953 resultados para Congestive Heart Failure


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INTRODUCTION: Cardiac and pulmonary manifestations of the Chagas disease (CD) affect between 20-30% of the infected subjects. The chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) has some peculiarities such as arrhythmias and, especially heart failure (HF) and is potentially lethal due to left ventricular dysfunction. How respiratory disorders, patients get progressive loss of functional capacity, which contributes to a poor quality of life related to disease. Measurements of lung volume by the movement of the chest wall surface are an alternative evaluation of lung function and kinematics of complex thoracoabdominal for these patients. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the kinematics of the thoracoabdominal complex through the regional pulmonary volumes and to correlate with functional evaluation of the cardiorrespiratory system in patients with Chagas disease at rest. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a cross-section study with 42 subjects had been divided in 3 groups, 15 composed for patients with CCC, 12 patients with HF of different etiologies and 15 healthful presented control group. An optoelectronic plethysmography (POE), Minnesota questionnaire, six minute walk test, spirometer and manovacuometer was used. RESULTS: It was observed in the 6MWT where group CRL presented greater distance 464,93±44,63m versus Group HF with 399,58± 32,1m (p=0,005) and group CCC 404±68,24m (p=0,015), both the groups presented difference statistics with regard to Group CRL. In the manovacuometer 54,59±19,98; of the group CCC and 42,11±13,52 of group IC found group CRL presented 81,31±15,25 of the predicted versus, presenting in relation to group CRL. In the POE it observed a major contribution in abdominal compartment in patients with IC if compared like CCC and control groups. On the basis of the questionnaire of quality of life of Minessota, verified a low one groups CCC and IC 43,2±15,2 and 44,4±13,1, respectively (p<0,05) when compared with the control group (19,6±17,31). CONCLUSION: it seems that the patients with CCC possess same functional and respiratory characteristics, observed for the POE, 6MWT, manovacuometer and spirometer to the patients of group HF, being able to consider similar interventions for this complementary group as therapeutical of this neglected disease


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluated the clinical diagnostic, efficiency for basic death causes in patients dying of circulatory disease and de relative frequency of those diseases. METHODS: Analysis of medical record data of 82 patients, ages from 16 to 84 years old (68 over 40 years old), whose died of circulatory disease and had undergone necropsy in the period from 1988 to 1993 years in the University Hospital of Medicine Faculty of Botucatu-UNESP, Br. RESULTS: The functional class of patients were III or IV, in 78%, and 81.7% needed urgent hospitalization. By the clinical judgment the death were by ischemic heart disease in 32 (21 acute myocardial infarction), Chagas'disease in 12, valvopathy in 11, cardiomyopathy in 7, heart failure with no specification of cardiopathy in 11 and other causes in 9. At the necropsy the death cause was ischemic heart disease in 34 patients, valvopathy in 10, Chagas'disease in 10, cardiomyopathy in 5, and heart failure with no specification of cardiopathy in 2.The concordance taxes were in thhe same order: 94,6%, 90,0%, 83.3%, 71.4% and 28.5%. CONCLUSION: There was a great efficiency of clinical diagnosis for death cause in a general university hospital. The ischemic heart disease were the main causes of death.


