998 resultados para Cirlce K Club
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella henkilö- ja talousriskin yhteyttä tutkimus- ja kehitysprojektin onnistumiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin toimeksiantona Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Tekesille. Tutkielman teoreettisessa osuudessa tarkasteltiin t&k-projektien ja uuden tuotteen kehitysprojektien onnistumisen määritelmää sekä onnistumis- ja epäonnistumistekijöitä. Teoriaosuus pohjautui aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja sen pohjalta oli tavoitteena muodostaa käsitys siitä, millaisiin tekijöihin projektin alkuvaiheessa kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota ja kuinka eri tekijät voivat ennakoida projektien onnistumista tai epäonnistumista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto koostui 4755 mikro- ja pk-yritysten t&k-projektista. Empiirisen osuuden päätarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko projektin henkilö- ja talousriskitasolla vaikutusta siihen, kuinka hyvin projekti onnistuu. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös riskien taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden yhteyttä projektin onnistumiseen ja tarkasteltiin yleisimpiä syitä projektien epäonnistumiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin seuraavaa. Yleisimpiä syitä epäonnistuneisiin hankkeisiin olivat teknologiasyyt, muut syyt sekä henkilö- ja taloussyyt. Tarkasteltaessa talousriskin vaikutusta onnistumiseen hyödynnettiin kolmea erilaista onnistumisen mittaria. Tuloksena havaittiin, että talousriskitason merkittäväkään nousu ei vaikuttanut valtavasti siihen, kuinka hyvin projektit onnistuivat. Sillä, perustuiko kohonnut talousriski hakijan omaan rahoitukseen, ulkopuoliseen rahoitukseen, vai molempiin rahoituksen muotoihin ei ollut suurta vaikutusta projektin onnistumiseen. Hyvin pieni vaikutus näkyi siten, että parhaiten onnistuvien hankkeiden osuus oli hieman suurempi sellaisten hankkeiden joukossa, jossa riski hajaantui molempiin rahoituksen muotoihin. Henkilöriskitasolla havaittiin olevan hieman vaikutusta siihen, kuinka hyvin hanke onnistui, sillä korkeimmassa riskiluokassa havaittiin suhteellisesti enemmän epäonnistuneita projekteja kuin matalammissa riskiluokissa. Erot olivat kuitenkin maltillisia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin lisäksi, että valittu onnistumisen mittari ja sen moniportaisuus vaikuttivat tulosten tulkintaan, joten on tärkeää tiedostaa, millaista onnistumista projektilla tavoitellaan.
Erythrocytes are useful in evaluating K+ transport pathways involved in internal K+ balance. Several forms of H+,K+-ATPase have been described in nephron segments active in K+ transport. Furthermore, the activity of a ouabain-insensitive isoform of H+,K+-ATPase expressed in collecting duct cells may be modulated by acid-base status. Various assays were performed to determine if a ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase is present in rat erythrocytes and, if so, whether it plays a role in internal K+ balance. Kinetic studies demonstrated that maximal stimulation of enzyme activity was achieved with 2.5 mM K+ at pH 7.4. Subsequent experiments were performed on erythrocyte membranes collected from animals submitted to varying degrees of K+ homeostasis: control rats, K+-depleted rats, K+-loaded rats, and rats rendered hyperkalemic due to acute renal failure. As observed in the collecting duct cell studies, there was a significant decrease in the activity of ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase in the erythrocytes of both K+-loaded and metabolically alkalotic K+-depleted rats. However, this enzyme activity in erythrocyte membranes of rats with metabolic acidosis-related hyperkalemia was similar to that of control animals. This finding may be interpreted as resulting from two potentially modulating factors: the stimulating effect that metabolic acidosis has on K+-ATPase and the counteracting effect that hyperkalemia and uremia have on metabolic acidosis. In summary, we present evidence of a ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase in erythrocytes, whose activity is modulated by acid-base status and K+ levels.
