984 resultados para Contaminação dos alimentos - Bactérias


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A grande diversidade das atividades industriais ocasiona durante o processo produtivo a geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, que podem poluir e/ou contaminar o solo, a água e o ar. Embora existam regulamentos para o descarte desses resíduos, a inobservância às regras, a ineficiência dos tratamentos despoluentes e a inoperância de órgãos fiscalizadores permitem que, ainda hoje, sejam lançados ao ambiente grandes cargas de poluentes. Isso se aplica às indústrias de alimentos de origem animal. Felizmente, a visão dos empresários do setor vem mudando, na medida em que a imagem de uma empresa que conta com produtos e processos ambientalmente responsáveis representa parte das estratégias competitivas atuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar como um efluente industrial pode ser transformado em matéria prima para a obtenção de um produto com valor comercial, utilizando tecnologias reconhecidas pela indústria e a atividade microbiana. O efluente foi obtido em indústria de abate e processamento de tilápias, apresentado (valores médios) pH = 9,4, DQO = 1.127 mg/L, óleos e graxas = 1.166 mg/L, nitrogênio total = 813 mg/L, coliformes a 30–35o C = 1,0x105 NMP/mL, coliformes a 45o C = 0,41 NMP/mL, bolores e leveduras = 4,6x103 UFC/mL e, ocasionalmente, contendo Salmonella sp e Aeromonas sp. Os tratamentos físicos aplicados ao efluente incluíram gradeamento, filtração (50µm) e pasteurização (65o C/30 min). O cultivo de Rubrivivax gelatinosus foi realizado sob anaerobiose em reatores de vidro durante 7 dias, em temperatura ambiente (30±5o C) e 2.000±500 lux. A recuperação da biomassa foi feita por filtração tangencial (0,2 µm; 1,5 bar), centrifugação (3.400 g/30 min; 5o C) e liofilização (-40o C) e a pulverização foi realizada manualmente. A produção de massa celular atingiu 0,18 g/L, com produtividade de 0,0634 g/L.dia. O processo promoveu redução de 52% na DQO, 48% em óleos e graxas e 22% no nitrogênio total, gerando um resíduo com pH 7,9, livre de bactérias patogênicas e, portanto, apto ao descarte. O produto obtido apresentou cor vermelho escuro (L = 22,42; C = 14,22; h = 25,48), 4,55% de umidade, 57,39% de proteína, 11,08% de extrato etéreo, 4,05% de matéria mineral, 3,03 mg/g de oxicarotenóides, 20,27 NMP/g de coliformes a 30–35o C, <1,0 NMP/g de coliformes a 45o C, 1,2x103 UFC/g de bolores e leveduras e ausência de microrganismos patogênicos. Essas características apontam para um potencial pigmentante e nutricional positivo no produto, que pode encontrar aplicação na produção animal, com segurança microbiológica. Dessa forma, fecha-se um ciclo autosustentável que pode ser adotado na própria fonte geradora do resíduo industrial, permitindo a reversão de gastos com tratamento despoluente em receitas advindas da comercialização de um novo produto.


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The present study evaluated the use of PCR for Histophilus somni detection in bovine semen. Semen samples were experimentally infected with H. somni at dilutions ranging from 107 to 101 bacteria/mL and subjected to DNA extraction by the phenol/chloroform method, followed by PCR amplification. The amplification products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 8% acrylamide gel. The oligonucleotide primers used yielded an amplification fragment of 400 base pairs from the bacterial DNA. Positive amplification was obtained even for the 101 bacteria/mL dilution. PCR proved to be an efficient method for the detection of H. somni. The results obtained in this study have brought relevant information for the diagnosis of H. somni, justifying the need for the diagnosis of this bacterium in bulls, especially in semen samples that should be free of contamination. The PCR method has shown to be a useful tool for the quality control of semen produced in artificial insemination centers.


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Collective food services have been increasing worldwide, and the self-service restaurant has been the current preference by consumers. Considering the importance of hygienic quality of food, the microbiological composition of ready-to-eat food was assessed. In the second semester of 2008, 20 samples of meals, mainly meat-based foods, were collected from different self-service restaurants in Araçatuba city, SP. Bacteriological analyses were performed following the conventional methodologies, and the results were compared with the standards established by the effective Brazilian legislation. Coliforms at 35ºC were detected in 90% of analyzed samples. Coliforms at 45°C were found in 55% of the samples and, among these, in 63.63%, the occurrence of Escherichia coli was confirmed. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were detected in 10% of samples and no sample showed Salmonella spp. or Bacillus cereus contamination. Sulfite reducing clostridia at 42o C were not investigated in this study. These findings indicate the need for a rigorous approach for improving the sanitary conditions during preparation and presentation of ready-to-eat food, as the consumption of contaminated products represents a potential risk to public health.


