1000 resultados para Controlled Signals.


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A homologue of the lower vertebrates translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) was cloned from the marine fish Japanese sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) by the technology of homology cloning. The full-length cDNA sequence of the sea perch TCTP gene contained a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 47 bp, a 3' UTR of 433 bp, and a putative open reading frame (ORF) of 510 bp encoding a polypeptide of 170 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the sea perch TCTP gene showed a high similarity to that of zebrafish, rohu, rabbit, chicken and human. Sequence analysis revealed there were a signature sequence of TCTP family, an N-glycosylation site, and five Casein kinase phosphorylation sites in the sea perch TCTP. The temporal expression of TCTP genes in healthy and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenged fishes was measured by semi-quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). The results indicated that LPS could up-regulate the expression of sea perch TCTP in the examined tissues, including head-kidney, spleen and liver.


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Commercial cultivation of the dioecious brown macroalga Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura in East Asia depends on the supply of young seedlings from regenerated holdfasts or from wild population. Recent development of synchronized release of male and female gametes in tumble culture provides a possibility of mass production of young seedlings via sexual reproduction. In this paper, we demonstrate that controlled fertilization can be efficiently realized in ambient light and temperature in a specially designed raceway tank in which the sperm-containing water has been recirculated. The effective fertilization time of eggs by sperm was found to be within six hours. Fast growth and development of the young seedlings relied on the presence of water currents. Velocity tests demonstrated that young seedlings of 2-3 mm in length could withstand a water current of 190 cm s(-1) stop without detachment. Culture experiments at 24 h postfertilization showed that elongation of both the seedlings and their rhizoids were not hampered by high irradiance up to 600 mu mol photons m(-2) stop s(-1) stop. However, growth was slightly retarded if cultured at a temperature of 16 degrees C compared to other culture temperatures of 22, 25 and 29 degrees C. No seedling detachment was observed after transfer of the young seedlings to raft cultivation in the sea after one and 1.5 months post-fertilization, indicating the feasibility of obtaining large quantity of seedlings in such a system.


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Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of sand substratum, light, starvation, fish density and size variation on cannibalism among Japanese flounder juveniles, Paralichthys olivaceus. Cannibalistic behavior (biting and swallowing) increased significantly with starvation except in darkness, where juveniles could not find and attack their prey. Cannibalism occurred more frequently in heterogeneous than in the homogeneous size groups. Cannibalism was more frequent in light than in darkness at each starvation level. With sufficient food present, sand had no significant effect on cannibalism among homogeneous size juveniles, but played an important role in discouraging predation among members of the heterogeneous size groups. With sufficient food present, the rate of cannibalism was generally low and there were no significant differences in cannibalism among fish density levels of the homogeneous juveniles, With starvation, the cannibalism rate was significantly higher in high density groups than in the lower ones. Our results indicate that size variation, starvation and Light are the major factors affecting cannibalism in flounder juveniles, while sand and fish density only have a limited effect on cannibalism, depending on the nature of other factors. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The loess-paleosols in the Chinese loess plateau and Europe are the main eolian sediment sequences in mid-latitude area of north hemisphere. They record not only the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental processes since the last interglacial, but also the configuration of magnetic field during polarity transition. Comparisons of environmental magnetism, paleomagnetism and climate proxy analysis has been made for the loess/paleosol sequences in Datong and Czech Republic. The Datong loess/paleosol sequence is composed of the Holocene soil SO, the last glacial loess LI, the last interglacial soil SI and the upper penultimate loess L2. A basalt layer occurs in L2. The main magnetic minerals in LI and SI are magnetite, maghemite and ilmenite. The presence of local volcanic elastics in the loess and the characteristics of the magnetic minerals indicate that there are local materials in Datong loess, which differentiate the Datong loess from the central and eastern loess of the Chinese Loess Plateau. In addition, there are four polarity events in Datong loess, which are generally consistent with Gothenburg> Mono Lake, Laschamp and Blake events. Some signals of the East Asia monsoon were recorded in the Datong loess/paleosol sequences. Magnetic susceptibility, the content of >63um grains and the organic matter are used as climate proxies, which are similar to those of the typical eolian sediments in the loess plateau. In addition, it is possible that the Datong loess also recorded the Younger Dryas and the climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. The main magnetic minerals in the loess/paleosol at Znojmo section are magnetite, maghemite, hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and goethite. The morphology of these grains reveals that the iron sulfides originated from the eluvium loam above hypothetical ore deposits in the vicinity of the section or glaciofluvial sediments from nearby glacial margins. The pattern of the susceptibility variation at Dolni Vestonice section is coincident with that of the organic matter content. The grain size variation along the section recorded the climate instability since the last interglacial. The climate events in the Dolni Vestonice section may be correlated with the Heinrich events recorded in North Atlantic sediments, suggesting they controlled by the same marine-continent climate system.


