976 resultados para DNA-REPAIR
Purpose. To demonstrate that the combination of impression cytology and single cell DNA fingerprinting represents a powerful tool that is suitable for detecting transplanted cells after corneal limbal allografting. Methods, Fifty single cells were obtained by corneal impression cytology from 12 patients undergoing cataract surgery. Individual cells were isolated from samples by micromanipulation. Polymerase chain reaction and short tandem repeat profiling was used to obtain forensic standard DNA fingerprints from single cells. Blood samples taken at the time of impression cytology provided control fingerprints. Results, informative DNA fingerprints were obtained from all corneal samples and 66% (33 of 50 cells) of isolated single cells, Of all fingerprints obtained, most (91%, 30 of 33 fingerprints) corneal fingerprints matched corresponding blond sample fingerprints. At least one corneal fingerprint matched the corresponding blood sample fingerprint in 83% (10 of 12 patients) of the patients in the study, Conclusions. This extremely specific single cell DNA fingerprinting system permits accurate identification of individual corneal epithelial cells, allowing very reliable determination of their origin, which will enable host and donor cells to be distinguished from each other after keratolimbal allografting procedures. even if the host and donor are the same sex or siblings. These DNA fingerprinting methods allow assessment of quality and quantity of donor cell survival, as well as survival time. The extreme sensitivity and accuracy of the technique means that should contamination occur, it would be identified, thus ensuring meaningful results.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts exposed to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) virions demonstrated uptake of virions on electron microscopy. S. cerevisiae cells looked larger after exposure to BPV-1 virions, and cell wall regeneration was delayed. Southern blot hybridization of Hirt DNA from cells exposed to BPV-1 virions demonstrated BPV-1 DNA, which could be detected over 80 days of culture and at least 13 rounds of division. Two-dimensional gel analysis of Hirt DNA showed replicative intermediates, confirming that the BPV-1 genome was replicating within S. cerevisiae. Nicked circle, linear, and supercoiled BPV-1 DNA species were observed in Hirt DNA preparations from S. cerevisiae cells infected for over 50 days, and restriction digestion showed fragments hybridizing to BPV-1 in accord with the predicted restriction map for circular BPV-1 episomes. These data suggest that BPV-1 can infect S. cerevisiae and that BPV-1 episomes can replicate in the infected S. cerevisiae cells.
Polynucleotide immunisation with the E7 gene of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 induces only moderate levels of immune response, which may in part be due to limitation in E7 gene expression influenced by biased HPV codon usage. Here we compare for expression and immunogenicity polynucleotide expression plasmids encoding wild-type (pWE7) or synthetic codon optimised (pHE7) HPV16 E7 DNA. Cos-1 cells transfected with pHE7 expressed higher levels of E7 protein than similar cells transfected with pW7. C57BL/6 mice and F1 (C57X FVB) E7 transgenic mice immunised intradermally with E7 plasmids produced high levels of anti-E7 antibody. pHE7 induced a significantly stronger E7-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response than pWE7 and 100% tumour protection in C57BL/6 mice, but neither vaccine induced CTL in partially E7 tolerant K14E7 transgenic mice. The data indicate that immunogenicity of an E7 polynucleotide vaccine can be enhanced by codon modification. However, this may be insufficient for priming E7 responses in animals with split tolerance to E7 as a consequence of expression of E7 in somatic cells. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Purpose: To compare microsatellite instability (MSI) testing with immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of hMLH1 and hMSH2 in colorectal cancer. Patients and Methods: Colorectal cancers from 1, 144 patients were assessed for DNA mismatch repair deficiency by two methods: MSI testing and IHC detection of hMLH1 and hMSH2 gene products. High-frequency MSI (MSI-H) was defined as more than 30% instability of at least five markers; low-level MSI (MSI-L) was defined as 1% to 29% of loci unstable. Results: Of 1, 144 tumors tested, 818 showed intact expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2. Of these, 680 were microsatellite stable (MSS), 27 were MSI-H, and 111 were MSI-L. In all, 228 tumors showed absence of hMLH1 expression and 98 showed absence of hMSH2 expression: all were MSI-H. Conclusion: IHC in colorectal tumors for protein products hMLH1 and hMSH2 provides a rapid, cost-effective, sensitive (92.3%), and extremely specific (100%) method for screening for DNA mismatch repair defects. The predictive value of normal IHC for an MSS/MSI-L phenotype was 96.7%, and the predictive value of abnormal IHC was 100% for an MSI-H phenotype. Testing strategies must take into account acceptability of missing some cases of MSI-H tumors if only IHC is performed. (C) 2002 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
The past decade has seen the emergence of new pathways in the development of colorectal cancer. There is now clear evidence that subsets of these tumours do not show chromosomal instability and do not follow the suppressor pathway. Instead, about 15% of colorectal cancers are characterised by microsatellite instability (MSI). This feature arises through defective DNA mismatch repair, which is related either to a germline mutation (as in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma) or to failure to express a mismatch-repair gene. CpG-island methylation has been linked to sporadic cancers with a high frequency of MSI. This type of methylation leads to loss of gene expression when it occurs in the promoter region of a gene. Tumours may have high or low type C (cancer-related) CpG-island methylation. When methylation affects hMLH1 (mismatch repair gene), the resultant cancer has high MSI.
