954 resultados para Cross-resistance


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This paper reports a measurement of the cross section for the pair production of top quarks in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. The data was collected from the CDF II detector in a set of runs with a total integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb^{-1}. The cross section is measured in the dilepton channel, the subset of ttbar events in which both top quarks decay through t -> Wb -> l nu b where l = e, mu, or tau. The lepton pair is reconstructed as one identified electron or muon and one isolated track. The use of an isolated track to identify the second lepton increases the ttbar acceptance, particularly for the case in which one W decays as W -> tau nu. The purity of the sample may be further improved at the cost of a reduction in the number of signal events, by requiring an identified b-jet. We present the results of measurements performed with and without the request of an identified b-jet. The former is the first published CDF result for which a b-jet requirement is added to the dilepton selection. In the CDF data there are 129 pretag lepton + track candidate events, of which 69 are tagged. With the tagging information, the sample is divided into tagged and untagged sub-samples, and a combined cross section is calculated by maximizing a likelihood. The result is sigma_{ttbar} = 9.6 +/- 1.2 (stat.) -0.5 +0.6 (sys.) +/- 0.6 (lum.) pb, assuming a branching ratio of BR(W -> ell nu) = 10.8% and a top mass of m_t = 175 GeV/c^2.


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We report a measurement of the production cross section for b hadrons in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV. Using a data sample derived from an integrated luminosity of 83  pb-1 collected with the upgraded Collider Detector (CDF II) at the Fermilab Tevatron, we analyze b hadrons, Hb, partially reconstructed in the semileptonic decay mode Hb→μ-D0X. Our measurement of the inclusive production cross section for b hadrons with transverse momentum pT>9  GeV/c and rapidity |y|<0.6 is σ=1.30  μb±0.05  μb(stat)±0.14  μb(syst)±0.07  μb(B), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and from branching fractions, respectively. The differential cross sections dσ/dpT are found to be in good agreement with recent measurements of the Hb cross section and well described by fixed-order next-to-leading logarithm predictions.


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We present a measurement of the tt̅ production cross section in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with tt̅ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF run II data sample corresponding to 2  fb-1 of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of 79.5±5.3 events, we measure a production cross section of 9.1±1.6  pb.


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We report a measurement of the production cross section for b hadrons in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV. Using a data sample derived from an integrated luminosity of 83  pb-1 collected with the upgraded Collider Detector (CDF II) at the Fermilab Tevatron, we analyze b hadrons, Hb, partially reconstructed in the semileptonic decay mode Hb→μ-D0X. Our measurement of the inclusive production cross section for b hadrons with transverse momentum pT>9  GeV/c and rapidity |y|<0.6 is σ=1.30  μb±0.05  μb(stat)±0.14  μb(syst)±0.07  μb(B), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and from branching fractions, respectively. The differential cross sections dσ/dpT are found to be in good agreement with recent measurements of the Hb cross section and well described by fixed-order next-to-leading logarithm predictions.


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We present a measurement of the tt̅ production cross section in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with tt̅ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF run II data sample corresponding to 2  fb-1 of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of 79.5±5.3 events, we measure a production cross section of 9.1±1.6  pb.


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We report a measurement of the production cross section for b hadrons in p-pbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. Using a data sample derived from an integrated luminosity of 83 pb^-1 collected with the upgraded Collider Detector (CDF II) at the Fermilab Tevatron, we analyze b hadrons, H_b, partially reconstructed in the semileptonic decay mode H_b -> mu^- D^0 X. Our measurement of the inclusive production cross section for b hadrons with transverse momentum p_T > 9 GeV/c and rapidity |y|


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We present a measurement of the $\ttbar$ production cross section in $\ppbar$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with $\ttbar$ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF Run II data sample corresponding to $2 \mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of $79.5\pm5.3$ events, we measure a production cross section of $9.1\pm 1.6 \mathrm{pb}$.


