970 resultados para Constâncio II, Imperador de Roma, 317-361


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Notícia sobre o II Encontro Interparlamentar de Quadros das Áreas de Documentação, Informação e Arquivo dos Parlamentos de Língua Portuguesa que teve como objetivo, além do intercâmbio de boas práticas, reforçar os laços de colaboração técnica entre os Parlamentos de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Portugal e Timor Leste.


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Fecha: >1970 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 8-10 / Nº de pág.: 5 (mecanografiadas)


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Aborda o fluxo de trabalho que envolve a reserva e utilização de espaços físicos, sob a responsabilidade do Departamento de Comissões da Câmara dos Deputados (DECOM), para a promoção de eventos e de reuniões pelas comissões técnicas e por outros órgãos da Casa. Focaliza a dificuldade de disponibilidade de plenários e propõe soluções para o problema.


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In 2006 the UK-based charity, Global Ocean, with local support from the Third Millennium Foundation, convened a Conversation among specialists about the problems facing the conservation of whales. Called "A consultation on whaling", this gathering was held in the ancient village of Paciano, in Umbria near the border with Tuscany, 15 – 17 October 2006. There were 15 participants from 11 countries. Dr Kees Lankester served as moderator. The outcome was an Aide Memoire which served to guide the participants in the run-up to the 2007 meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), held in Anchorage, Alaska, in June. One point of agreement was that a second consultation should be held in the months following the Anchorage meeting, involving some but not necessarily all of the participants in the first, but concentrating this time on scientific issues – especially those encountered in the Scientific Committee of the IWC –with particular attention to informing a wider public about those scientific activities in relation to the problems confronting the IWC and the views of scientists about them. This document is the report of that Conversation, referred to as Paciano II. The moderator was Dr Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and the Report was written by Kieran Mulvaney in consultation with all participants, and with reference to an Aide Memoire prepared by the Rapporteur, Dr Russell Leaper. The sponsor and organisers have agreed with the general sentiment expressed by participants in Paciano II that further such conversations should be held at roughly yearly intervals and they will try to satisfy that desire. Although these future gatherings would be concerned with the living ocean they would not necessarily be restricted in future to consideration of whales and whaling. Discussions are on-going for selection of a theme which is of both scientific interest and practical concern for conservation of marine life and management of the uses of ocean space. (Document has 18 pages)


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In 2006 the UK-based charity, Global Ocean, with local support from the Third Millennium Foundation, convened a Conversation among specialists about the problems facing the conservation of whales. Called "A consultation on whaling", this gathering was held in the ancient village of Paciano, in Umbria near the border with Tuscany, 15 – 17 October 2006. There were 15 participants from 11 countries. Dr Kees Lankester served as moderator. The outcome was an Aide Memoire which served to guide the participants in the run-up to the 2007 meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), held in Anchorage, Alaska, in June. One point of agreement was that a second consultation should be held in the months following the Anchorage meeting, involving some but not necessarily all of the participants in the first, but concentrating this time on scientific issues – especially those encountered in the Scientific Committee of the IWC –with particular attention to informing a wider public about those scientific activities in relation to the problems confronting the IWC and the views of scientists about them. This document is the report of that Conversation, referred to as Paciano II. The moderator was Dr Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and the Report was written by Kieran Mulvaney in consultation with all participants, and with reference to an Aide Memoire prepared by the Rapporteur, Dr Russell Leaper. The sponsor and organisers have agreed with the general sentiment expressed by participants in Paciano II that further such conversations should be held at roughly yearly intervals and they will try to satisfy that desire. Although these future gatherings would be concerned with the living ocean they would not necessarily be restricted in future to consideration of whales and whaling. Discussions are on-going for selection of a theme which is of both scientific interest and practical concern for conservation of marine life and management of the uses of ocean space. (19 page document)


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Foi discutido na Comissão de Sistematização o artigo 14 que trata de lei complementar que irá cuidar da estrutura e funcionamento da Procuradoria Geral da União. Os atuais assistentes jurídicos da Fazenda e das Autarquias Federais passam a integrar a carreira de procurador da União. O Deputado Antônio Perosa (PMDB-SP) considera que o artigo gera um "trem da alegria". O Deputado Celso Dourado (PMDB-BA) acredita que se a contratação dos assistentes não for efetivada, haverá concurso público, causando ônus. O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP) explica que o artigo foi rejeitado, porque a medida não pode ser tomada de modo acelerado. O Deputado Antônio Brito (PMDB-RS) comenta sobre a reunião entre os líderes, para decidir alguns assuntos como as mudanças na aposentadoria. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), relator da Comissão de Sistematização, diz que no balanço geral, o relatório teve aprovação entre 95 a 97% no texto com algumas alterações. O Senador Mauro Benevides (PMDB-CE), presidente em exercício da Assembléia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), relata a respeito dos novos prazos. Adib Jatene, diretor do Incor fala da angioplastia realizada no presidente da ANC, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP). O Deputado Marcelo Cordeiro (PMDB-BA), 1º Secretário-Geral da Constituinte, espera que Ulysses Guimarães irá presidir o inicío dos trabalhos no Plenário.


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Analisa esse tratado que põe fim às guerras da Restauração de Portugal, mandando devolver a cada uma das partes as conquistas que à outra tiverem feito. Nas colônias, a paz passaria a vigorar um ano após a sua publicação, dado o tempo necessário para que a notícia chegasse à América e à Ásia.


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Inlets which require frequent channel dredging due to gradual shoaling, exhibit migration, or shoal up during storms, are in general unstable and pose a problem to the engineer. This problem of inlet stability is a complex one, because of the rather large number of variables that go into defining stability. The reference here is to inlets on sandy coasts only, because the absence of sand or similar sedimentary material the problem does not arise. Shell is also found in varying proportions with sand. Some of this is. new, whereas in some areas it is ancient reworked material whose size distribution is close to that of the sand with which it is associated. (PDF has 24 pages.)


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This study presents the third post-nourishment survey (January 1989) results for the Sand Key Phase II beach nourishment project carried out in June, 1988. The monitoring program to this beach nourishment project is a joint effort between the University of South Florida and University of Florida. The field surveys include a total of 26 profiles, encompassing approximately 3 miles of shoreline extending from DNR R-96 to R-1ll. The total calculated volume loss of sand in the nourished segment (from R-99G to R-107) between the July 88 and January 89 surveys is 51,113 cubic yards, which is a loss about 9.7 percent of 529,150 cubic yards actually placed in the nourishment project. The total loss of sand computed in the entire survey area is 26,796 cubic yards, which is only 5.1 percent of the sand placed in the nourishment project. It is stressed that a part of these net volume reductions is due to the background erosion and not due to spreading losses induced by the nourishment project. (PDF contains 168 pages.)


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Ejemplar dedicado a: Serta Palaeohispanica in honorem Javier de Hoz


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(Text in Spanish. PDF contains 77 pages.)