969 resultados para Coffee beverages


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to analyze, using the geoestatistic and a system of classification fuzzy, the fertility of an experimental area with base in chemical attributes of the soil and its relationship with the productivity of the conilon coffee. The study was accomplished in the experimental farm of the INCAPER - ES. The soil samples were collected in the depth of 0 - 0.2 m, being analyzed the attributes: matches, potassium, calcium and magnesium, aluminum, sum of bases, cation exchange capacity (pH 7), and saturation percentage. The data were submitted to a descriptive, exploratory, and geostatistical analysis. A system of fuzzy classification was applied using the attributes described to infer about the fertility of the soil and its relationship with the productivity of the culture. The fertility possibility presented positive spatial relationship with the productivity of the culture, with higher values of this where the possibility of fertile soil is superior.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This in vitro research verified the possibility of eliminating staining caused by coffee and red wine in five composite resins, after being submitted to thermal cycling. Thirty-six specimens were prepared and immersed in water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. After polishing, specimen color was measured in a spectrophotometer Cintra 10 UV (Visible Spectrometer, GBC, Braeside, VIC, Australia). All specimens were submitted to thermal cycling at temperatures of 5 and 55 degrees C with a dwell time of 1 minute, for 1,000 cycles in a 75% ethanol/water solution. After thermal cycling, the specimens were immersed in water at 37 degrees C until 7 days had elapsed from the time the specimens were prepared. All specimens were then taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. The specimens were divided into three groups (N = 12): distilled water (control), coffee, and red wine. For the staining process to occur on only one surface, all the sides, except one, of the surfaces were isolated with white wax. The specimens were immersed in one of the solutions at 37 degrees C for 14 days. The specimens were dried and taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. After this, the specimens were submitted to 20 mu m wear three times, and the color was measured after each one of the wear procedures. Calculation of the color difference was made using CIEDE2000 formula. According to the methodology used in this research, it was concluded that the staining caused by coffee and red wine was superficial and one wear of 20 mu m was sufficient to remove the discoloration.


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Wilcken, S.R.S., E.S. Mori, M. Bacci, L.C.C.B. Ferraz, C.M.G. Oliveira & M.M. Inomoto. 2008. Relationships among Pratylenchus jaehni and P. coffeae populations from Brazil. The relationships among Pratylenchus jaehni (C) and six amphimitic Pratylenchus populations from Brazil (three from banana, PcB1, PcB2, and PcB3; one from Aglaonema sp., M2; one from coffee, K5; and one from citrus, C) were studied through morphological and molecular analysis, and pathogenicity test. The analysis of morphometric characteristics of PcB1, M2, C2 and K5, compared with P. jaehni and P. coffeae (K6) data obtained from literature, delineated three groups: P. coffeae (K6), PcB1 and M2; P. jaehni (C1) and C2; and K5. RAPD analysis of PcB1, PcB2, PcB3, M2, C2, K5 and P.jaehni (C1) demonstrated that these populations form three distinct genetic groups: PcB1, PcB2, PcB3 and M2; P.jaehni and C2; and K5. In pathogenicity test, K5 reproduced well on coffee and caused extensive root necrosis, but C2 did not. Population C2 reproduced well on Rangpur lime, which was previously rated as poor host to K5. Therefore, the results demonstrated that C2 is P. jaehni, K5 is an undescribed species of Pratylenchus, and PcB1, PcB2 and PcB3 are P. coffeae. The taxonomic status of M2 remains inconclusive.


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This study investigated the postprandial plasma responses of carotenoids for 24 h after feeding five specific breakfast beverages; four of which had low or no carotenoid content. In seven fasting healthy elderly female subjects a blood sample (baseline) was obtained, after which they were given a breakfast beverage, containing one of the following: 1) strawberries (240 g); 2) ascorbic acid (1250 mg); 3) spinach (294 g); 4) red wine (300 mL); and 5) control (breakfast beverage only). Blood samples were collected at 0.5, 1, 4, 7, 11, 15 and 24 h. Plasma carotenoids were measured using HPLC. No significant differences were found in the levels of the plasma carotenoids measured among the various treatments at baseline. In the spinach treatment, plasma lutein, zeaxanthin and β-carotene levels at 7, 11, 15 and 24 h were significantly higher than those at baseline, as expected. All of the carotenoids measured in the control and vitamin C treatments, at subsequent sampling times were not significantly different from those at baseline. However, for most carotenoids, strawberry and red wine feeding resulted in significantly lower carotenoids values from baseline at 11 and 15 h. Subjects who received a diet with low levels of carotenoids, but whose postprandial plasma levels of carotenoids remain steady, might be explained by a mechanism that promotes secretion of carotenoids into the circulation. Assuming that plasma carotenoids are being used over time, we hypothesize that strawberries and red wine contain some substances that interfere with the secretion of carotenoids into the circulation.


