997 resultados para Chemical differentiation


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The concept of co-catalytic layer structures for controlled laser-induced chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes is established, in which a thin Ta support layer chemically aids the initial Fe catalyst reduction. This enables a significant reduction in laser power, preventing detrimental positive optical feedback and allowing improved growth control. Systematic study of experimental parameters combined with simple thermostatic modeling establishes general guidelines for the effective design of such catalyst/absorption layer combinations. Local growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests directly on flexible polyimide substrates is demonstrated, opening up new routes for nanodevice design and fabrication.


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The findings presented herein show that the electronic properties of CVD graphene on nickel can be altered from metallic to semiconducting by introducing oxygen adsorbates via UV/ozone or oxygen plasma treatment. These properties can be partially recovered by removing the oxygen adsorbates via vacuum annealing treatment. The effect of oxidation is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). As probed by STM/STS, an energy gap opening of 0.11-0.15 eV is obtainable as the oxygen/carbon atomic ratio reaches 13-16%. The corresponding XPS spectra show a significant monotonic increase in the concentration of oxygenated functional groups due to the oxidation treatments. This study demonstrates that the opening of energy gap in CVD graphene can be reasonably controlled by a combination of UV/ozone or oxygen plasma treatment and vacuum annealing treatment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Wild-type Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, a filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, produces single heterocysts at semi-regular intervals. asr0100 (patU5) and alr0101 (patU3) are homologous to the 5' and 3' portions of patU of Nostoc punctiforme. alr0099 (hetZ) overlaps the 5' end of patU5. hetZ, patU5 and patU3 were all upregulated, or expressed specifically, in proheterocysts and heterocysts. Mutants of hetZ showed delayed or no heterocyst differentiation. In contrast, a patU3 mutation produced a multiple contiguous heterocyst (Mch) phenotype and restored the formation of otherwise lost intercalary heterocysts in a patA background. Decreasing the expression of patU3 greatly increased the frequency of heterocysts in a mini-patS strain. Two promoter regions and two principal, corresponding transcripts were detected in the hetZ-patU5-patU3 region. Transcription of hetZ was upregulated in a hetZ mutant and downregulated in a patU3 mutant. When mutants hetZ::C.K2 and hetZ::Tn5-1087b were nitrogen-deprived, P-hetC-gfp was very weakly expressed, and in hetZ::Tn5-1087b, P-hetR-gfp was relatively strongly expressed in cells that had neither a regular pattern nor altered morphology. We conclude that the hetZ-patU5-patU3 cluster plays an important role in co-ordination of heterocyst differentiation and pattern formation. The presence of homologous clusters in filamentous genera without heterocysts is suggestive of a more general role.


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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) has the inherent property of separating the product CO2 from flue gases. Instead of air, it uses an oxygen carrier, usually in the form of a metal oxide, to provide oxygen for combustion. All techniques so far proposed for chemical looping with solid fuels involve initially the gasification of the solid fuel in order for the gaseous products to react with the oxygen carrier. Here, the rates of gasification of coal were compared when gasification was undertaken in a fluidised bed of either (i) an active Fe-based oxygen carrier used for chemical looping or (ii) inert sand. This enabled an examination of the ability of chemical looping materials to enhance the rate of gasification of solid fuels. Batch gasification and chemical-looping combustion experiments with a German lignite and its char are reported, using an electrically-heated fluidised bed reactor at temperatures from 1073 to 1223 K. The fluidising gas was CO2 in nitrogen. The kinetics of the gasification were found to be significantly faster in the presence of the oxygen carrier, especially at temperatures above 1123 K. A numerical model was developed to account for external and internal mass transfer and for the effect of the looping agent. The model also included the effects of the evolution of the pore structure at different conversions. The presence of Fe2O3 led to an increase in the rate of gasification because of the rapid oxidation of CO by the oxygen carrier to CO2. This resulted in the removal of CO and maintained a higher mole fraction of CO2 in the mixture of gas around the particle of char, i.e. within the mass transfer boundary layer surrounding the particle. This effect was most prominent at about 20% conversion when (i) the surface area for reaction was at its maximum and (ii) because of the accompanying increase in porosity and pore size, intraparticle resistance to gas mass transfer within the particle of char had fallen, compared with that in the initial particle. Excellent agreement was observed between the rates predicted by the numerical model and those observed experimentally. ©2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although the peritrichous ciliate Carchesium polypinum is common in freshwater, its population genetic structure is largely unknown. We used inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting to analyze the genetic structure of 48 different isolates of the species from four lakes in Wuhan, central China. Using eight polymorphic primers, 81 discernible DNA fragments were detected, among which 76 (93.83%) were polymorphic, indicating high genetic diversity at the isolate level. Further, Nei's gene diversity (h) and Shannon's Information index (I) between the different isolates both revealed a remarkable genetic diversity, higher than previously indicated by their morphology. At the same time, substantial gene flow was found. So the main factors responsible for the high level of diversity within populations are probably due to conjugation (sexual reproduction) and wide distribution of swarmers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that there was low genetic differentiation among the four populations probably due to common ancestry and flooding events. The cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) suggested that genotypes isolated from the same lake displayed a higher genetic similarity than those from different lakes. Both analyses separated C. polypinum isolates into subgroups according to the geographical locations. However, there is only a weak positive correlation between the genetic distance and geographical distance, suggesting a minor effect of geographical distance on the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of C. polypinum at the local level. In conclusion, our studies clearly demonstrated that a single morphospecies may harbor high levels of genetic diversity, and that the degree of resolution offered by morphology as a marker for measuring distribution patterns of genetically distinct entities is too low.


