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The study was conducted in collaboration with the ECFC project of the FAO (BGD/97/017) in Cox's Bazar to develop a low cost solar tunnel dryer for the production of high quality marine dried fish. The study areas were Kutubdiapara, Maheshkhali and Shahparirdip under Cox's Bazar district. Three different models of low cost solar dryer were constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, wood, bamboo mat, hemp, canvas, wire, nails, rope, tin, polythene and net. Size of the dryers were: 20x4x3 ft ; 30x3x3 ft and 65x3x3 ft with the costs of Tk. 3060, 3530, 9600 for dryer 1, 2 and 3, respectively having different models. The drying capacities were 50, 150, 500 kg for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The average temperature range inside the dryers were 29-43°C, 34-51°C and 37-57°C for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively as recorded at 8:30h to 16:30h. The relative humidity were in the ranges of 22-42%, 27-39% and 24-41 % in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The fish samples used were Bombay duck, Silver Jew fish and Ribbon fish. The total drying time was in the range of 30-42, 28-38 and 24-34 hours to reach the moisture content of 12.3-14.5, 11.8-14.3, and 11.6-14.1% in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Among these three fish samples the drying was faster in Silver Jew fish followed by Bombay duck and Ribbon fish in all the three dryer.


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A study was conducted on the shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions. Organoleptically dried products were found in good condition after a storage period of 60 days in ambient and chilled conditions. The moisture content, TVB-N value and bacterial load slightly increased during 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled conditions. The changes in moisture content and bacterial load were faster in ambient temperature than in chilled storage condition whereas changes in TVB-N value was higher in chilled condition than in ambient temperature. The initial moisture content was in the range of 13.71% to 22.84%. After 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition the moisture content of dried products was in the range of 15.09% to 25.11% and 14.49% to 25.01%, respectively. The initial TVB-N value was in the range of 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, TVB-N value was in the range of 29.00 to 34.82 mg/100g and 31.41 to 39.11 mg/100g, respectively. The initial bacterial load was in the range of 1.91x10 super(8) to 2.84x10 super(8) and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, the bacterial load was in the range of 6.2x10 super(8) to 1.8x10 super(9) and 5.75x10 super(7) to 5.05x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the present study indicated that it is necessary to store high quality dried products in sealed packed in chilled condition to ensure good quality up to a certain period of time.


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Small indigenous fish species (SIS) play very important role in the diet of the people of Bangladesh. Until recently, the possibilities of culture them in consideration with the Indian major carp yet to be explored. In view of the above, an experiment on the polyculture of carps with SIS, bata (Labeo bata) was carried out to evaluate their production performance in the on-farm condition during 15 March to 15 September 2003. Three different stocking densities of bata with carp species were given. After six months of rearing, the productions obtained were 2,466±98 kg/ha, 2,395 ±88 kg/ha and 2,074±94 kg/ha from treatments-1, 2 and 3, respectively. The highest production was obtained from treatment-1, when compared with treatments-1 and 2. The contribution of bata in terms of production was 10.31% in treatment-1, while it was 13.36% and 14.38% in treatments-2 and 3, respectively.


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On farm trials of silver barb with other carps were carried out in 40 ponds during May to October 2005 in four agro-ecological zones viz., Trishal, Muktagacha, Parbotipur and Paikgacha in Bangladesh. In Trishal and Muktagacha zones, ponds were stocked with silver barb, silver carp and common carp at the stocking density of 11,500 fish/ha, whereas in Parbotipur and Paikgacha zones, ponds were stocked with silver barb, rohu, catla and mrigal at the stocking density of 10,000/ha. Among the ponds, 50% (20 ponds) were stocked with BFRI improved stock of silver barb (Treatment-1) and rest of the 20 ponds stocked with local silver barb stock (Treatment-2). The harvest weight of BFRI improved silver barb were 149±16.01, 168±18.06, 198±14 and 230±9.25g in Trishal, Muktagacha, Paikgacha and Parbotipur, whereas the data obtained at 113±15.52, 136±20.66, 170±17.0 and 205±12.10g for local stock of silver barb, respectively. In all trials, the harvest weight of BFRI improved stock showed significantly higher growth performance (P<0.05) over the local stocks.


