventing potential future damages. It is for this reason that this study suggests studying a large number of variables. The purpose of research is the relationship of events (empirical variables) that are usually taken into account in developing injury prevention programs during the battles and training in judo tournament. Material and methods: In this research project, 57 male judokas taking part in the Spanish National University Championship in 2009 were asked to complete a retrospective questionnaire. We analysed the following events: the most commonly injured body regions, the medical diagnosis, how and when the injury happened, the type of injury, the side of the body and the type of medical attention received. For the statistical analysis, we used the SPSS statistics programme to apply the Chi-square test in order to determine the significance levels for non-parametric tests from p<.05. Results: Significant differences were found in the most commonly injured body region, the shoulder/clavicle (p<.05), and in the most common diagnosis, the sprain (p<.05). Impact injuries (p<.05) are the most common and training (p<.05) is the most dangerous time. About the type of injury, 78.38% are new injuries (p<.05) and 69.05% affect the right hand side of the body (p<.05). Doctors are the most consulted specialists, but the physiotherapists obtained the best marks. Have been out due to injury for over 21 days 36.36% of the participants, but not for the entire season. Conclusions: The most common diagnosis in university student judokas coincides with those of elite judokas, with the sprain being the most common. University student judokas have a higher rate of shoulder/clavicle injuries, while professional judokas are prone to a higher rate of knee injuries. Training is the most common moment in which injuries occur, both in university student judokas and professional judokas. New injuries are the most common types of injuries in university student judokas and, while doctors are the most consulted specialists, the physiotherapists obtained the best marks.


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La consolidación del «nuevo Estado» franquista conllevó la elaboración de una doctrina y una legislación penal que permitiera reprimir a los enemigos políticos de la dictadura, así como conseguir el control de la sociedad. Este estudio analiza la criminalización de la desviación social durante la posguerra. La criminalización es la selección de un grupo de personas, a las que el poder del Estado somete mediante la coacción punitiva de sus acciones. En este proceso de «construcción social» del delito, destacó la categorización del «otro» como un enemigo peligroso y dañino moral y socialmente, también en la justicia común en España.


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El presente Proyecto de Transferencia tiene como objetivo dictar el ciclo de capacitación: Programas Educativos de Promoción de Salud Auditiva, destinados a docentes de nivel primario. La capacitación se enmarca dentro del área de extensión a la comunidad del Programa Multidisciplinario de Conservación y Promoción de la Audición implementado por el Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica (CINTRA). Este Programa de Investigación aborda holísticamente la problemática del deterioro temprano de la audición inducido por ruido de tipo social (o recreativo), desarrollando un estudio longitudinal con el objetivo de conocer variables audiológicas, acústicas y psicosociales involucradas en la exposición a música a altos niveles sonoros. Los resultados obtenidos son congruentes con otros estudios sobre la temática a nivel internacional que afirman que la prevalencia de la pérdida de audición inducida por ruido entre los jóvenes ha ido en aumento en todo el mundo durante las últimas décadas. A partir de esta problemática social, diversos organismos internacionales alertan sobre esta situación y ponen de manifiesto el valor de la educación para concientizar sobre los efectos nocivos para la salud de la exposición al ruido y la conveniencia de que esta concientización sea en edades tempranas. Se han desarrollado programas educativos para tal finalidad que evidencian la importancia de brindar información para aumentar la concientización respecto a la problemática, tal como la Sociedad Española de Acústica, que lleva a cabo un Programa de Concienciación sobre el Ruido en escuelas primarias y secundarias desde el año 2008 y el Instituto Nacional de Salud de E.E.U.U. junto a otras instituciones vinculadas a la audición, que implementan desde el año 1999 el Programa “Dangerous Decibels” destinado a la capacitación de docentes sobre la temática. A nivel nacional, el CINTRA desarrolló actividades de Promoción de Salud Auditiva en escuelas de nivel medio a través de la formación de Jóvenes Promotores de Salud Auditiva desde el año 2008. Como continuidad de estas acciones de transferencia y a partir de la visualización de la necesidad de intervenir a edades tempranas, se plantea impartir un curso de capacitación destinado a docentes de Escuelas Municipales basado en la premisa de “formación de formadores” para que sean ellos los responsables de transmitir desde el ámbito escolar las estrategias de autocuidado en materia de salud auditiva y de responsabilidad hacia la educación ambiental. La propuesta se fundamenta en que la institución educativa es un entorno adecuado para enfrentar el problema y ofrecer pautas de prevención en materia de salud general y auditiva en particular. Desde la perspectiva de la promoción de la salud, se propone integrar al proyecto educativo institucional programas que tiendan a resolver situaciones prácticas y relevantes de la vida cotidiana relacionadas con la salud, contribuyendo a formar integralmente a los alumnos y transmitiendo saberes socialmente significativos. La modalidad seleccionada para la capacitación es la de talleres ya que ésta propicia el desarrollo de actividades que incluyen dinámicas grupales, posibilitan la participación activa de todos, crea oportunidades de expresión y abre nuevos canales de comunicación, estimula procesos de reflexión y de análisis crítico de su propia realidad y la de su entorno, y permite el desarrollo de un pensamiento creativo. Los contenidos a impartir serán: Promoción de Salud Auditiva y Escuelas Promotoras de Salud, Salud Auditiva, Estrategias de prevención de daño auditivos y autocuidado de la audición. El subsidio permitirá afrontar los gastos operativos derivados de la organización e implementación de la capacitación y adquirir recursos materiales para facilitar la apropiación de los contenidos.