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Aim: To investigate the role of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in cardiac remodelling induced by tobacco smoke exposure in rats.Methods: Rats were allocated into two groups: C (n = 9): control animals; ETS (n = 9): exposed to tobacco smoke. After 4months, the animals underwent echocardiography, morphometric study and determination of MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity.Results: ETS rats had larger diastolic (C= 15.6 +/- 1.2 mm/kg, ETS = 18.0 +/- 0.9 mm/kg; p < 0.001) and systolic (C= 7.3 +/- 1.2 mm/kg, ETS = 9.2 0.9 mm/kg; p = 0.001) ventricular diameters adjusted for body weight. Fractional shortening (C= 53 +/- 4.8%, ETS = 48 +/- 3.3%; p = 0.031) and ejection fraction (C= 0. 89 +/- 0.03 5 ETS = 0. 86 +/- 0.02; p = 0.03 0) were smaller in the ETS group. Myocyte cross-sectional area (C= 245 8 mu m(2), ETS=253 8 mu m(2); p = 0.028) was higher in ETS rats. There were no differences in MNtP-2 (C=50 +/- 14%; ETS 43 +/- 11%, p 0.22 +/- 8) or MMP-9 (C=0.36 +/- 0.3%; ETS=0.62 +/- 0.3%, p=0.630) activity between the groups.Conclusion: MMP-2 and MMP-9 did not participate in the remodelling process induced by tobacco smoke exposure. (c) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aging spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a model in which the transition from chronic stable left ventricular hypertrophy to overt heart failure can be observed. Although the mechanisms for impaired function in hypertrophied and failing cardiac muscle from the SHR have been studied, none accounts fully for the myocardial contractile abnormalities. The cardiac cytoskeleton has been implicated as a possible cause for myocardial dysfunction. If an increase in microtubules contributes to dysfunction, then myocardial microtubule disruption by colchicine should promote an improvement in cardiac performance. We studied the active and passive properties of isolated left ventricular papillary muscles from 18- to 24-month-old SHR with evidence of heart failure (SHR-F, n=6), age-matched SHR without heart failure (SHR-NF, n=6), and age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY, n=5). Mechanical parameters were analyzed before and up to 90 minutes after the addition of colchicine (10(-5), 10(-4), and 10(-3) mol/L). In the baseline state, active tension (AT) developed by papillary muscles from the WKY group was greater than for SHR-NF and SHR-F groups (WKY 5.69+/-1.47 g/mm(2) [mean+/-SD], SHR-NF 3.41+/-1.05, SHR-F 2.87+/-0.26; SHR-NF and SHR-F P<0.05 versus WKY rats). The passive stiffness was greater in SHR-F than in the WKY and SHR-NF groups (central segment exponential stiffness constant, K-cs: SHR-F 70+/-25, SHR-NF 44+/-17, WKY 41+/-13 [mean+/-SD]; SHR-F P<0.05 versus; SHR-NF and WKY rats). AT did not improve after 10, 20, and 30 minutes of exposure to colchicine (10(-5), 10(-4), and 10(-3) mol/L) in any group. In the SHR-F group, AT and passive stiffness did not change after 30 to 90 minutes of colchicine exposure (10(-4) mol/L). In summary, the data in this study fail to demonstrate improvement of intrinsic muscle function in SHR with heart failure after colchicine. Thus, in the SHR there is no evidence that colchicine-induced cardiac microtubular depolymerization affects the active or passive properties of hypertrophied or failing left ventricular myocardium.


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A miocardiopatia diabética é uma doença do músculo cardíaco causada pelo diabetes mellitus e não relacionada às patologias vascular e valvular ou à hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Observações experimentais e clínicas têm demonstrado hipertrofia, necrose, apoptose e aumento do tecido intersticial miocárdico. Acredita-se que a miocardiopatia diabética seja decorrente de anormalidades metabólicas como hiperlipidemia, hiperinsulinemia e hiperglicemia, e de alterações do metabolismo cardíaco. Tais alterações podem causar aumento do estresse oxidativo, fibrose intersticial, perda celular e comprometimento do trânsito intracelular de íons e da homeostase do cálcio. Clinicamente, é possível a detecção de disfunção diastólica assintomática na fase inicial. No momento em que surgem os sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, observamos disfunção diastólica isolada, sendo que o comprometimento da função sistólica, habitualmente, é tardio. O tratamento da miocardiopatia diabética com insuficiência cardíaca não difere das miocardiopatias de outras etiologias e deve seguir as diretrizes de acordo com o comprometimento da função ventricular, se diastólica isolada ou diastólica e sistólica.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis ecocardiográficas que definam graus de disfunção cardíaca em ratos com estenose aórtica (EAo). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (n = 23), machos (90-100 g), foram submetidos a cirurgia para indução de EAo. As variáveis ecocardiográficas analisadas foram: diâmetros diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) e sistólico do átrio esquerdo em valores absolutos e normalizados para o peso corporal; diâmetro sistólico do VE (DSVE); três índices de encurtamento do VE (% de encurtamento endocárdico, %Enc.Endo; % de encurtamento miocárdico, %Enc.Mio; e velocidade de encurtamento da parede posterior do VE, VEPP); e índice de massa do VE (IMVE). Essas variáveis foram utilizadas para a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis). RESULTADOS: A análise de agrupamento possibilitou separar os ratos com EAo em dois grupos: disfunção leve (n = 13) e disfunção severa (n = 9). Os intervalos de confiança das seguintes variáveis não apresentaram superposição dos seus valores: DDVE, DSVE, %Enc.Endo, %Enc.Mio, IMVE e VEPP. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização conjunta dos intervalos de confiança dessas variáveis permite identificar dois grupos de ratos com estenose aórtica e diferentes graus de comprometimento cardíaco, possibilitando a realização de estudos longitudinais com grupos homogêneos de animais.


