983 resultados para Cobb broilers
This paper try to analyze unique data set for rice producing agricultural households in some selected areas of Bago and Yangon divisions to examine the households' profit efficiency and the relationship between farm and household attributes and profit inefficiency using a Cobb-Douglas production frontier function. The frequency distribution reveals that the mean technical inefficiency is 0.1627 with a minimum of 3 percent and maximum of 73 percent which indicates that, on average, about 16% of potential maximum output is lost owing to technical inefficiency in both studied areas. While 85% of the sample farms exhibit profit inefficiency of 20% or less, about 40% of the sample farms is found to exhibit technical inefficiency of 20% or less, indicating that among the sample farms technical inefficiency is much lower than profit inefficiency.
A trial was conducted to determine the apparent digestibility (ATTD) and AME content of different lipid sources in 21d-old broilers. There were a control diet based on corn and soybean meal without any supplemental fat and 6 additional diets forming a 3x2 factorial with 3 sources of fat (soy oil, SBO; reconstituted monoglyceride oil, RMG; and reconstituted triglyceride oil, RTG) included in the diet (3 or 6%) at expenses (wt:wt) of the basal diet.
Sustainability is an adjective used to characterize agriculture according to the degree of fulfillment of goals. Those goals are related to agro-ecological, environmental and socio-economic dimensions. Sustainability is a dynamic and temporal character. In absolute terms there is not an ending value because it changes as its dimensions make it. Spain is one of the main agricultural countries of the European Union both in terms of crop land and value of productions. The object of this study is to present a methodology of sustainability account to be incorporated into national statistical and to assess their performance in the course of the years. For that reason the data sources used have been the statistics of the Department of Agriculture and from others database. We presented a set of indicators of sustainability and its evaluation in a time series of at least 30 years. The trend analysis offers the evolution of the numerical values of the indicators in terms of efficiency, physical units used for a unit of product or its value in euros. The analyzed crops have been: wheat, barley, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, wine grape, olive oil, citrus, melon and tomato. Physical indicators were: land, water, energy, erosion, soil organic matter, and carbon balance; socio-economic indicators were: agricultural final production, prices, income, employment and use of fertilizers. In general, all crops increased their productive efficiency, higher in irrigated than on dry land. Spanish agricultural carbon sequestration capacity has multiplied by five in the last seventy years, as a result of the increase in the productivity of crops, in terms of total biomass and the modification of the soil management techniques. Livestock sector presents data of pork, broilers and laying hen. Those showed an improvement in efficiency and economic indicators. Overall we can say that Spanish agriculture and livestock subsector have a tendency towards sustainability, being its main threats extreme meteorological factors and the instability of todays markets.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of a mono component serine protease (RONOZYME ProAct, DSM Nutritional Products) in diets with two different AMEn contents on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of amino acids (AA) and growth performance in broilers from 1 to 18 days of age.
Las cantidades de grasas y aceites destinadas a la producción de biodiesel han aumentado en los últimos años a nivel mundial (National Biodiesel Board, 2012). La glicerina cruda (Gly) es un subproducto de la industria del biodiesel que contiene cantidades variables de humedad, cenizas y glicerol. La Gly es una fuente atractiva de energía que se utiliza actualmente como sustituto parcial del grano de cereal en dietas para avicultura y otras especies domésticas (Swiatkiewicz y Koreleski, 2009). Se estima que el nivel máximo de Gly a utilizar en piensos para broilers varía entre 5 y 10% (Cerrate et al., 2006). A estos niveles de inclusión, la Gly no presenta efecto negativo alguno sobre la salud o los parámetros productivos de las aves. Sin embargo, la calidad de las Gly comerciales varía en función de su origen, composición y proceso de obtención. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la fuente y el nivel de glicerina cruda en el pienso sobre el rendimiento productivo en pollos de engorde de 1 a 21 días de edad.
