The stability of a steadily propagating planar premixed flame has been the subject of numerous studies since Darrieus and Landau showed that in their model flames are unstable to perturbations of any wavelength. Moreover, the instability was shown to persist even for very small wavelengths, i.e. there was no high-wavenumber cutoff of the instability. In addition to the Darrieus-Landau instability, which results from thermal expansion, analysis of the diffusional thermal model indicates that premixed flames may exhibit cellular and pulsating instabilities as a consequence of preferential diffusion. However, no previous theory captured all the instabilities including a high-wavenumber cutoff for each. In Class, Matkowsky & Klimenko (2003) a unified theory is proposed which, in appropriate limits and under appropriate assumptions, recovers all the relevant previous theories. It also includes additional new terms, not present in previous theories. In the present paper we consider the stability of a uniformly propagating planar flame as a solution of the unified model. The results are then compared to those based on the models of Darrieus-Landau, Sivashinsky and Matalon-Matkowsky. In particular, it is shown that the unified model is the only model to capture the Darrieus-Landau, cellular and pulsating instabilities including a high-wavenumber cutoff for each.
A new modeling approach-multiple mapping conditioning (MMC)-is introduced to treat mixing and reaction in turbulent flows. The model combines the advantages of the probability density function and the conditional moment closure methods and is based on a certain generalization of the mapping closure concept. An equivalent stochastic formulation of the MMC model is given. The validity of the closuring hypothesis of the model is demonstrated by a comparison with direct numerical simulation results for the three-stream mixing problem. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Hot-wire anemometers at low operating currents are used as fast response resistance thermometers for the study of heated turbulent flows. Simultaneous measurement of temperature and velocity is generally performed with multi-wire arrays. In order to give good spatial resolution a new layout has been tested which uses an inclined temperature wire positioned parallel to the nearest inclined velocity wire. This leads to an asymmetric wire arrangement relative to the mean flow direction. As expected, a reduction in thermal interference from the velocity wires results when compared with an array containing a temperature wire placed normal to the flow. However, measurement of higher order moments of fluctuating quantities in an axisymmetric jet shows considerable distortion of radial distributions which is traced to alteration of the temperature field sensed by the temperature wire. When inclined velocity sensitive wires contain a temperature component, the latter may be affected by the same phenomenon.
Most finite element packages use the Newmark algorithm for time integration of structural dynamics. Various algorithms have been proposed to better optimize the high frequency dissipation of this algorithm. Hulbert and Chung proposed both implicit and explicit forms of the generalized alpha method. The algorithms optimize high frequency dissipation effectively, and despite recent work on algorithms that possess momentum conserving/energy dissipative properties in a non-linear context, the generalized alpha method remains an efficient way to solve many problems, especially with adaptive timestep control. However, the implicit and explicit algorithms use incompatible parameter sets and cannot be used together in a spatial partition, whereas this can be done for the Newmark algorithm, as Hughes and Liu demonstrated, and for the HHT-alpha algorithm developed from it. The present paper shows that the explicit generalized alpha method can be rewritten so that it becomes compatible with the implicit form. All four algorithmic parameters can be matched between the explicit and implicit forms. An element interface between implicit and explicit partitions can then be used, analogous to that devised by Hughes and Liu to extend the Newmark method. The stability of the explicit/implicit algorithm is examined in a linear context and found to exceed that of the explicit partition. The element partition is significantly less dissipative of intermediate frequencies than one using the HHT-alpha method. The explicit algorithm can also be rewritten so that the discrete equation of motion evaluates forces from displacements and velocities found at the predicted mid-point of a cycle. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Skin-friction measurements are reported for high-enthalpy and high-Mach-number laminar, transitional and turbulent boundary layers. The measurements were performed in a free-piston shock tunnel with air-flow Mach number, stagnation enthalpy and Reynolds numbers in the ranges of 4.4-6.7, 3-13 MJ kg(-1) and 0.16 x 10(6)-21 x 10(6), respectively. Wall temperatures were near 300 K and this resulted in ratios of wall enthalpy to flow-stagnation enthalpy in the range of 0.1-0.02. The experiments were performed using rectangular ducts. The measurements were accomplished using a new skin-friction gauge that was developed for impulse facility testing. The gauge was an acceleration compensated piezoelectric transducer and had a lowest natural frequency near 40 kHz. Turbulent skin-friction levels were measured to within a typical uncertainty of +/-7%. The systematic uncertainty in measured skin-friction coefficient was high for the tested laminar conditions; however, to within experimental uncertainty, the skin-friction and heat-transfer measurements were in agreement with the laminar theory of van Driest (1952). For predicting turbulent skin-friction coefficient, it was established that, for the range of Mach numbers and Reynolds numbers of the experiments, with cold walls and boundary layers approaching the turbulent equilibrium state, the Spalding & Chi (1964) method was the most suitable of the theories tested. It was also established that if the heat transfer rate to the wall is to be predicted, then the Spalding & Chi (1964) method should be used in conjunction with a Reynolds analogy factor near unity. If more accurate results are required, then an experimentally observed relationship between the Reynolds analogy factor and the skin-friction coefficient may be applied.
