963 resultados para Citrate precursor


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Arenaviruses are a large group of emerging viruses including several causative agents of severe hemorrhagic fevers with high mortality in man. Considering the number of people affected and the currently limited therapeutic options, novel efficacious therapeutics against arenaviruses are urgently needed. Over the past decade, significant advances in knowledge about the basic virology of arenaviruses have been accompanied by the development of novel therapeutics targeting different steps of the arenaviral life cycle. High-throughput, small-molecule screens identified potent and broadly active inhibitors of arenavirus entry that were instrumental for the dissection of unique features of arenavirus fusion. Novel inhibitors of arenavirus replication have been successfully tested in animal models and hold promise for application in humans. Late in the arenavirus life cycle, the proteolytic processing of the arenavirus envelope glycoprotein precursor and cellular factors critically involved virion assembly and budding provide further promising 'druggable' targets for novel therapeutics to combat human arenavirus infection.


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The double spin-echo point resolved spectroscopy sequence (PRESS) is a widely used method and standard in clinical MR spectroscopy. Existence of important J-modulations at constant echo times, depending on the temporal delays between the rf-pulses, have been demonstrated recently for strongly coupled spin systems and were exploited for difference editing, removing singlets from the spectrum (strong-coupling PRESS, S-PRESS). A drawback of this method for in vivo applications is that large signal modulations needed for difference editing occur only at relatively long echo times. In this work we demonstrate that, by simply adding a third refocusing pulse (3S-PRESS), difference editing becomes possible at substantially shorter echo times while, as applied to citrate, more favorable lineshapes can be obtained. For the example of an AB system an analytical description of the MR signal, obtained with this triple refocusing sequence (3S-PRESS), is provided.


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The nature and assembly of the chlamydial division septum is poorly defined due to the paucity of a detectable peptidoglycan (PG)-based cell wall, the inhibition of constriction by penicillin and the presence of coding sequences for cell wall precursor and remodelling enzymes in the reduced chlamydial (pan-)genome. Here we show that the chlamydial amidase (AmiA) is active and remodels PG in Escherichia coli. Moreover, forward genetics using an E. coli amidase mutant as entry point reveals that the chlamydial LysM-domain protein NlpD is active in an E. coli reporter strain for PG endopeptidase activity (ΔnlpI). Immunolocalization unveils NlpD as the first septal (cell-wall-binding) protein in Chlamydiae and we show that its septal sequestration depends on prior cell wall synthesis. Since AmiA assembles into peripheral clusters, trimming of a PG-like polymer or precursors occurs throughout the chlamydial envelope, while NlpD targets PG-like peptide crosslinks at the chlamydial septum during constriction.


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The tumor microenvironment mediates induction of the immunosuppressive programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) pathway, and targeted interventions against this pathway can help restore antitumor immunity. To gain insight into these responses, we studied the interaction between PD-1 expressed on T cells and its ligands (PD-1:PD-L1, PD-1:PD-L2, and PD-L1:B7.1), expressed on other cells in the tumor microenvironment, using a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model of epithelial ovarian cancer (ID8). Exhaustion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) correlated with expression of PD-1 ligands by tumor cells and tumor-derived myeloid cells, including tumor-associated macrophages (TAM), dendritic cells, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). When combined with GVAX or FVAX vaccination (consisting of irradiated ID8 cells expressing granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor or FLT3 ligand) and costimulation by agonistic α-4-1BB or TLR 9 ligand, antibody-mediated blockade of PD-1 or PD-L1 triggered rejection of ID8 tumors in 75% of tumor-bearing mice. This therapeutic effect was associated with increased proliferation and function of tumor antigen-specific effector CD8(+) T cells, inhibition of suppressive regulatory T cells (Treg) and MDSC, upregulation of effector T-cell signaling molecules, and generation of T memory precursor cells. Overall, PD-1/PD-L1 blockade enhanced the amplitude of tumor immunity by reprogramming suppressive and stimulatory signals that yielded more powerful cancer control.


