945 resultados para Court House


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Modem production systems accommodate broody hens in high densities, leading to the accumulation of excrement under the cages. This substrate is excellent for the development of sinantropic flies. Thus, the accomplishment of surveys in these places becomes essential, in order to plan better strategies of control. The present work aimed at studying the entornofauna and the seasonality of the species of dipterous present in the Crisdan poultry house located in the Municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista, the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the period of January of 2001 to December of 2002, 1,012,595 flies were captured using the ""jug-trap"". The species were identified: Drosophi-la repleta (Wollaston, 1858), Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophyra spp., Hennetria illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), and Sepsidae. More frequently D. repleta and M. domestica had added 99.47% of the dipterous. Increased rainfall and the collection months influenced the sampling of dipterous (P < 0.05). Drosophila repleta was the most abundant species, representing 91% of all captured flies. However, this diptera did not develop at the surveyed site since immatures were not captured therein.


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This study aimed at evaluating the thermal performance of a modular ceiling system for poultry houses. The reduced- and distorted-scale prototypes used ceiling modules made of reforested wood and were covered with recycled long-life package tiles. The following parameters were measured for 21 days: the internal surface temperature (ST), globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT), and radiant heat load (RHL). Measurements were made at times of highest heat load (11:00 am, 13:00 pm, and 03:00 pm). Collected data were analyzed by ""R"" statistics software. Means were compared by multiple comparison test (Tukey) and linear regression was performed, both at 5% significance level. The results showed that the prototype with the ceiling was more efficient to reduce internal tile surface temperature; however, this was not sufficient to provide a comfortable environment for broilers during the growout. Therefore, other techniques to provide proper cooling are required in addition to the ceiling


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In a classroom at the New York Trade School, students in the Electrical program are shown learning to wire a house. Black and white photograph.


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Students, likely studying carpentry, are shown working on the roof of a model of a house in a classroom at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.


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Detta examensarbete innefattar både en fördjupning och en praktisk del inom ämnet grafisk profilering och visuellt identitetsskapande. Den praktiska delen av examensarbetet har utförts parallellt med reklambyrån Cabesa Communication Sweden AB, Stockholm. Fördjupningsdelen behandlar områden som branding, företagsidentitet och grafisk profil. För att skapa ett starkt varumärke på en marknad krävs välplanerade, strategiska och originella reklamkampanjer samt en stark och enhetlig visuell identitet. Med hjälp av fördjupningen så har en kunskapsgrund lagts inom ämnet grafisk profilering och det praktiska arbetet har förenklats mycket.Den praktiska delen innehåller framtagning av en grafisk profil med tillhörande manual till House of Sweden, Sveriges nya ambassad, Event Center och lägenhetsbyggnad i Washington D.C., USA. Genom en kvalitativ och enhetlig grafisk profil ska House of Sweden kunna bli ett starkt och välkänt varumärke. Den grafiska profilen bygger på ett antal huvuddelar; logotyp, typsnitt, färger och bildspråk. Utifrån dessa delar har bland annat korrespondensprogram, annonser och profilartiklar tagits fram, allt sammanställt i en omfattandegrafisk manual.


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Igiogbe cultural heritage has existed since the founding of Bini kingdom without any controversy; however since the Supreme Court decision in Idehen v Idehen the issue of Igiogbe has assumed new dimensions. Igiogbe - the house in which a Benin man lived and died devolves on his first son absolutely; but since the beginning of 20th century litigation as to the real meaning of Igiogbe and who is entitled to inheritance thereof began to increase. Controversies and increase in litigation over Igiogbe has occasioned a shift in the practice, the Bini’s are not conscious of some of these changes, most of them (Bini’s) still claim Igiogbe practices is rigidly adhered to. This study on Igiogbe inheritance in Bini kingdom is therefore carried out with a view to bringing out the changes in Igiogbe cultural practice using legal and anthropological tools to examine the changes. While laying the foundation for the discussion on the main research object the researcher examined the origin and status of customary law in Nigeria. There after I examined Igiogbe inheritance in Bini kingdom. Igiogbe and the issue of first son were critically analyzed with the aid of the research questions bringing out the changes in Igiogbe concept from traditional practice to modern practice. Study shows Igiogbe practice is still relevant in modern Bini kingdom, however, the shift and changes in practice of this cultural milieu has lead me to ask some fundamental questions which I intend to answer in the broader research work in future.