Numerosos estudios (Brickett et al., 2007; Serrano et al., 2012) han demostrado que la granulación del pienso mejora el consumo, los IC y el PV en broilers. La granulación podría aumentar la digestibilidad de algunos de los componentes de la dieta (Abdollahi et al., 2011) y reducir las pérdidas de alimento en animales no rumiantes (Serrano et al., 2012; Berrocoso et al., 2013). Sin embargo, la información disponible sobre el efecto de la presentación del pienso sobre la productividad en pollitas es escasa. Debido a su menor consumo y menor velocidad de crecimiento, es de esperar que los beneficios de la granulación sean inferiores, en valores absolutos, en pollitas que en broilers. La densidad energética del pienso afecta al crecimiento y al IC en avicultura. Las aves comen para satisfacer sus necesidades energéticas (Nahashon et al, 2006) y por tanto, aumentan la ingesta voluntaria de pienso al disminuir el contenido de energía del mismo (Veldkamp et al, 2005). Sin embargo, las pollitas podrían no ser capaces de mantener constante la ingesta de energía con dietas muy diluidas (Pérez-Bonilla et al., 2012). Por otra parte, piensos muy energéticos son más palatables y tienden a aumentar el consumo voluntario, lo que podría resultar en mejoras de las GMD y de los IC (Frikha et al., 2009a; Perez-Bonilla et al., 2012). El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos de la presentación del pienso y la concentración energética del mismo sobre los rendimientos productivos en pollitas de 1 a 35 d de edad.
La fibra ha sido considerada como un diluyente del pienso en monogástricos con efectos negativos sobre consumo y la digestibilidad de los nutrientes (Jansen and Carré, 1985). Sin embargo, estudios recientes (Mateos et al., 2012) han mostrado que la inclusión de cantidades moderadas de fibra en el pienso podría mejorar tanto la digestibilidad de los nutrientes como el crecimiento de las aves. La inclusión de fibra en piensos para broilers podría incrementar el tiempo de retención de la digesta en la parte superior del tracto digestivo, estimulando el funcionamiento de la molleja (Hetland et al. 2005) y la producción de HCl en el proventrículo (Duke, 1986). Un descenso del pH de la molleja favorece la producción de pepsina e incrementa la solubilidad de las sales minerales (Jiménez-Moreno et al. 2009). Por lo tanto, la inclusión de cantidades adecuadas de fibra podría beneficiar el desarrollo del tracto gastrointestinal (Mateos et al., 2012). Sin embargo, la información disponible sobre los efectos beneficiosos de la fibra dietética en pollitas es escasa (Frikha et al., 2009). De hecho, los autores no han encontrado ningún estudio publicado sobre los efectos de la inclusión de fibra sobre el crecimiento de pollitas de 0 a 17 sem de edad. La influencia de fuentes de fibra tales como la cascarilla de avena, pulpa de remolacha (PRE) o cascarilla de soja sobre el desarrollo del tracto gastrointestinal ha sido bien estudiada en broilers (González-Alvarado el al., 2010). Sin embargo, la información disponible sobre el uso de paja de cereales (PCE) en dietas para avicultura es muy limitada; aun siendo una fuente de fibra abundante. La hipótesis del presente ensayo fue que la inclusión de cantidades moderadas de fibra en piensos de pollitas podría mejorar el rendimiento productivo con una mejora de la utilización de los nutrientes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la inclusión de diversas fuentes de fibra a diferentes niveles en el pienso de pollitas sobre los rendimientos productivos de 0 a 17 sem de edad.