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Introdução: a eliminação de bactérias dos canais radiculares é essencial no tratamento endodôntico de dentes com polpas necrosadas, desde que bactérias não só causam, mas também mantêm, as lesões periapicais. Objetivo: analisar in vivo a influência de soluções irrigantes (NaOCl 1%, NaOCl 2,5%, solução salina estéril 0,9%) no tratamento de dentes de cães com lesão periapical crônica em sessão única. Métodos: quarenta canais radiculares de três cães da raça Beagle permaneceram expostos à cavidade bucal para permitir a contaminação e a formação de lesões periapicais crônicas. Em seguida, os canais radiculares foram preparados biomecanicamente. Durante a instrumentação, três soluções irrigantes foram utilizadas: G1 – NaOCl 2,5%; G2 – NaOCl 1%; G3 – solução salina estéril 0,9%. O grupo controle (G4) não recebeu tratamento nem selamento coronário. Os canais radiculares foram obturados com cones de guta-percha e Sealapex. As aberturas coronárias foram seladas com IRM e amálgama. Após 6 meses, os animais foram sacrificados e blocos de tecido processados histologicamente para serem corados com hematoxilina e eosina, ou Brown e Brenn. Resultados: não houve diferença histológica significativa entre a utilização de hipoclorito de sódio a 1% ou 2,5% (p>0,05), mas houve entre eles e a solução salina estéril a 0,9% (p<0,05). Conclusão: concluiu-se que o uso de soluções irrigantes com potencial antibacteriano (hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e 2,5%) proveu condições mais favoráveis ao processo de reparo.


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In recent decades there has been a significant increase in the consumption of legal and illegal drugs, and most of such compounds are able to induce dependence and this increase was observed mainly in females. This drug addiction increases susceptibility to several infectious agents, especially opportunistic microorganisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of opportunistic bacteria and yeasts in the mouth of drug addiction patients and non-addicted patients with different periodontal conditions. The study included 50 addiction patients and 200 non-addiction subjects. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and saliva samples were transferred to saline solution and the presence of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, genera Enterococcus and Pseudomonas, as well fungi of the genus Candida was evaluated by culture. Samples were cultivated onto selective and non-selective media under aerobic conditions, at 37oC, for 24 -48 h. Identification of selected microorganisms were carried out through biochemical tests. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the data when three or more categories were involved. Higher detection frequencies of Candida species, family Enterobacteriaceae, E. faecalis, Pseudomonas sp. and P. aeruginosa in addiction patients were verified. It was found that patients addicted to both genders showed a higher occurrence of members of the Enterobacteriaceae, which were also associated with bone loss only in patients with drug addiction.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The goal of this work was to develop a strawberry fl avored dairy beverages carbonated and fermented with potential probiotic bacteria. Four formulations of dairy beverages were elaborated: Control (BL); Fermented (BLF); Carbonated (BLC) and Carbonated Fermented (BLFC). In samples submitted for carbonation, a carbonator was used for the carbon dioxide (CO2 ) gas injection dissolved in drinking water and the cultivation consisting of lactic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilusLA-5®, Bifi dobacterium BB-12® and Streptococcus thermophilus (Biorich, Chr. Hansen) was employed on the fermented samples. The samples were characterized by physical and chemical, microbiological and sensory parameters. The BLC sample showed the presence of yeasts and coliform counts, but the counts indicated that it was suitable for consumption in 28 days time. The BL presented average coliform counts above the limit established by the law after 21 days of refrigerated storage. The presence of lactic bacteria and CO2 and their effects on lower proteolysis indexes, lower pH values and higher acidity values were correlated with signifi cant inhibitory effect of contaminated microorganisms in the BLF and BLFC. The carbonation was not stimulatory for the growth of lactic crops, mainly in the genus Bifi dobacterium spp. and Streptococcus spp. The BLF drink presented greater sensory acceptance and purchase intention test results, however the carbonated beverage presented positive results, with mean values greater than 50% in the acceptance tests with potential inclusion as sensory differential in dairy beverages. Just BLFC drink was considered potentially probiotic, by presenting minimum counts of Lactobacillus spp. during storage. Further studies should be conducted with the technology of carbonation, since it has been proven the correlation of the presence of CO2 with inhibitory effect of contaminated microorganisms and lower physical and chemical changes of dairy beverages.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of isofl avones supplementation of a fermented soy product on its sensory acceptance, physicochemical properties and probiotic cell viable count. Additionally we also investigated the ability of the mixed starter cultures (Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus 416) to modify the isofl avones profi le of soy product during the fermentation process. Three products were analysed: soy product fermented with E. faecium CRL 183 and L. helveticus 416, isofl avonessupplemented soy product (fermented with E. faecium CRL 183 and L. helveticus 416; 50mg/100g, Isofl avin®, Galena, Brazil) and unfermented soy product. A panel of judges evaluated the acceptability of the samples on a nine point structured hedonic scale. The chemical composition namely fat, protein, ash and total carbohydrate contents, pH, enumeration of viable Lactobacillus spp. and Enterococcus spp. and quantifi cation of isofl avones using HPLC were investigated. All determinations were conducted after 7 days storage at 10°C. The sensorial acceptance was reduced in the isofl avones-supplemented soy product, but this effect was not signifi cant compared to the sample without isofl avones addition. Chemical composition did not differ (p<0.05) among the samples. Cell viable counts were reduced and total fermentation time was longer in the isofl avonessupplemented soy product, suggesting that the isofl avone addition could inhibit the starter cultures. However, all the products may be considered probiotic since they exhibited lactic acid bacterial populations varying from 2.3 x 109 up to 1.22 x 1010 CFU/mL. Fermentation of soymilk did not change the isofl avones profi le. In conclusion, it was possible to obtain a fermented soy product containing a high isofl avones concentration, adequate sensory and chemical characteristics and lactic acid bacterial viability suffi ciently high to characterize the product as a probiotic. The mixed starter culture was not able to convert the glycoside isofl avones into aglycone or produce equol during the fermented soy product processing.