In recent years, progress has been made in modelling long chain branched polymers by the introduction of the so-called pompom model. Initially developed by McLeish and Larson (1998), the model has undergone several improvements or alterations, leading to the development of new formulations. Some of these formulations however suffer from certain mathematical defects. The purpose of the present paper is to review some of the formulations of the pom-pom constitutive model, and to investigate their possible mathematical defects. Next, an alternative formulation is proposed, which does not appear to exhibit mathematical defects, and we explore its modelling performance by comparing the predictions with experiments in non-trivial rheometric flows of an LDPE melt. The selected rheometric flows are the double step strain, as well as the large amplitude oscillatory shear experiments. For LAOS experiments, the comparison involves the use of Fourier-transform analysis.
The absorption of fluid by unsaturated, rigid porous materials may be characterized by the sorptivity. This is a simple parameter to determine and is increasingly being used as a measure of a material's resistance to exposure to fluids (especially moisture and reactive solutes) in aggressive environments. The complete isothermal absorption process is described by a nonlinear diffusion equation, with the hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the degree of saturation of the material. This diffusivity can be estimated from the sorptivity test. In a typical test the cumulative absorption is proportional to the square root of time. However, a number of researchers have observed deviation from this behaviour when the infiltrating fluid is water and there is some potential for chemo-mechanical interaction with the material. In that case the current interpretation of the test and estimation of the hydraulic diffusivity is no longer appropriate. Kuntz and Lavallee (2001) discuss the anomalous behaviour and propose a non-Darcian model as a more appropriate physical description. We present an alternative Darcian explanation and theory that retrieves the earlier advantages of the simple sorptivity test in providing parametric information about the material's hydraulic properties and allowing simple predictive formulae for the wetting profile to be generated.
We develop a method for determining the elements of the pressure tensor at a radius r in a cylindrically symmetric system, analogous to the so-called method of planes used in planar systems [B. D. Todd, Denis J. Evans, and Peter J. Daivis, Phys. Rev. E 52, 1627 (1995)]. We demonstrate its application in determining the radial shear stress dependence during molecular dynamics simulations of the forced flow of methane in cylindrical silica mesopores. Such expressions are useful for the examination of constitutive relations in the context of transport in confined systems.
The solubility of ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured at temperature ranging from 308.15 to 333.15 K and pressure ranging from 85 to 195 bar. At the same temperature, the solubility of these compounds increases with pressure. The crossover pressure region was also observed in this study. The experimental data were correlated by the semi-empirical Chrastil equation and Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) using several mixing rules. The Peng-Robinson EOS gives better solubility prediction than the empirical Chrastil equation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this paper is to definite Historicity in Economic Sciences applying the principles of Entropy and methodological indeterminism. This implies the definition of two kinds of economic universes: one characterized by ergodicity and reversibility of Time and processes and the other by the opposite properties. The first part will deal with the construction of the subject of study and the nature of the proper analysis to these two universes. Taking such dichotomy into account, the second part will examine its implications as regards to the nature of equilibrium, the properties of stability and instability and the closure of the systems.
A morfologia das praias é reflexo da ação hidrodinfunica com o tipo de sedimento disponível. Esta interação se dá a partir da base de ação das ondas, tornando-se mais efetiva na zona de arrebentação onde a energia é dissipada, originando na zona de surfe que se estende em direção à linha de costa até Q limite do espraiamento na face de praia. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as características morfodinâmicas do litoral NE do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, baseando-se na análise da variação espaço Hemporal de perfis de praia, na morfologia da plataforma continental e em fotos aéreas. Os perfis de praia foram levantados durante cinco anos pela PETROBRÁS S/A, em oito estações ao longo do litoral. O comportamento morfodinâmico distinto de setores do litoral estudado é função do padrão de ondas e direção da linha de costa, morfologia da plataforma interna controlando a extensão da zona de surfe e o número de zonas de arrebentação, características dos sedimentos e gradiente da face de praia. Foram reconhecidos quatro compartimentos morfodinâmicos distintos, com base na morfologia dos perfis praiais e plataforma interna, no índice de mobilidade da linha de praia, granulometria x gradiente da face de praia e o parâmetro Q. Os quatro compartimentos são: Atafona/Foz do Rio Paraíba do Sul - estágio morfodinâmico intermediário a dissipativo, com o maior índice de mobilidade e elevada taxa de erosão; Sul de Atafona-Cabo de São Tomé - estágio intermediário a refletivo com baixo índice de mobilidade da praia; Cabo de São Tomé - estágio refletivo a intermediário com alto índice de mobilidade da praia; Cabo de São Tomé-Cabiúnas - estágio refletivo com baixo índice de mobilidade.
