946 resultados para Chemo-variability


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Sinking particles through the pelagic ocean have been traditionally considered the most important vehicle by which the biological pump sequesters carbon in the ocean interior. Nevertheless, regional scale variability in particle flux is a major outstanding issue in oceanography. 5 Here, we have studied the regional and temporal variability of total particulate organic matter fluxes, as well as chloropigment and total hydrolyzed amino acid (THAA) compositions and fluxes in the Canary Current region, between 20–30 N, during two contrasting periods: August 2006, characterized by warm and stratified waters, but also intense winds which enhanced eddy development south of the Canary Islands, 10 and February 2007, characterized by colder waters, less stratification and higher productivity. We found that the eddy-field generated south of the Canary Islands enhanced by >2 times particulate organic carbon (POC) export with respect to stations (FF; farfield) outside the eddy-field influence. We also observed flux increases of one order of magnitude in chloropigment and 70% in THAA in the eddy-field relative to FF stations. 15 Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed to assess changes in particulate organic matter composition between stations. At eddy-field stations, higher chlorophyll enrichment reflected “fresher” material, while at FF stations a higher proportion of pheophytin indicated greater degradation due to microbes and microzooplankton. PCA also suggests that phytoplankton community structure, particularly the dominance of 20 diatoms versus carbonate-rich plankton, is the major factor influencing the POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export fluxes were the highest ever reported for this area, reaching values of 15 mmolCm−2 d−1 at 200m depth. Compositional changes in pigments and THAA indicate that the source of sinking particles varies zonally and meridionally and suggest that sinking particles were more degraded at 25 near-coastal stations relative to open ocean stations.


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[ES] En este trabajo hemos contribuido al estudio de la estructura de la comunidad planctónica y a su variabilidad temporal, utilizando un enfoque de end-to-end , desde las bacterias hasta el mesozooplancton haciendo especial énfasis en el microplancton. Nuestro trabajo muestra la importancia de los efectos bottom-up y top-down que regulan la estructura de las comunidades planctónicas.


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Eliminadas las páginas en blanco


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Máster en Oceanografía


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[EN] Sinking particles through the pelagic ocean have been traditionally considered the most important vehicle by which the biological pump sequesters carbon in the ocean interior. Nevertheless, regional scale variability in particle flux is a major outstanding issue in oceanography. Here, we have studied the regional and temporal variability of total particulate organic matter fluxes, as well as chloropigment and total hydrolyzed amino acid (THAA) compositions and fluxes in the Canary Current region, between 20?30_ N, during two contrasting periods: August 2006, characterized by warm and stratified waters, but also intense winds which enhanced eddy development south of the Canary Islands, and February 2007, characterized by colder waters, less stratification and higher productivity. We found that the eddyfield generated south of the Canary Islands enhanced by >2 times particulate organic carbon (POC) export with respect to stations (FF; far-field) outside the eddy-field influence. We also observed flux increases of one order of magnitude in chloropigment and 2 times in THAA in the eddy-field relative to FF stations. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed to assess changes in particulate organic matter composition between stations. At eddy-field stations, higher chlorophyll enrichment reflected ?fresher? material, while at FF stations a higher proportion of pheophytin indicated greater degradation due to microbes and microzooplankton. PCA also suggests that phytoplankton community structure, particularly the dominance of diatoms versus carbonate-rich plankton, is the major factor influencing the POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export POC export within the eddy field. In February, POC export fluxes were the highest ever reported for this area, reaching values of _15 mmolCm?2 d?1 at 200m depth. Compositional changes in pigments and THAA indicate that the source of sinking particles varies zonally and meridionally and suggest that sinking particles were more degraded at near-coastal stations relative to open ocean stations.


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[EN] The identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in bananas from Gran Canaria were carried out to examine changes in their profile during maturation. The phenolic composition of extracts derived from bananas was determined by using HPLC. The total phenolic contents were measured with Folin–Cicolteau`s phenol reagent. To quantify the total antioxidant capacity of banana extracts, we chose two methods commonly used: the percentage of inhibition of radical 1,1–diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP assay). The antioxidant potential on banana extracts was found to increase during maturation in correlation whit the total phenol content.


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Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía


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[EN] Background. Coxiella burnetii is a highly clonal microorganism which is difficult to culture, requiring BSL3 conditions for its propagation. This leads to a scarce availability of isolates worldwide. On the other hand, published methods of characterization have delineated up to 8 different genomic groups and 36 genotypes. However, all these methodologies, with the exception of one that exhibited limited discriminatory power (3 genotypes), rely on performing between 10 and 20 PCR amplifications or sequencing long fragments of DNA, which make their direct application to clinical samples impracticable and leads to a scarce accessibility of data on the circulation of C. burnetii genotypes. Results: To assess the variability of this organism in Spain, we have developed a novel method that consists of a multiplex (8 targets) PCR and hybridization with specific probes that reproduce the previous classification of this organism into 8 genomic groups, and up to 16 genotypes. It allows for a direct characterization from clinical and environmental samples in a single run, which will help in the study of the different genotypes circulating in wild and domestic cycles as well as from sporadic human cases and outbreaks. The method has been validated with reference isolates. A high variability of C. burnetii has been found in Spain among 90 samples tested, detecting 10 different genotypes, being those adaA negative associated with acute Q fever cases presenting as fever of intermediate duration with liver involvement and with chronic cases. Genotypes infecting humans are also found in sheep, goats, rats, wild boar and ticks, and the only genotype found in cattle has never been found among our clinical samples. Conclusions: This newly developed methodology has permitted to demonstrate that C. burnetii is highly variable in Spain. With the data presented here, cattle seem not to participate in the transmission of C. burnetii to humans in the samples studied, while sheep, goats, wild boar, rats and ticks share genotypes with the human population.


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[EN] Meiofaunal assemblages from intertidal and shallow subtidal seabeds were studied at two sites (one dominated by volcanic sands and the other by organogenic sands) at Tenerife (Canary Islands, NE Atlantic Ocean) throughout an entire year (May 2000?April 2001). Specifically, we aimed (i) to test for differences in diversity, structure, and stability between intertidal and subtidal meiofaunal assemblages, and (ii) to determine if differences in the meiofaunal assemblage structure may be explained by environmental factors (granulometric composition, availability of organic matter, and carbonate content in sediments). A total of 103,763 meiofaunal individuals were collected, including 203 species from 19 taxonomic groups (Acari, Amphipoda, Cnidaria, Copepoda, Echinodermata, Gastrotricha, Isopoda, Insecta, Kinorrhyncha, Misidacea, Nematoda, Nemertini, Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Polychaeta, Priapulida, Sipuncula, Tanaidacea, and Turbellaria). Nematodes were the most abundant taxonomic group. Species diversity was higher in the subtidal than in the intertidal zone at both sites, as a result of the larger dominance of a few species in the intertidal zone. The meiofaunal assemblage structure was different between tidal levels at both sites, the intertidal presenting greater temporal variability (multivariate dispersion) in the meiofaunal assemblage structure than the subtidal. Sediment grain size, here quantified by the different granulometric fractions, explained the variability in meiofaunal assemblage structure to a greater extent than the percentage of carbonates, a variable linked to sediment origin. This study revealed differences in diversity, assemblage structure, and variability between intertidal and subtidal meiofauna.


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Programa de oceanografía


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Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO--?UP)


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Máster en Oceanografía