971 resultados para Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Citrus reticulata Blanco
Citrus flavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory and -carcinogenic effects being reported. However, little information is known on the bioavailability of these compounds in vivo. The objectives of this study were to determine the tissue distribution of naringenin after gastric gavage of [H-3]-naringenin to rats. Unlabelled naringenin was also used to quantify the levels of naringenin and its major metabolites in tissues and eliminated in the urine and faeces. Significant radioactivity was detected in the plasma as well as all tissues examined 2 h post-gavage. After 18 h, higher levels of radioactivity were retained in plasma and tissues (55% of the administered radioactivity). Investigation of the nature of metabolites, using unlabelled naringenin, revealed that the glucuronides were the major components in plasma, tissues and urine, in addition to the colonic metabolite 3-(4- hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, detected in the urine. The aglycone was the form extensively retained in tissues after 18 h post-gavage. Total identified metabolites detected after 18 h in most tissues were only 1-5% of the levels detected after 2 h. However, the brain, lungs and heart retained 27, 20 and 11%, respectively, relative to the total metabolites detected at 2 h. While radioactive detection suggests increased levels of breakdown products of naringenin after 18 h versus 2 h, the products identified using unlabelled naringenin are not consistent with this, suggesting that a predominant proportion of the naringenin breakdown products at 18 h are retained as smaller decomposition molecules which cannot yet be identified.
Mild heating of the phosphidotriosmium cluster [Os3H(CO)10(µ2-PH2)](1) with [Os3(CO)12 –n(MeCN)n](n= 1 or 2) gives high yields of the (µ3-PH) bridged hexaosmium clusters (2) and (3); reactions of (2) and (3) with bases and X-ray structure analyses of (3) and of (6), which was obtained from (3) and MeO– followed by acid treatment are described.
In this work, thermodynamic models for fitting the phase equilibrium of binary systems were applied, aiming to predict the high pressure phase equilibrium of multicomponent systems of interest in the food engineering field, comparing the results generated by the models with new experimental data and with those from the literature. Two mixing rules were used with the Peng-Robinson equation of state, one with the mixing rule of van der Waals and the other with the composition-dependent mixing rule of Mathias et al. The systems chosen are of fundamental importance in food industries, such as the binary systems CO(2)-limonene, CO(2)-citral and CO(2)-linalool, and the ternary systems CO(2)-Limonene-Citral and CO(2)-Limonene-Linalool, where high pressure phase equilibrium knowledge is important to extract and fractionate citrus fruit essential oils. For the CO(2)-limonene system, some experimental data were also measured in this work. The results showed the high capability of the model using the composition-dependent mixing rule to model the phase equilibrium behavior of these systems.
Citrus canker is a serious disease caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri bacteria, which infects citrus plants (Citrus spp.) leading to a large economic loss in citrus production worldwide. In Brazil citrus canker control is done by an official eradication campaign, therefore early detection of such disease is important to prevent greater economic losses. However, detection is difficult and so far it has been done by visual inspection of each tree. Suspicious leaves from citrus plants in the field are sent to the laboratory to confirm the infection by laboratory analysis, which is a time consuming. Our goal was to develop a new optical technique to detect and diagnose citrus canker in citrus plants with a portable field spectrometer unit. In this paper, we review two experiments on laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) applied to detect citrus canker. We also present new data to show that the length of time a leaf has been detached is an important variable in our studies. Our results show that LIF has the potential to be applied to citrus plants.
The phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa produces long type IV pili and short type I pili involved in motility and adhesion. In this work, we have investigated the role of sigma factor sigma(54) (RpoN) in the regulation of fimbrial biogenesis in X. fastidiosa. An rpoN null mutant was constructed from the non-pathogenic citrus strain J1a12, and microarray analyses of global gene expression comparing the wild type and rpoN mutant strains showed few genes exhibiting differential expression. In particular, gene pilA1 (XF2542), which encodes the structural pilin protein of type IV pili, showed decreased expression in the rpoN mutant, whereas two-fold higher expression of an operon encoding proteins of type I pili was detected, as confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis. The transcriptional start site of pilA1 was determined by primer extension, downstream of a sigma(54)-dependent promoter. Microarray and qRT-PCR data demonstrated that expression of only one of the five pilA paralogues, pilA1, was significantly reduced in the rpoN mutant. The rpoN mutant made more biofilm than the wild type strain and presented a cell-cell aggregative phenotype. These results indicate that sigma(54) differentially regulates genes involved in type IV and type I fimbrial biogenesis, and is involved in biofilm formation in X. fastidiosa.