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One hundred and eleven samples of processed fruit juices (apple, grape, pineapple, papaya, guava, banana and mango) and 38 samples of sound fruits (apple, papaya, mango, pear and peach) produced and marketed in Brazil, were analysed for patulin by HPLC. Only one out of 30 samples of apple juice was found positive at 17 μg/l. Patulin was not detected in the other foodstuffs. It was found in 14 samples of spoiled fruit samples of apple (150-267 μg/kg), pear (134-245 μg/kg) and peach (92-174 μg/kg). Confirmation of the identity of patulin was based on the UV spectrum obtained by the HPLC diode array detector, compared with that of standard patulin, TLC developed by several solvent systems and sprayed with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone, and by acetylation with acetic anhydride.


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A historical chronology of smallpox vaccination in Brazil is presented, with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo. We also present the scientific and philosophical concepts that influenced the regulation and practice of vaccination in Sao Paulo based on the historiographic bibliography, legislation about vaccination, and the debates in the state legislative body. Discovered by Jenner in 1796, the vaccine reached in Brazil in 1804 and was only used in the colonial capital, the city of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1890 decade, smallpox, side by side with yellow fever, typhoid fever and other pestilential diseases, was the major health problem in the State of Sao Paulo. There was also the fear that the vaccine might transmit syphilis, an Unfounded attitude since the product used in Sao Paulo (the 'animal vaccine') was elaborated from bovine serum. The immediate necessity to fight a highly lethal disease that threatened the State population and the coffee-growing business led to the abandonment of the fears and of the liberal principles in favor of the sanitary needs. The vaccine became compulsory in 1891 in the State of Sao Paulo and its application met no resistance on the part of the population, in contrast to the so-called 'Vaccine Revolt' that would occur in Rio de Janeiro in 1904.


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Sixty adult tats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) of the same age (3 months) and with a mean body weight of 228 g were divided into two experimental groups. The control group received solid diet (Purina rat chow) and tap water ad libitum. The other (alcoholic group), received the same solid diet and was allowed to drink only sugar cane brandy dissolved in 30° Gay Lussac (v/v). At the end of periods of 90, 180 and 270 days of treatment, the animals were anaesthetized with ethyl ether during estrus, weighed and sacrificed. The final mean body weights were similar in the control and alcoholic groups. The results showed intense atrophy on the lining epithelium of the endometrium of uterine horns in the alcoholic group. Important ultrastructural epithelial alterations were also observed in the female alcoholic group, such as: intense lipid droplet accumulation, increased rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and mitochondrial size and presence of intraepithelial neutrophils. The secretory activity of these rats was reduced. Therefore, we concluded that alcohol acts as a toxin on the epithelial layer of the rat endometrium.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and characterises of oral lesion in individuals that participated in an Oral Cancer Prevention Program, and also to verify the habits related to tobacco, alcoholic beverages and sun screen. Methods: Seven-hundred and thirty-eight subjects were examined (354 women and 384 men), in Valparaiso, S.P., Brazil. A questionaire was used for the interview for information about habits and characteristics of the lesions. Results: The data showed that 11 % of the subjects had lesions, 13.58% extra oral, and 86.42% intraoral, mainly located in the buccal mucosa, alveolar ridge and floor of mouth. These subjects were sent to the Oral Oncology Center of UNESP-School of Dentistry. As for the habits, 24% smoke (57.7% of them smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day), and 21.4% drink alcoholic beverage frequently. Only 43% used sun screen. Conclusion: According to the results the population has to be aware of lesions, particularly with regard to oral cancer prevention.


