948 resultados para Ciências da fala e da audição
The means of mass communication are powerful tools to the spread of a concept as persuasion is a strong characteristic of discourses that gather around the sphere of communication, especially in advertising discourses. By the end of the 90’s, the advertisement “Down: the worst syndrome is prejudice”, did great success approaching prejudice / pre-concept in a subtle and innovative way, due its outstanding purpose and style inserting two boys in a carousel, one is a street child, the other a Down syndrome patient. The advertisement reveals a speak project of diffusion and spread of ideas that down syndrome patients are capable of dealing and supporting a routine full of activities, making a opposition to the campaigns and ideas that, in spite of raising the respect towards these kids, only contributed with the attenuation of their handicaps. Our objective is to investigate the presence of these social values in the quoted audio-visual material, and for that we’ve searched the contextualization of the advertisement in its own time period. The theory and methodological aspects got their base in Bakhtinian studies and concepts; we used the concepts of discourse gender, chronotope and mainly dialogism and enunciation. We analyzed the style utilized in the advertisement, the dialogue between the politically correct and the prejudice speeches, the verbal discourse of the music that flows with the progress of the enunciation, the non-verbal discourse of the photography (nostalgic, producing effects of sense in its relation with memory), the chronotope present in the utilization of the carousel and its significations. We concluded that the accession of the recipient, in it responsive comprehension of the enunciation at hand, is an effect produced by the well-succeded addition of these different types of discourses
Collaborative Systems are designed to support individuals in order to solve a problem together, or cooperatively (or collaboratively). Such systems have the advantage of not requiring the presence in the same location of the participants. The basis of any Collaborative System is communication, where users interact with each other in order to exchange information. Communication among individuals is accomplished through collaborative tools such as chat, email, document repository, etc.. Using these tools, companies can reduce operational costs, saving on travel and accommodation of its employees to attend meetings. The project members only need a computer with internet access to use collaborative tools. Project management is essential to the quality of the nal product. To perform a proper management, methodologies must be applied using methods, tools and procedures. There are some phases that are considered generic for all software process models, they are: de nition, development, maintenance and activity to support the software process. In this paper is described a platform for project management using the concepts and features of Collaborative Systems. The goal of this platform is to unify various collaborative tools (such as chat and document repository) in a project management system. Using the system, it becomes possible to manage projects, and the ability to maintain an active constant communication between members of each project
This work aims to give greater visibility to the issue of software security, due to people talk a lot in security conferences, that much of both IT (Information Technology) staff and, more specifically, IS (Information Security) staff does not know this, and, thanks to the spread of the mobile computing and of the cloud computing, this lack of deeper knowledge on this subject is increasingly becoming worrisome. It aims too, make applications to be developed in a security manner, priorizing the security of the information processed. It attempts to demonstrate the secure coding techniques, the principles of software security, the means to identify software vulnerabilities, the cutting-edge software exploitation techniques and the mechanisms of mitigation. Nowadays, the security guys are in charge of the most of the security tests in applications, audits and pentests, and it is undeniable that the so-called security experts, most often come from computer network field, having few experience in software development and programming. Therefore, the development process does not consider the security issue, thanks to the lack of knowledge on the subject by the developer, and the security tests could be improved whether security experts had a greater know-how on application development. Given this problem, the goal here is to integrate information security with software development, spreading out the process of secure software development. To achieve this, a Linux distribution with proof of concept applicati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Learning to read and write at an early stage is the process of transferring the sound form of the spoken language for the graphical form of writing, a process, a time that in our system of alphabetical called writing, the letters are graphical representations in the level of phoneme. So that this representation occurs, it is necessary that the individual already can of some form perceive and manipulate the different sonorous segments of the word. This capacity of perception directed to the segments of the word calls Phonological Awareness. Thus, it was established had for objective to verify the pertaining to school performance of 1ª to 4ª series with and without of learning in Tests of Phonological Awareness. Fourth children with age average of 9 years and 3 months without learning disabilities had been submitted to the Protocol of Phonological Awareness (CIELO, 2002) using of this instrument had participated of this study 80 pertaining to school of both only the phonological tasks. The data received from quantiqualitative approach whose results were extracted inferences. The statistically significant results occurred in the tasks of Realism Face Detection, Syllables, Detecting Phonemes, Phonemic Synthesis and Reversal Phonemic. Based on the results we observed that children without learning difficulties performed better on all tasks mentioned above
