996 resultados para DIFFERENTIATION


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We have studied the effect of inactivated microbial stimuli (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Staphylococcus aureus) on the in vitro differentiation of lineage negative (Lin−) hematopoietic progenitor mouse cells. Purified Lin− progenitors were co-cultured for 7 days with the stimuli, and cell differentiation was determined by flow cytometry analysis. All the stimuli assayed caused differentiation toward the myeloid lineage. S. boulardii and particularly C. glabrata were the stimuli that induced in a minor extent differentiation of Lin− cells, as the major population of differentiated cells corresponded to monocytes, whereas C. albicans and S. aureus induced differentiation beyond monocytes: to monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages, respectively. Interestingly, signaling through TLR2 by its pure ligand Pam3CSK4 directed differentiation of Lin− cells almost exclusively to macrophages. These data support the notion that hematopoiesis can be modulated in response to microbial stimuli in a pathogen-dependent manner, being determined by the pathogen-associated molecular patterns and the pattern-recognition receptors involved, in order to generate the populations of mature cells required to deal with the pathogen.


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are expressed by haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), and may play a role in haematopoiesis in response to pathogens during infection. We have previously demonstrated that (i) inactivated yeasts of Candida albicans induce in vitro differentiation of HSPCs towards the myeloid lineage, and (ii) soluble TLR agonists induce in vivo their differentiation towards macrophages. In this work, using an in vivo model of HSPCs transplantation, we report for the first time that HSPCs sense C. albicans in vivo and subsequently are directed to produce macrophages by a TLR2-dependent signalling. Purified lineage-negative cells (Lin−) from bone marrow of C57BL/6 mice (CD45.2 alloantigen) were transplanted into B6Ly5.1 mice (CD45.1 alloantigen), which were then injected with viable or inactivated C. albicans yeasts. Transplanted cells were detected in the spleen and in the bone marrow of recipient mice, and they differentiate preferentially to macrophages, both in response to infection or in response to inactivated yeasts. The generation of macrophages was dependent on TLR2 but independent of TLR4, as transplanted Lin− cells from TLR2−/− mice did not give rise to macrophages, whereas Lin− cells from TLR4−/− mice generated macrophages similarly to control cells. Interestingly, the absence of TLR2, or in a minor extent TLR4, gives Lin− cells an advantage in transplantation assays, as increases the percentage of transplanted recovered cells. Our results indicatethat TLR-mediated recognition of C. albicans by HSPCs may help replace and/or increase cells that constitute the first line of defence against the fungus, and suggest that TLR-mediated signalling may lead to reprogramming early progenitors to rapidly replenishing the innate immune system and generate the most necessary mature cells to deal with the pathogen.


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Afin d’effectuer des études fonctionnelles sur le génome de la souris, notre laboratoire a généré une bibliothèque de clones de cellules souches embryonnaires (ESC) présentant des suppressions chromosomiques chevauchantes aléatoires – la bibliothèque DELES. Cette bibliothèque contient des délétions couvrant environ 25% du génome murin. Dans le laboratoire, nous comptons identifier de nouveaux déterminants du destin des cellules hématopoïétiques en utilisant cet outil. Un crible primaire utilisant la benzidine pour démontrer la présence d'hémoglobine dans des corps embryoïdes (EBS) a permis d’identifier plusieurs clones délétés présentant un phénotype hématopoïétique anormal. Comme cet essai ne vérifie que la présence d'hémoglobine, le but de mon projet est d'établir un essai in vitro de différenciation des ESC permettant de mesurer le potentiel hématopoïétique de clones DELES. Mon hypothèse est que l’essai de différenciation hématopoïétique publié par le Dr Keller peut être importé dans notre laboratoire et utilisé pour étudier l'engagement hématopoïétique des clones DELES. À l’aide d’essais de RT-QPCR et de FACS, j’ai pu contrôler la cinétique de différenciation hématopoïétique en suivant l’expression des gènes hématopoïétiques et des marqueurs de surface comme CD41, c-kit, RUNX1, GATA2, CD45, β-globine 1 et TER-119. Cet essai sera utilisé pour valider le potentiel hématopoïétique des clones DELES candidats identifiés dans le crible principal. Mon projet secondaire vise à utiliser la même stratégie rétro-virale a base de Cre-loxP utilisée pour générer la bibliothèque DELES pour générer une bibliothèque de cellules KBM-7 contenant des suppressions chromosomiques chevauchantes. Mon but ici est de tester si la lignée cellulaire leuémique humaine presque haploïde KBM-7 peut être exploitée en utilisant l'approche DELES pour créer cette bibliothèque. La bibliothèque de clones KBM-7 servira à définir les activités moléculaires de drogues anti-leucémiques potentielless que nous avons identifiées dans le laboratoire parce qu’elles inhibent la croissance cellulaire dans plusieurs échantillons de leucémie myéloïde aiguë dérivés de patients. Elle me permettra également d'identifier les voies de signalisation moléculaires qui, lorsque génétiquement perturbées, peuvent conférer une résistance à ces drogues.