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Most of the literature on the role of universities in innovation assumes that academics¡¯ knowledge interacts only with industry and knowledge transfer occurs only or mainly in the technological and scientific fields. We question these assumptions, suggesting academics¡¯ internal and external knowledge interact across disciplines. Using national survey data, this paper tries to show the heterogeneity of university teachers¡¯ knowledge interactions across wider disciplines. Also, this paper explores the patterns of university academics¡¯ internal knowledge interactions with other academics within academia and the university academics¡¯ external knowledge interactions with industry, such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and major Korean firms, Chaebols. We found that there are heterogeneities of academics¡¯ knowledge interactions across the disciplines.


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An experiment was carried out in farmers' gher (shrimp farm) at Bagerhat sadar upazilla, Bagerhat to ascertain the effects of three different types of feeds on the production and economics of brackishwater shrimp, Penaeus monodon for a period of 120 days. There were three treatments such as T1 (BFRI dough feed containing of 30% fish meal, 10% protein conc., 10% soya meal, 15% mustard oil cake, 18% rice bran, 5% maize, 10% wheat flour, 1% oyster shell powder and 1% vitamin premix), T2 (Commercial diet Saudi-Bangla grower) and T3 (Saudi-Bangla special feed). Each treatment had two replicates and the stocking of shrimp in each gher was 3 nos/m². Water quality parameters did not differ significantly among the treatments except water depth. Average production and net return of shrimp in different treatments varied from 404.0 to 509.0 kg/ha and Tk. 56,493.99-Tk. 84,209.60, respectively. T2 showed significantly (p<0.05) the highest production and economic return. The result of the study implied that T2 is more suitable and economically viable than that of other treatments for shrimp farming.


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Anabas testudineus was cultured at different stocking density for the period of five months from May to September. Three stocking densities such as 50,000 (Treatment-1, T1), 56,250 (Treatment-2, T2) and 62,250/ha (Treatment-3, T3) were tested with three replications. After five months rearing, the mean weights of koi were 46.74±2.59, 40.44±2.98 and 37.27±3.01 in T-1, 2 and 3, respectively. The calculated production of native koi in T1 T2 and T3 were 1,916±314, 1,774.31 ±260 and 1,431 ±297 kg/ha, respectively which were significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.


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The paper illustrates the different carp culture techniques based on six published papers from different countries. It also notes the economic and ecological importance of carp aquaculture.


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The rule of light on the timing of maturation and spawning in tropical and subtropical regions is not clear well, because the reproductive cycle in these systems is lunar synchronized. In this study, thus, the effects of different light regimes were investigated on maturational progress of whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, the commercial species in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. During prespawning season, 50 adult fish were randomly divided into ten 300-l tanks (n=5). The fish in control tank received indoor light condition and the fish in each other tanks were exposed to nine different combinations of photoperiod (8L: 16D, 12L: 12D, 16L: 8D) and light intensity (1000, 2000, 3000 lux). After 60 days, GSI and HSI values, serum levels of estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), 17-α hydroxyprogestrone (OHP), calcium (Ca2+) and gonad histology were evaluated for females and males. In females the GSI mean values of exposed fish increased in comparison with control except for fish were kept under 8L, 2000 lux (tank 8). These differences were significant only for fishes in tank 7 (8L, 3000 lux). In the cases of HSI, the results were converse, so that, the most of thanks showed significant decreasing than fishes reared under indoor condition. Morphology and histology study of Ovaries showed three developmental phases including 3, 4 and chiefly 5 that were parallel with GSI values. Fortheremore the serum levels of E2 was recorded between 0.54-15.8 ng/ml in different fish and their mean values were lower than control in all treatmants (P> 0.05). In males, the similar results were obtained. The GSI and HSI mean values in experimental regimes compared with control were upper and lower, respectively, except for fishes were reared in tank 1 (16L, 3000 lux). Testes histology of fishes were reared under different regimes showed signs of stage 5, since no blood vessels observed and thick milt exuded on slight pressure. The mean values of testosterone consentration in fishes were kept in tanks 1 and 6 (12L, 1000 lux) were higher and in other ones were lower than control group. It is also noted that the OHP and Ca2+ had diverse results including increasing and decreasing mean values than control. So, these factors contrary to E2 and T were not suitable to evaluation of maturity in both sexes. On the basis of ovarian structure in stage 5, oocyte development pattern in this species was group synchronous. So, increased mean of GSI versus decreased values of HSI, E2 and perhaps Ca2+ were the signs of improved maturation. But in males, reduced levels of T and similarity of testes morphology in all samples caused that GSI mean value was the only indicator for differentiating among treatments. These findings suggest that alternations were used in light regimes have been the reason of improved maturity in all treatments except fishes reared in tank 8. The ١٠٧ rule of light intensity on induction of maturity was cleared by comparision between fishes in tanks 4, 5, 6 and control group. Because day length was the same whereas fishes in tanks 4, 5 and 6 were exposed to increased light intensity compared with control. This fact verified by results was obtained from fishes in tanks 9 and especially 7, since photoperiod in this group was lower than control. So, higher intensity was considered as the reason of alternations. Contrasting with indoor condition, Induced maturity was also cleared for fishes were kept in tanks 1, 2 and 3, where both of light duration and intensity were increased. But, the rule of photoperiod was individually demonstrated when obtained results were compared with similar light intensities in other treatments. In conclusion, with comparison among different light regimes it is declared that siganids were kept under light condition of tank 2 including 16h light duration combined with 2000 lux intensity showed the best signs of sexual maturation in both sexes. On the basis of this study, setting up the spring light condition during prespawning season induces maturation in withspotted rabbitfish. This improvement not only by influence of photoperiod or light intensity, separately, but obtained through interaction between them. Thus, determination of threshold and resistance to light be recommended before exposure, although using proper regime during suitable time are necessary to achieve purposes considerably.