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Our studies investigated the physico-chemical properties of alkaline phosphatase excreted by D. magna. This cladoceran mainly released alkaline phosphatase, though it also released a small amount of acid phosphatase. The alkaline phosphatase showed a broad pH optimum (8.05-10.0), and had a broad optimum temperature (30-35 degrees C) with a temperature coefficient (Q(10)) of 2.45. The K-m of the enzyme is 0.15 +/- 0.02 mM when p-nitrophenyl phosphate is used as a substrate, and the V-max is 0.43 +/- 0.01 mu M pNP mg(-1) DW h(-1). Even though alkaline phosphatase had been incubated in chloroform saturated with WC medium for 13 days, its activity was 54% that of the original. The enzyme was strongly inactivated by EDTA, and appeared to be zinc dependent. The alkaline phosphatase activity remained constant when D. magna was fed different quantities of Chlorella sp. The sensitivity of D. magna phosphatase activity to phosphate was time-dependent. During the first 16 hrs, the enzyme was insensitive to phosphate addition, after 24 hrs incubation the enzyme became sensitive to phosphate addition.


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Unlike those of the wild-type strain, proheterocysts of the Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 hetC strain keep dividing. ftsZ, the most critical cell division gene, is up-regulated in hetC proheterocysts. Heterocyst differentiation genes hglD, hglE, patB, nijB, and xisA are no longer expressed in the hetC mutant. hetC also regulates the expression of patA, a pattern formation gene.


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Hormogonium, which was thought to play an important role in the dispersal and survival of these microorganisms in their natural habitats, is a distinguishable developmental stage of heterocystous cyanobacteria. The present study examined the effects of different light conditions and sugars on the differentiation of Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing to the hormogonia stage. Results showed that differentiation of hormogonia was light dependent in the absence of sugar, but that close to 100% of cyanobacteria differentiated to hormogonia in the presence of glucose or sucrose, irrespective of the light conditions. This differentiation was inhibited, even in the presence of sugars, upon application of an inhibitor of respiration. Following the testing of different sugars, the effects of different lights were examined. It was found that 5 10 μ mol.m(-2)• s(-1) photon flux density was optimal for hormogonia differentiation. One hundred percent differentiation was obtained with white light irradiation, in contrast with irradiation with green light (80% differentiation) and red light (0-10% differentiation). Although they showed different efficiencies in inducing hormogonia differentiation in N. sphaeroides, the green and red radiation did not display antagonistic effects. When the additional aspect of time dependence was investigated through the application of different light radiations and an inhibitor of protein synthesis, it was found that the initial 6 h of the differentiation process was crucial for hormogonia differentiation. Taken together, these results show that hormogonia differentiation in N. sphaeroides is either a photoregulated or an energy dependent process.


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A method of comparing data on protozoan communities with chemical parameters is presented. Using data from an extensive survey of the River Hanjiang in China, each species of protozoa has been given a species pollution value (SPV) related to its occurrence in waters with different degrees of pollution. A comprehensive chemical index is calculated for each site based on water quality standards for eight chemical parameters. The index is calculated from the relationship between the observed levels of each chemical at a site, compared with the limits of the drinking water quality standards of the People's Republic of China. From the distribution of each species at sites with differing chemical index values, a SPV is calculated. The SPV for each species is obtained by summing the logarithmic value of 10 times the chemical pollution divided by the number of chemical parameters, then divided by the stations where the species occurs. The community pollution value (CPV), which is the average SPVs of all protozoa at a site, is used to evaluate water quality. The CPV has been shown to have a close correlation with the degree of water pollution. It is not necessary for all the protozoa in a sample to have SPVs listed in this paper, provided at least 56% of the protozoa in a sample have an SPV value, the CPV will be applicable.


