996 resultados para Cluster monitoring


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We experimentally demonstrate a frequency modulation locked servo loop, locked to a resonance line of an on-chip microdisk resonator in a silicon nitride platform. By using this approach, we demonstrate real-time monitoring of refractive index variations with a precision approaching 10(-7) RIU, using a moderate Q factor of 10(4). The approach can be applied for intensity independent, dynamic and precise index of refraction monitoring for biosensing applications.


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BACKGROUND: Routine assessment of dry weight in chronic hemodialysis patients relies primarily on clinical evaluation of patient fluid status. We evaluated whether measurement of postdialytic vascular refill could assist in the assessment of dry weight. METHODS: Twenty-eight chronic, stable hemodialysis patients were studied during routine treatment sessions using constant dialysate temperature and dialysate sodium concentration, and relative changes in blood volume were monitored using Crit-Line III monitors throughout this study. The study was divided into three phases. Phase 1 studies evaluated the time-dependence of vascular compartment refill after completion of hemodialysis. Phase 2 studies evaluated the relationships in patient subgroups between intradialytic changes in blood volume and the presence of postdialytic vascular compartment refill during that last 10 minutes of hemodialysis after stopping ultrafiltration. Phase 3 studies evaluated the extent of dry weight changes following the application of a protocol for blood volume reduction, postdialytic vascular compartment refill, and correlation with clinical evidence of intradialytic hypovolemia and/or postdialytic fatigue. Phase 3 included anywhere from three to five treatments. RESULTS: Phase 1 studies demonstrated that despite interpatient variability in the magnitude of postdialytic vascular compartment refill, when significant refill was evident, it always continued for at least 30 minutes. However, the majority of refill took place within 10 minutes postdialysis. Phase 2 studies identified 3 groups of patients: those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume but not postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 1), those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 2), and those whose blood volume did not change substantially during hemodialysis treatment (group 3). In phase 3 studies, use of an ultrafiltration protocol for blood volume reduction and monitoring of postdialytic vascular compartment refill combined with clinical assessment of hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue demonstrated that patients often had a clinical dry weight assessment which was too low or too high. In all 28 patients studied, dry weight was either increased or decreased following use of this protocol. CONCLUSION: Determination of the extent of both intradialytic decreases in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill, combined with clinical assessment of intradialytic hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue, can help assess patient dry weight and optimize volume status while reducing dialysis associated morbidity. The number of hospital admissions due to fluid overload may be reduced.


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Although Microcystis-based toxins have been intensively studied, previous studies using laboratory cultures of Microcystis strains are difficult to explain the phenomenon that microcystin concentrations and toxin variants in natural blooms differ widely and frequently within a short-term period. The present study was designed to unravel the mechanisms for the frequent variations of intracellular toxins related to the differences in cyanobacterial colonies during bloom seasons in Lake Taihu, China. Monitoring of Microcystis colonies during warm seasons indicated that the variations in microcystins in both concentrations and toxin species were associated with the frequent alteration of Microcystis colonies in Lake Taihu. High concentration of microcystins in the blooms was always associated with two Microcystis colonies, Microcystis flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa, whereas when Microcystis wesenbergii was the dominant colonial type, the toxin production of the blooms was low. Additionally, environmental factors such as temperature and nutrition were also shown to have an effect on the toxin production of the blooms, and may also potentially influence the Microcystis species present. The results of the present study provides insight into a new consideration for quick water quality monitoring, assessment and risk alert in cyanobacterium- and toxin-contaminated freshwaters, which will be beneficial not only for water agencies but also for public health. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We generalize the standard many-body expansion technique that is used to approximate the total energy of a molecular system to enable the treatment of chemical reactions by quantum chemical techniques. By considering all possible assignments of atoms to monomer units of the many-body expansion and associating suitable weights with each, we construct a potential energy surface that is a smooth function of the nuclear positions. We derive expressions for this reactive many-body expansion energy and describe an algorithm for its evaluation, which scales polynomially with system size, and therefore will make the method feasible for future condensed phase simulations. We demonstrate the accuracy and smoothness of the resulting potential energy surface on a molecular dynamics trajectory of the protonated water hexamer, using the Hartree-Fock method for the many-body term and Møller-Plesset theory for the low order terms of the many-body expansion.


