944 resultados para Conectividade cerebral
INTRODUCTION: Maintaining arterial blood glucose within tight limits is beneficial in critically ill patients. Upper and lower limits of detrimental blood glucose levels must be determined. METHODS: In 69 patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebral metabolism was monitored by assessing changes in arterial and jugular venous blood at normocarbia (partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide (paCO2) 4.4 to 5.6 kPa), normoxia (partial arterial pressure of oxygen (paO2) 9 to 20 kPa), stable haematocrit (27 to 36%), brain temperature 35 to 38 degrees C, and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) 70 to 90 mmHg. This resulted in a total of 43,896 values for glucose uptake, lactate release, oxygen extraction ratio (OER), carbon dioxide (CO2) and bicarbonate (HCO3) production, jugular venous oxygen saturation (SjvO2), oxygen-glucose index (OGI), lactate-glucose index (LGI) and lactate-oxygen index (LOI). Arterial blood glucose concentration-dependent influence was determined retrospectively by assessing changes in these parameters within pre-defined blood glucose clusters, ranging from less than 4 to more than 9 mmol/l. RESULTS: Arterial blood glucose significantly influenced signs of cerebral metabolism reflected by increased cerebral glucose uptake, decreased cerebral lactate production, reduced oxygen consumption, negative LGI and decreased cerebral CO2/HCO3 production at arterial blood glucose levels above 6 to 7 mmol/l compared with lower arterial blood glucose concentrations. At blood glucose levels more than 8 mmol/l signs of increased anaerobic glycolysis (OGI less than 6) supervened. CONCLUSIONS: Maintaining arterial blood glucose levels between 6 and 8 mmol/l appears superior compared with lower and higher blood glucose concentrations in terms of stabilised cerebral metabolism. It appears that arterial blood glucose values below 6 and above 8 mmol/l should be avoided. Prospective analysis is required to determine the optimal arterial blood glucose target in patients suffering from severe TBI.
BACKGROUND: The role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) as two important mediators in the development of cerebral vasospasm (CVS) after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is controversial. The objective of this study was to determine whether local levels of ET-1 and NO in cerebral arterial plasma and/or in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are associated with the occurrence of CVS after SAH. METHODS: CVS was induced using the one-haemorrhage rabbit model and confirmed by digital subtraction angiography of the rabbits' basilar artery on day 5. Prior to sacrifice, local CSF and basilar arterial plasma samples were obtained by a transclival approach to the basilar artery. Systemic arterial plasma samples were obtained. ET-1 levels were determined by immunometric technique (pg/ml +/- SEM) and total nitrate/nitrite level spectrophotometrically (micromol/l +/- SEM). FINDINGS: Angiographic CVS was documented after SAH induction (n = 12, P < 0.05). The ET-1 level in CSF was significantly elevated by 27.3% to 0.84 +/- 0.08 pg/ml in SAH animals (n = 7) in comparison to controls (0.66 +/- 0.04 pg/ml, n = 7, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in ET-1 levels in systemic and basilar arterial plasma samples of SAH animals compared to controls. A significant lack of local NO metabolites was documented in basilar arterial plasma after SAH (36.8 +/- 3.1 micromol/l, n = 6) compared to controls (61.8 +/- 6.2 micromol/l, n = 6, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that an elevated ET-1 level in CSF and local lack of NO in the basilar arterial plasma samples are associated with CVS after experimental SAH.
