988 resultados para Compact Dual Band Planar Antenna
The impedance bandwidth of a high permittivity cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna excited by a micro strip line was significantly improved by modifying the feed geometry. The 10 dB return loss bandwidth is enhanced from 12 to 26% without much affecting the gain and other radiation properties of the antenna. Good agreement has been observed between the predicted and measured results
Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodicallyloaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic Corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic Corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost
A new microstrip antenna element is described which exhibits polarization agility. This is achieved by employing a T-slot radiator which is driven by the edge fields of a balanced microstrip line. The balanced line can support two propagating modes. namely. an even mode and an odd mode, and be switching between these modes. the orthogonal arms of the T-slot radiator are separately excited thus forming orthogonally polarized radiated fields. A nucrostrip patch antenna, which displays polarization agility using the sane mechanism, is also described
A simple technique to improve the impedance bandwidth of a circular microstrip patch antenna using two sectorial slots is proposed. Using this design more than 5% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The added advantage of this new antenna is that it can be fed by a 50- microstrip line
A new method for enhancing the 2.1 VSWR impedance bandwidth of microstrip antennas is presented. Bandwidth enhancement is achieved by loading the microstrip antenna by a ceramic microwave dielectric resonator (DR). The validity of this technique has been established using rectangular and circular radiating geometries. This method improves the bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip antenna to more than 10% (= 5 times that of a conventional rectangular microstrip antenna) with an enhanced gain of I dB
Compact-range radar backscatter measurements are taken of aircraft scale models. In addition, computer software is used to predict the RCS of the aircraft. Synthetic down-range profiles formed from the two sources of backscatter data are compared and visualized in an innovative manner. Similar discrimination rates between the two aircraft are obtained on data from both source
A new configuration that employs a conducting conformal strip to excite the low-profile equilaterial-triangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) of very high permittivity is proposed. As compared with the previous aperture-coupling configuration, the new configuration has a wider impedance bandwidth (- 5.5%) and a higher front-to-back radiation ratio. The return loss, radiation patterns, and antenna gain are measured and discussed
A novel H-shaped patch antenna suitable for wireless and satellite communications is presented. The new antenna has some advantages compared to conventional microstrip patch antennas, such as small size, a fewer number of modes, no harmonic resonance, and the provision of pure reactive impedances at its harmonics that can result in increasing the transmitter efficiency. The basic principles and design procedure are introduced. Two antennas at two different frequencies, 4 and 10 GHz, are designed, fabricated, and measured. The measured results show a good agreement with the predicted ones
A novel technique fitr the bat dividth enhancement of conventional rectangular microstrip antenna is proposed in this paper. When a high permittivity dielectric resonator of suitable resonant frequency was loaded over the patch. the % bandwidth of the antenna was increased by more than five tunes without much affecting its gain and radiation performance. A much more improved bandwidth was obtained when the dielectric resonator was placed on the feedline. Experimental study shows a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of more than 10% and excellent cross polarization performance with increased pass band and radiation coverage abnost the same as that of rectangular microstrip antenna
The mathematical formulation of empirically developed formulas Jirr the calculation of the resonant frequency of a thick-substrate (h s 0.08151 A,,) microstrip antenna has been analyzed. With the use qt' tunnel-based artificial neural networks (ANNs), the resonant frequency of antennas with h satisfying the thick-substrate condition are calculated and compared with the existing experimental results and also with the simulation results obtained with the use of an IE3D software package. The artificial neural network results are in very good agreement with the experimental results
An electromagnetically coupled T-shaped microstrip feed used to enhance the impedance bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip antenna is reported. The proposed antenna offers a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of -36% with an increase in gain of 0.8 dB
A novel slope -strip feeding technique for a microstrip antenna is presented in order to achieve a broad bandwidth. The experimental results show that the optimal bandwidth attained is 53.4% for less than -10-dB return loss
A theoretical analysis of a symmetric T-shaped rnicrostripfed rectangular microstrip antenna using the finite-difference titnedoniain (FDTD) method is presented in this paper. The resonant frequency, return loss, impedance bandwidth, and radiation patterns are predicted and are in good agreement with the measured results
Photonic band-gap (PBG) structures are utilized in microwave components as filters to suppress unwanted signals. In this work, rectangular perforations were created in the ground plane of a microstrip line to construct a PBG structure. A gold-coated alumina substrate was utilized to switch or tune the bandstop characteristics of this structure. It was demonstrated that the bandstop characteristics were switched off from - 35 to - 1 dB at 16 GHz. Tuning of the bandstop edge with a shift of 1.5 GHz was also shown