942 resultados para Cinema of Quebec


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This article explores the definition of ‘vintage cinema’ and specifically re-evaluates the fetishism for the past and its regurgitation in the present by providing a taxonomy of the phenomenon in recent film production. Our contribution identifies three aesthetic categories: the faux-vintage, the retro and the anachronistic and by illustrating their overlapping and discrepancies, it argues that the past remains a powerful negotiator of meaning for the present and the future. Drawing on studies of memory and digital nostalgia, this article focuses on the latter category: anachronism and unravel the persistence of and the filmic fascination for obsolete analogue objects through an analysis of Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch, 2013).


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This article explores local authority responses to the cinematic release of Last Tango in Paris in Britain. Using a range of archival material from the BBFC, the National Archives and the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, it offers a detailed, comparative case study of three different locations; Belfast, Newport and Oxford. It argues that comparing local censorship decisions with the national decisions of the BBFC offer little in the way of regional nuance. In order to effectively understand the workings of local censorship, a deeper understanding of local discourses is needed as well as acknowledgement of broader pressure group activity and its impact on the local picture, such as that of the National Festival of Light.


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v. 12, n. 2, p. 203-223, jul./dez. 2014.


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A 16mm moving image work and expanded cinema performance co-commissioned by Tate Modern and Arnolfini. Shot at the post-production facilities of Pinewood studios, London, the close-up sequences feature abstract patterns of optical sound encoded as light, printed onto the soundtrack area of the filmstrip. The film features the quivering light of a 16mm mono and a 35mm stereo optical sound camera, providing a seismic glimpse at a sound-wave in formation, on occasions flashing like a stroboscopic Rorschach inkblot. Performances: Tate Modern Oil Tanks (London 2012); Arnfolini (Bristol 2012); Kunstnernes Hus, (Oslo 2013). Exhibitions: Two-person exhibition at Castlefield Gallery, (Manchester 2013). Screenings: Mini-retrospective screening and in conversation with Lis Rhodes, Tate Britain (London 2014); Mini-retrospective screening, DIM Cinema, The Cinematheque (Vancouver 2015); Mini-retrospective at Whitechapel Gallery (London 2016); Mini-retrospective screening, Gertrude Contemporary (Melbourne 2016).


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A presente dissertação discute o diálogo estabelecido entre literatura e cinema no tratamento da personagem principal – um homem traído que se vinga de forma cruel dos seus inimigos – na obra literária Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, de Alexandre Dumas, e nas três adaptações fílmicas escolhidas: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo de Robert Vernay (1943); The count of Monte Cristo de David Greene (1975) e The count of Monte Cristo de Kevin Reynolds (2002). O projecto centra-se na análise da personagem Edmond Dantès/Monte-Cristo na obra literária e na sua transposição para a obra fílmica, nos graus de adaptação e contaminação entre os diferentes textos em momentos temporais diferentes. Para isso, foram estudadas em pormenor cada uma das obras referidas, tendo sempre em vista o percurso do herói. A adaptação cinematográfica de uma obra literária é uma operação de criação de um novo texto com dinamismo e autonomia próprios, resultante de escolhas nem sempre fáceis de realizar. A grande extensão da obra literária dificultou essa tarefa, no entanto, os realizadores procuraram constituir um fluir de personagens e de situações enquadráveis num tempo ideal de visualização confortável. Todas as narrativas combinam romance e desilusão, acção e aventura, mas os temas da vingança e da traição são explorados numa perspectiva diferente. As conclusões apuradas constatam que, independentemente da época, a personagem descrita nos filmes manteve-se fiel à caracterização feita pelo seu criador Alexandre Dumas, apesar de algumas nuances necessárias para criar um objecto que garantisse reconhecimento da crítica mas, também, o sucesso comercial.


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Purpose. To present the results of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis used as part of a process aimed at reorganising services provided within a pediatric rehabilitation programme (PRP) in Quebec, Canada and to report the perceptions of the planning committee members regarding the usefulness of the SWOT in this process. Method. Thirty-six service providers working in the PRP completed a SWOT questionnaire and reported what they felt worked and what did not work in the existing model of care. Their responses were used by a planning committee over a 12- month period to assist in the development of a new service delivery model. Committee members shared their thoughts about the usefulness of the SWOT. Results. Current programme strengths included favourable organisational climate and interdisciplinary work whereas weaknesses included lack of psychosocial support to families and long waiting times for children. Opportunities included working with community partners, whereas fear of losing professional autonomy with the new service model was a threat. The SWOT results helped the planning committee redefine the programme goals and make decisions to improve service coordination. SWOT analysis was deemed as a very useful tool to help guide service reorganisation. Conclusions. SWOT analysis appears to be an interesting evaluation tool to promote awareness among service providers regarding the current functioning of a rehabilitation programme. It fosters their active participation in the reorganisation of a new service delivery model for pediatric rehabilitation.


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Cultura, Comunicação e Estilos de Vida), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Americanos), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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In this PhD by Publication I revisit and contextualize art works and essays I have collaboratively created under the name Flow Motion between 2004-13, in order to generate new insights on the contributions they have made to diverse and emerging fields of contemporary arts practice/research, including digital, virtual, sonic and interdisciplinary art. The works discussed comprise the digital multimedia installation and sound art performance Astro Black Morphologies/Astro Dub Morphologies (2004-5), the sound installation and performance Invisible (2006-7), the web art archive and performance presentation project promised lands (2008-10), and two related texts, Astro Black Morphologies: Music and Science Lovers (2004) and Music and Migration (2013). I show how these works map new thematic constellations around questions of space and diaspora, music and cosmology, invisibility and spectrality, the body and perception. I also show how the works generate new connections between and across contemporary avant-garde, experimental and popular music, and visual art and cinema traditions. I describe the methodological design, approaches and processes through which the works were produced, with an emphasis on transversality, deconstruction and contemporary black music forms as key tools in my collaborative artistic and textual practice. I discuss how, through the development of methods of data translation and transformation, and distinctive visual approaches for the re-elaboration of archival material, the works produced multiple readings of scientific narratives, digital X-ray data derived from astronomical research on black holes and dark energy, and musical, photographic and textual material related to historical and contemporary accounts of migration. I also elaborate on the relation between difference and repetition, the concepts of multiplicity and translation, and the processes of collective creation which characterize my/Flow Motion’s work. The art works and essays I engage with in this commentary produce an idea of contemporary art as the result of a fluid, open and mutating assemblage of diverse and hybrid methods and mediums, and as an embodiment of a cross-cultural, transversal and transdisciplinary knowledge shaped by research, process, creative dialogues, collaborative practice and collective signature.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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O presente trabalho procura, de forma sucinta, descrever o processo de confronto da nação alemã com o seu passado nacional-socialista, um processo que se tem vindo a desenrolar num âmbito político, jurídico e social desde há mais de seis décadas. Pretende-se ainda argumentar que o período em que a Alemanha viveu sob o domínio nazi, elemento incontornável da própria narrativa nacional, tem sido amplamente representado quer na literatura, quer no cinema, tanto por sujeitos da chamada primeira geração, como também pelas gerações que nasceram após 1945, indivíduos cuja influência do passado familiar e/ou interesse pela memória histórica do país constituem a matriz das suas obras.