The reproducibility of metabolite content determined by MR spectroscopy (MRS) is usually at best a few percent for the prominent singlets. When studying low-concentration metabolites, like phenylalanine (Phe), where tissue content can be <100 micromol/kg, better reproducibility is paramount-particularly in view of using MRS results for potential individual treatment advice. An optimized, targeted spectroscopy method was established at 1.5T and reproducibility was established in 21 patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) where three spectra were recorded in each of three independent sessions, two of which were in immediate succession to minimize physiologic variation. Intersession variation was found to be only 7 micromol/kg Phe for back-to-back repetition of sessions, in close agreement with the variation of 16 micromol/kg observed for single spectra within a session. Analysis of variance proved the individuality of the blood/brain Phe ratio-though this ratio seems to be influenced by physiologic factors that are not stable in time. The excellent reproducibility was achieved through optimization of various factors, including signal-to-noise ratio, repositioning, and prescan calibrations, but also by enforcing as much prior information as possible (e.g., lineshape and phase from reference scans, constant prior-knowledge-locked baseline). While the application of maximum general prior knowledge is a general method to reduce fluctuations, one should remember that it may introduce systematic errors.
Patients with neurosurgical disorders often present with hyponatraemia. Two mechanisms account for hyponatraemia in these patients: the Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) and Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome (CSWS). The two entities differ in their volume status. In SIADH, volume is expanded due to ADH-mediated renal water retention, but in CSWS, volume is diminished as a consequence of renal salt wasting, most likely attributable to an increased secretion of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) and Artrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP). Since it is clinically difficult to distinguish between these two entities, fluid management has to be performed carefully. Salt and fluid replacement appears to be indicated in CSWS, whereas fluid restriction might be the primary approach in patients with SIADH.
We investigated the protective potential of recombinant his-tagged antigens recNcMIC1, recNcMIC3 and recNcROP2, applied either as single vaccines or as vaccine combinations, in BALB/c mouse models for cerebral and fetal infection. Subsequently, mice were mated and challenged by i.p. inoculation of 2 x 10(6)Neospora caninum tachyzoites at day 7 of pregnancy. The mortality and morbidity of adult mice (non-pregnant and dams) and of the newborn pups was studied for a period of 40 days following birth. Vaccination of non-pregnant mice with recNcROP2 or combinations of recNcROP2 with recNcMIC antigens significantly reduced the numbers of mice suffering from clinical signs, and morbidity was completely prevented with the combination of all three antigens. Of the dams, the groups receiving either recNcROP2 alone or the combination of all three antigens did not exhibit any morbidity, the groups receiving ROP2 mixed with either MIC1 or MIC3 exhibited reduced numbers of deaths, and in the infection control group and the adjuvant group 50% and 43% of mice, respectively, succumbed to disease. For pups, the highest survival rates were noted for the groups receiving recNcROP2 (50%) and recNcROP2/NcMIC1/NcMIC3 (35%), while in the infection- and adjuvant- control groups all pups died, the latest at days 25 and 30, respectively. Quantification of parasite DNA by N. caninum-specific real-time PCR revealed consistently lower parasite burdens in brain tissue of pups from vaccinated groups compared with the controls. However, dense granule antigen 2 (GRA2) real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR on brain tissue of surviving pups (applied here to detect viable parasites) demonstrated that only the pups from the group vaccinated with all three antigens in combination appeared free of viable tachyzoites, while in all other groups viable parasites were still present. Serological analysis of humoral (total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a) and serum cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-gamma) responses showed that this effect was associated with a Th-2-biased immune response, with a clearly elevated IL-4/IFN-gamma ratio in the mice receiving all three antigens in combination. In conclusion, a mixture of recombinant antigens representing important secretory micronemal and rhoptry proteins leads to a significant protection against vertical transmission of N. caninum in mice.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the immediate and long-term angiographic and clinical results of endovascular treatment of posterior circulation aneurysms with special regard to technical development.
A pilot study to detect volume changes of cerebral structures in growth hormone (GH)-deficient adults treated with GH using serial 3D MR image processing and to assess need for segmentation prior to registration was conducted.
