960 resultados para Crust of neutron stars


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The compound of stoichiometry Mn(II)3[Mn(III)(CN)6]2·zH2O (z = 12−16) (1) forms air-stable, transparent red crystals. Low-temperature single crystal optical spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction provide compelling evidence for N-bonded high-spin manganese(II), and C-bonded low-spin manganese(III) ions arranged in a disordered, face-centered cubic lattice analogous to that of Prussian Blue. X-ray and neutron diffraction show structured diffuse scattering indicative of partially correlated (rather than random) substitutions of [Mn(III)(CN)6] ions by (H2O)6 clusters. Magnetic susceptibility measurements and elastic neutron scattering experiments indicate a ferrimagnetic structure below the critical temperature Tc = 35.5 K.


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In many designs for radioactive waste repositories, cement and clay will come into direct contact. The geochemical contrast between cement and clay will lead to mass fluxes across the interface, which consequently results in alteration of structural and transport properties of both materials that may affect the performance of the multi-barrier system. We present an experimental approach to study cement-clay interactions with a cell to accommodate small samples of cement and clay. The cell design allows both in situ measurement of water content across the sample using neutron radiography and measurement of transport parameters using through-diffusion tracer experiments. The aim of the high- resolution neutron radiography experiments was to monitor changes in water content (porosity) and their spatial extent. Neutron radiographs of several evolving cement-clay interfaces delivered quantitative data which allow resolving local water contents within the sample domain. In the present work we explored the uncertainties of the derived water contents with regard to various input parameters and with regard to the applied image correction procedures. Temporal variation of measurement conditions created absolute uncertainty of the water content in the order of ±0.1 (m3/m3), which could not be fully accounted for by correction procedures. Smaller relative changes in water content between two images can be derived by specific calibrations to two sample regions with different, invariant water contents.


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We report on the developments of a neutron tomography setup at the instrument for prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) at the Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum(MLZ). The recent developments are driven by the idea of combining the spatial information obtained with neutron tomography with the elemental information determined with PGAA, i.e. to further combine both techniques to an investigative technique called prompt gamma activation imaging (PGAI).At the PGAA instrument, a cold neutron flux of up to 6 x 1010 cm-2 s-1 (thermal equivalent) is available in the focus of an elliptically tapered neutron guide. In the reported experiments, the divergence of the neutron beam was investigated, the resolution of the installed detector system tested, and a proof-of-principle tomography experiment performed. In our study a formerly used camera box was upgraded with a better camera and an optical resolution of 8 line pairs/mm was achieved. The divergence of the neutron beam was measured by a systematic scan along the beam axis. Based on the acquired data, a neutron imaging setup with a L/D ratio of 200 was installed. The resolution of the setup was testedin combination with a gadolinium test target and different scintillator screens. The test target was irradiated at two positions to determine the maximum resolution and the resolution at the actual sample position. The performance of the installed tomography setup was demonstrated bya tomography experiment of an electric amplifier tube.


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BACKGROUND A recessive inherited form of lamellar ichthyosis is well recognized in golden retrievers. In this breed, young puppies demonstrate a self-limiting scaling disorder which is commonly recognized by breeders, who use the term "milk crust" to describe this syndrome. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES To determine whether "milk crust" is a new keratinization disorder or a self-limiting form of golden retriever ichthyosis. ANIMALS A total of 179 golden retriever dogs (21 dams and 158 puppies) were examined. METHODS Dermatological examination and assessment of the patatin-like phospholipase-1 (PNPLA1) genotype by PCR testing of buccal mucosal swabs. Skin biopsies from one affected puppy were evaluated for histopathological abnormalities. RESULTS Forty-five of 158 (28%) puppies exhibited scaling at 8 weeks of age; 113 of 158 (72%) were dermatologically normal. Of 144 analysed samples, 40 of 144 (28%) puppies demonstrated a homozygous mutation of the PNPLA1 genotype [of which, 36 of 40 (90%) had signs of scaling], 77 of 144 (53%) demonstrated a heterozygous mutation and 27 of 144 (19%) were a normal wild-type. In six of 17 (35%) dams, a homozygous mutation of the PNPLA1 genotype was found, eight of 17 (47%) demonstrated a heterozygous mutation and three of 17 (18%) were normal wild-type. Dams with a homozygous mutation were clinically unaffected. A 1 year follow-up revealed that 23 of 28 (82%) puppies affected with this syndrome failed to develop typical signs of ichthyosis. In five of 28 (18%) dogs there was persistence of mild scaling. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE We hypothesize that the clinical syndrome termed "milk crust" could represent a transient form of golden retriever ichthyosis. Remission is not fully linked to PNPLA1 genotype, suggesting that unknown factors may contribute to the clinical disease.