Citrus sudden death (CSD) is a disease of unknown etiology that greatly affects sweet oranges grafted on Rangpur lime rootstock, the most important rootstock in Brazilian citriculture. We performed a proteomic analysis to generate information related to this plant pathogen interaction. Protein profiles from healthy, CSD-affected and CSD-tolerant stem barks, were generated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The protein spots were well distributed over a pI range of 3.26 to 9.97 and a molecular weight (MW) range from 7.1 to 120 kDa. The patterns of expressed proteins on 2-DE gels made it possible to distinguish healthy barks from CSD-affected barks. Protein spots with MW around 30 kDa and pI values ranging from 4.5 to 5.2 were down-regulated in the CSD-affected rootstock bark. This set of protein spots was identified as chitinases. Another set of proteins, ranging in pI from 6.1 to 9.6 with an MW of about 20 kDa, were also suppressed in CSD-affected rootstock bark; these were identified as miraculin-like proteins, potential trypsin inhibitors. Downregulation of chitinases and proteinase inhibitors in CSD-affected plants is relevant since chitinases are well-known pathogenesis-related protein, and their activity against plant pathogens is largely accepted.
A produção citrÃcola se encontra dispersa por todos os continentes e no Brasil, os citros são a produção frutÃcola de maior volume de produção. A produção de citros de mesa, como as tangerinas, possibilita ao produtor obter maior valor pelo seu produto. O mercado consumidor é ávido por novas variedades e para tanto, um programa de melhoramento deve estar sempre em busca de genótipos que atendam ao mercado consumidor, bem como a cadeia produtiva. Na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, está localizada uma população de tangerineiras hÃbridas oriundas do cruzamento da tangerineira ‘Clementina Fina’ (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.) e ‘Montenegrina’ (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) a qual foi caracterizada neste estudo, avaliando-se caracterÃsticas morfológicas de acordo com os descritores propostos pelo International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, além da identificação da época de maturação, viabilidade de pólen, número cromossômico e caracterização molecular, utilizando marcadores do tipo microssatélites. Através da análise morfológica foi possÃvel distinguir todas as 96 plantas avaliadas, porém não foi possÃvel agrupar a F1 em grupos distintos de cada um dos genitores. A época de maturação de frutos das plantas se concentra entre a primeira quinzena de abril até a primeira quinzena de agosto. Todas as plantas analisadas apresentaram um alto grau de viabilidade de pólen, variando entre 79,04 e 98,08 %. Todas as plantas avaliadas são diplóides com um número cromossômico de 2n=18. Utilizando 12 pares de primers de microssatélites foi possÃvel diferenciar 90 acessos do estudo, e agrupar a F1 em indivÃduos mais próximos do genitor feminino e do genitor masculino. O PIC (Conteúdo de Informação de Polimorfismo) dos primers variou de 0,27 a 0,65. Não foi possÃvel estabelecer uma relação entre a caracterização utilizando marcadores morfológicos e a caracterização utilizando marcadores moleculares.
