978 resultados para Chubut Province
(U-Th)/He dating of late-stage authigenic goethite, combined with corrections for diffusive loss of He-4 by the He-4/He-3 methodology, reveals strong correlation between a sample's age and its depth in ferruginized channel sediments from the Yandicoogina deposit, Western Australia. Corrected ages, ranging from ca. 18 Ma near the surface to ca. 5 Ma at the bottom of the profile, indicate that ferruginization of the aggraded channels becomes progressively younger with depth. This trend is consistent with goethite precipitation at the groundwater-atmosphere interface during water table drawdown driven by the aridification of Western Australia during the Neogene. The results demonstrate that the (U-Th)/He system is ideal for dating goethite if diffusive loss corrections are applied. The approach is suitable for dating weathering reactions on Earth and should also be suitable for dating Fe oxyhydroxides in the Martian regolith.
The Jiaodong gold province, the largest gold-producing district in China, is located in the jiaodong peninsula at the eastern margin of the North China craton and bounded by the continental scale Tan-Lu fault, 40 kin to the west. Previous geochronological studies suggest that pervasive gold deposition took place in the western part of the province between 122 and 119 Ma. Here we report high-quality Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of the Pengjiakuang and Rushan deposits from the eastern part of the jiaodong gold province, placing additional chronological constraints on the timing of regional mineralization. Seven sericite grains extracted from auriferous alteration assemblages at the Pengiiakuang deposit yielded well-defined plateau ages between 120.9 +/- 0.4 and 119.1 +/- 0.2 Ma (2 sigma). Three separates of igneous biotite from a sample of the Queshan gneissic granite, adjacent to the Pengjiakuang deposit, gave reproducible plateau ages of 124.6 +/- 0.6 to 123.9 +/- 0.4 Ma (2 sigma). Six sericite separates front two samples in the Rushan deposit yielded Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages at 109.3 +/- 0.3 to 107.7 +/- 0.5 Ma (2 sigma), whereas biotite from the Kunyushan monzogranite that hosts the Rushan deposit had plateau ages ranging from 129.0 +/- 0.6 to 126.9 +/- 0.6 Ma (3 separates front one sample). The apparent age gap between hydrothermal sericite and magmtic biotite from both deposits, together with the similar argon closure temperatures for these mica minerals, suggest that gold mineralization had no direct relationship to the granitoid magmatism. Instead, gold deposition coincided with the emplacement of mafic to intermediate dikes widespread in the jiaodong gold province, which have been dated at ca. 122 to 119 Ma and, less commonly, at 110 to 102 Ma. The new Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from the eastern jiaodong peninsula, when combined with published data from the western part suggest that gold mineralization was broadly contemporaneous throughout the district. The Early Cretaceous gold mineralization also is widely developed in four other major gold districts along the Tan-Lu fault. The temporal and spatial correlation of these gold deposits with mafic to intermediate dikes commonly found in most mineralized areas, the presence of well-documented metamorphic core complexes and half-graben basins along the Tan-Lu fault, and voluminous basalts therein, suggest that the Early Cretaceous was an important period of lithospheric extension, possibly caused by the late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning beneath the eastern block of the North China craton. Lithospheric thinning and extension could have resulted in abnormally high heat and fluid fluxes necessary for large-scaled gold mineralization.
(U–Th)/He dating of goethite, when combined with quantification of diffusive 4He loss by the 4He/3He methodology, provides reliable corrected ages for minerals precipitated in weathering profiles. We have combined (U–Th)/He dating of supergene goethite with 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene manganese oxides to study the weathering history and landscape evolution in the Hamersley Province, northwestern Australia. Incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar analysis of 187 grains of Mn oxides from 65 samples (44 hand specimens) collected from weathering profiles at seven field sites across the Hamersley Province yield precipitation ages ranging from 63.4 ± 0.9 to 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. These results, combined with previous results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of Mn oxides (Vasconcelos, 1998 Vasconcelos, P.V., 1998. Unpub. report, pp. 1–278.Vasconcelos, 1998 and Cochrane, 2003), reveal a protracted and episodic history of weathering and landscape evolution, which was already ongoing in Late Cretaceous and spans the Palaeogene and Neogene. Seventy-three grains of goethite from 39 samples extracted from 21 hand specimens, collected from the same field sites where the Mn oxides originated, were dated by the (U–Th)/He method. Internally consistent (U–Th)/He ages, which range from 84.3 ± 12.2 to 3.3 ± 0.5 Ma, have been obtained for most samples when corrections are applied for 10% helium diffusive loss. The geochronological results obtained show remarkable similarity in the distribution of ages associated with supergene mineral precipitation. The widespread occurrence of iron oxides such as goethite in soils and weathering profiles and the successful application of (U–Th)/He dating of goethite offers great opportunities for extracting the wealth of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental information recorded by these profiles on the surface of terrestrial planets such as Earth and Mars.
This study provides an account and analysis of the development of systems of educational provision In capitalist democracies, especially in connection with the social origin and relative autonony of those systems. Using the case study of Athabasca University, a Canadian distance-education institution in the province of Alberta, the study is a critical work of historical sociology, in which the shifting social role of a system of educational provision during two transitions of a regional political economy is analyzed. Comparative observations are made in reference to other systems of educational provision and organizations, in particular the training department of a large Company based In the same region as the Unversity. The study explores the social origin and relative autonomy of systems of educational provision In relation to educational ideologies, which are themselves associated with social ideologies. Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical construction of "fields of power'' allows for a consideration of power as a relational phenomenon in the study. In other words, power is understood as being exercised in a way that simultaneously takes account of the power of other actors and groups. Fields of power also allow for an analysis of power as it is exercised at various levels of organizations and within society. The study is organized in two phases. First, an account is developed of the historical period in which the Unlversity and the Company were created, but especially the period of establishment for the Unlversity, 1970 - 75. Conclusions are offered concerning the causal associations between the historical antecedents that gave rise to the two organlzations. It is argued that both the University and the Company were established In part to enact the AIberta government's efforts to enhance Its powers within the Canadian federation (a process called province-building), The second phase is concerned with a more recent period of three years, 1993 - 95. By this time, province-building was not as significant a concern for policy-makers, and the organizational responses of the University and the Company reflected this shift. A divergence of practice is observed at the University and the Company, with actors at the Company encouraging the development of collectivist values for employees, while at the University no such overt strategy was followed, The study concludes that a consumerist model of education developed by the University in 1970 - 75 and expanded In 1993 - 95 contributed significantly to the institution's social origin and relative autonomy. The model was used as an Ideology in the earlier period and as a strategy In the later one, serving to forestall the institution's closure during both periods of crisis, though Ieading to ambiguous social outcomes. A consumerist model may on the one hand be progressive in that expanded access to educational opportunities is made possible. On the other hand, the consumerist model will tend increasingly to provide educational services to those social segments that already have access to educational opportunities.