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El presente Proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar un Manual de Buenas Prácticas para la Salud Auditiva, como una de las actividades de extensión a la comunidad del Programa Multidisciplinario de Conservación y Promoción de la Audición implementado por el Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica (CINTRA). Este Programa de Investigación y Transferencia aborda holísticamente la problemática del deterioro temprano de la audición inducido por ruido de tipo social (o recreativo), desarrollando un estudio longitudinal con el objetivo de conocer variables audiológicas, acústicas y psicosociales involucradas en la exposición a música a altos niveles sonoros. Los resultados del estudio mostraron en el aspecto audiológico descensos en los umbrales auditivos de todos los adolescentes evaluados en el cuarto año de estudio; este deterioro paulatino general de su audición permitió diferenciar dos grupos: con Desplazamiento Leve y con Desplazamiento Significativo de los umbrales auditivos. En el aspecto acústico, las mediciones de niveles sonoros realizadas tanto en lugares bailables (entre 108 y 112), dBA como durante el uso de Reproductores Personales de Música (entre 83 y 105) dBA, mostraron valores elevados de inmisión sonora por parte de los adolescentes participantes. Por último, en el aspecto psicosocial se observó un incremento al cuarto año de estudio de la participación en todas las actividades recreativas asociadas a música a altos niveles sonoros: escuchar música en la casa, participar en bandas de música, asistir a discotecas, asistir a recitales en vivo y usar reproductores personales de música. Los resultados obtenidos son congruentes con otros estudios sobre el tema a nivel internacional, y ponen de relieve la necesidad de diseñar estrategias educativas dirigidas a la promoción de la audición en una etapa del desarrollo en que aún se desconoce la importancia de cuidar la salud para una mejor calidad de vida en el futuro. En las últimas décadas se han desarrollado programas educativos para tal finalidad que evidencian la importancia de brindar información para aumentar la concientización respecto a la problemática. Por ejemplo, la Sociedad Española de Acústica lleva a cabo un Programa de Concienciación sobre el Ruido desde el año 2008. Por otra parte, el Instituto Nacional de Salud de E.E.U.U. junto a otras instituciones vinculadas a la audición, implementa desde el año 1999 el Programa “Dangerous Decibels”. Ambos programas acompañan la formación con Manuales didácticos destinados a los alumnos y profesores de enseñanza primaria y secundaria. A nivel nacional, el CINTRA desarrolló actividades de Promoción de Salud Auditiva en escuelas de nivel medio a través de la formación de Jóvenes Promotores de Salud Auditiva desde el año 2008. Como continuidad de estas acciones y a partir de la visualización de la necesidad de intervenir a edades tempranas, a partir del año 2012 se dictó un curso de capacitación destinado a docentes de Escuelas Municipales basado en la premisa de “formación de formadores” para que sean ellos los responsables de transmitir desde el ámbito escolar las estrategias de autocuidado en materia de salud auditiva y de responsabilidad hacia la educación ambiental. El subsidio solicitado posibilitará la elaboración y edición del manual didáctico para reforzar y enriquecer el contenido impartido en el mencionado curso y se constituirá en el material didáctico para docentes. Este Manual incluirá los siguientes contenidos conceptuales: Educación y Salud, Salud Auditiva y, Programas Educativos para la Promoción de la Salud Auditiva, y Buenas Prácticas para la Salud Auditiva.