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T cells belong to two mutually exclusive lineages expressing either alpha beta or gamma delta T-cell receptors (TCR). Although alpha beta and gamma delta cells are known to share a common precursor the role of TCR rearrangement and specificity in the lineage commitment process is controversial. Instructive lineage commitment models endow the alpha beta or gamma delta TCR with a deterministic role in lineage choice, whereas separate lineage models invoke TCR-independent lineage commitment followed by TCR-dependent selection and maturation of alpha beta and gamma delta cells. Here we review the published data pertaining to the role of the TCR in alpha beta/gamma delta lineage commitment and provide some additional information obtained from recent intracellular TCR staining studies. We conclude that a variant of the separate lineage model is best able to accommodate all of the available experimental results.


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T cells belong to two distinct lineages expressing either alpha beta or gamma delta TCR. During alpha beta T cell development, it is clearly established that productive rearrangement at the TCR beta locus in immature precursor cells leads to the expression of a pre-TCR complex. Signaling through the pre-TCR results in the selective proliferation and maturation of TCR beta+ cells, a process that is known as beta-selection. However, the potential role of beta-selection during gamma delta T cell development is controversial. Whereas PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques have provided evidence for a bias toward in-frame VDJ beta rearrangements in gamma delta cells (consistent with beta-selection), gamma delta cells apparently develop normally in mice that are unable to assemble a pre-TCR complex due to a deficiency in TCR beta or pT alpha genes. In this report, we have directly addressed the physiologic significance of beta-selection during gamma delta cell development in normal mice by quantitating intracellular TCR beta protein in gamma delta cells and correlating its presence with cell cycle status. Our results indicate that beta-selection plays a significant (although limited) role in gamma delta cell development by selectively amplifying a minor subset of gamma delta precursor cells with productively rearranged TCR beta genes.


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Thymic dendritic cells (DCs) form a discrete subset of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells, the function of which is to mediate negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. The developmental origin of thymic DCs remains controversial. Although cell transfer studies support a model in which T cells and thymic DCs develop from the same intrathymic pluripotential precursor, it remains possible that these two types of cells develop from independent intrathymic precursors. Notch proteins are cell surface receptors involved in the regulation of cell fate specification. We have recently reported that T cell development in inducible Notch1-deficient mice is severely impaired at an early stage, before the expression of T cell lineage markers. To investigate whether development of thymic DCs also depends on Notch1, we have constructed mixed BM chimeric mice. We report here that thymic DC development from Notch1(-/)- BM precursors is absolutely normal (in terms of absolute number and phenotype) in this competitive situation, despite the absence of Notch1(-/)- T cells. Furthermore, we find that peripheral DCs and Langerhans cells are also not affected by Notch1 deficiency. Our results demonstrate that the development of DCs is totally independent of Notch1 function, and strongly suggest a dissociation between intrathymic T cell and DC precursors.


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Acute kidney injury is common in critical illness and associated with important morbidity and mortality. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) enables physicians to safely and efficiently control associated metabolic and fluid balance disorders. The insertion of a large central venous catheter is required, which can be associated with mechanical and infectious complications. CRRT requires anticoagulation, which currently relies on heparin in most cases although citrate could become a standard in a near future. The choice of the substitution fluid depends on the clinical situation. A dose of 25 ml/kg/h is currently recommended.


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The delivery kinetics of growth factors has been suggested to play an important role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves following axotomy. In this context, we designed a nerve conduit (NC) with adjustable release kinetics of nerve growth factor (NGF). A multi-ply system was designed where NC consisting of a polyelectrolyte alginate/chitosan complex was coated with layers of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) to control the release of embedded NGF. Prior to assessing the in vitro NGF release from NC, various release test media, with and without stabilizers for NGF, were evaluated to ensure adequate quantification of NGF by ELISA. Citrate (pH 5.0) and acetate (pH 5.5) buffered saline solutions containing 0.05% Tween 20 yielded the most reliable results for ELISA active NGF. The in vitro release experiments revealed that the best results in terms of reproducibility and release control were achieved when the NGF was embedded between two PLGA layers and the ends of the NC tightly sealed by the PLGA coatings. The release kinetics could be efficiently adjusted by accommodating NGF at different radial locations within the NC. A sustained release of bioactive NGF in the low nanogram per day range was obtained for at least 15days. In conclusion, the developed multi-ply NGF loaded NC is considered a suitable candidate for future implantation studies to gain insight into the relationship between local growth factor availability and nerve regeneration.