Tissues of the Australian native plant species Hakea actities (Proteaceae) contain numerous metabolites and structural compounds that hinder the isolation of nucleic acids. Separate RNA and genomic DNA extraction procedures were developed to isolate high quality nucleic acids from H. actities. Total RNA was extracted from leaves, roots and cluster roots of H. actities grown in low nutrient levels. Cluster root formation in H. actities only occurs when the plants are grown in low nutrient concentrations. However, under these conditions, nucleic acid extraction becomes increasingly difficult. The new procedures are faster than many of the published nucleic acid extraction protocols, and avoid the use of hazardous chemicals. The RNA extraction method was used successfully on another Australian species and a crop species, suggesting that the procedure is useful for molecular studies of a broad range of plants.
Phylogenetic relationships among 75 species of Lentibulariaceae, representing the three recognized genera, were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron and the trnL-F region. Sequence data from the two loci were analyzed both separately and in combination. Consensus trees from all analyses are congruent, and parsimony jackknife results demonstrate strong support for relationships both between and within each of the three demonstrably monophyletic genera. The genus Pinguicula is sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia clade, the phylogenetic structure within this clade closely follows Taylor's recent sectional delimitations based on morphology. Three principal clades are shown within Utricularia, with the basal sections Polypoinpholyx and Pleiochasia together forming the sister lineage of the remaining Utricularia species. Of the fundamental morphological specializations, the stoloniferous growth form apparently arose independently within Genlisea and Utricularia three times, and within Utricularia itself, perhaps more than once. The epiphytic habit has evolved independently at least three times, in Pinguicula, in Utricularia section Phyllaria, and within the two sections Orchidioides and Iperua (in the latter as bromeliad tank-epiphytes). The suspended aquatic habit may have evolved independently within sections Utricularia and Vesiculina. Biogeographic optimization on the phylogeny demonstrates patterns commonly associated with the boreotropics hypothesis and limits the spatial origin of Lentibulariaceae to temperate Eurasia or tropical America.
Genetic diversity in Cassia brewsteri (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. was assessed with Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprints (RAFs). Thirty accessions of C. brewsteri collected from throughout its natural distribution were analysed with three random decamer primers, along with three accessions of C. tomentella (Benth.) Domin and a single accession of each of C. queenslandica C. T. White and C. marksiana (F. M. Bailey) Domin. The three primers yielded a reproducible amplification profile of 265 scorable polymorphic fragments for the 35 accessions. These molecular markers were used to calculate Nei and Li similarity coefficients between each pair of individuals. A matrix of dissimilarity of each pair of individuals was examined by multidimensional scaling (MDS). The analysis supports the division of C. brewsteri into two subspecies and the suggestion that intergradation of C. brewsteri and C. tomentella can occur where the distributions of these species meet.