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The present study was carried out in order to establish an economical effective diet for the pacific white shrimp in the southern part conditions of Iran. With the consideration of three dietary energy levels (E1=262, E2=312, E3=362 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and six ratios of fish meal (FM) to soybean meal (SBM) [(P1=100%FM+0%SBM, P2=80%FM+20%SBM, P3=60%FM+40%SBM, P4=40%FM+60%SBM, P5=20%FM+80%SBM, P6=0%FM+100%SBM)], 18 experimental diets (with 36% crude protein) were prepared. Completely randomized design was used to assign 54 polyethylene 300 litre round tanks provided by aeration and flow through water system and was stocked by 19 juvenile as 3 replicates to each treatment. Shrimps average weight was about 0.77 grams at the start. After 56 days culture period, maximum growth and nutritional performances were observed in the P6E1 treatment (containing 100% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and P5E1 treatment (containing 80% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet). Also the highest survival rate of the shrimps was observed in the P1E1, P1E2, P3E3 and P5E3 treatments. Additionally interactive effect of different protein ratios and energy levels had significant difference on body protein, fat, fiber and ash contents (P<0.05). Results of the present study suggest the possibility replacement of at least 80% of dietary fish meal by soybean meal in the diet of pacific white shrimp in the conditions of southern part of Iran.


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According to Chen's theory, topological differences are perceived faster than feature differences in early visual perception. We hypothesized that topological perception is caused by the sensitivity in discriminating figures with and without "holes". An E


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Global information is considered the primitive of visual perception in Gestalt psychology. Further, L. Chen ( 2005) proposed a new theory of topological visual perception. According to this theory, the perception of topological difference is faster than o


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我们以前的研究建立了五株猕猴饲养层细胞系来支持猕猴胚胎干细胞(rESCs)的生长:一岁猴耳皮肤成纤维细胞(MESFs)、两岁猴输卵管成纤维细胞(MOFs)、成年猴卵泡颗粒成纤维样细胞(MFGs)、成年猴卵泡颗粒上皮样细胞(MFGEs),以及MESFs的克隆成纤维细胞(CMESFs).我们发现MESFs、CMESFs、MOFs和MFGs,而不足MFGEs支持猕猴胚胎干细胞(rESCs,rhesus embryonic stem cells)的生长.通过半定量PCR的方法,我们在支持性的饲养层细胞中检测到了一些基因的高表达.在本研究中,我们运用Affymetrix公司的GeneChip Rhesus Macaque Genome Array芯片来研究这五株同源饲养层的表达谱,希望发现哪些细胞因子和信号通路在维持rESCs中起到重要作用.结果表明,除MFGE外,包括GREM2、bFGF,、KITLG,、DKK3、GREM1、AREG、SERPINF1和LTBF1等八个基因的mRNA在支持性的饲养层细胞中高表达.本研究结果提示,很多信号通路在支持rESCs的未分化生长和多潜能性方面可能起到了冗余的作用.