Talvez não seja nenhum exagero afirmar que há quase um consenso entre os praticantes da Termoeconomia de que a exergia, ao invés de só entalpia, seja a magnitude Termodinâmica mais adequada para ser combinada com o conceito de custo na modelagem termoeconômica, pois esta leva em conta aspectos da Segunda Lei da Termodinâmica e permite identificar as irreversibilidades. Porém, muitas vezes durante a modelagem termoeconômica se usa a exergia desagregada em suas parcelas (química, térmica e mecânica), ou ainda, se inclui a neguentropia que é um fluxo fictício, permitindo assim a desagregação do sistema em seus componentes (ou subsistemas) visando melhorar e detalhar a modelagem para a otimização local, diagnóstico e alocação dos resíduos e equipamentos dissipativos. Alguns autores também afirmam que a desagregação da exergia física em suas parcelas (térmica e mecânica) permite aumentar a precisão dos resultados na alocação de custos, apesar de fazer aumentar a complexidade do modelo termoeconômico e consequentemente os custos computacionais envolvidos. Recentemente alguns autores apontaram restrições e possíveis inconsistências do uso da neguentropia e deste tipo de desagregação da exergia física, propondo assim alternativas para o tratamento de resíduos e equipamentos dissipativos que permitem a desagregação dos sistemas em seus componentes. Estas alternativas consistem, basicamente, de novas propostas de desagregação da exergia física na modelagem termoeconômica. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as diferentes metodologias de desagregação da exergia física para a modelagem termoeconômica, tendo em conta alguns aspectos como vantagens, restrições, inconsistências, melhoria na precisão dos resultados, aumento da complexidade e do esforço computacional e o tratamento dos resíduos e equipamentos dissipativos para a total desagregação do sistema térmico. Para isso, as diferentes metodologias e níveis de desagregação da exergia física são aplicados na alocação de custos para os produtos finais (potência líquida e calor útil) em diferentes plantas de cogeração considerando como fluido de trabalho tanto o gás ideal bem como o fluido real. Plantas essas com equipamentos dissipativos (condensador ou válvula) ou resíduos (gases de exaustão da caldeira de recuperação). Porém, foi necessário que uma das plantas de cogeração não incorporasse equipamentos dissipativos e nem caldeira de recuperação com o intuito de avaliar isoladamente o efeito da desagregação da exergia física na melhoria da precisão dos resultados da alocação de custos para os produtos finais.
O debate entre os paradigmas da mecânica e o sistêmico tem causado importantes revoluções nos mais diversos campos de conhecimento, principalmente na física, química e biologia. Sendo assim, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar como as teorias sistêmicas mais recentes desenvolvidas na química, a partir de Prigogine, e na biologia, conforme Maturana e Varela, podem contribuir para a abordagem institucionalista de Veblen. Para isso, apoiar-se-á na hipótese fornecida pela Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, de Bertalanffy (2006), no qual se refere que os princípios que regem um determinado sistema independem das particularidades de seus componentes mas do modo como estes se inter-relacionam. Assim, a convergência entre estas três teorias passa a ser válida uma vez que o tipo de sistema tratado em todas seja caracterizado por: 1) irreversibilidade da trajetória de suas mudanças, 2) com oposição à ideia de equilíbrio e 3) a introdução de uma abordagem evolucionária e com tempo histórico. Este trabalho se inicia a partir da introdução ao debate entre os paradigmas da mecânica e sistêmico surgido no ramo da física. Na sequência apresenta os referenciais teóricos do institucionalismo de Veblen e da teoria das estruturas dissipativas e autopoiese. Em seguida é feito a análise de convergência entre os arcabouços teóricos vistos, e verificado como as abordagens de Prigogine juntamente com a de Maturana e Varela podem contribuir para o estudo das instituições. Por fim é mostrado como a abordagem desenvolvida neste trabalho pode auxiliar no tratamento de questões relacionadas à economia, com ênfase dada especificamente no que tange a economia monetária.
We calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties, percolation threshold, and cluster distribution functions for a model of associating colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles having on their surfaces three short-ranged attractive sites (sticky spots) of two different types, A and B. The thermodynamic properties are calculated using Wertheim's perturbation theory of associating fluids. This also allows us to find the onset of self-assembly, which can be quantified by the maxima of the specific heat at constant volume. The percolation threshold is derived, under the no-loop assumption, for the correlated bond model: In all cases it is two percolated phases that become identical at a critical point, when one exists. Finally, the cluster size distributions are calculated by mapping the model onto an effective model, characterized by a-state-dependent-functionality (f) over bar and unique bonding probability (p) over bar. The mapping is based on the asymptotic limit of the cluster distributions functions of the generic model and the effective parameters are defined through the requirement that the equilibrium cluster distributions of the true and effective models have the same number-averaged and weight-averaged sizes at all densities and temperatures. We also study the model numerically in the case where BB interactions are missing. In this limit, AB bonds either provide branching between A-chains (Y-junctions) if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is small, or drive the formation of a hyperbranched polymer if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is large. We find that the theoretical predictions describe quite accurately the numerical data, especially in the region where Y-junctions are present. There is fairly good agreement between theoretical and numerical results both for the thermodynamic (number of bonds and phase coexistence) and the connectivity properties of the model (cluster size distributions and percolation locus).