In present research, headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–qMS), was evaluated as a reliable and improved alternative to the commonly used liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) technique for the establishment of the pattern of hydrolytically released components of 7 Vitis vinifera L. grape varieties, commonly used to produce the world-famous Madeira wine. Since there is no data available on their glycosidic fractions, at a first step, two hydrolyse procedures, acid and enzymatic, were carried out using Boal grapes as matrix. Several parameters susceptible of influencing the hydrolytic process were studied. The best results, expressed as GC peak area, number of identified components and reproducibility, were obtained using ProZym M with b-glucosidase activity at 35 °C for 42 h. For the extraction of hydrolytically released components, HS-SPME technique was evaluated as a reliable and improved alternative to the conventional extraction technique, LLE (ethyl acetate). HS-SPME using DVB/CAR/PDMS as coating fiber displayed an extraction capacity two fold higher than LLE (ethyl acetate). The hydrolyzed fraction was mainly characterized by the occurrence of aliphatic and aromatic alcohols, followed by acids, esters, carbonyl compounds, terpenoids, and volatile phenols. Concerning to terpenoids its contribution to the total hydrolyzed fraction is highest for Malvasia Cândida (23%) and Malvasia Roxa (13%), and their presence according previous studies, even at low concentration, is important from a sensorial point of view (can impart floral notes to the wines), due to their low odor threshold (μg/L). According to the obtained data by principal component analysis (PCA), the sensorial properties of Madeira wines produced by Malvasia Cândida and Malvasia Roxa could be improved by hydrolysis procedure, since their hydrolyzed fraction is mainly characterized by terpenoids (e.g. linalool, geraniol) which are responsible for floral notes. Bual and Sercial grapes are characterized by aromatic alcohols (e.g. benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethyl alcohol), so an improvement in sensorial characteristics (citrus, sweet and floral odors) of the corresponding wines, as result of hydrolytic process, is expected.
The most common control method Uses toxic baits consisted of dehydrated citrus pulp as carrier and attractant. However, the portion of the citrus fruit that is attractive to ants is still Unknown, despite its importance in chemical control. This study compared the attractiveness of different fruit parts of citrus pulps to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers. Three treatments: pellets of industrial citrus pulp, albedo (mesocarp), and whole citrus pulp were offered randomly to ants and the removal of these substrates by workers was observed. Tie three pulps Were equally attractive to this species (F = 0.8033; p = 0.4633). Although the whole pulp included the epicarp, it was as attractive as the other treatments, possibly because, the material was heated during processing, eliminating any volatile substance that could repel ants.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação telada na FCAV/Unesp campus Jaboticabal-SP, durante o perÃodo de novembro de 2005 a janeiro de 2007. Conduziu-se este estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar componentes do desenvolvimento e do estado nutricional de mudas de laranjeira Valência (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), enxertadas sobre limoeiro Cravo (Citrus limonia Osbeck), em função de doses de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3³ + 1, sendo 3 fatores (nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio - NPK), 3 doses e uma testemunha (sem adubação), com 3 repetições. A unidade experimental foi representada por uma muda de laranjeira por sacola com 5 dm³ com 2,5 kg de substrato casca de Pinus spp. e vermiculita. Os tratamentos foram constituÃdos pela metade, uma vez e duas vezes a dose padrão recomendada, de 4.590; 920 e 4.380 mg sacola-1, de N, P e K, respectivamente. As adubações com N e K foram realizadas via fertirrigações três vezes por semana e o P foi adicionado ao substrato antes do replantio das mudas. Aos 424 dias após o transplantio, as plantas foram subdivididas em raÃzes e parte aérea para determinação da massa da matéria seca, altura, área foliar, diâmetro do caule e conteúdo de nutrientes. A adubação com N, P e K proporcionou maior desenvolvimento e maior acúmulo desses macronutrientes na parte aérea e nas raÃzes das mudas de laranjeira Valência, sobre limoeiro Cravo. Houve adequado desenvolvimento das plantas com a metade da dose recomendada de N, P e K pela literatura, aproximadamente de 918, 184 e 876 mg dm-3, respectivamente.
