999 resultados para Custo óptimo


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Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a avaliação preliminar de um sistema de irrigação que utiliza como aspersor garrafas PET e mangueira preta de polietileno. Como seus materiais são facilmente encontrados e de fácil substituição, sua utilização é indicada para sistemas em transição agroecológica. O sistema foi avaliado em quatro propriedades com o intuito de desenvolver alguns parâmetros técnicos que permitam auxiliar seu dimensionamento, já que até o momento os sistemas são instalados de forma empírica. A pressão estática foi medida com o sistema todo fechado, e a seguir foram acrescentados os aspersores um por um até um total de seis. A cada inclusão, mediu-se a pressão e o raio útil de irrigação do aspersor. A pressão inicial disponível em cada propriedade foi diferente. Os resultados mostram que o sistema é viável a baixa pressão, e que pode ser utilizado nas condições dos agricultores da Borda Oeste do Pantanal.


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Os desafios que catadores e catadoras de materiais recicláveis enfrentam no seu dia a dia já são inúmeros e a introdução de tecnologias que queimam resíduos sólidos para captar energia significa outro fator que põe em risco a sobrevivência desta população. Seguindo a lógica da globalização econômica, grandes empresas multinacionais de saneamento ambiental estão entrando no mercado da gestão de resíduos sólidos nos países em desenvolvimento. Coleta, separação, transformação e venda de materiais recicláveis por grupos organizados de catadores geram trabalho e renda: trata-se de capital social e humano. Nos países da América Latina e da Ásia, em particular, milhares de pessoas dependem desse setor. Essa atividade oferece oportunidades para a inclusão social com resgate da cidadania. A implantação de incineradores significa uma ameaça a estes postos de trabalho, sem mencionar os problemas ambientais gerados pelos gases e cinzas tóxicas eliminados durante o processo da queima. A presente pesquisa-ação utiliza métodos participativos e analisa dados secundários, tendo como objetivos desconstruir a lógica tecnocrata de gestão de resíduos sólidos e apontar a importância do compromisso social e ambiental dos governantes e da sociedade com a coleta seletiva e a reciclagem, aumentando desta forma a sustentabilidade social, econômica e ecológica.


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A piscicultura é um ramo da aqüicultura que vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos, impulsionada pela estagnação na pesca extrativa e pela crescente demanda por proteína animal de alta qualidade nutricional. Um dos mercados que se desenvolveu copiosamente no início da década de noventa e que comporta grande movimentação de compra e venda de pescados cultivados é o mercado de pesque-pague, movimentando não só a piscicultura do estado de São Paulo, como também de estados vizinhos como Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais. No entanto, assim como qualquer outra atividade humana, provoca impactos positivos e negativos. Sob esta perspectiva, este trabalho objetivou, através de uma avaliação de impactos ambientais em cinco pesque-pague da região de Araras, propor a adoção de boas práticas de manejo (BPM?s) e realizar uma análise de custo/benefício para verificar a viabilidade da adoção de tais práticas. As informações foram coletadas através de questionários pré-elaborados, análises de amostras de água e sedimento e a medição dos parâmetros de qualidade de água dos tanques de pesca em três momentos diferentes: antes durante e após o período chuvoso. As análises de água revelaram existência de excesso dos elementos chumbo e ferro, o primeiro devido à contaminação pré-existente na bacia do Mogi-Guaçu, e o último em decorrência do tipo de solo da região ? latossolo. Várias Boas Práticas de Manejo foram propostas e a análise de custo/benefício identificou apenas um estabelecimento considerado economicamente viável, pois a uma taxa de desconto de 9,5% ao ano e sob um horizonte temporal de 15 anos, mostrou-se rentável. Os estabelecimentos estudados apresentam sérios problemas no setor econômico, devendo com urgência melhorar suas estratégias administrativas e gerenciais a fim de melhor explorar as potencialidades da propriedade e das atividades que desenvolvem de forma sustentável.


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Resposta sistematizada, com base em revisão bibliográfica, sobre a diferença em desfechos de morbimortalidade no uso de enalapril e losartana. Informa também sobre as diferenças no custo do tratamento, ao longo de um ano, comparando-se as duas drogas.


