952 resultados para Coulomb explosions


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Models of neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova explosions have matured considerably in recent years. Explosions of low-mass progenitors can routinely be simulated in 1D, 2D, and 3D. Nucleosynthesis calculations indicate that these supernovae could be contributors of some lighter neutron-rich elements beyond iron. The explosion mechanism of more massive stars remains under investigation, although first 3D models of neutrino-driven explosions employing multi-group neutrino transport have become available. Together with earlier 2D models and more simplified 3D simulations, these have elucidated the interplay between neutrino heating and hydrodynamic instabilities in the post-shock region that is essential for shock revival. However, some physical ingredients may still need to be added/improved before simulations can robustly explain supernova explosions over a wide range of progenitors. Solutions recently suggested in the literature include uncertainties in the neutrino rates, rotation, and seed perturbations from convective shell burning. We review the implications of 3D simulations of shell burning in supernova progenitors for the ‘perturbations-aided neutrino-driven mechanism,’ whose efficacy is illustrated by the first successful multi-group neutrino hydrodynamics simulation of an 18 solar mass progenitor with 3D initial conditions. We conclude with speculations about the impact of 3D effects on the structure of massive stars through convective boundary mixing.


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In Nuclear Medicine, radioiodine, in various chemical forms, is a key tracer used in diagnostic practices and/or therapy. Due to its high volatility, medical professionals may incorporate radioactive iodine during the preparation of the dose to be administered to the patient. In radioactive iodine therapy doses ranging from 3.7 to 7.4GBq per patient are employed. Thus, aiming at reducing the risk of occupational contamination, we developed a low cost filter to be installed at the exit of the exhaust system where doses of radioactive iodine are fractionated, using domestic technology. The effectiveness of radioactive iodine retention by silver impregnated silica [10%] crystals and natural activated carbon was verified using radiotracer techniques. The results showed that natural activated carbon is effective for I2 capture for a large or small amount of substrate but its use is restricted due to its low flash point (150º C). Besides, when poisoned by organic solvents, this flash point may become lower, causing explosions if absorbing large amounts of nitrates. To hold the CH3I gas, it was necessary to increase the volume of natural activated carbon since it was not absorbed by SiO2 + Ag crystals. We concluded that, for an exhaust flow range of (306 4) m3/h, a double stage filter using SiO2 + Ag in the first stage and natural activated carbon in the second is sufficient to meet radiological safety requirements.


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Essendo l’Italia un territorio soggetto a violenti e frequenti sismi, ed avendo un importante patrimonio in muratura, è interessante studiare il rapporto tra i due. La muratura è maggiormente resistente contro forze che agiscono nel suo piano, che generano quindi uno sforzo di taglio. Si andrà dunque a valutare sperimentalmente la resistenza a taglio delle murature. Tale campagna sperimentale sarà svolta su campioni di muratura sotto forma di triplette confezionate con due tipi di malta diversi a tre livelli di precompressione differenti. I risultati così ottenuti saranno infine rielaborati in un grafico, il grafico della legge di Coulomb, che mira a cercare un legame lineare tra le tau e le sigma di precompressione. Un valore aggiunto dello studio sta nel monitoraggio costante della prova, dal quale si nota che la precompressione durante questa varia. Portando dunque a due risultati diversi: il primo è un legame tau-sigma con livelli di sigma normativi e uno con legami di sigma effettivi della rottura. La campagna sperimentale, inoltre, comprende anche la valutazione del modulo elastico per i singoli campioni di laterizio e di malta. La malta sarà provata anche per la resistenza a flessione e compressione.


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Un moyen permettant d'identifier expérimentalement les phases du gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel de la bicouche de graphène en empilement bernal au remplissage $\nu = 3$ est recherché lorsque le biais électrique entre les couches est varié. À ce remplissage, si on se concentre aux basses énergies, il est possible de ne s'intéresser qu'aux deux niveaux de Landau composant le niveau $N=0$ qui sont de même spin et de même vallée, mais d'orbitale différente. Puisque la texture du pseudospin orbital de ce système change selon la phase, il est attendu que le couplage avec le champ électrique de la lumière devrait changer. La dispersion des modes collectifs de chaque phase est calculée dans l'approximation GRPA (generalized random-phase approximation) dans le domaine en biais où chacune domine respectivement. L'absorption optique pour des polarisations linéaires en direction x et en direction y ainsi que pour des polarisations circulaires gauche et droite est calculée. La rotation de Faraday et l'effet Kerr sont également calculés. Des différences entre les phases sont remarquées au niveaux de la fréquence des photons qui sont absorbés, de l'amplitude de l'absorption et de la rotation de la polarisation ainsi que la sensibilité à certains types de polarisation. L'effet des modes collectifs dans les phases considérées est cependant moindre que celui qui est prédit dans un calcul qui ne tient pas compte de l'interaction de Coulomb.