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Peruna kestää A-virusta estämällä sen leviämistä Peruna on maissin ohella maailman kolmanneksi tärkein ravintokasvi vehnän ja riisin jälkeen. Perunaa lisätään kasvullisesti mukuloita istuttamalla, jolloin virukset siirtyvät sairaiden siemenmukuloiden välityksellä kasvukaudesta toiseen. Virustauteja voi torjua ainoastaan terveen siemenperunan ja kestävien lajikkeiden avulla. Kestävyys perustuu usein siihen, että kasvi estää viruksen leviämisen tartuntakohdasta välttyäkseen virustaudilta. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kolmea perunan A-viruksen (PVA) liikkumista estävää kestävyysmekanismia perunassa. Lisäksi työn kokeelliseen osaan oleellisesti kuuluvaa virustartutusta varten kehitettiin uusi paranneltu versio geenipyssystä. Tämä itse rakennettu laite optimoitiin PVA:n tartuttamiseen mahdollisimman helposti ja pienin käyttökustannuksin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleessa perunan risteytysjälkeläistössä oli PVA:ta kestäviä kasveja (ryhmä nnr), jotka estivät viruksen liikkumisen aiheuttamatta oireita tartutuskohdassa, sekä kasveja, joissa PVA aiheutti kuolioläikkinä näkyvän yliherkkyysvasteen (ryhmä HR). Molemmissa kestävyystyypeissä virus pystyi monistumaan ja leviämään solusta soluun paikallisesti, mutta liikkuminen muihin kasvinosiin nilan kautta estyi. Ryhmän nnr kasveissa PVA-tartunta ei aiheuttanut tilastollisesti merkitsevää muutosta useimpien geenien ilmenemiseen tartuntakohdassa. Ainoastaan geeniperhe, joka ilmentää tiettyä proteinaasi-inhibiittoria (PI), reagoi PVA:han 24 tuntia tartutuksesta. Kun tämän PVA:han reagoivan geeniperheen jäsenet hiljennettiin nnr- perunalinjoissa, ne muuttuivat alttiiksi PVA:lle ja virus levisi tartuntakohdasta muihin kasvinosiin. Tulos osoittaa, että PI on viruskestävyystekijä. Lisäksi muut tutkimuksessa saadut tulokset tukevat mahdollisuutta, että PI estää PVA:n P1-proteinaasin toimintaa. HR-linjoissa todettiin erilaisiin puolustusvasteisiin liittyvien PR-geenien aktivoitumista PVA-tartunnan seurauksena, mutta myös ilman sitä kasvien kasvettua mullassa noin neljä viikkoa. Sen sijaan solukkoviljelyssä tai vasta kaksi viikkoa mullassa kasvaneissa kasveissa vastaavaa ei vielä todettu. Tulos viittaa siihen, että HR-perunat reagoivat herkemmin ympäristöön ja/tai kasvin kehitysasteeseen laukaisten puolustusvasteita, jotka saattavat parantaa kestävyyttä taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. Kolmas tutkittu kestävyystyyppi havaittiin Pito-perunalajikkeessa. Se muistutti nnr-kestävyyttä siten, että myös siinä viruksen liikkuminen nilassa muihin kasvinosiin estyi. PVA:n todettiin pysähtyvän vasta lehtiruodin tyvelle muodostuvaan irtoamisvyöhykkeeseen, mitä havainnollistettiin käyttämällä muunnettua PVA-rotua, joka tuotti UV-valossa fluoresoivaa vihreää valoa. Tulos viittaa siihen, että virus ei pääse kulkemaan vyöhykkeeseen kuuluvan suojaavan kerroksen läpi, jollei sillä ole pääsyä nilaan. Tällainen kestävyys on tarpeen, jotta virus ei voi korvata nilakuljetusta solusta soluun leviämisellä. Tulokset tuovat uusia näkökulmia kasvien viruskestävyyteen ja auttavat selittämään viruksen nilakuljetuksen estymistä sekä solusta soluun leviämisen pysähtymistä kestävissä kasveissa.


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This paper presents an integrative model of the impact of cultural differences on capability transfer in cross-border acquisitions. We propose that cultural differences affect the post-acquisition capability transfer through their impact on social integration, potential absorptive capacity, and capability complementarity. Two dynamic variables – the use of social integration mechanisms, and the degree of operational integration of the acquired unit – are proposed to moderate the effects of cultural differences on social integration and potential absorptive capacity. The implications for acquisition research and practice are discussed.


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This article focuses on cultural identity-building in the cross-border merger context. To provide an alternative to the dominant essentialist analyses of cultures and cultural differences, cultural identitybuilding is conceptualized as a metaphoric process. The focus is on two processes inherent in the cross-border merger context: construction of images of Us and Them and construction of images of a Common Future. Based on an analysis of a special metaphor exercise carried out in a recent Finnish–Swedish merger, the article illustrates how the metaphoric perspective reveals specific cognitive, emotional and political aspects of cultural identity-building that easily remain ‘hidden’ in the case of more traditional approaches.


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In this article, the authors explore media coverage of a recent acquisition across national borders. Their starting point is that the media represent a key arena of “discursive strategizing” for actors such as corporate managers. They illustrate and specify how global capitalism, as discourse relying on economic and financial rationale and exemplified here by the acquiring firm’s attempts to expand, meets national spirit, exemplified here by the complexity in selling the acquisition target to foreigners. The main contribution of this study lies in identifying how key actors draw on and mobilize rationalistic and nationalistic discourses in public discussion. The analysis illustrates that the same actors can draw on different—even contradictory—discourses at different points in time. Furthermore, different actors—even with opposing objectives—may draw on the same discourse in legitimizing their positions and pursuing specific ends.


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Administrative sciences are fragmented into a number of subfields; the most important dividing line separating public administration and business administration. We argue, however, that it is useful to cross these borders in theory building and empirical analysis. Therefore, we focus in this paper on the comparison of municipal amalgamations and corporate mergers. More specifically, we examine how findings in research on corporate mergers could enlighten the scarce analysis of municipal amalgamations. The analysis of corporate mergers shows that the motives range from rational reasoning to empire building, that the decision-making is plagued by uncertainty, group-thinking and politics, and finally, that the post-merger integration processes are often characterized by cultural confrontation, identitybuilding challenges, and resistance. We explain how – with due caution – similar phenomena can also be detected and analyzed in the context of municipal amalgamations and develop specific propositions for future research in this area.