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This research was carried out by studying possible renovation of a two-storey detached multifamily building by using passive solar design options in a cold climate in Borlänge, Sweden where the heating Degree Days are 4451 (base 20°C). Borlänge`s housing company, Tunabyggen, plans to renovate the project house located inthe multicultural district, Jakobsgårdarna. The goal of the thesis was to suggest a redesign of the current building, decrease the heating energy use, by applying passive solar design and control strategies, in a most reasonable way. In addition ensure a better thermal comfort for the tenants in the dwellings. Literatures have been studied, from which can be inferred that passive design should be abasic design consideration for all housing constructions, because it has advantages to ensure thermal comfort, and reduce the energy use. In addition further savings can be achieved applying different types of control strategies, from which the house will be more personalized, and better adapted to the user’s needs.The proposed method is based on simulations by using TRNSYS software. First a proper building model was set up, which represents the current state of the project building. Then the thermal insulation and the windows were upgraded, based on today's building regulations. The developments of the passive solar options were accomplished in two steps. First of all the relevant basic passive design elements were considered, then those advantages were compared to the advantages of applying new conventional thermostat, and shading control strategies.The results show that there is significant potential with the different types of passive solar design; their usage depends primarily on the location of the site as well as the orientation of the project building. Applying the control strategies, such as thermostat, and shading control, along the thermal insulation upgrade, may lead to significant energy savings (around 40 %), by comparison to the reference building without any upgrade.


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I den här artikeln presenterar jag en del av mitt avhandlingsprojekt (Nyberg, 2014) där syftet var att undersöka vad rörelseförmåga kan innebära i termer av vad ’man kan’ när man kan röra sig på olika sätt. Syftet med artikeln är att visa hur en fenomenografisk analys av elevers olika sätt att röra sig kan bidra till hur kunskapen om rörelsekunnande kan utvecklas. Den fenomenografiska analysen innebär att, i det här fallet, systematiskt undersöka hur elevers ’kroppsliga förståelse’ av en rörelse uttrycks genom olika sätt att röra sig. Resultatet av analysen visar även vilka aspekter av rörelsen som är möjliga att urskilja och erfara, vilket bidrar till en förståelse av vad det innebär att kunna en rörelse. I artikeln diskuterar jag hur en fenomenografisk ansats kan underlätta för lärare i idrott och hälsa att bortse från sina egna underförstådda antaganden om vad det innebär att behärska en rörelse och hur undervisningen i idrott och hälsa kan bidra till utveckling av rörelseförmåga.


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We propose and test the implications of a two-dimensional concept of candidate quality in U.S. House elections. Strategic quality is composed of the skills and resources necessary to wage an effective campaign; personal quality is composed of the characteristics most ordinary citizens value in their leaders and representatives, such as personal integrity and dedication to public service. We employ district informants in studies of the 1998 and 2002 congressional elections to measure these qualities in candidates, and we merge mass survey data with the district informant indicators to assess constituents’ awareness and evaluation of House candidates, and voting choice. We find that awareness tends to be responsive to candidates’ strategic quality, and that incumbent evaluation is remarkably responsive to variation in personal quality, even taking into account the quality of challenger emergence. These and other findings appear to support a more positive view of citizen capacity than is common in the congressional elections literature, especially in light of the electoral security of House incumbents.


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Efforts to estimate the magnitude of the incumbency effect in U.S. House elections and assess its political meaning have been complicated by two omitted-variables problems. First, in the absence of an adequate measure of incumbent prospects, estimates of the magnitude of the incumbency effect fail to control for selection effects associated with the decision incumbents make about whether to run for reelection. Strategic incumbents enter races they think they can win and withdraw when they expect to lose. The consequence is an upward bias in estimates of incumbents’ electoral advantages. Second, the normative implications of high reelection rates cannot be assessed without measuring incumbent quality, since a possible explanation for their electoral success is that incumbents are of high quality and doing a good job. We propose a strategy for measuring incumbent prospects and quality, demonstrate the strategic nature of incumbent and challenger entry, re-estimate the incumbency effect, and show that incumbent quality has an impact on electoral outcomes. Our conclusion is that incumbents’ advantages in House elections have been over estimated while the positive basis of incumbent safety is typically under appreciated.


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This scrapbook contains photographs and family memories of the big Levine family house on Ticonic Street, of the Levine family "camp," of going to temple, and of various members of the family.