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The genetic structure of populations of the fish cestode, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi collected from Bailianhe Reservoir (BLH), Changshou (CSH) and Liangzi (LZH) Lakes was investigated by using 8 microsatellite loci. A total of 108 adult worms were genotyped at each of the 8 loci. For the 3 populations, the mean number of alleles per locus ranged from 2.38 to 5.5, and the mean expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.432 to 0.559. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) was from 0.384 to 0.492. The significant F-is values indicated non-random mating within LZH and BLH populations. On the other hand, when samples were further classified into subpopulations at the level of host fish species, no or little heterozygote deficiency was detected at most loci, showing that cross-fertilization, predominantly, but not exclusively, must have occurred within the subpopulations. Microsatellite markers also revealed an unexpected high level of genetic differentiation, as measured by R-st and N-m values or by deltau(2) genetic distance among subpopulations from different hosts. Factors influencing the population genetic structure and the parasite host specificity are discussed.


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Hydrodynamic properties of five newly isolated algal extracellular polysaccharides with putative adhesive properties are described, using a combination of size exclusion chromatography, total or 'multi-angle' laser light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation. The respective polysaccharides had been extracted from four filamentous cyanobacteria: Microcoleus vaginatus, Scytonema javanicum, Phormidium tenue and Nostoc sp. and a coccoid single-cell green. algae Desmococcus olivaceus that had been separated from desert algal crusts of the Chinese Tegger Desert. SEC/MALLS experiments showed that the saccharides had, diverse-weight average molecular weights ranging from 4000 to 250,000 g/mol and all five showed either bi-modal or tri-modal molecular weight distribution profiles. Use of the Mark-Houwink-Kuhn-Sakurada (MHKS) scaling relationship between sedimentation coefficient and (weight average) molecular weight for the five samples, assuming a homologous conformation series revealed an MHKS b exponent of (0.33 +/- 0.04), suggesting a conformation between that of a stiff rod (b similar to 0.18) and a random coil (b similar to 0.4-0.5), i.e. a 'flexible rod' or 'stiff coil'. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sexual ratio of Gobiocypris rarus exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 17 beta -estradiol from embryo to sexually mature revealed feminization and overdevelopment of connective tissue in male fish gonad in 2-30 pg/L TCDD concentration range. Daphnia magna was not sensitive to the high dose of TCDD (0.1-1000 ng/ml), but the reproduction of D. magna treated with TCDD decreased after the 8th day. 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activities in newly fertilized eggs of G. rarus exposed to TCDD dosage groups (1000-100,000 pg/L) were significantly induced and increased with TCDD concentrations at the early life stage, while no difference was found between low TCDD dosage groups (<100 pg/L), but a good relationship between the EROD activity and the TCDD concentration was observed during a long-term developmental stage. There was a pericardial edema formed in a 2-week yolk-sac at the concentration of 1000 pg/L TCDD. But in the exposure group (2 pg/L TCDD for 120 days), the cell nuclei of hepatocytes was far from the center and packed toward the cell membrane; the cristae of most mitochondria in the cell dropped and collapsed; the rough endoplasmic reticulum broke into fragments; and numerous lipid droplets formed in the cell. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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A new Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) for PCDD/F TEQ measurement in extracts of environmental samples was described. The bioassay TEQ which derived from EIA and EROD were compared with each other and with results from chemical analysis. For all environmental samples, the EROD-TEQ is higher than the value from chemical analysis. However, the EIA-TEQ is much more identical with the value from chemical analysis. Our results indicate that the EIA assay is a complementary method to the EROD assay and should be useful as a rapid and sensitive screening tool for environmental samples in many situations. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved


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A rapid bioassay was established measuring the extracts of wildlife samples which were taken from Ya-Er Lake area, China. In extracts of these samples containing PCDD/Fs and PCBs, bioassay and chemically derived TCDD-equivalents (TEQs) were nearly identical. Our results indicate this bioassay is an excellent complement to chemical residue analysis and a useful tool in understanding the complex interactions of halogenated hydrocarbons. However, it must be mentioned that the proper prior clean-up method is very important for using the bioassay.