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The detection performance regarding stationary acoustic monitoring of Yangtze finless porpoises Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis was compared to visual observations. Three stereo acoustic data loggers (A-tag) were placed at different locations near the confluence of Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River, China. The presence and number of porpoises were determined acoustically and visually during each 1-min time bin. On average, porpoises were acoustically detected 81.7 +/- 9.7% of the entire effective observation time, while the presence of animals was confirmed visually 12.7 +/- 11.0% of the entire time. Acoustic monitoring indicated areas of high and low porpoise densities that were consistent with visual observations. The direction of porpoise movement was monitored using stereo beams, which agreed with visual observations at all monitoring locations. Acoustic and visual methods could determine group sizes up to five and ten individuals, respectively. While the acoustic monitoring method had the advantage of high detection probability, it tended to underestimate group size due to the limited resolution of sound source bearing angles. The stationary acoustic monitoring method proved to be a practical and useful alternative to visual observations, especially in areas of low porpoise density for long-term monitoring.


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Wild-type Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, a filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, produces single heterocysts at semi-regular intervals. asr0100 (patU5) and alr0101 (patU3) are homologous to the 5' and 3' portions of patU of Nostoc punctiforme. alr0099 (hetZ) overlaps the 5' end of patU5. hetZ, patU5 and patU3 were all upregulated, or expressed specifically, in proheterocysts and heterocysts. Mutants of hetZ showed delayed or no heterocyst differentiation. In contrast, a patU3 mutation produced a multiple contiguous heterocyst (Mch) phenotype and restored the formation of otherwise lost intercalary heterocysts in a patA background. Decreasing the expression of patU3 greatly increased the frequency of heterocysts in a mini-patS strain. Two promoter regions and two principal, corresponding transcripts were detected in the hetZ-patU5-patU3 region. Transcription of hetZ was upregulated in a hetZ mutant and downregulated in a patU3 mutant. When mutants hetZ::C.K2 and hetZ::Tn5-1087b were nitrogen-deprived, P-hetC-gfp was very weakly expressed, and in hetZ::Tn5-1087b, P-hetR-gfp was relatively strongly expressed in cells that had neither a regular pattern nor altered morphology. We conclude that the hetZ-patU5-patU3 cluster plays an important role in co-ordination of heterocyst differentiation and pattern formation. The presence of homologous clusters in filamentous genera without heterocysts is suggestive of a more general role.


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Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon that was widely used for seed dressing in prevention of fungal growth on crops, and also as a component of fireworks, ammunition, and synthetic rubbers. Because of its resistance to degradation and mobility, HCB is widely distributed throughout the environment and is accumulated through food chains in different ecosystems. In this study, a preliminary investigation was carried out on the bioaccumulation and the toxic effects of HCB in the microbial (protozoan in particular) communities in the Fuhe River, Wuhan, a water body receiving industrial wastewaters containing HCB and other pollutants, using the standardized polyurethane foam units (PFU) method. Field samples were taken from eight stations established along the Fuhe River in January and August 2006. The concentration ratios of HCB in microbial communities and in water were 9.66-18.64, and the microbial communities accumulated 13.29-56.88 mu g/L of HCB in January and 0.82-10.25 mu g/L HCB in August. Correlation analysis showed a negative correlation between the HCB contents in the microbial assemblage, and the number of species and the diversity index of the protozoan communities. This study demonstrated the applicability of the PFU method in monitoring the effects of HCB on the level of microbial communities.