La fibra dietética representa la fracción indigestible de los ingredientes del pienso por lo que diluye el contenido en nutrientes del mismo (Rougière y Carré, 2010). Además, un aumento en el nivel de fibra del pienso puede reducir el consumo voluntario (Sklan et al., 2003), alterar el perfil de la flora gastrointestinal y aumentar la incidencia de procesos entéricos (Janssen and Carré, 1985). Sin embargo, estudios recientes muestran que la inclusión de ciertas fuentes de fibras a niveles adecuados podrían mejorar los rendimientos productivos y reducir la incidencia de problemas digestivos en aves (Mateos, 2012). En broilers, la inclusión de fibra adicional en el pienso mejoró la fisiología digestiva, aumentando el tamaño de la molleja, reduciendo el pH de la digesta de este órgano (Sacranie et al., 2012) y mejorando de los rendimientos productivos (González-Alvarado et al., 2010). Fuentes de fibra insoluble tales como la cascarilla de avena (CAV), la cascarilla de girasol (CGI) y la paja de cereales (PCE) podrían mejorar la fisiología del tracto gastrointestinal (TGI) y la digestibilidad de ciertos nutrientes cuando se incluyen en el pienso en cantidades moderadas (Hetland et al., 2003). Por otro lado, fuentes de fibra soluble, tal como la pulpa de remolacha (PRE), incrementan la viscosidad intestinal, lo que podría reducir el consumo de pienso (Jiménez-Moreno et al., 2010). Los autores no han encontrado estudio alguno sobre los efectos de la inclusión de fibra adicional en el pienso sobre los rendimientos productivos de pollitas comerciales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de incluir diversas fuentes de fibra a diferentes niveles en el pienso sobre los rendimientos productivos de pollitas de 1 a 35 d de edad.
The study examined the effect of xylanase supplementation on apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and hepatic vitamin E and carotenoids in broiler chickens fed wheat based diets. A total of one hundred forty four male Ross 308 chickens were used in this study. Birds were randomly assigned to 3 dietary treatments (8 cages per treatment of 6 male broilers each) for 14 days from 7 to 21 day old. The control treatment was based on wheat-soyabean meal and was either unsupplemented or supplemented with either 1000 or 2000 xylanase units per kg diet. Orthogonal polynomial contrasts were used to test linear response to dietary xylanase activity. There was a positive linear relationship (P < 0.05) between dietary AME and doses of supplementary xylanase. A linear relationship (P < 0.05) was also observed between dosage of xylanase supplementation and hepatic vitamin E concentration and retention. In conclusion, xylanase supplementation improved dietary AME and increased hepatic vitamin E concentration which may have positive effects on the antioxidative status of the birds.
Este estudio pretende estimar la eficiencia y la productividad de las principales provincias de la producción de trigo en Egipto. Los datos utilizados en este estudio son datos de panel a nivel de provincias del período 1990-2012, obtenidos del Ministerio de Agricultura y Recuperación Tierras, y de la Agencia Central de Movilización Pública y Estadística, Egipto. Se aplica el enfoque de fronteras estocásticas para medir la eficiencia (función de producción de Cobb-Douglas) y se emplean las especificaciones de Battese y Coelli (1992) y (1995). También se utiliza el índice de Malmquist como una aproximación no paramétrica (Análisis de Envolvente de Datos) para descomponer la productividad total de los factores de las principales provincias productoras de trigo en Egipto en cambio técnico y cambio de eficiencia. El coeficiente de tierra es positivo y significativo en los dos especificaciones Battese y Coelli (1992) y (1995), lo que implica que aumentar la tierra para este cultivo aumentaría significativamente la producción de trigo. El coeficiente de trabajo es positivo y significativo en la especificación de Battese y Coelli (1992), mientras que es positivo y no significativo en la especificación de Battese y Coelli (1995). El coeficiente de la maquinaria es negativo y no significativo en las dos especificaciones de Battese y Coelli (1992) y (1995). El coeficiente de cambio técnico es positivo y no significativo en la especificación de Battese y Coelli (1992), mientras que es positiva y significativo en la especificación de Battese y Coelli (1995). Las variables de efectos del modelo de ineficiencia Battese y Coelli (1995) indican que no existe impacto de las diferentes provincias en la producción de trigo en Egipto; la ineficiencia técnica de la producción de trigo tendió a disminuir durante el período de estudio; y no hay ningún impacto de género en la producción de trigo en Egipto. Los niveles de eficiencia técnica varían entre las diferentes provincias para las especificaciones de Battese y Coelli (1992) y (1995); el nivel mínimo medio de eficiencia técnica es 91.61% en la provincia de Fayoum, mientras que el nivel máximo medio