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A insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção normal (ICFEN) é uma síndrome complexa que vem sendo largamente estudada, desde a última década. É causada por disfunção ventricular diastólica evidenciada por métodos complementares, como estudo hemodinâmico ou ecocardiograma, na presença de fração de ejeção preservada. Acomete preferencialmente indivíduos mais idosos e com comorbidades, como hipertensão arterial sistêmica, insuficiência coronariana e obesidade. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos são complexos e multifatoriais, envolvendo a rigidez passiva do miocárdio, a geometria ventricular, a força de contenção do pericárdio e a interação entre os ventrículos. Os objetivos principais do tratamento são reduzir a congestão venosa pulmonar, a frequência cardíaca e controlar as comorbidades. Ainda não há evidências fortes de que o uso de medicações específicas, como inibidores de enzima de conversão ou betabloqueadores, interfiram na mortalidade. Os fatores de pior prognóstico incluem a idade avançada, presença de disfunção renal, diabete, classe funcional III e IV (NYHA) e estágio avançado de disfunção diastólica, com padrão restritivo ao enchimento ventricular. Outro aspecto que vem ganhando espaço na literatura é o questionamento do papel da disfunção sistólica nos quadros de ICFEN. Todos esses aspectos são abordados detalhadamente na presente revisão.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the roles of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the ventricular remodeling that is induced by tobacco smoke exposure after myocardial infarction.METHODS: After induced myocardial infarction, rats were allocated into two groups: C (control, n=25) and ETS (exposed to tobacco smoke, n=24). After 6 months, survivors were submitted to echocardiogram and biochemical analyses.RESULTS: Rats in the ETS group showed higher diastolic (C = 1.52 +/- 0.4 mm(2), ETS = 1.95 +/- 0.4 mm(2); p=0.032) and systolic (C = 1.03 +/- 0.3, ETS = 1.36 +/- 0.4 mm(2)/g; p=0.049) ventricular areas, adjusted for body weight. The fractional area change was smaller in the ETS group (C = 30.3 +/- 10.1 %, ETS = 19.2 +/- 11.1 %; p=0.024) and E/A ratios were higher in ETS animals (C = 2.3 +/- 2.2, ETS = 5.1 +/- 2.5; p=0.037). ETS was also associated with a higher water percentage in the lung (C = 4.8 (4.3-4.8), ETS = 5.5 (5.3-5.6); p=0.013) as well as higher cardiac levels of reduced glutathione (C = 20.7 +/- 7.6 nmol/mg of protein, ETS = 40.7 +/- 12.7 nmol/mg of protein; p=0.037) and oxidized glutathione (C = 0.3 +/- 0.1 nmol/g of protein, ETS = 0.9 +/- 0.3 nmol/g of protein; p=0.008). No differences were observed in lipid hydroperoxide levels (C = 0.4 +/- 0.2 nmol/mg of tissue, ETS = 0.1 +/- 0.1 nmol/mg of tissue; p=0.08).CONCLUSION: In animals exposed to tobacco smoke, oxidative stress is associated with the intensification of ventricular re-remodeling after myocardial infarction.


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Background: The objective of this study was to determine the early echocardiographic predictors of elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) after a long follow-up period in the infarcted rat model.Material/Methods: Five days and three months after surgery, sham and infarcted animals were subjected to transthoracic echocardiography. Regression analysis and receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve were performed for predicting increased LVEDP 3 months after MI.Results: Among all of the variables, assessed 5 days after myocardial infarction, infarct size (OR: 0.760; CI 95% 0.563-0.900; p=0.005), end-systolic area (ESA) (OR: 0.761; Cl 95% 0.564-0.900; p=0.008), fractional area change (FAC) (OR: 0.771; CI 95% 0.574-0.907; p=0.003), and posterior wall-shortening velocity (PWSV) (OR: 0.703; CI 95% 0.502-0.860; p=0.048) were predictors of increased LVEDP. The LVEDP was 3.6 +/- 1.8 mmHg in the control group and 9.4 +/- 7.8 mmHg among the infarcted animals (p=0.007). Considering the critical value of predictor variables in inducing cardiac dysfunction, the cut-off value was 35% for infarct size, 0.33 cm(2) for ESA, 40% for FAC, and 26 mm/s for PWSV.Conclusions: Infarct size, FAC, ESA, and PWSV, assessed five days after myocardial infarction, can be used to estimate an increased LVEDP three months following the coronary occlusion.