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Transposons are mobile genetic elements found within the genomes of various organisms including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Fragments of the transposon Tn1721 were found included in the genome of Xylella fastidiosa strain 9a5c. Regions from such fragments were PCR-amplified using specially designed primers (TNP1 and TNP2). In order to detect insertions of the Tn1721 element, both primers were used and one of them included a region of the transposon (TNP1) and the other one had the right repeat and part of the bacterial chromosome (TNP2). The PCR products obtained from strain 9a5c were used as a pattern for fragment size comparisons when DNA samples from other X. fastidiosa strains were used as template for the PCR assays. Differences were observed concerning the PCR products of such amplifications when some X. fastidiosa strains isolated from grapevine and plum were used. For the citrus-derived strains only the strains U187d and GP920b produced fragments with different sizes or weak band intensity. Such variations in the X. fastidiosa genome related to disrupted Tn1721 copies are probably due to the possibility of such a transposon element being still able to duplicate even after deletion events might have taken place and also because the bacterial strains in which the main differences were detected are derived from different host plants cultivated under different climate conditions from the one used as reference. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trichilia catigua A. Juss. - Meliaceae has been traditionally used as a tonic and digestive medicine. Some Brazilian pharmaceutical firms use this species to produce phytopharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages. The aim of this work is to determine its geographical distribution and characterise the environments where catuaba is found in the state of Paraná, in order to support the domestication strategy for the agricultural production of this species. Based on the literature, botanical collections and field observations it was established, that five species of the genus occurring in Paraná, which were identified as T casaretti, T catigua, T claussenii, T elegans, T pallida and another supposed to be T pattens. Trichilia catigua occurs within a wide but defined strip in the state. By evaluating data of climate; soil types; natural vegetation formations; mean, maximum and minimum temperatures; relative humidity; rainfall; altitudes and evapotranspiration the strip may be localised above latitude 25° in the central and Eastern regions of the state and above latitude 26° in South-western Parana. In general, T catigua was found to occur on fertile, organic-matter-rich soils and predominantly under forest canopies.


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Coffea canephora plants (clone INCAPER-99) were submitted to low N (LN) or high N (HN) applications and two watering regimes (daily irrigation and irrigation every 5 days for a month). Although water potential was not altered significantly by N, HN plants showed higher relative water content than did LN plants under water deficit. Only HN plants exhibited some ability for osmotic adjustment. Plants from both N treatments increased their cell wall rigidity under drought, with a more pronounced augmentation in HN plants. In well-watered plants, carbon assimilation rate increased with increasing N while stomatal conductance did not respond to N supply. Under drought conditions, carbon assimilation decreased by 68-80% compared to well-watered plants, whereas stomatal conductance and transpiration rate declined by 35% irrespective of the N applications. Stable carbon isotope analysis, combined with leaf gas exchange measurements, indicated that regardless of the watering treatments, N increased the long-term water use efficiency through changes in carbon assimilation with little or no effect on stomatal behaviour.


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In uplands and lowlands of Santa Teresa, central Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 405 bird species were confirmed by field, museum, and literature studies. Of these, 16 seem to have disappeared, while 67 other species seem to have been lost from the lowlands (where no large biological reserves exist). Due to a suggestion that human areas add species to beta-diversity, we verified that up to 79 species now present have perhaps invaded with human activity (and 10 others are likely to invade), a total similar to that for lost species. However, lost species are often rare and invading species often widespread, resulting in exchange of Picassos for Coca-Cola bottles. Furthermore, gains exceed losses only when large biological reserves are present, as in the uplands (Nova Lombardia, Santa Lucia Reserves, each with over 250 species). Small or irregular reserves usually lose well over half their species, and these are only partly replaced by the invaders, resulting in net losses of up to half the local avifaunas. If one lists only 31 probable invaders, rather than a possible 79, things are even worse; net losses occur even in the entire township and near reserves, reaching over 200 species around lowland private reserves. Future productive development of human areas can eliminate or maltreat many invading species, too. While approving taxes on improductive use of land, as it leaves other areas free, we suggest that many current local uses, such as for coffee, are luxury production and could, be taxed.


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The region known as the pioneer north of Paraná State can be considered one of the most severely modified in southern Brazil, due to the colonization that started at the end of 19th century. In this little known region, seldom visited by traveler naturalists of the past, the collector Adolph Hempel obtained an important series of bird specimens that constitute, in many cases, the only - and last - information concerning the avifauna of this region. For several reasons, Fazenda Cayoá has been associated with the State of São Paulo, although it was an important center for coffee in the early 20th. century and is near the left bank of Rio Paranapanema, thus in the State of Paraná.