The specific status of the head and body lice of humans has been debated for more than 200 yr. To clarify the specific status of head and body lice, we sequenced 524 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of 28 head and 28 body lice from nine countries. Ten haplotypes that differed by 1-5 bp at II nucleotide positions were identified. A phylogeny of these sequences indicates that these head and body lice are not from reciprocally monophyletic lineages. Indeed, head and body lice share three of the 10 haplotypes we found. F-ST values and exact tests of haplotype frequencies showed significant differences between head and body lice. However, the same tests also showed significant differences among lice from different countries. Indeed, more of the variation in haplotype frequencies was explained by differences among lice from different countries than by differences between head and body lice. Our results indicate the following: (1) bead and body lice do not represent reciprocally monophyletic lineages and are conspecific; (2) gene flow among populations of lice from different countries is limited; and (3) frequencies of COI haplotypes can be used to study maternal gene flow among populations of head and body lice and thus transmission of lice among their human hosts.
Sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) ribosomal DNA subunit was examined for sorghum midge obtained from introduced and native hosts in south-eastern and central Queensland. No variation was observed relative to host plant or geographical distance for midges collected from two introduced hosts, grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ) and Johnson grass (S. halepense ); however, sequence differences were observed between midges from introduced and native hosts and among midges from a single native host, slender bluegrass (Dichanthium affine ). No evidence was observed of introduced midges on native hosts, or vice versa. These results agree with previously hypothesised host distributions for native and introduced midges in Australia, and expand the sample of introduced hosts to include Johnson grass. They suggest that Stenodiplosis sorghicola , the principal midge infesting grain sorghum, is also the most common species on Johnson grass. This confirms that Johnson grass plays a role in the population dynamics of S. sorghicola and suggests that midges originating from Johnson grass may influence levels of infestation in grain sorghum.
The use of electrotransfer for DNA delivery to prokaryotic cells, and eukaryotic cells in vitro, has been well known and widely used for many years. However, it is only recently that electric fields have been used to enhance DNA transfer to animal cells in vivo, and this is known as DNA electrotransfer or in vivo DNA electroporation. Some of the advantages of this method of somatic cell gene transfer are that it is a simple method that can be used to transfer almost any DNA construct to animal cells and tissues in vivo; multiple constructs can be co-transfected; it is equally applicable to dividing and nondividing cells; the DNA of interest does not need to be subeloned into a specific viral transfer vector and there is no need for the production of high titre viral stocks; and, as no viral genes are expressed there is less chance of an adverse immunologic reaction to vector sequences. The ease with which efficient in vivo gene transfer can be achieved with in vivo DNA electrotransfer is now allowing genetic analysis to be applied to a number of classic animal model systems where transgenic and embryonic stem cell techniques are not well developed, but for which a wealth of detailed descriptive embryological information is available, or surgical manipulation is much more feasible. As well as exciting applications in developmental biology, in vivo DNA electrotransfer is also being used to transfer genes to skeletal muscle and drive expression of therapeutically active proteins, and to examine exogenous gene and protein function in normal adult cells situated within the complex environment of a tissue and organ system in vivo. Thus, in effect providing the in vivo equivalent of the in vitro transient transfection assay. As the widespread use of in vivo electroporation has really only just begun, it is likely that the future will hold many more applications for this technology in basic research, biotechnology and clinical research areas.
Macrophages participate in the restenosis process through the release of cytokines, metalloproteinases and growth factors. Studies of peritoneal granulation tissue suggest that macrophages may be precursors of myofibroblasts. This study examined the contribution of monocyte/macrophage lineage cells to neointimal cellular mass in a porcine model of thermal vascular injury. Thermal coronary artery injury caused medial smooth muscle cell necrosis and transformation of the media into an extracellular matrix barrier. The neointimal hyperplasia that developed over the injury sites was evaluated by light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. At day 3, blood monocytes were adhered to the vessel wall and infiltrated the fibrotic media. At day 14, 42 +/- 3.9% of neointimal cells had a monocytic nuclear morphology and expressed macrophage-specific antigen SWC3 (identified by monoclonal antibody DH59B). Moreover, 9.2+/-1.8% of neointimal cells co-expressed SWC3 and alpha-smooth muscle actin and had ultrastructural characteristics intermediate between macrophages and myofibroblasts. At day 28, 10.5 +/- 3.5%, of cells expressed SWC3 and 5.2+/-1.8% of cells co-expressed SWC3 and alpha-smooth muscle actin. This study indicates that hematopoietic cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage abundantly populate the neointima in the process of lesion formation and may be precursors of neointimal myofibroblasts after thermal vascular injury. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.