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Willard mentions that there is a sickness going around town and that three people have died as a result, with others feeling “dangerous sick.” He also discusses “Dr. [Joseph] Lyman’s pamphlet” and ongoing issues with the council at Greenfield. Included in the letter is a message from Samuel’s wife, Susan Willard, to Catherine, in which she provides pleasantries and mentions the family’s good health in spite of the town’s sicknesses.


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This dissertation examines the corpse as an object in and of American hardboiled detective fiction written between 1920 and 1950. I deploy several theoretical frames, including narratology, body-as-text theory, object relations theory, and genre theory, in order to demonstrate the significance of objects, symbols, and things primarily in the clever and crafty work of Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) and Raymond Chandler (1888-1959), but also touching on the writings of their lesser known accomplices. I construct a literary genealogy of American hardboiled detective fiction originating in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, compare the contributions of classic or Golden Age detective fiction in England, and describe the socio-economic contexts, particularly the predominance of the “pulps,” that gave birth to the realism of the Hardboiled School. Taking seriously Chandler’s obsession with the art of murder, I engage with how authors pre-empt their readers’ knowledge of the tricks of the trade and manipulate their expectations, as well as discuss the characteristics and effect of the inimitable hardboiled style, its sharpshooting language and deadpan humour. Critical scholarship has rarely addressed the body and figure of the corpse, preferring to focus instead on the machinations of the femme fatale, the performance of masculinity, or the prevalence of violence. I cast new light on the world of hardboiled detective fiction by dissecting the corpse as the object that both motivates and de-composes (or rots away from) the narrative that makes it signify. I treat the corpse as an inanimate object, indifferent to representation, that destabilizes the integrity and self-possession, as well as the ratiocination, of the detective who authors the narrative of how the corpse came to be. The corpse is all deceptive and dangerous surface rather than the container of hidden depths of life and meaning that the detective hopes to uncover and reconstruct. I conclude with a chapter that is both critical denouement and creative writing experiment to reveal the self-reflexive (and at times metafictional) dimensions of hardboiled fiction. My dissertation, too, in the manner of hardboiled fiction, hopes to incriminate my readers as much as enlighten them.


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In an age of major power shifts, which we know from history always to be particularly dangerous, different scenarios are possible; the only promising one is that of more and well-structured international cooperation. Yet, critical voices point at a drifting apart of longstanding allies. Recalibrating CSDPNATO relations has become more important than ever.


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The conflict in Syria, which has lasted since 2011, has become the most significant test of the efficiency of Turkey’s foreign policy and the biggest challenge to Turkey’s security in recent decades. The lack of a clear prospect of an end to the war does not allow us to come to a final conclusion regarding the Syrian civil war’s importance for Turkey. However, it can be said today that with the exception of the initial phase of the conflict, Ankara’s influence over the course of events in Syria has been limited, and the war itself is evolving in a direction that is unfavourable for Turkey: the hostile regime of Bashar al-Assad is still in power, the opposition has proved to be an unreliable or even a dangerous ally, and in northern Syria militant jihadist groups and Kurds are gaining importance. It is also quite unlikely that the West will take any greater responsibility for stabilising the situation in the region. In response to such an unfortunate situation, and out of fear of risking deeper involvement in the conflict, during the past year Turkey’s policy towards Syria has been restrained, reactive and focused mainly on defending Turkey’s territory. However, this policy offers no security guarantees and does not prevent the country’s regional position from weakening, especially in the context of the reinforcement of the jihadist militants and the Kurdish autonomy in northern Syria. The arguments for Turkey continuing its defensive policy are strong: the country fears the possible results of an open confrontation with Assad’s forces; most probably it could not count on support for such actions from within its own society or its Western allies. It also does not have enough acceptance within the anti-Assad opposition circles. On the other hand, though, the risk of uncontrolled development of events is still present; the risk of confrontations with armed jihadist militants is growing; and the potential operation of Turkish forces, either against the jihadists or against Assad’s army, could be considered as a method of diverting attention from the political problems with which the AKP government has been struggling at home.