de la eficiencia técnica es 98.69% en la provincia de Dakahlia. La eficiencia técnica toma un valor medio de 95.37%, lo que implica poco potencial para mejorar la eficiencia de uso de recursos en la producción de trigo. La TFPCH de la producción de trigo en Egipto durante el período 1990-2012 tiene un valor menor que uno y muestra un declive. Esta disminución es debida más al componente de cambio técnico que al componente de cambio de eficiencia. La disminución de TFPCH mejora con el tiempo. La provincia de Menoufia tiene la menor disminución en TFPCH, 6.5%, mientras que dos provincias, Sharkia y Dakahlia, son las que más disminuyen en TFPCH, 13.1%, en cada uno de ellas. Menos disminución en TFPCH ocurre en el período 2009-2010, 0.3%, mientras que más disminución se produce en TFPCH en el período 1990-1991, 38.9%. La disminución de la PTF de la producción de trigo en Egipto se atribuye principalmente a la mala aplicación de la tecnología. ABSTRACT The objectives of this study are to estimate the efficiency and productivity of the main governorates of wheat production in Egypt. The data used in this study is a panel data at the governorates level, it represents the time period 1990-2012 and taken from the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Egypt. We apply the stochastic frontier approach for efficiency measurement (Cobb-Douglas production function) and the specifications of Battese and Coelli (1992) and (1995) are employed. Also we use Malmquist TFP index as a non-parametric approach (DEA) to decompose total factor productivity of the main governorates of wheat production in Egypt into technical change and efficiency change. The coefficient of land is positive and significant at Battese and Coelli (1992) and (1995) specifications, implying that increasing the wheat area could significantly enhance the production of wheat. The coefficient of labor is positive and significant at Battese and Coelli (1992) specification, while it is positive and insignificant at Battese and Coelli (1995) specification. The coefficient of machinery is negative and insignificant at the specifications of Battese and Coelli (1992) and (1995). The technical change coefficient is positive and insignificant at Battese and Coelli (1992) specification, while it is positive and significant at Battese and Coelli (1995) specification. The variables of the inefficiency effect model indicate that there is no impact from the location of the different governorates on wheat production in Egypt, the technical inefficiency of wheat production tended to decrease through the period of study, and there is no impact from the gender on wheat production in Egypt. The levels of technical efficiency vary among the different governorates for the specifications of Battese and Coelli (1992) and (1995); the minimum mean level of technical efficiency is 91.61% at Fayoum governorate, while the maximum mean level of technical efficiency is 98.69% at Dakahlia governorate. The technical efficiency takes an average value of 95.37%, this implying that little potential exists to improve resource use efficiency in wheat production. The TFPCH of wheat production in Egypt during the time period 1990-2012 has a value less than one and shows a decline; this decline is due mainly to the technical change component than the efficiency change component. The decline in TFPCH is generally improves over time. Menoufia governorate has the least declining in TFPCH by 6.5%, while two governorates, Sharkia and Dakahlia have the most declining in TFPCH by 13.1% for each of them. The least declining in TFPCH occurred at the period 2009- 2010 by 0.3%, while the most declining in TFPCH occurred at the period 1990-1991 by 38.9%. The declining in TFP of wheat production in Egypt is attributed mainly to poor application of technology.
The microrchidia, or morc, autosomal recessive mutation results in the arrest of spermatogenesis early in prophase I of meiosis. The morc mutation arose spontaneously during the development of a mouse strain transgenic for a tyrosinase cDNA construct. Morc −/− males are infertile and have grossly reduced testicular mass, whereas −/− females are normal, indicating that the Morc gene acts specifically during male gametogenesis. Immunofluorescence to synaptonemal complex antigens demonstrated that −/− male germ cells enter meiosis but fail to progress beyond zygotene or leptotene stage. An apoptosis assay revealed massive numbers of cells undergoing apoptosis in testes of −/− mice. No other abnormal phenotype was observed in mutant animals, with the exception of eye pigmentation caused by transgene expression in the retina. Spermatogenesis is normal in +/− males, despite significant transgene expression in germ cells. Genomic analysis of −/− animals indicates the presence of a deletion adjacent to the transgene. Identification of the gene inactivated by the transgene insertion may define a novel biochemical pathway involved in mammalian germ cell development and meiosis.