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Introduction: Oseltamivir phosphate (OP), the prodrug of oseltamivir carboxylate (OC; active metabolite), is marketed since 10 years for the treatment of seasonal influenza flu. It has recently received renewed attention because of the threat of avian flu H5N1 in 2006-7 and the 2009-10 A/H1N1 pandemic. However, relatively few studies have been published on OP and OC clinical pharmacokinetics. The disposition of OC and the dosage adaptation of OP in specific populations, such as young children or patients undergoing extrarenal epuration, have also received poor attention. An analytical method was thus developed to assess OP and OC plasma concentrations in patients receiving OP and presenting with comorbidities or requiring intensive care. Methods: A high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry method (HPLC-MS/MS) requiring 100-µL aliquot of plasma for quantification within 6 min of OP and OC was developed. A combination of protein precipitation with acetonitrile, followed by dilution of supernant in suitable buffered solvent was used as an extraction procedure. After reverse phase chromatographic separation, quantification was performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Deuterated isotopic compounds of OP and OC were used as internal standards. Results: The method is sensitive (lower limit of quantification: 5 ng/mL for OP and OC), accurate (intra-/inter-assay bias for OP and OC: 8.5%/5.5% and 3.7/0.7%, respectively) and precise (intra-/inter-assay CV%: 5.2%/6.5% and 6.3%/9.2%, respectively) over the clinically relevant concentration range (upper limits of quantification 5000 ng/mL). Of importance, OP, as in other previous reports, was found not to be stable ex vivo in plasma on standard anticoagulants (i.e. EDTA, heparin or citrate). This poor stability of OP has been prevented by collecting blood samples on commercial fluoride/oxalate tubes. Conclusions: This new simple, rapid and robust HPLC-MS/MS assay for quantification of OP and OC plasma concentrations offers an efficient tool for concentration monitoring of OC. Its exposure can probably be controlled with sufficient accuracy by thorough dosage adjustment according to patient characteristics (e.g. renal clearance). The usefulness of systematic therapeutic drug monitoring in patients appears therefore questionable. However, pharmacokinetic studies are still needed to extend knowledge to particular subgroups of patients or dosage regimens.


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Nos vertebrados, incluindo os peixes as hormonas activam e modificam o comportamento, e o comportamento por sua vez altera os níveis de hormonas, em particular os androgénios. A principal fonte de hormonas esteróides são as gónadas, mas o cérebro e outros tecidos também as produzem. A castração produz efeitos variados nos níveis hormonais e no comportamento sexual e agonístico dos teleosteos. Os objectivos deste estudo são: verificar a possível razão porque os níveis de androgénios continuam elevados após a gonadectomia, incluindo a possibilidade de contribuição de secreção de esteróides por tecidos extra-gonadais; e ainda de que forma a gonadectomia afecta o comportamento dos animais. Para isso foram efectuadas cirurgias a mais de 20 indivíduos de tilapia moçambicana e foram também retiradas amostras de sangue. Ainda foram retirados e incubados diversos tecidos - como cérebro, rim anterior e posterior, brânquias, fígado e sangue - para a identificação de fontes extragonadais de esteróides. A medição dos níveis hormonais de testosterona, 11- cetotestosterona e 17,20β-progesterona foi realizada através da técnica do radioimunoensaio. Os resultados obtidos monstram que a castração teve um efeito de diminuição muito ténue nos níveis hormonais, sendo que o comportamento dos animais manteve-se praticamente inalterado. O tecido que demonstrou maior capacidade de metabolização do precursor 17-HP foi o rim. Esses resultados podem ser explicados por regeneração do tecido das gónadas, e hipertrofia com consequente feedback positivo, ou ainda pela produção extragonadal de androgénios.


