945 resultados para Clark


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This paper uses Shannon's information theory to give a quantitative definition of information flow in systems that transform inputs to outputs. For deterministic systems, the definition is shown to specialise to a simpler form when the information source and the known inputs jointly determine the inputs. For this special case, the definition is related to the classical security condition of non-interference and an equivalence is established between non-interference and independence of random variables. Quantitative information flow for deterministic systems is then presented in relational form. With this presentation, it is shown how relational parametricity can be used to derive upper and lower bounds on information flows through families of functions defined in the second order lambda calculus.


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In this paper we present an approach to information flow analysis for a family of languages. We start with a simple imperative language. We present an information flow analysis using a flow logic. The paper contains detailed correctness proofs for this analysis. We next extend the analysis to a restricted form of Idealised Algol, a call-by-value higher-order extension of the simple imperative language (the key restriction being the lack of recursion). The paper concludes with a discussion of further extensions, including a probabilistic extension of Idealised Algol.


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Basic information theory is used to analyse the amount of confidential information which may be leaked by programs written in a very simple imperative language. In particular, a detailed analysis is given of the possible leakage due to equality tests and if statements. The analysis is presented as a set of syntax-directed inference rules and can readily be automated.


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The paper investigates which of Shannon’s measures (entropy, conditional entropy, mutual information) is the right one for the task of quantifying information flow in a programming language. We examine earlier relevant contributions from Denning, McLean and Gray and we propose and motivate a specific quantitative definition of information flow. We prove results relating equivalence relations, interference of program variables, independence of random variables and the flow of confidential information. Finally, we show how, in our setting, Shannon’s Perfect Secrecy theorem provides a sufficient condition to determine whether a program leaks confidential information.


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Since the development of the first antibiotics in the 1940’s, there has been widespread overuse in both clinical and agricultural applications. Antibiotic resistance has become a significant problem as a result of subsequent dissemination of antibiotics into the environment, and multiply-resistant strains of bacteria are now a major pathogenic threat. In this study eight separate strains of Flavobacterium responsible for recent disease outbreaks in fish hatcheries throughout Maine were collected and analyzed. All eight strains were found to be resistant to high levels of a number of different antibiotics, including those used for aquaculture as well as human chemotherapeutic applications. Flavobacterium isolates were also shown phenotypically to transfer antibiotic resistance determinants using a conjugation mating system in which Flavobacterium was the donor and Escherichia coli DH5- alpha was the recipient. This experiment suggests that it may be possible for Flavobacterium strains to transfer their multiple antibiotic resistance determinants to human pathogenic bacterial strains. Importantly, none of the hatcheries from which the Flavobacterium isolates were obtained had ever used antibiotics to treat their fish stock. It is possible that there is another selective agent responsible for the development of antibiotic resistance in the absence of antibiotic pressure. Mercury is one possible candidate, as all of the strains tested were resistant to mercuric chloride and it is known that genes encoding antibiotic resistance can be carried on the same mobile genetic elements that encode for mercury resistance. Preliminary data also suggest that the majority of the Flavobacterium isolates contain genes for mercuric ion reduction, which would confirm the mercury resistance genotype.


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