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The outer-crust structure and composition of a cold, non-accreting magnetar are studied. We model the outer crust to be made of fully equilibrated matter where ionized nuclei form a Coulomb crystal embedded in an electron gas. The main effects of the strong magnetic field are those of quantizing the electron motion in Landau levels and of modifying the nuclear single-particle levels producing, on average, an increased binding of nucleons in nuclei present in the Coulomb lattice. The effect of a homogeneous and constant magnetic field on nuclear masses has been predicted by using a covariant density functional in which induced currents and axial deformation due to the presence of a magnetic field that breaks time-reversal symmetry have been included self-consistently in the nucleon and meson equations of motion. Although not yet observed, for Ba 1016 G both effects contribute to produce different compositions - odd-mass nuclei are frequently predicted - and to increase the neutron-drip pressure as compared to a typical neutron star. Specifically, in such a regime, the magnetic-field effects on nuclei favor the appearance of heavier nuclei at low pressures. As B increases, such heavier nuclei are also preferred up to larger pressures. For the most extreme magnetic field considered, B=1018 G, and for the models studied, almost the whole outer crust is made of 4092Zr52.


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Brown dwarfs and giant gas extrasolar planets have cold atmospheres with rich chemical compositions from which mineral cloud particles form. Their properties, like particle sizes and material composition, vary with height, and the mineral cloud particles are charged due to triboelectric processes in such dynamic atmospheres. The dynamics of the atmospheric gas is driven by the irradiating host star and/or by the rotation of the objects that changes during its lifetime. Thermal gas ionisation in these ultra-cool but dense atmospheres allows electrostatic interactions and magnetic coupling of a substantial atmosphere volume. Combined with a strong magnetic field , a chromosphere and aurorae might form as suggested by radio and x-ray observations of brown dwarfs. Non-equilibrium processes like cosmic ray ionisation and discharge processes in clouds will increase the local pool of free electrons in the gas. Cosmic rays and lighting discharges also alter the composition of the local atmospheric gas such that tracer molecules might be identified. Cosmic rays affect the atmosphere through air showers in a certain volume which was modelled with a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code to be able to visualise their spacial extent. Given a certain degree of thermal ionisation of the atmospheric gas, we suggest that electron attachment to charge mineral cloud particles is too inefficient to cause an electrostatic disruption of the cloud particles. Cloud particles will therefore not be destroyed by Coulomb explosion for the local temperature in the collisional dominated brown dwarf and giant gas planet atmospheres. However, the cloud particles are destroyed electrostatically in regions with strong gas ionisation. The potential size of such cloud holes would, however, be too small and might occur too far inside the cloud to mimic the effect of, e.g. magnetic field induced star spots.


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Our work focuses on experimental and theoretical studies aimed at establishing a fundamental understanding of the principal electrical and optical processes governing the operation of quantum dot solar cells (QDSC) and their feasibility for the realization of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC). Uniform performance QD solar cells with high conversion efficiency have been fabricated using carefully calibrated process recipes as the basis of all reliable experimental characterization. The origin for the enhancement of the short circuit current density (Jsc) in QD solar cells was carefully investigated. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed as a measure of the below bandgap distribution of transition states. In this work, we found that the incorporation of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) interrupts the lattice periodicity and introduce a greatly broadened tailing density of states extending from the bandedge towards mid-gap. A below-bandgap density of states (DOS) model with an extended Urbach tail has been developed. In particular, the below-bandgap photocurrent generation has been attributed to transitions via confined energy states and background continuum tailing states. Photoluminescence measurement is used to measure the energy level of the lowest available state and the coupling effect between QD states and background tailing states because it results from a non-equilibrium process. A basic I-V measurement reveals a degradation of the open circuit voltage (Voc) of QD solar cells, which is related to a one sub-bandgap photon absorption process followed by a direct collection of the generated carriers by the external circuit. We have proposed a modified Shockley-Queisser (SQ) model that predicts the degradation of Voc compared with a reference bulk device. Whenever an energy state within the forbidden gap can facilitate additional absorption, it can facilitate recombination as well. If the recombination is non-radiative, it is detrimental to solar cell performance. We have also investigated the QD trapping effects as deep level energy states. Without an efficient carrier extraction pathway, the QDs can indeed function as mobile carriers traps. Since hole energy levels are mostly connected with hole collection under room temperature, the trapping effect is more severe for electrons. We have tried to electron-dope the QDs to exert a repulsive Coulomb force to help improve the carrier collection efficiency. We have experimentally observed a 30% improvement of Jsc for 4e/dot devices compared with 0e/dot devices. Electron-doping helps with better carrier collection efficiency, however, we have also measured a smaller transition probability from valance band to QD states as a direct manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The non-linear performance is of particular interest. With the availability of laser with on-resonance and off-resonance excitation energy, we have explored the photocurrent enhancement by a sequential two-photon absorption (2PA) process via the intermediate states. For the first time, we are able to distinguish the nonlinearity effect by 1PA and 2PA process. The observed 2PA current under off-resonant and on-resonant excitation comes from a two-step transition via the tailing states instead of the QD states. However, given the existence of an extended Urbach tail and the small number of photons available for the intermediate states to conduction band transition, the experimental results suggest that with the current material system, the intensity requirement for an observable enhancement of photocurrent via a 2PA process is much higher than what is available from concentrated sun light. In order to realize the IBSC model, a matching transition strength needs to be achieved between valance band to QD states and QD states to conduction band. However, we have experimentally shown that only a negligible amount of signal can be observed at cryogenic temperature via the transition from QD states to conduction band under a broadband IR source excitation. Based on the understanding we have achieved, we found that the existence of the extended tailing density of states together with the large mismatch of the transition strength from VB to QD and from QD to CB, has systematically put into question the feasibility of the IBSC model with QDs.


