971 resultados para DUCTAL PLATE
Coral snakes, the New World Elapidae, are included in the genera Micniroides and Micrurus. The genus Mlcrurus comprises nearly all coral snake species and those which are responsible for human snake-bite accidents. The following generalizations concerning the effects induced by their venoms, and their venom-properties can be made. Coral snake venoms are neurotoxic, producing loss of muscle strenght and death by respiratory paralysis. Local edema and necrosis are not induced nor blood coagulation or hemorrhages. Proteolysis activity is absent or of very low grade. They display phospholipase A2 activity. Nephrotoxic effects are not evoked. The main toxins from elapid venoms are postsynaptic and presynaptic neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Phospholipases A2 endowed with myonecrotic or cardiotoxin-like properties are important toxic components from some elapid venoms. The mode of action of Micrurus frontalis, M. lemniscatus, M. corallinus and M. fulvius venoms has been investigated in isolated muscle preparations and is here discussed. It is shown that while M. frontalis and M. lemniscatus venoms must contain only neurotoxins that act at the cholinergic end-plate receptor (postsynaptic neurotoxins), M. corallinus venom also inhibits evoked acetylcholine release by the motor nerve endings (presynaptic neurotoxin-like effect) and M. fulvius induces muscle fiber membrane depolarization (cardiotoxin-like effect). The effects produced by M. corallinus and M. fulvius venoms in vivo in dogs and M. frontalis venom in dogs and monkeys are also reported.
São vários os factores sociais e económicos que valorizam a aplicação de tecnologias de domótica em edifícios. No caso particular dos edifícios residenciais, a tendência dos seus utilizadores é a instalação de sistemas de controlo da segurança, do ambiente, de mecanismos de rega e de alarmes. Assim, seguindo a premissa do marketing, que identifica como uma boa prática a projecção de produtos / serviços que satisfaçam as necessidades inventariadas pelos seus utilizadores, este trabalho assenta na criação de um sistema domótico, controlado remotamente através de uma aplicação Android, que pretende, numa primeira instância, o controlo das lâmpadas de uma habitação. Neste trabalho é utilizado o protocolo KNX.TP para a comunicação dos dispositivos de domótica existentes no ISEP, que constituem o ambiente domótico deste trabalho. De forma a implementar o controlo remoto destes dispositivos via internet, este trabalho foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma interface IP-KNX, usando como hardware de controlo, um Arduino Mega 2560, uma placa de interface Ethernet para Arduino, a placa de integração KNX, e um servidor web com a linguagem PHP instalada. Para efeitos de demonstração, foi criada uma aplicação para o SO Android que controla as lâmpadas da rede KNX. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas várias linguagens de programação: C++ no firmware do Arduino, PHP no servidor web e JAVA + XML na aplicação Android.
As estruturas coladas são geralmente projetadas para que o adesivo seja essencialmente sujeito a esforços de corte, pois neste tipo de solicitação o adesivo apresenta melhores caraterísticas mecânicas. A avaliação do comportamento ao corte pode ser realizada com o adesivo no estado maciço ou como camada fina em juntas adesivas. Os métodos que permitem avaliar o comportamento ao corte, quer para o adesivo, quer para as juntas, são: o ensaio Iosipescu ou V-Notched beam shear method, o ensaio de borboleta ou Notched plate shear method (Arcan), o ensaio de torsão, o ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples e o ensaio Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST). Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu, tal como o ensaio de torção, podem ser realizados em provetes de adesivo maciço ou em juntas. O ensaio de torção é pouco utilizado, porque a aplicação do esforço de corte exige dispositivos e equipamentos de ensaios complexos. Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu utilizam provetes com entalhes e podem introduzir alguma dificuldade na medição precisa das deformações. O ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples é um dos métodos mais usados para caraterizar uma junta adesiva, porque é um método simples, as juntas são de fácil fabrico e pode ser realizado em máquinas universais de ensaios mecânicos. Neste ensaio os aderentes estão sujeitos a uma solicitação de tração, enquanto a camada de adesivo está sujeita a esforços de corte combinados com esforços de arrancamento. Os esforços de arrancamento resultam da própria geometria da junta na qual existe um desalinhamento das forças de tração, mesmo quando são colocados calços (reguladores de espessura) nos locais de amarração. O ensaio TAST é dos mais populares para obtenção das propriedades ao corte, uma vez que tanto as ferramentas de ensaio como o fabrico dos provetes são relativamente simples. Este ensaio é realizado em junta sendo os substratos espessos e de aço que, devido à sua elevada rigidez, contribuem para um esforço de corte praticamente puro no adesivo. Neste trabalho realizou-se o projeto e a fabricação das ferramentas, gabarit e substratos necessários para a execução de provetes TAST e ensaios utilizando diferentes adesivos.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Manutenção
Trophozoites of the Giardia muris group from hamsters, domestic rats and mice and of the Giardia duodenalis group from hamsters and domestic rats were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The basic ultrastructure of the trophozoites was similar. Differences were shown in the morphology of the ventrolateral flange of the trophozoites of Giardia muris and Giardia duodenalis groups. Marginal plates are less developed in the species of the Giardia duodenalis group. In this group, the distal extremity of the lateral flange is short and thick and the marginal plate does not penetrate into the distal extremity of the flange. In the Giardia muris group, the ventro-lateral flange is well developed and narrow and the marginal plate penetrates the distal extremity of the flange. The osmiophilic lamella, which accompanies the dorsal surface of the marginal plate is seen only in the Giardia muris group.