Sepsis induces extensive lymphocyte apoptosis, a process which may be beneficial to host survival by down-regulating the inflammatory response or, alternatively, harmful by impairing host defenses. To determine the beneficial vs. adverse effects of lymphocyte apoptosis in sepsis, we blocked lymphocyte apoptosis either by N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(O-methyl) fluoromethyl ketone (z-VAD), a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, or by use of Bcl-2 Ig transgenic mice that selectively overexpress the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 in a lymphoid pattern. Both z-VAD and Bcl-2 prevented lymphocyte apoptosis and resulted in a marked improvement in survival. z-VAD did not decrease lymphocyte tumor necrosis factor-α production. Considered together, these two studies employing different methods of blocking lymphocyte apoptosis provide compelling evidence that immunodepression resulting from the loss of lymphocytes is a central pathogenic event in sepsis, and they challenge the current paradigm that regards sepsis as a disorder resulting from an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Caspase inhibitors may represent a treatment strategy in this highly lethal disorder.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors that regulate glucose and lipid homeostasis. The PPARγ subtype plays a central role in the regulation of adipogenesis and is the molecular target for the 2,4-thiazolidinedione class of antidiabetic drugs. Structural studies have revealed that agonist ligands activate the PPARs through direct interactions with the C-terminal region of the ligand-binding domain, which includes the activation function 2 helix. GW0072 was identified as a high-affinity PPARγ ligand that was a weak partial agonist of PPARγ transactivation. X-ray crystallography revealed that GW0072 occupied the ligand-binding pocket by using different epitopes than the known PPAR agonists and did not interact with the activation function 2 helix. In cell culture, GW0072 was a potent antagonist of adipocyte differentiation. These results establish an approach to the design of PPAR ligands with modified biological activities.
The maize endosperm-specific gene shrunken2 (Sh2) encodes the large subunit of the heterotetrameric starch synthetic enzyme adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP; EC Here we exploit an in vivo, site-specific mutagenesis system to create short insertion mutations in a region of the gene known to be involved in the allosteric regulation of AGP. The site-specific mutagen is the transposable element dissociation (Ds). Approximately one-third (8 of 23) of the germinal revertants sequenced restored the wild-type sequence, whereas the remaining revertants contained insertions of 3 or 6 bp. All revertants retained the original reading frame 3' to the insertion site and involved the addition of tyrosine and/or serine. Each insertion revertant reduced total AGP activity and the amount of the SH2 protein. The revertant containing additional tyrosine and serine residues increased seed weight 11-18% without increasing or decreasing the percentage of starch. Other insertion revertants lacking an additional serine reduced seed weight. Reduced sensitivity to phosphate, a long-known inhibitor of AGP, was found in the high seed-weight revertant. This alteration is likely universally important since insertion of tyrosine and serine in the potato large subunit of AGP at the comparable position and expression in Escherichia coli also led to a phosphate-insensitive enzyme. These results show that single gene mutations giving rise to increased seed weight, and therefore perhaps yield, are clearly possible in a plant with a long history of intensive and successful breeding efforts.
The coding sequence of rat MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1) has been determined from multiple, independent cDNA clones. The cDNA is full-length based on the presence of stop codons in all three reading frames of the 5' untranslated region. Probes from the 5' and the 3' coding sequences both hybridize to a 7-kb mRNA. The open reading frame is 4.5 kb and predicts a protein with molecular mass of 161,225 Da, which is twice the size of the previously published MEKK1 sequence and reveals 801 amino acids of novel coding sequence. The novel sequence contains two putative pH domains, two proline-rich regions, and a cysteine-rich region. Antisera to peptides derived from this new sequence recognize an endogenous protein in human and rodent cells of 195 kDa, consistent with the size of the expressed rat MEKK1 clone. Endogenous and recombinant rat MEKK1 are enriched in membranes; little of either is found in soluble fractions. Expression of recombinant rat MEKK1 leads to activation of three mitogen-activated protein kinase modules in the order c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase > p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase = extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2.