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Russia’s annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Ukraine have created a new context for Kazakhstan’s foreign and domestic policy. The ongoing crisis in the relations with Russia and the West has also changed the current order in the entire post-Soviet area. From Astana’s perspective, the Kremlin’s policy towards Ukraine can be considered dangerous since it shows Russia’s determination to interfere with the domestic affairs of its neighbours in the pursuit of its own interests. Furthermore, this policy reveals and raises the price a country needs to pay for its potential attempts to break free from the Russian zone of influence. At present the biggest challenge for the authorities in Astana is the accelerated implementation of the idea of the Eurasian Union promoted by Moscow, which is to be another stage in the integration of post-Soviet states (presently Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). The signing of the Eurasian Union’s founding documents planned for late May 2014 and the launch of this organisation (scheduled for January 2015) is sure to bring Kazakhstan closer to Russia and simultaneously limit its economic and political independence. Nevertheless, Astana’s position in relations with Moscow will to a large extent depend on the new shape of the relations between Russia and China. China is pursuing its own strategic interests in Central Asia (including in the energy sector) and its main partner in the region is Kazakhstan. At the domestic level, Russia’s actions in Ukraine made the authorities in Astana fear that measures similar to those used in Ukraine could be applied towards Kazakhstan. On the one hand this has led to increased efforts aimed at consolidating the state and strengthening its structures, and on the other hand it has brought about a revision of those aspects of domestic policy which Russia could interpret as a pretext for interfering.


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The similarity of issues and geographical proximity have led the Visegrad 4 countries (V4) to undertake closer collaboration in natural gas policy, notably by agreeing on a common security of supply strategy, including regional emergency planning, and a common implementation of the Gas Target Model (GTM) that European regulators have proposed for the medium-long term design of the EU gas market, and which has been endorsed by the Madrid Regulatory Forum. As a contribution to this collaboration, the present paper will analyse how the GTM may be implemented in the V4 region, with a view to maximize the benefits that arise from joint implementation. A most relevant conclusion of the GTM is that markets should be large enough to attract market players and investments, so that sufficient diversity of sources may be reached and market power indicators are kept below dangerous levels. In most cases, this requires physical and/or virtual interconnection of present markets, which is also useful to achieve the required security of supply standards, as envisaged in the Regulation 994/2010/EC.


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In this critical appraisal of the SAPIR report of July 2003, we choose not to focus on the economic analysis provided in the Sapir Report - where we largely agree - or the analysis of governance questions and design at the EU level. Rather, we concentrate on the assignment, orientation and policy recommendations of the Report with the following question in mind: to what extent does the Report help to revitalize the growth debate in Europe? Unfortunately, the focus of the Report’s recommendations is entirely on the EU level of policy and governance, whereas the motor of growth is very clearly being hindered at the Member State level. The present authors suggest that a number of coordination processes at the EU level are best regarded as ‘dangerous liaisons’which are not really goal-oriented but instead ingeniously seem to serve to protect the actors’ autonomously-decided positions. The Union is trapped in a low-growth equilibrium due to this deceptive construction and because in many policy areas relevant for growth, the EU cannot act without the explicit consent of the Member States, or it simply cannot act at all. Indeed, given the single market and EMU, Europe can only deliver growth at the Member States' level. We exemplify this point in a number of concrete policy areas.