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Two hundred and six patients with severe head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale of 8 points or less after nonsurgical resuscitation on admission), managed at Intensive Care Unit-Hospital das Clínicas - Universidade Estadual de Campinas were prospectively analysed. All patients were assessed by CT scan and 72 required neurosurgical intervention. All patients were continuously monitored to evaluate intracranial pressure (ICP) levels by a subarachnoid device (11 with subarachnoid metallic bolts and 195 with subarachnoid polyvinyl catheters). The ICP levels were continuously observed in the bedside pressure monitor display and their end-hour values were recorded in a standard chart. The patients were managed according to a standard protocol guided by the ICP levels. There were no intracranial haemorrhagic complications or hematomas due the monitoring method. Sixty six patients were punctured by lateral C1-C2 technique to assess infectious complications and 2 had positive cerebrospinal fluid samples for Acinetobacter sp. The final results measured at hospital discharge showed 75 deaths (36,40%) and 131 (63,60%) survivors. ICP levels had significantly influenced the final results (p<0,001). The subarachnoid method to continuously assess the ICP levels was considered aplicable, safe, simple, low cost and useful to advise the management of the patients. The ICP record methodology was practical and useful. Despite the current technical advances the subarachnoid method was considered viable to assess the ICP levels in severe head injury.


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Remotely sensed imagery has been widely used for land use/cover classification thanks to the periodic data acquisition and the widespread use of digital image processing systems offering a wide range of classification algorithms. The aim of this work was to evaluate some of the most commonly used supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms under different landscape patterns found in Rondônia, including (1) areas of mid-size farms, (2) fish-bone settlements and (3) a gradient of forest and Cerrado (Brazilian savannah). Comparison with a reference map based on the kappa statistics resulted in good to superior indicators (best results - K-means: k=0.68; k=0.77; k=0.64 and MaxVer: k=0.71; k=0.89; k=0.70 respectively for three areas mentioned). Results show that choosing a specific algorithm requires to take into account both its capacity to discriminate among various spectral signatures under different landscape patterns as well as a cost/benefit analysis considering the different steps performed by the operator performing a land cover/use map. it is suggested that a more systematic assessment of several options of implementation of a specific project is needed prior to beginning a land use/cover mapping job.


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This work reports an economic evaluation of the dried banana production from an agroindustry located in Guaraqueçaba - PR State, Brazil. The conventional and the organic banana processings were evaluated by comparing the economic viability pointers. The dried organic banana is exported to the Europe and the dried conventional banana is commercialized in the region of Curitiba - PR. Both processings presented positive economic viability, however the dried organic banana presented better indices (TIR 94%, VPL R$ 486,009.39 and benefit cost relation of 2.11) than the conventional dried banana (TIR 14%, VPL R$ 34,668.00 and benefit cost relation of 1.17). The dried organic banana presented a cost of production of R$ 3.64, being 50.1% relative to the expense with insumos and 27% with labour. The dried conventional banana presented a cost of R$ 3.21, being 45.3% for insumos and 31.2% for labour.


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In the last few years the sugar-cane mechanical harvested area has increased, especially in regions with appropriated slop. The use of this technology brings some inconveniences, such as, the increase in the percentage of extraneous matter, which causes the reduction of technological quality of the raw material, and losses in the field. Extraneous matter (trash) is composed of tops and leaves in major percentage, plus soil and roots, and eventually some metal parts. In the green cane harvest system the percentage of extraneous matter has a tendency to increase due to the great amount of vegetal matter to be processed. The increase in the blower fan speed to reduce the amount of extraneous matter can lead to an unacceptable economic level of raw material losses. The main objective of this work was, using a cane loss monitor, to evaluate and quantify the amount of visible losses of sugar cane through the primary extractor at two different fan speeds. Afterwards these losses were related to the harvester cleaning efficiency. The piezoelectric transducer shows a reasonable sensibility. The results show that the cleaning efficiency in the primary extractor (85% mean), the cane losses (between 5.68% and 2.15%) and fan speed are interrelated. The total losses and specially splinters (between 3.19% and 0.91%), showed a significant difference among the treatments.