8-Methoxy psoralen (8-MOP) exerts a short-term (24 h) mitogenic action, and a long-term (48-72 h) anti-proliferative and melanogenic action on two human melanoma cell lines, SK-Mel 28 and C32TG. An increase of intracellular calcium concentration was observed by spectrofluorometry immediately after the addition of 0.1 mM 8-MOP to both cell lines, previously incubated with calcium probe fluo-3 AM (5 µM). The intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA/AM (1 µM) blocked both early (mitogenic) and late (anti-proliferative and melanogenic) 8-MOP effects on both cell lines, thus revealing the importance of the calcium signal in both short- and long-term 8-MOP-evoked responses. Long-term biological assays with 5 and 10 mM tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA, an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels) did not affect the responses to psoralen; however, in 24-h assays 10 mM TEA blocked the proliferative peak, indicating a modulation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels by 8-MOP. No alteration of cAMP basal levels or forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels was promoted by 8-MOP in SK-Mel 28 cells, as determined by radioimmunoassay. However, in C32TG cells forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels were further increased in the presence of 8-MOP. In addition, assays with 1 µM protein kinase C and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase inhibitors, Ro 31-8220 and KN-93, respectively, excluded the participation of these kinases in the responses evoked by 8-MOP. Western blot with antibodies anti-phosphotyrosine indicated a 92% increase of the phosphorylated state of a 43-kDa band, suggesting that the phosphorylation of this protein is a component of the cascade that leads to the increase of tyrosinase activity.
We examined the effect of several K+ channel blockers such as glibenclamide, tolbutamide, charybdotoxin (ChTX), apamin, tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and cesium on the ability of fentanyl, a clinically used selective µ-opioid receptor agonist, to promote peripheral antinociception. Antinociception was measured by the paw pressure test in male Wistar rats weighing 180-250 g (N = 5 animals per group). Carrageenan (250 µg/paw) decreased the threshold of responsiveness to noxious pressure (delta = 188.1 ± 5.3 g). This mechanical hyperalgesia was reduced by fentanyl (0.5, 1.5 and 3 µg/paw) in a peripherally mediated and dose-dependent fashion (17.3, 45.3 and 62.6%, respectively). The selective blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels glibenclamide (40, 80 and 160 µg/paw) and tolbutamide (80, 160 and 240 µg/paw) dose dependently antagonized the antinociception induced by fentanyl (1.5 µg/paw). In contrast, the effect of fentanyl was unaffected by the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocker ChTX (2 µg/paw), the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocker apamin (10 µg/paw), or the non-specific K+ channel blocker TEA (150 µg/paw), 4-AP (50 µg/paw), and cesium (250 µg/paw). These results extend previously reported data on the peripheral analgesic effect of morphine and fentanyl, suggesting for the first time that the peripheral µ-opioid receptor-mediated antinociceptive effect of fentanyl depends on activation of ATP-sensitive, but not other, K+ channels.
Mitochondrial ion transport, oxidative phosphorylation, redox balance, and physical integrity are key factors in tissue survival following potentially damaging conditions such as ischemia/reperfusion. Recent research has demonstrated that pharmacologically activated inner mitochondrial membrane ATP-sensitive K+ channels (mitoK ATP) are strongly cardioprotective under these conditions. Furthermore, mitoK ATP are physiologically activated during ischemic preconditioning, a procedure which protects against ischemic damage. In this review, we discuss mechanisms by which mitoK ATP may be activated during preconditioning and the mitochondrial and cellular consequences of this activation, focusing on end-effects which may promote ischemic protection. These effects include decreased loss of tissue ATP through reverse activity of ATP synthase due to increased mitochondrial matrix volumes and lower transport of adenine nucleotides into the matrix. MitoK ATP also decreases the release of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species by promoting mild uncoupling in concert with K+/H+ exchange. Finally, mitoK ATP activity may inhibit mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake during ischemia, which, together with decreased reactive oxygen release, can prevent mitochondrial permeability transition, loss of organelle function, and loss of physical integrity. We discuss how mitochondrial redox status, K+ transport, Ca2+ transport, and permeability transitions are interrelated during ischemia/reperfusion and are determinant factors regarding the extent of tissue damage.
Crude brain homogenates of terminally diseased hamsters infected with the 263 K strain of scrapie (PrP Sc) were heated and/or pressurized at 800 MPa at 60ºC for different times (a few seconds or 5, 30, 120 min) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) of different pH and concentration. Prion proteins were analyzed on immunoblots for their proteinase K (PK) resistance, and in hamster bioassays for their infectivity. Samples pressurized under initially neutral conditions and containing native PrP Sc were negative on immunoblots after PK treatment, and a 6-7 log reduction of infectious units per gram was found when the samples were pressurized in PBS of pH 7.4 for 2 h. A pressure-induced change in the protein conformation of native PrP Sc may lead to less PK resistant and less infectious prions. However, opposite results were obtained after pressurizing native infectious prions at slightly acidic pH and in PBS of higher concentration. In this case an extensive fraction of native PrP Sc remained PK resistant after pressure treatment, indicating a protective effect possibly due to induced aggregation of prion proteins in such buffers.
Perustuu Joseph Nicolas Delislen laatimaan ja Johann Elias Grimmelin kaivertamaan vastaavaan karttaan vuodelta 1741.