Portugal é um país dependente da energia do exterior, devido à elevada percentagem de consumo de energia a partir de fontes primárias, como por exemplo o gasóleo. Para colmatar este cenário, têm vindo a criar-se incentivos para o uso de energias renováveis e para intensificação de medidas de eficiência energética, como os sistemas de cogeração, de forma a tornar os processos industriais nacionais mais autónomos e mais competitivos. O presente trabalho, centra-se na determinação do potencial térmico disponível na central de trigeração da empresa Monteiro, Ribas-Indústria, SA, com a finalidade de identificar a quantidade de energia não utilizada, com vista ao aproveitamento dessa mesma energia nos processos mais problemáticos da empresa. Verificou-se que a água líquida era a fonte de maior energia não aproveitada, representando cerca de 30%, relativamente à energia disponível na água de refrigeração que é de 1890 kW. Assim, perante este facto, fez-se um estudo em dois setores autónomos da empresa, o setor dos revestimentos e o setor dos componentes técnicos da borracha. Pretendeu-se propor medidas para melhorar os seus processos produtivos, aproveitando essa energia. Para o efeito foi projetado um permutador de calor de placas com necessidade energética de 131,4 MWh, no setor dos revestimentos e um permutador compacto no setor de produção de placas de borracha, necessitando de uma energia de 335,2 MWh. Face à energia disponível na central de trigeração, de 161,9 MWh, verifica-se que esta apenas poderá ser aproveitada no setor dos revestimentos. Para tornar este objetivo real, a empresa Monteiro, Ribas- Indústria, SA necessitaria de efetuar um investimento no total de 49.390€. Além disso, foi contabilizado o rendimento das caldeiras da central térmica e da cogeração, ambas pelo método direto, apresentando estas os valores de 72% e 42%, respectivamente.
(l) The Pacific basin (Pacific area) may be regarded as moving eastwards like a double zip fastener relative to the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area): opening in the East and closing in the West. This movement is tracked by a continuous mountain belt, the collision ages of which increase westwards. (2) The relative movements between the Pacific area and the Pangaea area in the W-E/E-W direction are generated by tidal forces (principle of hypocycloid gearing), whereby the lower mantle and the Pacific basin or area (Pacific crust = roof of the lower mantle?) rotate somewhat faster eastwards around the Earth's spin axis relative to the upper mantle/crust system with the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area) (differential rotation). (3) These relative West to East/East to West displacements produce a perpetually existing sequence of distinct styles of opening and closing ocean basins, exemplified by the present East to West arrangement of ocean basins around the globe (Oceanic or Wilson Cycle: Rift/Red Sea style; Atlantic style; Mediterranean/Caribbean style as eastwards propagating tongue of the Pacific basin; Pacific style; Collision/Himalayas style). This sequence of ocean styles, of which the Pacific ocean is a part, moves eastwards with the lower mantle relative to the continents and the upper-mantle/crust of the Pangaea area. (4) Similarly, the collisional mountain belt extending westwards from the equator to the West of the Pacific and representing a chronological sequence of collision zones (sequential collisions) in the wake of the passing of the Pacific basin double zip fastener, may also be described as recording the history of oceans and their continental margins in the form of successive Wilson Cycles. (5) Every 200 to 250 m.y. the Pacific basin double zip fastener, the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle and the eastwards growing collisional mountain belt in their wake complete one lap around the Earth. Two East drift lappings of 400 to 500 m.y. produce a two-lap collisional mountain belt spiral around a supercontinent in one hemisphere (North or South Pangaea). The Earth's history is subdivided into alternating North Pangaea growth/South Pangaea breakup eras and South Pangaea growth/North Pangaea breakup eras. Older North and South Pangaeas and their collisional mountain belt spirals may be reconstructed by rotating back the continents and orogenic fragments of a broken spiral (e.g. South Pangaea, Gondwana) to their previous Pangaea growth era orientations. In the resulting collisional mountain belt spiral, pieced together from orogenic segments and fragments, the collision ages have to increase successively towards the West. (6) With its current western margin orientated in a West-East direction North America must have collided during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny with the northern margin of South America (Caribbean Andes) at the equator to the West of the Late Mesozoic Pacific. During post-Laramide times it must have rotated clockwise into its present orientation. The eastern margin of North America has never been attached to the western margin of North Africa but only to the western margin of Europe. (7) Due to migration eastwards of the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle, relative to a distinct plate tectonic setting of an ocean, a continent or continental margin, a future or later evolutionary style at the Earth's surface is always depicted in a setting simultaneously developed further to the West and a past or earlier style in a setting simultaneously occurring further to the East. In consequence, ahigh probability exists that up to the Early Tertiary, Greenland (the ArabiaofSouth America?) occupied a plate tectonic setting which is comparable to the current setting of Arabia (the Greenland of Africa?). The Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Eureka collision zone (Eureka orogeny) at the northern margin of the Greenland Plate and on some of the Canadian Arctic Islands is comparable with the Middle to Late Tertiary Taurus-Bitlis-Zagros collision zone at the northern margin of the Arabian Plate.