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Human cytosolic thymidine kinase (hTK1) has proven to be a suitable target for the noninvasive imaging of cancer cell proliferation using radiolabeled thymidine analogues such as [(18)F]3'-fluoro-3'-deoxythymidine ([(18)F]FLT). A thymidine analogue for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which incorporates the readily available and inexpensive nuclide technetium-99m, would be of considerable practical interest. hTK1 is known to accommodate modification of the structure of the natural substrate thymidine at the positions N3 and C3' and, to a lesser extent, C5. In this work, we used the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition to synthesize two series of derivatives in which thymidine is functionalized at either the C3' or N3 position with chelating systems suitable for the M(CO)(3) core (M = (99m)Tc, Re). The click chemistry approach enabled complexes with different structures and overall charges to be synthesized from a common precursor. Using this strategy, the first organometallic hTK1 substrates in which thymidine is modified at the C3' position were identified. Phosphorylation of the organometallic derivatives was measured relative to thymidine. We have shown that the influence of the overall charge of the derivatives is dependent on the position of functionalization. In the case of the C3'-functionalized derivatives, neutral and anionic substrates were most readily phosphorylated (20-28% of the value for the parent ligand thymidine), whereas for the N3-functionalized derivatives, cationic and neutral complexes were apparently better substrates for the enzyme (14-18%) than anionic derivatives (9%).


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Summary Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is a potent inflammatory cytokine, which is implicated in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders. The activity of IL-1beta is regulated by the proteolytic cleavage of its inactive precursor resulting in the mature, bioactive form of the cytokine. Cleavage of the IL-1beta precursor is performed by the cysteine protease caspase-1, which is activated within protein complexes termed 'inflammasomes'. To date, four distinct inflammasomes have been described, based on different core receptors capable of initiating complex formation. Both the host and invading pathogens need to control IL-1beta production and this can be achieved by regulating inflammasome activity. However, we have, as yet, little understanding of the mechanisms of this regulation. In particular the negative feedbacks, which are critical for the host to limit collateral damage of the inflammatory response, remain largely unexplored. Recent exciting findings in this field have given us an insight into the potential of this research area in terms of opening up new therapeutic avenues for inflammatory disorders.


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Addition of insulin, IGF I or IGF II to serum-free cultures of fetal rat brain cells (gestation day 15/16) significantly stimulates DNA synthesis. The dose-response curves show that IGF I is more potent than insulin; half maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation is obtained at about 0.4 nM IGF I and 14 nM insulin, respectively. Cultures initiated 2 days later (gestation day 17/18) showed a decreased responsiveness to both peptides. No additive effect was observed after combined addition of both peptides at near-maximal doses. Both peptides show a latency of action of about 12-18 h. In the presence of either IGF or insulin, neuronal as well as glial enzymes are increased, suggesting that neuronal and glial precursor cell division is influenced. IGF I and IGF II interact with a specific binding site for which insulin competes very weakly; however IGF I and IGF II bind with relatively high affinity to the insulin specific binding site. The present results support the hypothesis that both insulin and IGF stimulate mitotic activity by interacting with specific somatomedin receptors and suggest a physiological role of IGF in the developing brain.


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Although NK cells in the mouse are thought to develop in the bone marrow, a small population of NK cells in the thymus has been shown to derive from a GATA3-dependent pathway. Characteristically, thymic NK cells express CD127 and few Ly49 molecules and lack CD11b. Because these NK cells develop in the thymus, the question of their relationship to the T cell lineage has been raised. Using several different mouse models, we find that unlike T cells, thymic NK cells are not the progeny of Rorc-expressing progenitors and do not express Rag2 or rearrange the TCRγ locus. We further demonstrate that thymic NK cells develop independently of the Notch signaling pathway, supporting the idea that thymic NK cells represent bona fide NK cells that can develop independently of all T cell precursors.