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The physical (pH) and microbiological (psychotrofi c microorganisms and lactic bacteria) characteristics of beef outside round (m. Biceps femoris) injected (15%) with brines free of polyphosphates containing and sodium lactate or sodium lactate and sodium diacetate and liquid bovine plasma (PLL and PLO) or dehydrated bovine plasma (PDL, PDO) were evaluated along with beef cuts injected with brines free from plasma, but containing polyphosphates and bacteriostatic agents (CL and CO) and non injected beef cuts (IN), comprising seven treatments of cooked and vacuum packaged beef steaks stored under refrigeration (6ºC) during 43 days. No differences in pH were detected among raw or cooked injected treatments, although IN showed lower pH value in raw beef cuts. The addition of liquid or dehydrated bovine plasma did not affect the microbial load after whole muscles pasteurization, but increased the bacterial counts in cooked beef steaks during refrigerated storage, comparing to treatments with no plasma addition (CL and CO). The storage temperature (6ºC), usually found during commercialization of meat increased the microorganisms growth rate affecting the microbiological quality, especially when plasma was added to the brine.


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Milk is considered a nutritionally complete food but it is also an excellent substrate for microbial growth. Therefore, it may pose a risk to consumers’ health. The aim of this study was to collect data on the occurrence of gastroenteritis outbreaks caused by the intake of milk and dairy products in the state of São Paulo, from 2000 to 2010. The data were collected from the records on foodborne illness outbreaks kept by the Division of Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases of the Center for Epidemiological Surveillance of the Department of Health of the State of São Paulo. A total of 239 outbreaks were notifi ed. They involved 2.418 cases related to the consumption of dairy products during the study period. The etiological agents were identifi ed in 79 outbreaks (33.0%). They were mostly bacteria (84.8%), especially Staphylococcus aureus. Most outbreaks occurred at home (59.4%) and during the months of January (14.2%) and July (12.5%). Most (24.1%) of the affected individuals aged 20 to 49 years. The results shows the need of better manufacturing and handling practices, as well as increasing the awareness of the population and relevant agencies about the importance of notifying cases and implementing preventive measures to ensure food safety.


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Water quality is very important for the health and the population welfare, and the public supply system must provide water quality and suffi cient quantity for the entire population. Water treatment stations, are the main way to obtain water quality. When this doesn’t occur, several problems can affect the population, in this case, using water with poor quality is a constant risk of emergence causing various diseases. The elimination of microorganisms in treated water reduces competition, encouraging the multiplication of chlorine resistant bacteria as Mycobacterium genus frequently isolated from treated and chlorinated water. Considering the lack of indication from examinations of mycobacteria routine laboratory for quality control of drinking water and other human uses, the objective was to verify the presence isolate and identify the environmental mycobacteria in the system water source surface of Araraquara - SP. We analyzed 40 water samples, distributed as follows: ten water gross collected at Station Water Treatment Plant (WTP), harvested after ten fi ltration; ten collected in the reservoir after chlorination and ten in the network distribution. Were recovered 43 isolates of mycobacteria. All isolates were subjected to PCR-PRA. The mycobacteria were identifi ed as M. lentifl avum, M. parafortuitum, M. genavense, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. confl uent, M. duvalii, M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis and M. szulgai. With these results, was concluded that water is an important source of environmental mycobacteria probably related to several human diseases, suggesting the carrying out continuous monitoring of the microorganisms in the system drinking water.


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We know the importance of treating water for human consumption because changes in the physicochemical and / or biological has been associated with various health problems, the quality of water intended for human consumption must meet potability standards established by governmental decree 518/2004. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of water supplied schools and daycare in the city of São Carlos - SP. We selected 31 schools and kindergartens, and at intervals of 3 months, two water samples taken at three different points - network, tank and fi lter - totaling 186 samples, with an interval of three months, to verify possible differences in sampling points and at different times. The samples were evaluated for the following parameters: presence of total coliform and fecal coliform / E. coli count of heterotrophic bacteria, determination of pH, fl uoride, free residual chlorine, turbidity and color. The largest number of samples outside the standard for coliform was coming from the fi lters and the network, heterotrophic bacteria in most samples was taken out of standard fi lters. In the physical-chemical analysis of samples as many non-standard pH occurred in the network, network, and fl uoride in the fi lter pair in the fi lter to free chlorine and turbidity in the reservoir. The parameter with a larger sample size was inadequate fl uoride. We need more attention to the conservation, cleaning and maintenance of building reservoirs and fi lters in schools and kindergartens of San Carlos, since the water was considered unfi t for consumption.