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New simpler formulae are derived for the shear of a pair of material elements within the context of infinitesimal strain and finite strain. Also, new formulae are derived for shear stress based on the (symmetric) Cauchy stress and for the rate of shear of a pair of material elements within the rate of strain theory. These formulae are exploited to obtain results and to derive new simpler proofs of familiar classical results. In particular, a very simple short derivation is presented of the classical result of Coulomb and Hopkins on the maximum orthogonal shear stress. © 1992.


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We report new measurements of the double-polarized photodisintegration of 3He at an incident photon energy of 16.5 MeV, carried out at the High Intensity γ-ray Source (HIγS) facility located at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL). The spin-dependent double-differential cross sections and the contribution from the three-body channel to the Gerasimov–Drell–Hearn (GDH) integrand were extracted and compared with the state-of-the-art three-body calculations. The calculations, which include the Coulomb interaction and are in good agreement with the results of previous measurements at 12.8 and 14.7 MeV, deviate from the new cross section results at 16.5 MeV. The GDH integrand was found to be about one standard deviation larger than the maximum value predicted by the theories.


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Depuis le lancement du premier satellite Spoutnik 1 en 1957, l’environnement spatial est de plus en plus utilisé et le nombre de débris orbitaux se multiplie naturellement, soit par des explosions, des collisions ou tout simplement par les opérations normales des satellites. Au-delà d'un certain seuil, la densité des débris orbitaux risque de créer une réaction en chaîne incontrôlée : l’effet Kessler. L’élimination des débris orbitaux en basse altitude permettrait de limiter cette réaction et ainsi de préserver l’environnement spatial afin de pouvoir l’utiliser de façon sécuritaire. L’élimination des débris orbitaux est une opération complexe et coûteuse. Elle consiste à déplacer des objets spatiaux inactifs vers une orbite basse pour mener à leur désintégration dans la basse atmosphère terrestre. En utilisant les perturbations orbitales, il est possible de réduire le coût du carburant requis pour effectuer les manœuvres orbitales nécessaires à l’élimination de ces débris. L'objectif principal de cette étude consiste à développer une procédure et une stratégie de commande autonome afin de modifier l'orbite des satellites non opérationnels (débris) pour mener à leur désintégration naturelle tout en optimisant les facteurs carburant et temps. Pour ce faire, un modèle d’atmosphère basé sur le modèle de Jacchia (1977) est développé. Un modèle de la dynamique du satellite inclut aussi les perturbations principales, soit : traînée atmosphérique, non sphéricité et distribution non uniforme de la masse de la Terre. Ces modèles ainsi qu'un algorithme de commande optimale pour un propulseur électrique sont développés et le tout est validé par simulations numériques sur Matlab/Simulink. Au terme de cette étude, les conditions optimales dans lesquelles il faut laisser un débris afin qu'il se désintègre dans la basse atmosphère de la Terre en quelques semaines seront données (type d'orbite : altitude, inclinaison, etc.) ainsi que le coût en carburant pour une telle mission. Cette étude permettra de prouver qu'il est possible de réaliser des missions d'élimination des débris orbitaux tout en réduisant les coûts associés aux manœuvres orbitales par l'utilisation des perturbations naturelles de l'environnement.


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Electron transport in nanoscale structures is strongly influenced by the Coulomb interaction that gives rise to correlations in the stream of charges and leaves clear fingerprints in the fluctuations of the electrical current. A complete understanding of the underlying physical processes requires measurements of the electrical fluctuations on all time and frequency scales, but experiments have so far been restricted to fixed frequency ranges, as broadband detection of current fluctuations is an inherently difficult experimental procedure. Here we demonstrate that the electrical fluctuations in a single-electron transistor can be accurately measured on all relevant frequencies using a nearby quantum point contact for on-chip real-time detection of the current pulses in the single-electron device. We have directly measured the frequency-dependent current statistics and, hereby, fully characterized the fundamental tunnelling processes in the single-electron transistor. Our experiment paves the way for future investigations of interaction and coherence-induced correlation effects in quantum transport.