The extensional process affecting Iberia during the Triassic and Jurassic times change from the end of the Cretaceous and, throughout the Palaeocene, the displacement between the African and European plates was clearly convergent and part of the future Internal Zone of the Betic Cordillera was affected. To the west, the Atlantic continued to open as a passive margin and, to the north, no significant deformation occurred. During the Eocene, the entire Iberian plate was subjected to compression. which caused major deformations in the Pyrenees and also in the Alpujarride and Nevado-Filabride, Internal Betic, complexes. In the Oligocene continued this situation, but in addition, the new extensional process ocurring in the western Mediterranean area, together with the constant eastward drift of Iberia due to Atlantic opening, compressed the eastern sector of Iberia, giving rise to the structuring of the Iberian Cordillera. The Neogene was the time when the Betic Cordillera reached its fundamental features with the westward displacement of the Betic-Rif Internal Zone, expelled by the progressive opening of the Algerian Basin, opening prolonged till the Alboran Sea. From the late Miocene onwards, all Iberia was affected by a N-S to NNW-SSE compression, combined in many points by a near perpendicular extension. Specially in eastern and southern Iberia a radial extension superposed these compression and extension.
Mushroom strains contain complex nutritional biomolecules with a wide spectrum of therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Among these compounds, β-d-glucans play an important role in immuno-modulating and anti-tumor activities. The present work involves a novel colorimetric assay method for β-1,3-d-glucans with a triple helix tertiary structure by using Congo red. The specific interaction that occurs between Congo red and β-1,3-d-glucan was detected by bathochromic shift from 488 to 516 nm (> 20 nm) in UV–Vis spectrophotometer. A micro- and high throughput method based on a 96-well microtiter plate was devised which presents several advantages over the published methods since it requires only 1.51 μg of polysaccharides in samples, greater sensitivity, speed, assay of many samples and very cheap. β-d-Glucans of several mushrooms (i.e., Coriolus versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma carnosum, Hericium erinaceus, Lentinula edodes, Inonotus obliquus, Auricularia auricular, Polyporus umbellatus, Cordyseps sinensis, Agaricus blazei, Poria cocos) were isolated by using a sequence of several extractions with cold and boiling water, acidic and alkaline conditions and quantified by this microtiter plate method. FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the structural features of β-1,3-d-glucans in these mushroom samples as well as the specific interaction of these polysaccharides with Congo red. The effect of NaOH on triple helix conformation of β-1,3-d-glucans was investigated in several mushroom species.