Myocardial infarction leads to compensatory ventricular remodeling. Disturbances in myocardial contractility depend on the active transport of Ca2+ and Na+, which are regulated by Na+-K+ ATPase. Inappropriate regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase activity leads to excessive loss of K+ and gain of Na+ by the cell. We determined the participation of Na+-K+ ATPase in ventricular performance early and late after myocardial infarction. Wistar rats (8-10 per group) underwent left coronary artery ligation (infarcted, Inf) or sham-operation (Sham). Ventricular performance was measured at 3 and 30 days after surgery using the Langendorff technique. Left ventricular systolic pressure was obtained under different ventricular diastolic pressures and increased extracellular Ca2+ concentrations (Ca2+e) and after low and high ouabain concentrations. The baseline coronary perfusion pressure increased 3 days after myocardial infarction and normalized by 30 days (Sham 3 = 88 ± 6; Inf 3 = 130 ± 9; Inf 30 = 92 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.05). The inotropic response to Ca2+e and ouabain was reduced at 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction (Ca2+ = 1.25 mM; Sham 3 = 70 ± 3; Inf 3 = 45 ± 2; Inf 30 = 29 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), while the Frank-Starling mechanism was preserved. At 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction, ventricular Na+-K+ ATPase activity and contractility were reduced. This Na+-K+ ATPase hypoactivity may modify the Na+, K+ and Ca2+ transport across the sarcolemma resulting in ventricular dysfunction.
Oscillatory contractile activity is an inherent property of blood vessels. Various cellular mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to oscillatory activity. Mouse small mesenteric arteries display a unique low frequency contractile oscillatory activity (1 cycle every 10-12 min) upon phenylephrine stimulation. Our objective was to identify mechanisms involved in this peculiar oscillatory activity. First-order mesenteric arteries were mounted in tissue baths for isometric force measurement. The oscillatory activity was observed only in vessels with endothelium, but it was not blocked by L-NAME (100 µM) or indomethacin (10 µM), ruling out the participation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin, respectively, in this phenomenon. Oscillatory activity was not observed in vessels contracted with K+ (90 mM) or after stimulation with phenylephrine plus 10 mM K+. Ouabain (1 to 10 µM, an Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor), but not K+ channel antagonists [tetraethylammonium (100 µM, a nonselective K+ channel blocker), Tram-34 (10 µM, blocker of intermediate conductance K+ channels) or UCL-1684 (0.1 µM, a small conductance K+ channel blocker)], inhibited the oscillatory activity. The contractile activity was also abolished when experiments were performed at 20°C or in K+-free medium. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Na+/K+-ATPase is a potential source of these oscillations. The presence of α-1 and α-2 Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms was confirmed in murine mesenteric arteries by Western blot. Chronic infusion of mice with ouabain did not abolish oscillatory contraction, but up-regulated vascular Na+/K+-ATPase expression and increased blood pressure. Together, these observations suggest that the Na+/K+ pump plays a major role in the oscillatory activity of murine small mesenteric arteries.
Implantation of Walker 256 tumor decreases acute systemic inflammation in rats. Inflammatory hyperalgesia is one of the most important events of acute inflammation. The L-arginine/NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway has been proposed as the mechanism of peripheral antinociception mediated by several drugs and physical exercise. The objective of this study was to investigate a possible involvement of the NO/cGMP/K+ATP pathway in antinociception induced in Walker 256 tumor-bearing male Wistar rats (180-220 g). The groups consisted of 5-6 animals. Mechanical inflammatory hypernociception was evaluated using an electronic version of the von Frey test. Walker tumor (4th and 7th day post-implantation) reduced prostaglandin E2- (PGE2, 400 ng/paw; 50 µL; intraplantar injection) and carrageenan-induced hypernociception (500 µg/paw; 100 µL; intraplantar injection). Walker tumor-induced analgesia was reversed (99.3% for carrageenan and 77.2% for PGE2) by a selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (L-NAME; 90 mg/kg, ip) and L-arginine (200 mg/kg, ip), which prevented (80% for carrageenan and 65% for PGE2) the effect of L-NAME. Treatment with the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ (100% for carrageenan and 95% for PGE2; 8 µg/paw) and the ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP) blocker glibenclamide (87.5% for carrageenan and 100% for PGE2; 160 µg/paw) reversed the antinociceptive effect of tumor bearing in a statistically significant manner (P < 0.05). The present study confirmed an intrinsic peripheral antinociceptive effect of Walker tumor bearing in rats. This antinociceptive effect seemed to be mediated by activation of the NO/cGMP pathway followed by the opening of KATP channels.