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Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a simple, safe, cheap, and efficient renal replacement therapy method. It can correct metabolic disorders and fluid overload in acute kidney injury (AKI) patients both in and out of the intensive care unit. Use of PD in AKI is enhanced by placement of a Tenckhoff catheter, which can be safely accomplished at the bedside. Some PD modalities, such as high-volume PD and continuous-flow PD, can provide dialysis doses and efficiency comparable to extracorporeal blood purification methods. PD is particularly suitable for neonates, children, and patients with refractory heart failure or who are otherwise hemodynamically unstable. PD should be considered in situations where systemic anticoagulation and/or vascular access are problematic. PD is limited by a lower efficiency that may produce inadequate renal replacement in larger and/or severely hypercatabolic patients. Fluid removal can be unpredictable, there is a risk of infection, and possible issues with mechanical ventilation. In this article, we discuss the use of PD in AKI, with emphasis on recent advances. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Background: The consequences of aggressive therapy following a myocardial infarction (MI) on ventricular remodeling are not well established. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and predictors of left ventricular remodeling in the era of modern medical therapy.Material/Methods: Clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data were analyzed in 66 consecutive patients with anterior infarction at admission and at 6-month follow-up. Ventricular remodeling was defined as an increase of 10% in ventricular end-systolic or end-diastolic diameter.Results: In our study, 58% of patients presented with ventricular remodeling. Patients with remodeling possessed higher total plasma creatine kinase (CPK), MB-fraction (CPK-MB), heart rate, heart failure, shortness of breath, and reperfusion therapy than patients without remodeling. In contrast, patients with remodeling had a smaller ejection fraction, E-Wave deceleration time (EDT), and early (E' Wave) and late (A' Wave) diastolic mitral annulus velocity (average of septal and lateral walls), but a higher E/E' than patients without remodeling. Patients with remodeling used more diuretics, digoxin, oral anticoagulants and aldosterone antagonists than patients without remodeling. In the multivariate analyses, only E' Wave was an independent predictor of ventricular remodeling. Each 1 unit increase in the E' Wave was associated with a 59% increased odds of ventricular remodeling.Conclusions: In patients with anterior MI, despite contemporary treatment, ventricular remodeling is still a common event. In addition, diastolic function can have an important role as a predictor of remodeling in this scenario.


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Background: Regardless significant therapeutic advances, mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction (MI) are still high. For a long time, the importance of right ventricle (RV) function has been neglected. Recently, RV dysfunction has also been associated with poor outcomes in the setting of heart failure. The shape, location, and contraction conditions make the RV chamber assessment technically challenging.Methods: Our study identified clinical characteristics and left ventricle (LV) echocardiographic data performed 3-5 days after MI that could be associated with RV dysfunction (RV fractional area change [FAC] < 35%) 6 months after MI.Results: The RV dysfunction group consisted of 11 patients (RV FAC 29.4% +/- 5.2) and the no RV dysfunction group of 71 patients (RV FAC 43.7% +/- 5.1); (P < 0.001). Both groups presented the same baseline clinical characteristics. Left atrium (LA), interventricular septum (IVS), and left ventricular posterior wall (LVPW) were larger in RV dysfunction than in no RV dysfunction. Conversely, E wave deceleration time (EDT) was lower in RV dysfunction when compared with no RV dysfunction. Left atrium(adj) (adjusted by gender, age, infarct size, and body mass index) (odds ratio [OR], 1.22; confidence interval [CI], 1.016-1.47; P = 0.032), interventricular septum(adj) (OR, 1.49; CI, 1.01-2.23; P = 0.044), and E wave deceleration time(adj) (OR, 0.98; CI, 0.97-0.98; P = 0.029) assessed soon after MI predicted RV failure after 6-months.Conclusions: LV diastolic dysfunction, resulting from anterior MI and assessed 3-5 days after the event, may play an important role in predicting RV dysfunction 6 months later.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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FUNDAMENTO: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é comum em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e estenose aórtica (EAo) e, com certa frequência, encontramos associação entre estas patologias. Mas, em tal situação, não está clara a importância de cada uma na HVE. OBJETIVO: 1 - Avaliar em pacientes portadores de EAo, submetidos previamente a estudo ecocardiográfico, a magnitude da HVE, nos casos de EAo isolada e associada à HAS; 2 - Avaliar o padrão de remodelamento geométrico nas duas situações. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional e transversal, incluindo 298 pacientes consecutivos, com EAo ao ecocardiograma. HVE foi considerada para massa miocárdica > 224g em homens e > 162g em mulheres. Os pacientes foram classificados como portadores de EAo leve (gradiente máximo < 30,0 mmHg), moderada (entre 30 e 50,0 mmHg) e grave (> 50,0 mmHg), além disso, foram separados em dois subgrupos: com e sem HAS. RESULTADOS: Nos três níveis de lesão aórtica, a massa ventricular esquerda foi maior na EAo associada à HAS do que na EAo isolada (EAo leve: 172 ± 45 vs 223 ± 73g, p < 0,0001; EAo moderada: 189 ± 77 vs 245 ± 81g, p = 0,0313; EAo grave: 200 ± 62 vs 252 ± 88g, p = 0,0372). Presença de HAS esteve associada a maior risco de HVE (OR = 2,1,IC95%:1,2-3,6; p = 0,012). Pacientes com EAo grave e HAS apresentaram predomínio de hipertrofia concêntrica, quando comparados com aqueles normotensos (p = 0,013). CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com EAo, a presença de HAS foi um fator adicional de aumento da massa ventricular esquerda, interferindo também na geometria ventricular.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)