A gagueira é um distúrbio no ritmo da fala no qual o indivíduo sabe precisamente o que quer dizer, mas ao mesmo tempo é incapaz de dizê-lo devido à repetição involuntária, ao prolongamento ou à cessação do som. Este distúrbio da comunicação acomete cerca de 1 a 2 % da população mundial, e esta freqüência varia de acordo com a idade, sendo mais comum em crianças com idade pré-escolar (de 2,4 a 5%); e com o sexo (3 M : 1 F). Desde a década de 50 a gagueira vem sendo estudada por fonoaudiólogos e geneticistas. Vários fatores são tidos na literatura como de risco para o desenvolvimento da gagueira persistente, dentre os quais destacamos: idade, sexo, tipo e tempo de duração das disfluências, outros distúrbios fonoaudiológicos, características secundárias, fatores genéticos, comportamentos familiares e outros. Desta forma, a gagueira não deve ser tratada como uma entidade nosológica única, pois apresenta característica multidimensional e multifatorial. Dentre os principais fatores que sugerem etiologia genética para a gagueira destacamos: 1)Gagueira presente em agregados familiais; 2)Maior probabilidade de se desenvolver em indivíduos consanguíneos; 3)Semelhança dos traços fenotípicos característicos, independente da língua e cultura; 4)Maior concordância entre gêmeos monozigóticos do que em gêmeos dizigóticos. A triagem genômica em famílias de gagos provenientes do Paquistão, e dos Estados Unidos, Suécia e Israel indicaram uma possível ligação da gagueira com o cromossomo 7. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a análise de ligação nas regiões cromossômicas 7q31 e 7q34 através de marcadores microssatélites em 31 famílias brasileiras com gagueira persistente, com mais de um indivíduo gago em idade acima de 6 anos. Utilizou-se para a classificação da gagueira, o SSI aplicado por profissionais especializados nesta disfluência... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O presente trabalho visa, em meio à crise de identidade que se instaura na Educação Física desde décadas – do seu início oficial em 1851 com a Reforma Couto Ferraz até os dias de hoje onde se fala em Cultura Corporal (de Movimento) – , enquanto área do conhecimento, explorar seu contexto e constituição históricosocial, perpassar por suas principais abordagens, principalmente no que tange à Educação Física Escolar e promover o entendimento da origem da perspectiva cultural, tal qual tem sido veiculada nos principais documentos oficiais que definem a constituição da área e sua práxis. Nesse sentido, aborda-se o contexto higienista/eugenista, onde se buscava uma educação do físico que o prevenisse de doenças e o purifcasse, com profundas influências militares; o contexto nacionalista, na intenção do aperfeiçoamento físico e aprimoramento das funções orgânicas, atrelado às questões de ordem moral e cívica; escolanovista, que proporcionou uma visão não só embasada biologicamente, mas se atentou à fatores psicológicos da criança; o contexto da ditadura militar, fortemente associado ao Esporte e a visibilidade internacional que ele acarretava ao país, inclusive, remetendo à Educação Física ao binômio Educação Física/Esporte; e o contexto que, a partir de década de 80, vem tentando instaurar uma Educação Física mais humana, sem deixar de lado questões relativas à saúde. É a partir dessa última década que o tema será aprofundado, apresentando-se alguns conceitos de “cultura” trazidos e utilizados pelas ciências sociais para, posteriormente, explanar como a Educação Física se apropria de tais conceitos para justificar-se enquanto conteúdo curricular obrigatório, no contexto escolar. Abordar-se-á as principais correntes com seus respectivos autores, referentes à década de 80: desenvolvimentista, por Go Tani; da cultura infantil, com possível aproximação ao construtivismo, por...
In Brazil, there are three main codes that surround the issue of right or possession of various lands according to concepts of ownership or purchase. When it comes to indigenous issues in Brazil is difficult to say which legal code applies more fairly the native population of the country. In the case of the Indians who have their reserves near urban areas there is such a conflict of laws becomes more evident and takes even greater than in other regions of Brazil. As is the case in the indigenous villages of the District of Jaragua in Greater São Paulo, the Tekoá YTU and Tekoá Pyau. The two villages are located in northeastern São Paulo and currently are surrounded by continuous growth and disorderly city of Sao Paulo while their inhabitants fight to preserve the customs and traditions of the Guarani people. They prevail on the City Statute (2001), the Indian Statute (EDI) Environmental Laws and the National Council of Environment (CONAMA) and the Forestry Code, the latter solely because they are near the State Park Jaragua - area environmental preservation
The teaching of hearing physiology requires an knowledge integration of Human Anatomy, Biophysics, more precisely Bioacoustics and Bioelectrogenesis, as well as Neurophysiology. Students present difficulty to build knowledge about functional mechanisms of sound conduction and sensory transduction, especially if the elements are not visible forms, as the middle and inner ear structures. To make the teaching about hearing physiology and sensory perception easier, was produced a set of didactical materials about the subject. At first, a resin model that faithfully describes the anatomical relationship of the ossicles with the tympanic membrane was developed. Subsequently, a second model that, besides illustrates the mechanism of acoustic impedance overcoming, also reveals how acoustic sensorial transduction occurs in inner ear, was designed and produced. In the third didactical model, are visualized, through students interaction, areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret the different sensory modalities. In addition, were created three educational videos about hearing problems and a site on Human Hearing Physiology, available on Institute of Biosciences website. The results of this course conclusion monograph are presented in the form of articles that were submitted to Journal Physics in the School and the Journal of the Nucleus of Teaching