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This paper conceptualizes the European Union (EU) as a system of differentiated integration characterized by both variation in levels of centralization (vertical differentiation) and variation in territorial extension (horizontal differentiation) across policy areas. Differentiation has been a concomitant of deepening and widening and has increased and consolidated as the EU’s powers, policy scope, and membership have grown. Turning to explanation, the paper attributes the pattern of differentiated integration in the EU to the interaction of interdependence and politicization. Differentiation among the member states (internal differentiation) results from supranational integration under conditions of high interdependence and politicization. By contrast, external differentiation (the selective policy integration of non-member states) occurs in highly interdependent but weakly politicized policy areas. These constellations are illustrated in case studies of differentiation in the internal market, monetary union, and defence.


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BACKGROUND The intervertebral disc (IVD) has limited self-healing potential and disc repair strategies require an appropriate cell source such as progenitor cells that could regenerate the damaged cells and tissues. The objective of this study was to identify nucleus pulposus-derived progenitor cells (NPPC) and examine their potential in regenerative medicine in vitro. METHODS Nucleus pulposus cells (NPC) were obtained from 1-year-old bovine coccygeal discs by enzymatic digestion and were sorted for the angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2. The obtained Tie2- and Tie2+ fractions of cells were differentiated into osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages in vitro. Colony-forming units were prepared from both cell populations and the colonies formed were analyzed and quantified after 8 days of culture. In order to improve the preservation of the Tie2+ phenotype of NPPC in monolayer cultures, we tested a selection of growth factors known to have stimulating effects, cocultured NPPC with IVD tissue, and exposed them to hypoxic conditions (2 % O2). RESULTS After 3 weeks of differentiation culture, only the NPC that were positive for Tie2 were able to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes as characterized by calcium deposition (p < 0.0001), fat droplet formation (p < 0.0001), and glycosaminoglycan content (p = 0.0095 vs. Tie2- NPC), respectively. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies; however, the colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape, whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. In addition, Tie2+ cells formed more colonies in 3D culture (p = 0.011) than Tie2- cells. During expansion, a fast decline in the fraction of Tie2+ cells was observed (p < 0.0001), which was partially reversed by low oxygen concentration (p = 0.0068) and supplementation of the culture with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Our results showed that the bovine nucleus pulposus contains NPPC that are Tie2+. These cells fulfilled formally progenitor criteria that were maintained in subsequent monolayer culture for up to 7 days by addition of FGF2 or hypoxic conditions. We propose that the nucleus pulposus represents a niche of precursor cells for regeneration of the IVD.


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IRT1 and IRT2 are members of the Arabidopsis ZIP metal transporter family that are specifically induced by iron deprivation in roots and act as heterologous suppressors of yeast mutations inhibiting iron and zinc uptake. Although IRT1 and IRT2 are thought to perform redundant functions as root-specific metal transporters, insertional inactivation of the IRT1 gene alone results in typical symptoms of iron deficiency causing severe leaf chlorosis and lethality in soil. The irt1 mutation is characterized by specific developmental defects, including a drastic reduction of chloroplast thylakoid stacking into grana and lack of palisade parenchyma differentiation in leaves, reduced number of vascular bundles in stems, and irregular patterns of enlarged endodermal and cortex cells in roots. Pulse labeling with 59Fe through the root system shows that the irt1 mutation reduces iron accumulation in the shoots. Short-term labeling with 65Zn reveals no alteration in spatial distribution of zinc, but indicates a lower level of zinc accumulation. In comparison to wild-type, the irt1 mutant responds to iron and zinc deprivation by altered expression of certain zinc and iron transporter genes, which results in the activation of ZIP1 in shoots, reduction of ZIP2 transcript levels in roots, and enhanced expression of IRT2 in roots. These data support the conclusion that IRT1 is an essential metal transporter required for proper development and regulation of iron and zinc homeostasis in Arabidopsis.


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Volumes of Holocene (10 000 years) terrigenous sediments and annnal sediment supply in the Laptev Sea were evaluated from average thickness of the Holocene veneer. Volumes of deposits supplied from various sediment sourees and by different proeesses (abrasion of hinterland and island shores, river discharge, eolian input, drifting ice) were diseriminating of deposition in the eoastal zone, at river/sea barrier, and in the shelf basin itself. Accumulation by drifting iee and the role of local sea bottom erosion were also considered. Total amount of sediments transported from the Laptev Sea shelf to Amundsen and Nansen Basins of the Aretie Ocean was compared with other Russian Aretie seas.


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A snapshot of two Tuareg-dominated 'communes rurales' in the pastoral-agricultural transition zones of Maradi and Tahoua regions, Central Niger, shows that, despite the openly shared 'inevitable natural hazard' drought discourse, risk-taking action in response to drought-related dangers is sharply polarized according to social position. On the one hand the dominant Tuareg minority perceive drought not only as danger for their herds but also as opportunity to increase their political following through the channelling of drought relief benefits to their supporters. On the other hand, the majority of commune households, living on the brink of economic viability, cultivate social links with the dominant families in order to secure access to water, land and humanitarian aid; and household members are forced into more and more frequent and distant out-migration. Certain leaders, well-informed about national land policy and practice, focus their efforts for a better future on the consolidation of community land rights through the promotion of certain sedentarization and land privatization initiatives; however the resulting increased land pressure in key locations may unwittingly expose inhabitants to even worse drought-linked crises in the future. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and French


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Includes index.