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The Eurasian Economic Union is undoubtedly the most comprehensive form of economic integration of the post-Soviet countries since the break-up of the Soviet Union. However, the way in which the integration process has been unfolding, as well as Russia’s aggressive policy over the last year, are indications that the EEU has become primarily a political project, and the importance of its economic aspects has eroded. This has triggered a change in the way Kazakhstan and Belarus treat the EEU. Initially, the two countries viewed integration as an opportunity for the development of genuine economic co-operation. However, Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine have revealed the real significance of the EEU project – as a tool to reinforce Russian influence in the post-Soviet area and isolate the post-Soviet countries from the West and China. While the Kremlin presents the EEU as the Eurasian equivalent of the European Union, the project is in reality an imitation of integration. The reasons for this include the nature of the political systems in the participating countries, which are authoritarian, prone to instrumentalise law, and affected by systemic corruption; the aggressive policy that Russia has been pursuing over the last year; and Russia’s dominant role in defining the shape of the EEU. The EEU appears to be based on forceful integration, and is becoming less and less economically attractive for its member countries other than Russia. Moreover, it is clearly assuming a political dimension that those other member countries perceive as dangerous. For these reasons, its functioning will depend on the power and position of Russia. In the longer term it is likely that the other member states will try to ‘sham’ and delay closer integration within the EEU. This means that if Russia becomes politically and economically weaker, the EEU may evolve into an increasingly dysfunctional organisation – a development that will be reinforced by the low standards of legal culture in its member states and their reluctance to integrate. Should Russia’s power increase, the EEU will become an effective instrument of Russian dominance in the area of the former USSR.


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In this CEPS Commentary, economists Anton Brender, Florence Pisani and Daniel Gros challenge the foundation on which the European Commission launched a key debate earlier this year on the development of the EU’s financial system, with publication of its Green Paper "Building a Capital Markets Union". While acknowledging that a single capital market could be useful in the European Union, they argue that it is extremely dangerous to conduct one and the same monetary policy in an area with broadly varying financial practices and structures – as the first 15 years of the euro area's history have vividly shown. They conclude that financial integration of the countries in EMU must receive top priority in a process that the rest of the European Union may then subsequently join.


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The situation of the third sector in Russia, i.e. the civil society structures independent from the state, is worsening on a regular basis. The Kremlin’s actions aimed at paralysing and destroying the independent non-governmental sector seen over the past four years have been presented as part of a struggle for the country’s sovereignty. This is above all a consequence of the Russian government’s efforts to take full control of the socio-political situation in the country while it also needs to deal with the geopolitical confrontation with the West and the worsening economic crisis. The policy aimed against non-governmental organisations is depriving the public of structures for self-organisation, protection of civil rights and the means of controlling the ever more authoritarian government. At the same time, the Kremlin has been depriving itself of channels of co-operation and communication with the public and antagonising the most active citizens. The restrictive measures the Kremlin has taken over the past few years with regard to NGOs prove that Russian decision-makers believe that any social initiative independent of the government may give rise to unrest, which is dangerous for the regime, and – given the economic slump – any unrest brings unnecessary political risk.


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The first edition of this new multi-authored publication entitled ‘Migration Panorama’ focuses on the consequences of the refugee and migration crisis on the Schengen area and the concept of a borderless union. Several external and EPC authors have contributed to building a comprehensive picture on the manifold challenges and possible consequences of maintaining and/or returning to internal border controls among Schengen countries. How does a signatory of the Schengen agreement see the current developments? What would be the impact of the reintroduction of physical borders on Europe’s digital economy? In what way do the V4 countries envisage to solve the ‘Schengen crisis’? How dangerous are the empty threats to expel Greece out of the Schengen area? What is the symbolic meaning of the Belgian border controls following the French decision to dismantle parts of the Calais ‘jungle’? Is saving Schengen only a question of national sovereignty or a matter of shared European responsibility? All these questions and many others are tackled in this first issue of the ‘Migration Panorama’ produced by EPC’ s Migration and Diversity Programme.