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The Barchi-Kol terrain is a classic locality of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism within the Kokchetav metamorphic belt. We provide a detailed and systematic characterization of four metasedimentary samples using dominant mineral assemblages, mineral inclusions in zircon and monazite, garnet zonation with respect to major and trace elements, and Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-zircon temperatures. A typical diamond-bearing gneiss records peak conditions of 49 ± 4 kbar and 950–1000 °C. Near isothermal decompression of this rock resulted in the breakdown of phengite associated with a pervasive recrystallization of the rock. The same terrain also contains mica schists that experienced peak conditions close to those of the diamond-bearing rocks, but they were exhumed along a cooler path where phengite remained stable. In these rocks, major and trace element zoning in garnet has been completely equilibrated. A layered gneiss was metamorphosed at UHP conditions in the coesite field, but did not reach diamond-facies conditions (peak conditions: 30 kbar and 800–900 °C). In this sample, garnet records retrograde zonation in major elements and also retains prograde zoning in trace elements. A garnet-kyanite-micaschist that reached significantly lower pressures (24 ± 2 kbar, 710 ± 20 °C) contains garnet with major and trace element zoning. The diverse garnet zoning in samples that experienced different metamorphic conditions allows to establish that diffusional equilibration of rare earth element in garnet likely occurs at ~900–950 °C. Different metamorphic conditions in the four investigated samples are also documented in zircon trace element zonation and mineral inclusions in zircon and monazite. U-Pb geochronology of metamorphic zircon and monazite domains demonstrates that prograde (528–521 Ma), peak (528–522 Ma), and peak to retrograde metamorphism (503–532 Ma) occurred over a relatively short time interval that is indistinguishable from metamorphism of other UHP rocks within the Kokchetav metamorphic belt. Therefore, the assembly of rocks with contrasting P-T trajectories must have occurred in a single subduction-exhumation cycle, providing a snapshot of the thermal structure of a subducted continental margin prior to collision. The rocks were initially buried along a low geothermal gradient. At 20–25 kbar they underwent near isobaric heating of 200 °C, which was followed by continued burial along a low geothermal gradient. Such a step-wise geotherm is in good agreement with predictions from subduction zone thermal models.


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Clinical oncologists and cancer researchers benefit from information on the vascularization or non-vascularization of solid tumors because of blood flow's influence on three popular treatment types: hyperthermia therapy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The objective of this research is the development of a clinically useful tumor blood flow measurement technique. The designed technique is sensitive, has good spatial resolution, in non-invasive and presents no risk to the patient beyond his usual treatment (measurements will be subsequent only to normal patient treatment).^ Tumor blood flow was determined by measuring the washout of positron emitting isotopes created through neutron therapy treatment. In order to do this, several technical and scientific questions were addressed first. These questions were: (1) What isotopes are created in tumor tissue when it is irradiated in a neutron therapy beam and how much of each isotope is expected? (2) What are the chemical states of the isotopes that are potentially useful for blood flow measurements and will those chemical states allow these or other isotopes to be washed out of the tumor? (3) How should isotope washout by blood flow be modeled in order to most effectively use the data? These questions have been answered through both theoretical calculation and measurement.^ The first question was answered through the measurement of macroscopic cross sections for the predominant nuclear reactions in the body. These results correlate well with an independent mathematical prediction of tissue activation and measurements of mouse spleen neutron activation. The second question was addressed by performing cell suspension and protein precipitation techniques on neutron activated mouse spleens. The third and final question was answered by using first physical principles to develop a model mimicking the blood flow system and measurement technique.^ In a final set of experiments, the above were applied to flow models and animals. The ultimate aim of this project is to apply its methodology to neutron therapy patients. ^


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A detailed geochemical-petrological examination of layer 2 basalts recovered during Leg 37 of the DSDP has revealed that the original distribution, form and abundance of igneous sulfide have been profoundly altered during low-grade oxidative diagenesis. The net result appears to have been a rather pervasive remobilization of igneous sulfide to form secondary pyrite accompanied by a bulk loss of sulfur equivalent to about 50-60% of the original igneous value, assuming initial saturation. It is suggested that during infiltration of seawater into the massive crystalline rock, igneous sulfide has experienced pervasive oxidation, under conditions of limited oxidation potential, to form a series of unstable, soluble sulfur species, primarily in the form of SO3[2-] and S2O3[2-]. Spontaneous decomposition of these intermediate compounds through disproportionation has resulted in partial reconstitution of the sulfur as secondary pyrite and the generation of SO4[2-] ion, which, due to its kinetic stability, has been lost from the basalt system and ultimately transferred to the ocean. This model not only satisfies the geochemical and petrological observations but also provides a suitable explanation for the highly variable delta34S values which characterize secondary sulfides in deep ocean floor basalts.