The knowledge of the anisotropic properties beneath the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Morocco has been dramatically improved since late 2007 with the analysis of the data provided by the dense TopoIberia broadband seismic network, the increasing number of permanent stations operating in Morocco, Portugal and Spain, and the contribution of smaller scale/higher resolution experiments. Results from the two first TopoIberia deployments have evidenced a spectacular rotation of the fast polarization direction (FPD) along the Gibraltar Arc, interpreted as an evidence of mantle flow deflected around the high velocity slab beneath the Alboran Sea, and a rather uniform N100 degrees E FPD beneath the central Iberian Variscan Massif, consistent with global mantle flow models taking into account contributions of surface plate motion, density variations and net lithosphere rotation. The results from the last Iberarray deployment presented here, covering the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula, also show a rather uniform FPD orientation close to N100 degrees E, thus confirming the previous interpretation globally relating the anisotropic parameters to the LPO of mantle minerals generated by mantle flow at asthenospheric depths. However, the degree of anisotropy varies significantly, from delay time values of around 0.5 s beneath NW Iberia to values reaching 2.0 sin its NE comer. The anisotropic parameters retrieved from single events providing high quality data also show significant differences for stations located in the Variscan units of NW Iberia, suggesting that the region includes multiple anisotropic layers or complex anisotropy systems. These results allow to complete the map of the anisotropic properties of the westernmost Mediterranean region, which can now be considered as one of best constrained regions worldwide, with more than 300 sites investigated over an area extending from the Bay of Biscay to the Sahara platform. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Resistant populations of the Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria (two reference ones and two isolated from human and Callithrix penicillata marmoset) were obtained by the gradient plate technique, to clindamycin, penicillin G, metronidazole and mercuric chloride. All the four tested strains were originaly susceptible to the four antimicrobial drugs at the breakpoint used in this study. MICs determination for the four cultures gave constant values for each antimicrobial, on the several steps by the gradient plate technique. The intestinal human B. fragilis strains showed three DNA bands, that could be representative of only two plasmids in the closed covalently circular (CCC) form with molecular weights of approximately 25 and 2.5 Md. The results do not permit an association between the presence of plasmid in the human strain with the susceptibility to the studied drugs. The four strains were ß-lactamase negative in the two methods used, and no particular chromosomal genetic resistance marker was demonstred. The resistance (MIC) observed, after contact with penicillin G and mercuric chloride, were two-fold in the four tested strains
Trabalho Final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em engenharia Mecância
We introduce a simple model for a biaxial nematic liquid crystal. This consists of hard spheroids that can switch shape between prolate (rodlike) and oblate (platelike) subject to an energy penalty Δε. The spheroids are approximated as hard Gaussian overlap particles and are treated at the level of Onsager's second-virial description. We use both bifurcation analysis and a numerical minimization of the free energy to show that, for additive particle shapes, (i) there is no stable biaxial phase even for Δε=0 (although there is a metastable biaxial phase in the same density range as the stable uniaxial phase) and (ii) the isotropic-to-nematic transition is into either one of two degenerate uniaxial phases, rod rich or plate rich. We confirm that even a small amount of shape nonadditivity may stabilize the biaxial nematic phase.
The bending of simply supported composite plates is analyzed using a direct collocation meshless numerical method. In order to optimize node distribution the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) for multi-objective optimization method is applied. In addition, the method optimizes the shape parameter in radial basis functions. The optimization algorithm was able to find good solutions for a large variety of nodes distribution.
Mainland Portugal, on the southwestern edge of the European continent, is located directly north of the boundary between the Eurasian and Nubian plates. It lies in a region of slow lithospheric deformation (< 5 mm yr(-1)), which has generated some of the largest earthquakes in Europe, both intraplate (mainland) and interplate (offshore). Some offshore earthquakes are nucleated on old and cold lithospheric mantle, at depths down to 60 km. The seismicity of mainland Portugal and its adjacent offshore has been repeatedly classified as diffuse. In this paper, we analyse the instrumental earthquake catalogue for western Iberia, which covers the period between 1961 and 2013. Between 2010 and 2012, the catalogue was enriched with data from dense broad-band deployments. We show that although the plate boundary south of Portugal is diffuse, in that deformation is accommodated along several distributed faults rather than along one long linear plate boundary, the seismicity itself is not diffuse. Rather, when located using high-quality data, earthquakes collapse into well-defined clusters and lineations. We identify and characterize the most outstanding clusters and lineations of epicentres and correlate them with geophysical and tectonic features (historical seismicity, topography, geologically mapped faults, Moho depth, free-air gravity, magnetic anomalies and geotectonic units). Both onshore and offshore, clusters and lineations of earthquakes are aligned preferentially NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE. Cumulative seismic moment and epicentre density decrease from south to north, with increasing distance from the plate boundary. Only few earthquake lineations coincide with geologically mapped faults. Clusters and lineations that do not match geologically mapped faults may correspond to previously unmapped faults (e.g. blind faults), rheological boundaries or distributed fracturing inside blocks that are more brittle and therefore break more easily than neighbour blocks. The seismicity map of western Iberia presented in this article opens important questions concerning the regional seismotectonics. This work shows that the study of low-magnitude earthquakes using dense seismic deployments is a powerful tool to study lithospheric deformation in slowly deforming regions, such as western Iberia, where high-magnitude earthquakes occur with long recurrence intervals.