O conteúdo “Grupos sanguíneos” é abordado principalmente no ensino de biologia no Ensino Médio e está atrelado a diversas questões biológicas relevantes ao ensino básico. Além disso, sabe-se que esse tema é de cunho abstrato aos alunos, o que muitas vezes dificulta a apropriação do conteúdo pelo aluno. Nesse contexto, se torna relevante a elaboração de materiais que contribuam para um melhor processo de ensino e aprendizagem desse tema, além da incorporação da dimensão lúdica no universo escolar. Assim, a proposta do presente trabalho foi a elaboração de dois modelos didáticos de célula que facilitem a visualização da relação direta existente entre os genes responsáveis pela manifestação dos antígenos do sistema ABO, os genótipos dos diferentes indivíduos e as possibilidades de transfusão sanguínea existentes dentro de cada grupo sanguíneo. Além disso, foi construído um jogo didático de perguntas e respostas que envolvem os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a explanação teórica do professor com o intuito de fixação do conteúdo. O conteúdo fornecido neste trabalho foi baseado em livros didáticos, possibilitando aulas com conteúdo programático adequado e evitando erros conceituais
Tendo em vista as inúmeras possibilidades de utilização dos recursos tecnológicos, como computadores, internet e jogos eletrônicos, em todos os contextos da vida humana, o campo de educação não pode ficar alheio às vantagens desses recuros. Entretanto, esta inserção de jogos eletrônicos como estratégias no contexto da educação, seja no âmbito formal, quanto no informal ainda precisa vencer algumas barreiras. Torna-se importante que os educadores busquem aliar esses dispositivos e jogos ao ensino, com o intuito de atender às demandas e expectativas crescentes sobre o uso cada vez mais constante desses recursos em todos os âmbitos da sociedade. Assim, este estudo teve por objetivo analisar o uso do jogo eletrônico não-didático e de entretenimento Zoo Tycoon® 2 para o ensino de Ciências e Biologia, observando-se a autenticidade dos conteúdos de Ciências e Biologia presentes no mesmo e, também, a forma como esse conteúdo é apresentado aos usuários. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do significado do ensino formal, não-formal e informal e a inserção do jogo Zoo Tycoon® 2 no contexto da aprendizagem, no que tange ao ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base na técnica de análise de conteúdo temático e classificados em três categorias, de acordo com o modo que aparecem no jogo, tal como interagem com o jogador. As categorias de classificação foram referentes aos conteúdos Meramente Ilustrativos (MI), Simplesmente Informativos (SI) e Educativos (E), estando cada uma relacionada, gradativamente, com o maior conteúdo de informações e a maior interação do jogador para com as informações, representando um acesso mais fácil e direto ao conteúdo. Os resultados apontam que este jogo transmite, efetivamente, conteúdos educativos, e também funciona como uma ferramenta despertadora e embasadora, isto é, ele estimula a busca por conhecimento e dá base...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper aims to explain certain language phenomena remarkable for example in the Internet. These phenomena are popularly known as “internetês” in Brazilian Portuguese writing texts. A set of texts collected from chats was analyzed based on discoursive and phonological studies. The relationship between spoke and writing is seen as a distinctive character of heterogeneity of writing. In a particular way, the writing of nicknames in these digital interactions is analyzed. It is shown that enunciative complexity came from different linguistic information (phonological, morphological, semantics and enunciative ones). This study aims to contribute for general questions about oral/spoken and literacy/writing in digital context (but not just in those contexts).
This work investigates the variance and invariance of subject clauses patterns in spoken and written contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. I analyze four parameters (category and semantic class of matrix predicate, form of embedded clause and mood-tense correlation between matrix and embedded clauses) and show that there is less variance in speech patterns.
In this paper, we investigate the grammatical construction “é claro (que)”, which is characterized as a matrix clause. As it is produced, an argumentative clause is added to the matrix clause in subject position. We analyze oral speech and writing data of contemporary Portuguese and show that the grammatical construction undergoes processes of change, which are identified by desentencialization clauses and grammaticalization process. In addition, by analyzing parameters such as the position of grammatical construction, the presence of copulation and the use of a complementizer, we show that the absence of copulation and a complementizer in the matrix leads to a reduced clause, i.e., a monoclause, and a categorical change of the matrix adjective, which plays the role of functioning adverb.
According to the existing literature, the FFCL of São José do Rio Preto had a pioneering role as regards the organization and management of higher education. This article aims to discuss the originality/innovativeness of the educational project of this institution in the period from 1957 to 1964, based on an analysis of departmental organization and student participation. In order to do so, we use documents about the creation process of the FFCL, reports of courses, and minutes of departmental meetings and of the Academic Philosophical Center. The results show that, indeed, this institution was organized in three departments, though these operated in consonance with the chair system. Student participation varied from equal representation to the representation of a single student per class. Thus, the results show that the innovative/revolutionary character of this institution was exaggerated in the existing literature and may have contributed to the existing “mysticism” in the city as regards the history and the importance of this institution.