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Widespread Lower Cretaceous magmatism occurred along the Indian-Australian/Antarctic margins, and in the juvenile Indian Ocean, during the rifting of eastern Gondwana. The formation of this magmatic province probably began around 120-130 Ma with the eruption of basalts on the Naturaliste Plateau and at Bunbury, western Australia. On the northeast margin of India, activity began around 117 Ma with the Rajmahal continental basalts and associated lamprophyre intrusions. The formation of the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean began no later than 114 Ma. Ultramafic lamprophyres (alnoites) were emplaced in the Prince Charles Mountains near the Antarctic continental margin at ~ 110 Ma. These events are considered to be related to a major mantle plume, the remnant of which is situated beneath the region of Kerguelen and Heard islands at the present day. Geochemical data are presented for each of these volcanic suites and are indicative of complex interactions between asthenosphere-derived magmas and the continental lithosphere. Kerguelen Plateau basalts have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions lying outside the field for Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) but, with the exception of Site 738 at the southern end of the plateau, within the range of more recent hotspot basalts from Kerguelen and Heard Islands. However, a number of the plateau tholeiites are characterized by lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios than are basalts from Kerguelen Island, and many also have anomalously high La/Nb ratios. These features suggest that the source of the Kerguelen Plateau basalts suffered contamination by components derived from the Gondwana continental lithosphere. An extreme expression of this lithospheric signature is shown by a tholeiite from Site 738, suggesting that the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau may be underlain by continental crust. The Rajmahal tholeiites mostly fall into two distinct geochemical groups. Some Group I tholeiites have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and incompatible element abundances, similar to Kerguelen Plateau tholeiites from Sites 749 and 750, indicating that the Kerguelen-Heard mantle plume may have directly furnished Rajmahal volcanism. However, their elevated 207Pb/204Pb ratios indicate that these magmas did not totally escape contamination by continental lithosphere. In contrast to the Group I tholeiites, significant contamination is suggested for Group II Rajmahal tholeiites, on the basis of incompatible element abundances and isotopic compositions. The Naturaliste Plateau and the Bunbury Basalt samples show varying degrees of enrichment in incompatible elements over normal MORB. The Naturaliste Plateau samples (and Bunbury Basalt) have high La/Nb ratios, a feature not inconsistent with the notion that the plateau may consist of stretched continental lithosphere, near the ocean-continent divide.


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Controversy has surrounded the issue of whether mantle plume activity was responsible for Pangaean continental rifting and massive flood volcanism (resulting in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province or CAMP, emplaced around 200 Ma) preceding the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean in the Early Mesozoic. Our new Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and trace element data for the oldest basalts sampled from central Atlantic oceanic crust by deep-sea drilling show that oceanic crust generated from about 160 to 120 Ma displays clear isotopic and chemical signals of plume contamination (e.g., 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.7032-0.7036, epsilonNd(t) =+6.2 to +8.2, incompatible element patterns with positive Nb anomalies), but these signals are muted or absent in crust generated between 120 and 80 Ma, which resembles young Atlantic normal mid-ocean ridge basalt. The plume-affected pre-120 Ma Atlantic crustal basalts are isotopically similar to lavas from the Ontong Java Plateau, and may represent one isotopic end-member for CAMP basalts. The strongest plume signature is displayed near the center of CAMP magmatism but the hotspots presently located nearest this location in the mantle reference frame do not appear to be older than latest Cretaceous and are isotopically distinct from the oldest Atlantic crust. The evidence for widespread plume contamination of the nascent Atlantic upper mantle, combined with a lack of evidence for a long-lived volcanic chain associated with this plume, leads us to propose that the enriched signature of early Atlantic crust and possibly the eruption of the CAMP were caused by a relatively short-lived, but large volume plume feature that was not rooted at a mantle boundary layer. Such a phenomenon has been predicted by recent numerical models of mantle circulation.