A comatose 30-month-old, entire male boxer was presented because of an acute history of a cluster of three to four seizures. Neurological examination suggested a diffuse to multifocal intracranial lesion. Magnetic resonance tomography revealed symmetrical multifocal to diffuse changes of the cerebral grey matter and ependymal lining with sediment in the lateral ventricles. Haematological examination revealed leucocytosis with neutrophilia. Cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed high protein concentration and polymorphonuclear pleocytosis. Despite antiepileptic treatment, therapy against increased intracranial pressure and antibiosis, the dog's condition continued to deteriorate and he was euthanased. Pathological examination revealed fibrinosuppurative meningo-ependymitis and necrotising arteritis throughout the brain. In addition, chronic inflammation and arterial stenosis was found in the spinal meninges. No infectious agent was found. A diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis was made. The massive extension into the meninges and ventricular system of the forebrain has not been described previously in dogs with steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis when an intracranial suppurative infection is suspected.
A 7-year-old female spayed Scottish Terrier was presented with central nervous system symptoms suggestive of a lesion in the forebrain. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed multifocal disease in the forebrain. Because of complete lack of contrast enhancement, the changes were attributed to lesions of inflammatory origin.Histopathology of the brain revealed multiplemetastatic lesions of an adenocarcinoma. Brainmetastases in general show contrast enhancement. The reason for a complete absence of contrast enhancement is unknown. Previous administration of corticosteroids, increased diffusion time of contrast medium, increased intracranial pressure in combination with an intact blood–tumor barrier is discussed as possible reasons.
Background: The left superior temporal gyrus (STG) has been suggested to play a key role in auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Eleven medicated subjects with schizophrenia and medication-resistant AVH and 19 healthy controls underwent perfusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with arterial spin labeling (ASL). Three additional repeated measurements were conducted in the patients. Patients underwent a treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) between the first 2 measurements. The main outcome measure was the pooled cerebral blood flow (CBF), which consisted of the regional CBF measurement in the left STG and the global CBF measurement in the whole brain. Results: Regional CBF in the left STG in patients was significantly higher compared to controls (p < 0.0001) and to the global CBF in patients (p < 0.004) at baseline. Regional CBF in the left STG remained significantly increased compared to the global CBF in patients across time (p < 0.0007), and it remained increased in patients after TMS compared to the baseline CBF in controls (p < 0.0001). After TMS, PANSS (p = 0.003) and PSYRATS (p = 0.01) scores decreased significantly in patients. Conclusions: This study demonstrated tonically increased regional CBF in the left STG in patients with schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations despite a decrease in symptoms after TMS. These findings were consistent with what has previously been termed a trait marker of AVH in schizophrenia.
OBJECT A main concern with regard to surgery for low-grade glioma (LGG, WHO Grade II) is maintenance of the patient's functional integrity. This concern is particularly relevant for gliomas in the central region, where damage can have grave repercussions. The authors evaluated postsurgical outcomes with regard to neurological deficits, seizures, and quality of life. METHODS Outcomes were compared for 33 patients with central LGG (central cohort) and a control cohort of 31 patients with frontal LGG (frontal cohort), all of whom had had medically intractable seizures before undergoing surgery with mapping while awake. All surgeries were performed in the period from February 2007 through April 2010 at the same institution. RESULTS For the central cohort, the median extent of resection was 92% (range 80%-97%), and for the frontal cohort, the median extent of resection was 93% (range 83%-98%; p = 1.0). Although the rate of mild neurological deficits was similar for both groups, seizure freedom (Engel Class I) was achieved for only 4 (12.1%) of 33 patients in the central cohort compared with 26 (83.9%) of 31 patients in the frontal cohort (p < 0.0001). The rate of return to work was lower for patients in the central cohort (4 [12.1%] of 33) than for the patients in the frontal cohort (28 [90.3%] of 31; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Resection of central LGG is feasible and safe when appropriate intraoperative mapping is used. However, seizure control for these patients remains poor, a finding that contrasts markedly with seizure control for patients in the frontal cohort and with that reported in the literature. For patients with central LGG, poor seizure control ultimately determines quality of life because most will not be able to return to work.