Biofertilizers generated from the anaerobic and aerobic digestion of cattle manure, known as Bio1 and Bio2, respectively, were studied with regard to their microbial composition and effect on the mycelial growth of Phyllosticta citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS). Two field experiments were conducted to determine the biofertilizer's potential (Bio1) in controlling CBS (2001/2002 and 2002/2003 crops). It was observed that the greatest number of microorganisms was found in the aerobically produced biofertilizer. Bio2 did not inhibit the mycelial growth of P. citricarpa. Mycelial growth of P. citricarpa was inversely proportional to the Bio1 biofertilizer concentration. In the 2001/2002 cropping season, the Biol effect in controlling CBS was directly proportional to its concentration, at the rate of 0 (healthy fruit), with R-2 = 0.88. Biol had a significant effect in controlling CBS, at a concentration of 10%, during the 2001/2002 cropping season, with DI values of 0.246 and 0.229 for the. 10 and 20% doses, respectively, compared to DI of 0.329 for the control. A directly proportional effect of the biofertilizer concentration on the percentage of fruits with a rating of zero was. also observed in the 2002/2003 cropping season, with R-2 = 0.48. However, even at doses higher than in the preceding cropping season, the biofertilizer was less effective, possibly due to a higher occurrence of the disease. Copper oxychloride and combined applications of copper oxychloride and carbendazim plus mancozeb controlled the disease. The possibility of using the biofertilizer as a protective biofungicide to replace copper oxychloride, especially in organic agriculture, should be explored. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objetivou-se com estse trabalho avaliar o controle quÃmico de diferentes populações de capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis) pelo herbicida glyphosate por meio de curva de dose-resposta, além de propor tratamentos alternativos para as populações mais tolerantes. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 5 x 9. As sementes de capim-amargoso foram coletadas em cinco locais: área de produção de grãos da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção da UNESP, Jaboticabal (SP); área de produção comercial de grãos, localizada nos municÃpios de Campo Florido-MG e Rio Verde-GO; pomar de laranja, localizado no municÃpio de Matão (SP); e área não agrÃcola sem histórico da aplicação de glyphosate (Jaboticabal-SP). O glyphosate (0D, 1/4D, 1/2D, D, 2D, 4D e 8D, em que D é a dose recomendada de 1,5 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido) e as suas associações [glyphosate + fluazifop-p-butil (1,5 + 0,25 kg ha-1) e glyphosate (1,5 kg ha-1) com sequencial de diuron + paraquat (0,20 + 0,40 kg ha-1 + 0,2% de surfatante)] foram pulverizados em plantas de sete a oito perfilhos e altura média de 20 cm. As populações de capim-amargoso de Campo Florido e Rio Verde foram consideradas suscetÃveis; as de Jaboticabal e Matão, tolerantes; e a da área não agrÃcola, de sensibilidade intermediária. A associação de glyphosate ao fluazifop ou a sua aplicação com sequencial de diuron + paraquat foram eficazes no controle das populações mais tolerantes de capim-amargoso.
Estudou-se o crescimento micelial de dez isolados de Diaporthe citri, utilizando-se seis meios de cultura (aveia-ágar, maltose-peptona-ágar, batata-dextrose-ágar, folha de laranja-dextrose-ágar, folha de limão-dextrose-ágar, milho-ágar) à temperatura de 22 ± 2 °C e fotoperÃodo de 12 h claro/12 h escuro. O cultivo em meio de batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA) foi conduzido em cinco temperaturas diferentes (10, 15, 20, 25 e 30 °C). Três diferentes regimes de luminosidade (12 h claro/12 h escuro, claro contÃnuo, escuro contÃnuo) foram utilizados para verificar o crescimento do fungo. Foram observadas variações na produção de picnÃdios e de massa micelial nos diferentes meios de cultura, temperaturas e regimes de luminosidade testados, sendo que, para a maioria dos isolados, o meio de cultura de aveia-ágar, a faixa de 20 a 25 °C e o regime de claro contÃnuo induziram maior crescimento micelial. A produção de picnÃdios foi maior para o regime de luz contÃnua. O teste de patogenicidade foi feito por inoculação de discos de micélio de 5 mm de diâmetro em ferimentos em ramos e caule de limão 'Feminelo' (Citrus limon) enxertado em citrumelo 'Swingle'(Poncirus trifoliolata x Citrus paradisi) e plantas de limão 'Cravo' (C. limonia) enxertados com laranja 'Valência' (C. sinensis). Após sete dias, houve o aparecimento de exsudação de goma nas plantas inoculadas com os isolados, mas não na testemunha. Todos os isolados mostraram-se patogênicos, sendo os isolados PC2 e PC5, os que causaram comprimento de lesão maior nas plantas.