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A novel sol-gel process has been developed for the synthesis of amorphous silica-aluminas with controlled mesopore distribution without the use of organic templating agents, e.g., surfactant molecules. Ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis enables production of precursor sols with narrow particle size distribution. Atomic force microscopy analysis shows that these sol particles are spherical in shape with a narrow size distribution (i.e., 13-25 nm) and their aggregation during the gelation creates clusters containing similar sized interparticle mesopores. A nitrogen physiadsorption study indicates that the mesoporous materials containing different Si/Al ratios prepared by the new synthesis method has a large specific surface area (i.e., 587-692 m(2)/g) and similar pore sizes of 2-11 nm. Solid-state Al-27 magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR shows that most of the aluminum is located in the tetrahedral position. A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows that the mesoporous silica-alumina consists of 12-25 nm spheres. Additionally, high-resolution TEM and electron diffraction indicate that some nanoparticles are characteristic of a crystal, although X-ray diffraction and Si-29 MAS NMR analysis show an amorphous material.


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Prior research has led to the development of input command shapers that can reduce residual vibration in single- or multiple-mode flexible systems. We present a method for the development of multiple-mode shapers which are simpler to implement and produce smaller response delays than previous designs. An MIT / NASA experimental flexible structure, MACE, is employed as a test article for the validation of the new shaping method. We examine the results of tests conducted on simulations of MACE. The new shapers are shown to be effective in suppressing multiple-mode vibration, even in the presence of mild kinematic and dynamic non-linearities.


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This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The quadratic transforms of the signal are examined, a large class that includes, for example, the spectrograms and the Wigner distribution. Quasi-stationarity is not assumed, since this would neglect dynamic regions. A set of desired properties is proposed for the representation: (1) shift-invariance, (2) positivity, (3) superposition, (4) locality, and (5) smoothness. Several relations among these properties are proved: shift-invariance and positivity imply the transform is a superposition of spectrograms; positivity and superposition are equivalent conditions when the transform is real; positivity limits the simultaneous time and frequency resolution (locality) possible for the transform, defining an uncertainty relation for joint time-frequency energy representations; and locality and smoothness tradeoff by the 2-D generalization of the classical uncertainty relation. The transform that best meets these criteria is derived, which consists of two-dimensionally smoothed Wigner distributions with (possibly oriented) 2-D guassian kernels. These transforms are then related to time-frequency filtering, a method for estimating the time-varying 'transfer function' of the vocal tract, which is somewhat analogous to ceptstral filtering generalized to the time-varying case. Natural speech examples are provided. The second question addressed is how to obtain a rich, symbolic description of the phonetically relevant features in these time-frequency energy surfaces, the so-called schematic spectrogram. Time-frequency ridges, the 2-D analog of spectral peaks, are one feature that is proposed. If non-oriented kernels are used for the energy representation, then the ridge tops can be identified, with zero-crossings in the inner product of the gradient vector and the direction of greatest downward curvature. If oriented kernels are used, the method can be generalized to give better orientation selectivity (e.g., at intersecting ridges) at the cost of poorer time-frequency locality. Many speech examples are given showing the performance for some traditionally difficult cases: semi-vowels and glides, nasalized vowels, consonant-vowel transitions, female speech, and imperfect transmission channels.


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Previous research in force control has focused on the choice of appropriate servo implementation without corresponding regard to the choice of mechanical hardware. This report analyzes the effect of mechanical properties such as contact compliance, actuator-to-joint compliance, torque ripple, and highly nonlinear dry friction in the transmission mechanisms of a manipulator. A set of requisites for high performance then guides the development of mechanical-design and servo strategies for improved performance. A single-degree-of-freedom transmission testbed was constructed that confirms the predicted effect of Coulomb friction on robustness; design and construction of a cable-driven, four-degree-of- freedom, "whole-arm" manipulator illustrates the recommended design strategies.


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Control of machines that exhibit flexibility becomes important when designers attempt to push the state of the art with faster, lighter machines. Three steps are necessary for the control of a flexible planet. First, a good model of the plant must exist. Second, a good controller must be designed. Third, inputs to the controller must be constructed using knowledge of the system dynamic response. There is a great deal of literature pertaining to modeling and control but little dealing with the shaping of system inputs. Chapter 2 examines two input shaping techniques based on frequency domain analysis. The first involves the use of the first deriviate of a gaussian exponential as a driving function template. The second, acasual filtering, involves removal of energy from the driving functions at the resonant frequencies of the system. Chapter 3 presents a linear programming technique for generating vibration-reducing driving functions for systems. Chapter 4 extends the results of the previous chapter by developing a direct solution to the new class of driving functions. A detailed analysis of the new technique is presented from five different perspectives and several extensions are presented. Chapter 5 verifies the theories of the previous two chapters with hardware experiments. Because the new technique resembles common signal filtering, chapter 6 compares the new approach to eleven standard filters. The new technique will be shown to result in less residual vibrations, have better robustness to system parameter uncertainty, and require less computation than other currently used shaping techniques.