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In order to imitate the restoration succession process of natural water ecosystem, a laboratory microcosm system of constant-flow-restoration was designed and established. A eutrophycation lake, Lake Donghu, was selected as the subject investigated. Six sampling stations were set on the lake, among which the water of station IV was natural clean water, and others were polluted with different degrees. Polyurethane foam unit microbial communities, which had colonized in the stations for a month, were collected from these stations and placed in their respective microcosms, using clean water of station IV to gradually replace the water of these microcosms. In this process, the healthy community in clean water continuously replaced the damaged communities in polluted water, the restoration succession of the damaged communities was characterized by weekly determination of several functional and structural community parameters, including species number (S), diversity index (DI), community pollution value (CPV), heterotrophy index (HI), and similarity coefficient. Cluster analysis based on similarity coefficient was used to compare the succession discrepancies of these microbial communities from different stations. The ecological succession of microbial communities during restoration was investigated by the variable patterns of these parameters, and based on which, the restoration standards of these polluted stations were suggested in an ecological sense. That was, while being restored, the water of station 0 (supereutrophycation) should be substituted with natural clean water by 95%; station I (eutrophycation), more than 90%; station II (eutrophycation), more than 85%; station III (eutrophycation), about 85%; station V (mesoetitrophycation), less than 50%. The effects of the structural and functional parameters in monitoring and assessing ecological restoration are analyzed and compared. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In typical conventional foundation design, the inherent variability of soil properties, model uncertainty and construction variability are not modeled explicitly. A main drawback of this is that the effect of each variability on the probability of an unfavorable event cannot be evaluated quantitatively. In this paper, a method to evaluate the uncertainty-reduction effect on the performance of a vertically-loaded pile foundation by monitoring the pile performance (such as pile load testing or placing sensors in piles) is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined based on the investigation of a 120-pile foundation placed on three different ground profiles. The computed results show the capability of evaluating the uncertainty-reduction effect on the performance of a pile foundation by monitoring. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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There is increasing recognition that protozoa is very useful in monitoring and evaluating water ecological healthy and quality. In order to study the relationship between structure and function of protozoan communities and water qualities, six sampling stations were set on Lake Donghu, a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake. Microbial communities and protists sampling from the six stations was conducted by PFU (Polyurethane foam unit) method. Species number (S), diversity index (DI), percentage of phytomastigophra, community pollution value (CPV), community similarity and heterophy index (HI) were mensurated. The measured indicators of water quality included total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH4 (+), NO2 (-) and NO3-. Every month water samples from stations I, II, III, IV were chemically analyzed for a whole year, Among the chemically analyzed stations, station I was the most heavily polluted, station II was the next, stations III and IV had similar pollution degrees. The variable tendencies of COD, TP, NH3, NO2-, NO3-, and DO during the year was approximately coincident among the six stations. Analysis from the community parameters showed that the pollution of station 0 was much more serious than others, and station V was the most slight. Of the community parameters, CPV and HI were sensitive in reflecting the variables of the water quality. Community similarity index was also sensitive in dividing water qualities and the water quality status of different stations could be correctly classified by the cluster analysis. DI could reflect the tendency of water quality gradient, species number and percentage of Phytomastigophora was not obvious in indicating the water quality gradient.


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Polyurethane foam unit (PFU) systems were collected from 11 lakes and three rivers in the Yunnan Plateau, China and, the PFU extrusion liquids, were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GCECD). The concentrations of pp'-DDE, HCB and HCHs were undetectable to 1.86 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.27 mu g l(-1)), undetectable to 0.72 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.11 mu g l(-1)), and 0.24-21.95 mu g l(-1) (mean 7.39 mu g l(-1)) respectively in lakes; and those in rivers were undetectable to 0.23 mu g l(-1) (mean 0.08 mu g l(-1)), 0.68-2.93 mu g l(-1) (mean 1.70 mu g l(-1)), and 2.71-37.56 mu g l(-1) (mean 17.01 mu g l(-1)) respectively. Notably, some residue levels of OCPs exceeded the US National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, implying Yunnan has levels of OCPs potentially harmful to human health. Further, the contamination by OCPs showed an obvious spatial distribution pattern. Amongst the lakes, Dianchi, Xingyun, Lugu and Yangzonghai had the highest OCP levels dominated by beta-HCH, whereas among rivers, Nujiang and Lancang Rivers had the highest contents of OCPs dominated by alpha-HCH. This demonstrates that HCHs are the predominant contaminants and some point sources of HCHs may still exist in Yunnan. The pollution levels in Yunnan were compared with other studies, suggesting the PFU method is suitable for long-term on-line monitoring of trace OCPs in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, continuous studies monitoring OCPs in lakes and rivers are needed to further understand the future trend of contamination. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Combined with the national standard biomonitoring method (polyurethane foam units method), calorimetry was applied to study the metabolic activities of PFU microbial communities in fresh water to determine the effects of anthropotgenic stresses on the activity of the microbial community. Comparisons were made at four sampling stations with different eutrophic status in Lake Donghu. Water quality variables, species number of protozoa, abundances of microorganisms, biomass, heterotrophy indexes and diversity indexes are reported. The heat rate-time curves of the native and concentrated PFU microbial communities were determined at 28 degrees C. Growth rate, measured maximum power output and total heat were calculated from the heat rate-time curves. The values of metabolic variables are higher at the more eutrophic stations, which suggests that organic pollution increases the activity of PFU microbial communities. The metabolic variables are in good agreement with chemical and biotic variables. And calorimetry will be useful for biomonitoring of the PFU microbial community. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used polyurethane foam units (PFUs) to collect persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from four sites in Baiyangdian Lake in July 2003. Following extraction from the PFUs, relative concentrations of seven organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and ten polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined by gas chromatography. OCPs and PCBs were detected in the microbial communities from all the four sampling stations. In terms of the total concentration of POPs (OCPs+ PCBs), two river estuary stations had more POP (18.45 mu g/L and 9.77 mu g/L) than the two mid-lake stations (4.75 mu g/L and 5.21 mu g/L), indicating that Baiyangdian Lake was significantly impacted by inflow from the Fu River and Baigou River.