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One of the main referring subjects to the solar energy is how to compare it economically with other sources of energy, as much alternatives as with conventionals (like the electric grid). The purpose of this work was to develop a software which congregates the technical and economic main data to identify, through methods of microeconomic analysis, the commercial viability in the sizing of photovoltaic systems, besides considering the benefits proceeding from the proper energy generation. Considering the period of useful life of the components of the generation system of photovoltaic electricity, the costs of the energy proceeding from the conventional grid had been identified. For the comparison of the conventional sources, electric grid and diesel generation, three scenes of costs of photovoltaic panels and two for the factor of availability of diesel generation had been used. The results have shown that if the cost of the panels is low and the place of installation is more distant of the electric grid, the photovoltaic system becomes the best option.


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This work presents the development of low cost microprocessor-based equipment for generation of differential GPS correction signal, in real time, and configuration and supervision of the GPS base. The developed equipment contains a dedicated microcontroller connected to the GPS receiver, alphanumeric display and multifunction keyboard for configuration and operation of the system and communication interfaces. The electronic circuit has the function of receiving the information from GPS base; interpret them, converting the sentence in the RTCM SC-104 protocol. The microcontroller software makes the conversion of the signal received by the GPS base from the specific format to RTCM SC-104 protocol. The processing main board has two serials RS-232C standard interfaces. One of them is used for configuration and receiving the information generated by the GPS base. The other operates as output, sending the differential correction signal for the transmission system. The development of microprocessor-based equipment showed that it is possible the construction of a low cost private station for real time generation of differential GPS correction signal.


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Behavioral adjustments may occur fast and with less cost than the physiological adaptations. Considering the social behavior is suggestive that the frequency and the intensity of aggressive interactions, the total social cohesion and the extent of vicious attitudes may be used to evaluate welfare. This research presents an analysis of the interactions between the experimental factors such as temperature, genetic and time of the day in the behavior of female broiler breeders under controlled environment in a climatic chamber in order to enhance the different reaction of the birds facing distinct environmental conditions. The results showed significant differences between the behaviors expressed by the studied genetics presenting the need of monitoring them in real-time in order to predict their welfare in commercial housing, due to the complexity of the environmental variables that interfere in the well being process. The research also concluded that the welfare evaluation of female broiler breeders needs to consider the time of the day during the observation of the behaviors.


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Remote sensing data are each time more available and can be used to monitor the vegetal development of main agricultural crops, such as the Arabic coffee in Brazil, since that the relationship between spectral and agronomical data be well known. Therefore, this work had the main objective to assess the use of Quickbird satellite images to estimate biophysical parameters of coffee crop. Test area was composed by 25 coffee fields located between the cities of Ribeirão Corrente, Franca and Cristais Paulista (SP), Brazil, and the biophysical parameters used were row and between plants spacing, plant height, LAI, canopy diameter, percentage of vegetation cover, roughness and biomass. Spectral data were the reflectance of four bands of QUICKBIRD and values of four vegetations indexes (NDVI, GVI, SAVI and RVI) based on the same satellite. All these data were analyzed using linear and nonlinear regression methods to generate estimation models of biophysical parameters. The use of regression models based on nonlinear equations was more appropriate to estimate parameters such as the LAI and the percentage of biomass, important to indicate the productivity of coffee crop.


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Laboratory tests are essential for accurate diagnosis and cost-effective management of thyroid disorders. When the clinical suspicion is strong, hormonal levels just confirms the diagnosis. However, in most patients, symptoms are subtle and unspecific, so that only biochemical tests can detect the disorder. The objective of this article is to do a critical analysis of the appropriate use of the most important thyroid function tests, including serum concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH), thyroid hormones and antithyroid antibodies. Through a survey in the MedLine database, we discuss the major pitfalls and interferences related to daily use of these tests and recommendations are presented to optimize the use of these diagnostic tools in clinical practice.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física